5x03 Written in the stars

Sweety89 schrieb:Logans synchro ist wirklich schrecklich...
die, die er bei eine himmlche familie hatte, war besser, soweit ich mich erinnern kann....

logan also matt(?) hat mal bei 7th Heaven mitgespielt?wann denn?

also zu der folge..ich finde sie echt toll,denn lorelai und luke kommen endlich zusammen und haben ihr 1.date...total niedlich,wie sie danach im bett zusammen liegen und die bürgerversammlung ist auch echt toll...wie luke lorelai an der jacke zieht als sie mit emily telefoniert.....Wub

ich fande es voll lustig, als lorelai am ende immter entschuldigung zu rory gesagt hat...

also im englischen fand ich es schon besser,vorallem die stelle am ende mit dem sorry und bei LL 1. Date,do wo Lorelai fragt ob sie die Person ist...das ist im englischen echt geiler und auch wie Lorelai das Menü vorliest....

aber nicht so schlimm wie logans synchro..aber echt die ist ja voll daneben.ich finde bei den anderen geht es eigentlich aber bei logan..die passt voll nicht und macht ihn total unsymphatisch.....

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
5x03 Written in the stars - von *~Rory*~ - 27.09.2004, 18:31
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 27.09.2004, 19:01
5x03 Written in the stars - von Invisigoth - 28.09.2004, 11:14
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 28.09.2004, 19:25
5x03 Written in the stars - von eVa - 28.09.2004, 20:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 28.09.2004, 20:12
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 28.09.2004, 20:33
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 28.09.2004, 21:48
5x03 Written in the stars - von CrazyCake - 29.09.2004, 18:22
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 29.09.2004, 18:29
5x03 Written in the stars - von CrazyCake - 29.09.2004, 18:31
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gusteltier - 29.09.2004, 18:45
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 29.09.2004, 18:50
5x03 Written in the stars - von ggfanSascha - 29.09.2004, 19:03
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 29.09.2004, 19:04
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 29.09.2004, 19:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 29.09.2004, 20:19
5x03 Written in the stars - von Invisigoth - 30.09.2004, 10:53
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 30.09.2004, 11:01
5x03 Written in the stars - von Invisigoth - 30.09.2004, 11:05
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 30.09.2004, 11:32
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 01.10.2004, 16:28
5x03 Written in the stars - von Avalon - 01.10.2004, 22:34
5x03 Written in the stars - von CrazyCake - 01.10.2004, 22:36
5x03 Written in the stars - von CrazyCake - 02.10.2004, 19:22
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scara-Anne - 02.10.2004, 19:43
5x03 Written in the stars - von CrazyCake - 02.10.2004, 19:44
5x03 Written in the stars - von BigMeg - 02.10.2004, 23:17
5x03 Written in the stars - von CoffeeGirl - 03.10.2004, 01:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von DarkAngel198814 - 03.10.2004, 10:00
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 03.10.2004, 10:06
5x03 Written in the stars - von Jannue - 04.10.2004, 14:39
5x03 Written in the stars - von BigMeg - 04.10.2004, 17:19
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gin - 04.10.2004, 19:41
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 04.10.2004, 19:46
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 04.10.2004, 20:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von Melanie - 04.10.2004, 20:20
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scara-Anne - 04.10.2004, 20:43
5x03 Written in the stars - von CrazyCake - 04.10.2004, 20:44
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scara-Anne - 05.10.2004, 15:51
5x03 Written in the stars - von BigMeg - 05.10.2004, 17:21
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 05.10.2004, 19:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 05.10.2004, 20:19
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 05.10.2004, 21:04
5x03 Written in the stars - von JacqueK - 05.10.2004, 21:40
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 05.10.2004, 22:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von Isabel - 05.10.2004, 22:42
5x03 Written in the stars - von Invisigoth - 06.10.2004, 10:24
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 06.10.2004, 10:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 10:44
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 06.10.2004, 10:46
5x03 Written in the stars - von *~Rory*~ - 06.10.2004, 15:23
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 06.10.2004, 15:26
5x03 Written in the stars - von CrazyCake - 06.10.2004, 15:31
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 15:49
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 06.10.2004, 16:06
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 16:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 06.10.2004, 16:49
5x03 Written in the stars - von Isabel - 06.10.2004, 16:54
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 16:55
5x03 Written in the stars - von eVa - 06.10.2004, 17:10
5x03 Written in the stars - von Isabel - 06.10.2004, 17:11
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 17:17
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 06.10.2004, 17:40
5x03 Written in the stars - von eVa - 06.10.2004, 17:44
5x03 Written in the stars - von Isabel - 06.10.2004, 17:49
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 17:51
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 06.10.2004, 17:52
