The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete]

aaaaaaaaaaah! oh mein gott, is das klasse!!! CoolCool
luke rory's vater, das nenn ich echt mal unerwartet, aber klasse!!
jetzt zum schreibstil:
am anfang hattest du etwas probleme mit wird/würde! wenn du in der vergangenheit schreibst, wie dus ja tust musst du eigentlich immer würde benutzen...
also "Angst wie er reagieren würde" oder sowas...
sonst hats mir von den beschreibungen her gut gefallen, manchmal vergisst du wörter, da hat die LGRG ja schon gesagt!

das mit dem flashback hast du besonders gut gemacht! da hast du lorelai total gut getroffen! lorelai wird ja immer so un-lorelai-like, wenn sie was unerwartetes in zusammenhang mit luke erfährt oder so, also dass sie auf einmal keinen hunger hat oder eben müde is! Smile hat mir besonders gefallen!

viel mehr kann ich leider grad nicht sagen, sry! *g*
falls du irgendwie hilfe mit den zeiten brauchst beim nächsten teil, dann kannste mir ne pm schrieben, wenn du möchtest, aber is unr ein angebot, musste net annehmen, gell! Smile

[SIZE=2][SIZE=1] [Bild: home1.jpg]
ava by ordinary,
[SIZE=2][SIZE=1]thanx!! [/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]Meine ff: Finally found[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]Sind wir nicht alle ein bisschen laurish?.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 23.11.2005, 17:32
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Kiwi-Power - 23.11.2005, 18:42
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von MaryKris - 23.11.2005, 19:07
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von J_E_S_S_R_O_R_Y - 23.11.2005, 19:10
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 23.11.2005, 19:13
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Meffi - 23.11.2005, 19:25
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 23.11.2005, 19:53
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 23.11.2005, 19:59
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The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lava - 24.11.2005, 15:58
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lauren132 - 24.11.2005, 19:45
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.11.2005, 17:20
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Su - 25.11.2005, 18:00
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 01.12.2005, 19:25
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Kiwi-Power - 01.12.2005, 19:46
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 01.12.2005, 19:55
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 01.12.2005, 20:26
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 01.12.2005, 21:11
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lava - 02.12.2005, 16:23
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Su - 03.12.2005, 12:40
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Meffi - 03.12.2005, 13:33
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 14.12.2005, 20:50
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LuLo-Fan - 14.12.2005, 21:02
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 14.12.2005, 21:59
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 14.12.2005, 22:38
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lava - 15.12.2005, 16:41
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 15.12.2005, 20:29
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LuLo-Fan - 15.12.2005, 20:34
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 15.12.2005, 20:38
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 15.12.2005, 20:52
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 15.12.2005, 21:01
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 15.12.2005, 21:13
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Su - 15.12.2005, 21:33
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 16.12.2005, 07:51
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The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lauren132 - 18.12.2005, 17:09
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 18.12.2005, 19:20
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lava - 18.12.2005, 19:25
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 18.12.2005, 19:30
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 18.12.2005, 19:41
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lauren132 - 18.12.2005, 20:20
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 18.12.2005, 20:21
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 19.12.2005, 20:44
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Su - 28.12.2005, 11:38
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 28.12.2005, 12:09
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 28.12.2005, 20:32
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LuLo-Fan - 28.12.2005, 21:00
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Su - 28.12.2005, 21:07
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 29.12.2005, 11:55
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Su - 29.12.2005, 18:49
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 30.12.2005, 12:27
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LuLo-Fan - 30.12.2005, 13:51
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 30.12.2005, 15:45
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lava - 30.12.2005, 16:32
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lava - 30.12.2005, 16:33
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 30.12.2005, 18:12
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 30.12.2005, 18:14
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 30.12.2005, 18:21
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von rottie - 31.12.2005, 01:12
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Su - 31.12.2005, 11:55
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von lore - 31.12.2005, 13:43
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Salzstange - 31.12.2005, 17:26
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 02.01.2006, 00:42
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lauren132 - 03.01.2006, 16:51
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 14.01.2006, 16:45
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 14.01.2006, 16:50
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 14.01.2006, 17:04
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The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Jany - 14.01.2006, 20:17
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von rottie - 14.01.2006, 21:34
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 15.01.2006, 14:21
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von rottie - 15.01.2006, 14:39
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 15.01.2006, 15:03
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von *Sternchen* - 15.01.2006, 15:23
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 15.01.2006, 16:12
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von HHJenny - 15.01.2006, 16:20
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 15.01.2006, 17:41
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von rottie - 15.01.2006, 22:32
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 18.01.2006, 17:04
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 18.01.2006, 17:16
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 18.01.2006, 20:45
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von rottie - 18.01.2006, 21:54
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 18.01.2006, 23:26
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 19.01.2006, 09:53
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Su - 19.01.2006, 14:26
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 19.01.2006, 16:48
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 19.01.2006, 18:54
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von HHJenny - 19.01.2006, 22:21
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Lava - 20.01.2006, 16:45
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 20.01.2006, 16:58
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von *chrissy* - 29.01.2006, 15:35
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 19.02.2006, 20:40
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von *chrissy* - 19.02.2006, 20:58
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 19.02.2006, 20:59
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 19.02.2006, 21:36
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 20.02.2006, 00:00
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Salzstange - 20.02.2006, 15:43
