23.08.2005, 11:58
Der Titel ist geil, LOL.... der Pate - hast du meinen Vater den Puppenspieler genannt? Und Rory, ja, selber schuld, sie kann auch nein zu Emily sagen. AuÃerdem *Grins* ich hab immer gesagt, dass Rory voll in die DAR involviert wir, mir wollte es nur nie einer glauben
So, aber jetzt Mal ausführlichere Spoiler: (SOurce: Fanforum)
Die Castingseiten gibt's wie immer bei Genevieve: Klick
Lg, Franziska
So, aber jetzt Mal ausführlichere Spoiler: (SOurce: Fanforum)
Scene 1 -
Scene 2 - Day 2 - Pool house bedroom, morning - RORY is in a candy stripers jumper, getting ready. The maid comes in with a rack and says that she's supposed to help Rory store her summer things. Rory gets a call from EMILY who is in Helsinki. Apparantly she and Richard are going to be delayed a few days. The maid continues to go through Rory's clothes.
Scene 3 -
Scene 4 - Night 3 - Rory is hosting some kind of DAR event at the GIlmore mansion. Museum curators have some replicas of portraits set up, all of George Washington.
Scene 5 - Night 3 - Gilmore House, Patio - Two DAR women are looking at the plants. They ask Rory about it, but she doesn't know the name. She says she'll ask her grandmother. Rory has garnish in her pocket and it falls out when she goes to get her notebook. She spots LOGAN approaching and looking a bit dour. Rory didn't know he was coming but is glad 'cause now she can show him off. Logan just says "Hey" to the ladies and doesn't take his hands out of his pockets. Rory excuses herself and Logan.
Scene 6 - Night 3 - Butlers Pantry - Rory offers Logan some coffee, he gets scotch. He isn't in a good mood. Rory sends Logan to wait for her in the pool house until the party is done (and hour and a half) and she takes care of the caterers and all that.
Die Castingseiten gibt's wie immer bei Genevieve: Klick
Lg, Franziska