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 17:54
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 06.10.2004, 18:01
5x03 Written in the stars - von Invisigoth - 06.10.2004, 18:57
5x03 Written in the stars - von snubbi - 06.10.2004, 19:04
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 19:10
5x03 Written in the stars - von L.O.V.E - 06.10.2004, 19:10
5x03 Written in the stars - von snubbi - 06.10.2004, 19:28
5x03 Written in the stars - von tinch - 06.10.2004, 19:50
5x03 Written in the stars - von CrazyCake - 06.10.2004, 19:55
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 06.10.2004, 20:10
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 06.10.2004, 20:34
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 06.10.2004, 20:37
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 06.10.2004, 20:47
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 06.10.2004, 20:50
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 06.10.2004, 20:56
5x03 Written in the stars - von *~Rory*~ - 06.10.2004, 21:05
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scara-Anne - 06.10.2004, 21:22
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 06.10.2004, 21:30
5x03 Written in the stars - von Isabel - 06.10.2004, 21:37
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 21:37
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 06.10.2004, 21:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 21:42
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 06.10.2004, 21:45
5x03 Written in the stars - von ggfanSascha - 06.10.2004, 21:48
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 21:49
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 06.10.2004, 22:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 22:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 06.10.2004, 22:48
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 06.10.2004, 23:08
5x03 Written in the stars - von JerrY - 06.10.2004, 23:08
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 23:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von JerrY - 06.10.2004, 23:14
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 06.10.2004, 23:19
5x03 Written in the stars - von Samah - 06.10.2004, 23:34
5x03 Written in the stars - von Alyssa - 07.10.2004, 01:04
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 07.10.2004, 04:56
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 07.10.2004, 07:02
5x03 Written in the stars - von inge21 - 07.10.2004, 12:49
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 07.10.2004, 12:52
5x03 Written in the stars - von Avalon - 07.10.2004, 13:23
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 07.10.2004, 13:32
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 07.10.2004, 13:35
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 07.10.2004, 13:36
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 07.10.2004, 13:41
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 07.10.2004, 13:46
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 07.10.2004, 13:47
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 07.10.2004, 13:51
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 07.10.2004, 14:15
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 07.10.2004, 14:47
5x03 Written in the stars - von fuselchen - 07.10.2004, 15:00
5x03 Written in the stars - von Freaky - 07.10.2004, 15:18
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 07.10.2004, 17:00
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 07.10.2004, 17:55
5x03 Written in the stars - von ggfanSascha - 07.10.2004, 18:15
5x03 Written in the stars - von CrazyCake - 07.10.2004, 18:18
5x03 Written in the stars - von fuselchen - 07.10.2004, 18:26
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 08.10.2004, 00:04
5x03 Written in the stars - von Max - 08.10.2004, 07:15
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 08.10.2004, 13:03
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scara-Anne - 08.10.2004, 13:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von Kristina - 08.10.2004, 15:25
5x03 Written in the stars - von Jewel - 08.10.2004, 19:30
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scara-Anne - 08.10.2004, 20:14
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 08.10.2004, 22:43
5x03 Written in the stars - von Karo - 08.10.2004, 22:54
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scara-Anne - 08.10.2004, 22:56
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scara-Anne - 08.10.2004, 22:57
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 08.10.2004, 23:02
5x03 Written in the stars - von Emily - 08.10.2004, 23:50
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 09.10.2004, 00:05
5x03 Written in the stars - von masterp - 11.10.2004, 11:21
5x03 Written in the stars - von Chrissi - 11.10.2004, 13:56
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 11.10.2004, 14:08
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 11.10.2004, 17:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von ggfanSascha - 11.10.2004, 19:59
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 11.10.2004, 20:21
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 11.10.2004, 20:56
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 11.10.2004, 20:58
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 12.10.2004, 16:31
5x03 Written in the stars - von louisvuitton - 12.10.2004, 23:11
5x03 Written in the stars - von ggfanSascha - 12.10.2004, 23:40
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissLilli - 12.10.2004, 23:50
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 13.10.2004, 13:14
