The everlasting moment! Englisch

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The everlasting moment

„We have to put a stop to that! There can’t be that many cats in Stars Hollow!”, Taylor jumped up and down in front of the people at Miss Patty’s dance studio.
An emergency town meeting has been arranged by him, so the whole town, except for Luke, of course, was sitting there.
“Why can’t we have cats Taylor? Don’t you like Hello Kitty?” Lorelai yelled from the front row.
“I don’t like Hello Kitty, but that’s not the point! I know that certain people are allergic to them and so I vote against CATS!” Taylor started.
“Are you the only person who is allergic to cats or are there some more here?” Babbette asked and turned to the townspeople.
Nobody raised his hand. Taylor looked ashamed, but suddenly hammered on the lectern in front of him and said:” The town meeting is over. See you all next week.”
Lorelai got up from her seat and went across the square straight into Luke’s diner also known as her second home. It was kind of late so she was the only one in the diner. Of course Luke was there to serve her coffee and to talk to her. As he handed her some coffee his hands brushed her’s for a short moment but his stomach was suddenly full of butterflies. Lorelai also noticed butterflies in her stomach and now a smile was on her face. She was staring at him like he was Bono from U2.´Have I ever really noticed what a handsome man he was ? God he is adorable, just put those thoughts away you’ll never have a chance to be with him anymway he loves Nicole.
“What was the emergency meeting all about today?” Luke’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts.
“Huh… nothing..ehm… special just Taylor and he’s allergic to cats.” Lorelai answered.
Neither one spoke for a long time, about how nice it would be to be together but neither could read minds so Lorelai left the diner some time later. Luke went up to his apartment and lay down on his bed. He was sure he was going to dream of Lorelai this night and so he fell asleep very happy.
When Lorelai arrived at her house, still thinking of Luke, she immediately checked the messages on her phone.” Hi Lorelai. I think we could get together sometime and rethink our brake up. Monday night work for you?” Jason’s voice came from the phone. She just went up the stairs into her bedroom and fell asleep right away.

The next day Lorelai woke up with big smile on her face. She had dreamt about Luke and her being together. They were happy, both of them, but she put the thoughts away quickly and went to the Dragonnfly Inn were she was greeted by a happy Sookie. ”Hey, how you doin’? You look kinda distracted!” Sookie said. “No ,nothing, everthings fine, I’m good. I’ll go into my office if you need anything you’ll find me there.” Lorelai answered a bit too fast. As she got into her office she saw flowers lying on her desk with some candy beside them. She immediately thought of Jason, or better maybe Digger, but there was no card. She smelled them and opened the candy, but suddenly a letter fell out of the box. She opened it and read:” Dear Lorelai…..

“I have to tell you something!
You know me now for a very long time… and I know you apparently. And you know our town and you know our friendship and all this stuff. We went through hard times we had our nice times we fought we laughed and yesterday I suddenly realized that I want more than all that. I want to BE with you. I want to see you from morning till evening I want to hold you in my arms I want to kiss you!So I broke up with Nicole because it made no sense to be with her when I only loved you!

I know our town… they’ll all get really excited about this and they’ll follow us home but a relationship has to be hard sometimes.
I also know a lot about your other relationships and I hope ours is going to last longer and I know that you are scared to lose me as a friend so do I but my love is too strong to just forget about it.
If you need to talk about anything just call me! Okay!

In Love Lukas Danes

Tears of happiness rolled over her eyes after she finished that letter. She had never gotten such a romantic, incredible nice letter. She wasn’t able to think anymore. She was in 7th heaven. She loved him too and now that she knew he did too her love was even stronger. She took her cell phone out of her purse and dialed Luke’s number.

This account doesn't exist anylonger.

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