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 14.10.2004, 19:56
5x03 Written in the stars - von Kristina - 14.10.2004, 20:06
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 15.10.2004, 13:51
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 16.10.2004, 10:45
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 16.10.2004, 10:46
5x03 Written in the stars - von ggfanSascha - 16.10.2004, 13:40
5x03 Written in the stars - von Biscaya - 17.10.2004, 15:54
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gölli - 17.10.2004, 16:00
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 17.10.2004, 16:36
5x03 Written in the stars - von Samah - 17.10.2004, 16:39
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 17.10.2004, 20:20
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gin - 18.10.2004, 15:27
5x03 Written in the stars - von JeSsiEs_GiRl_2004 - 18.10.2004, 15:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gin - 18.10.2004, 15:52
5x03 Written in the stars - von ggfanSascha - 18.10.2004, 17:02
5x03 Written in the stars - von franzi-HH - 18.10.2004, 18:31
5x03 Written in the stars - von franzi-HH - 18.10.2004, 21:18
5x03 Written in the stars - von hausstudioks - 14.11.2004, 16:03
5x03 Written in the stars - von LazyHazyCrazy - 23.11.2004, 23:59
5x03 Written in the stars - von hausstudioks - 24.11.2004, 00:07
5x03 Written in the stars - von Steeldust - 24.11.2004, 01:07
5x03 Written in the stars - von ggfanSascha - 24.11.2004, 21:24
5x03 Written in the stars - von lila lila - 05.12.2004, 19:49
5x03 Written in the stars - von Frau Schneider - 19.12.2004, 23:58
5x03 Written in the stars - von Charisma - 20.12.2004, 00:07
5x03 Written in the stars - von BigMeg - 20.12.2004, 00:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von Charisma - 20.12.2004, 00:13
5x03 Written in the stars - von BigMeg - 20.12.2004, 18:25
5x03 Written in the stars - von Floyd - 22.03.2005, 17:32
5x03 Written in the stars - von Chenkilos - 22.03.2005, 19:44
5x03 Written in the stars - von speaking keys - 22.03.2005, 21:31
5x03 Written in the stars - von Chenkilos - 24.03.2005, 12:11
5x03 Written in the stars - von Muffin79 - 17.04.2005, 11:12
5x03 Written in the stars - von Sooner - 06.05.2005, 17:58
5x03 Written in the stars - von MaryKris - 06.06.2005, 20:06
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gin - 09.11.2005, 21:33
5x03 Written in the stars - von verena04/09 - 09.11.2005, 22:18
5x03 Written in the stars - von XxPruexX - 09.11.2005, 22:22
5x03 Written in the stars - von AJ_Fan - 10.11.2005, 16:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissGolightly - 10.11.2005, 17:08
5x03 Written in the stars - von SnM - 10.11.2005, 21:17
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gin - 10.11.2005, 21:56
5x03 Written in the stars - von Blacksoul1 - 10.11.2005, 22:26
5x03 Written in the stars - von LoveMetal - 11.11.2005, 11:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von zeigerf - 12.11.2005, 15:21
5x03 Written in the stars - von zeigerf - 12.11.2005, 19:43
5x03 Written in the stars - von york - 12.11.2005, 20:14
5x03 Written in the stars - von Jersey - 14.11.2005, 02:04
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scottjunkie - 14.11.2005, 13:47
5x03 Written in the stars - von york - 15.11.2005, 21:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von Check - 15.11.2005, 21:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von java - 15.11.2005, 21:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von Check - 15.11.2005, 21:56
5x03 Written in the stars - von java - 15.11.2005, 21:58
5x03 Written in the stars - von Sweety89 - 15.11.2005, 21:59
5x03 Written in the stars - von Jenny*GG - 15.11.2005, 22:16
5x03 Written in the stars - von Änne - 15.11.2005, 22:17
5x03 Written in the stars - von *Stella* - 15.11.2005, 22:25
5x03 Written in the stars - von Jersey - 15.11.2005, 22:33
5x03 Written in the stars - von york - 15.11.2005, 22:44
5x03 Written in the stars - von Sky Angel - 15.11.2005, 22:50
5x03 Written in the stars - von Sky Angel - 15.11.2005, 22:51
5x03 Written in the stars - von Sweety89 - 15.11.2005, 22:57
5x03 Written in the stars - von i_love_milo_89 - 15.11.2005, 23:01
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissGolightly - 15.11.2005, 23:01
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissGolightly - 15.11.2005, 23:05
5x03 Written in the stars - von Sweety89 - 15.11.2005, 23:07
5x03 Written in the stars - von Jersey - 15.11.2005, 23:09
5x03 Written in the stars - von JerrY - 15.11.2005, 23:22
5x03 Written in the stars - von Kristina - 16.11.2005, 01:18
5x03 Written in the stars - von I´m what I´m - 16.11.2005, 07:50
5x03 Written in the stars - von Gusteltier - 16.11.2005, 08:57
5x03 Written in the stars - von Check - 16.11.2005, 11:05
5x03 Written in the stars - von anne2004 - 16.11.2005, 12:13
5x03 Written in the stars - von Candy - 16.11.2005, 15:27
5x03 Written in the stars - von Scottjunkie - 16.11.2005, 15:35
5x03 Written in the stars - von york - 16.11.2005, 15:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von kleines-bienchen - 16.11.2005, 16:13
5x03 Written in the stars - von stars Hollow - 16.11.2005, 18:35
5x03 Written in the stars - von Fullmoon - 16.11.2005, 18:40
5x03 Written in the stars - von Flo - 16.11.2005, 18:49
5x03 Written in the stars - von ajnevs04 - 17.11.2005, 11:38
5x03 Written in the stars - von Amy Lee - 17.11.2005, 19:31
5x03 Written in the stars - von MissKeks - 20.11.2005, 18:15
5x03 Written in the stars - von farfalla - 01.12.2005, 00:07
5x03 Written in the stars - von Winterfan - 03.12.2005, 10:37

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