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 20.02.2006, 20:26
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von HHJenny - 20.02.2006, 20:36
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 20.02.2006, 22:15
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von *Sternchen* - 20.02.2006, 22:52
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Erdbeerglasur - 22.02.2006, 16:43
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 22.02.2006, 19:01
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 22.02.2006, 19:27
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.02.2006, 19:43
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 22.02.2006, 19:47
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.02.2006, 19:56
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 22.02.2006, 20:10
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.02.2006, 20:11
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 22.02.2006, 20:30
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 20.04.2006, 12:43
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 23.04.2006, 17:06
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 23.04.2006, 17:26
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 16.05.2006, 19:29
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 16.05.2006, 20:48
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 20.05.2006, 17:48
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von reggaekati - 20.05.2006, 18:45
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von *Sternchen* - 21.05.2006, 12:16
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 21.05.2006, 16:13
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 21.05.2006, 16:15
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 21.05.2006, 16:24
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 21.05.2006, 16:30
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 21.05.2006, 18:31
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 21.05.2006, 23:11
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Jany - 22.05.2006, 11:54
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von reggaekati - 22.05.2006, 14:13
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 24.05.2006, 18:23
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 24.05.2006, 20:34
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 24.05.2006, 20:52
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 24.05.2006, 21:46
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 24.05.2006, 21:57
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 25.05.2006, 22:16
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 01.06.2006, 18:51
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 01.06.2006, 19:01
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 01.06.2006, 21:10
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 01.06.2006, 22:57
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 02.06.2006, 17:29
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 02.06.2006, 17:36
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 03.06.2006, 11:54
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 07.06.2006, 18:50
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 07.06.2006, 19:07
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 07.06.2006, 19:43
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 07.06.2006, 22:00
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 07.06.2006, 22:04
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 07.06.2006, 23:39
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 08.06.2006, 12:50
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 14.06.2006, 16:08
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 14.06.2006, 16:35
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 14.06.2006, 16:53
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 14.06.2006, 19:09
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von coffeegilgirl90 - 15.06.2006, 12:04
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 15.06.2006, 18:54
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 16.06.2006, 17:24
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 21.06.2006, 16:35
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 21.06.2006, 16:54
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 21.06.2006, 16:56
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 21.06.2006, 19:02
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 21.06.2006, 19:38
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 22.06.2006, 12:41
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von coffeegilgirl90 - 22.06.2006, 20:02
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 28.06.2006, 16:24
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 28.06.2006, 17:01
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 28.06.2006, 18:53
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 28.06.2006, 19:12
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 28.06.2006, 19:29
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 28.06.2006, 21:22
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 29.06.2006, 12:18
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 29.06.2006, 12:59
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 29.06.2006, 14:38
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 29.06.2006, 14:50
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 05.07.2006, 13:09
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von karana - 05.07.2006, 13:26
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 05.07.2006, 14:07
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 05.07.2006, 14:14
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 05.07.2006, 14:24
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von coffeegilgirl90 - 05.07.2006, 17:29
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 06.07.2006, 11:57
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 09.07.2006, 11:09
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 09.07.2006, 14:01
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von coffeegilgirl90 - 09.07.2006, 19:16
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 09.07.2006, 19:20
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 09.07.2006, 20:21
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 10.07.2006, 09:18
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 10.07.2006, 21:15
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LuLo-Fan - 10.07.2006, 23:07
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 12.07.2006, 13:58
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 12.07.2006, 14:10
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 12.07.2006, 14:13
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von coffeegilgirl90 - 12.07.2006, 14:17
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LuLo-Fan - 12.07.2006, 14:20
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 12.07.2006, 20:58
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 15.07.2006, 22:48
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 16.07.2006, 20:09
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 19.07.2006, 19:27
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 19.07.2006, 20:01
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 20.07.2006, 13:04
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von coffeegilgirl90 - 20.07.2006, 21:02
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 21.07.2006, 20:18
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 22.07.2006, 04:35
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.07.2006, 09:14
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 22.07.2006, 18:32
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 22.07.2006, 19:37
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.07.2006, 20:36
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 22.07.2006, 20:41
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.07.2006, 20:57
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 22.07.2006, 21:00
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.07.2006, 21:02
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 22.07.2006, 21:04
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.07.2006, 21:21
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 22.07.2006, 21:40
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.07.2006, 21:47
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 22.07.2006, 21:53
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.07.2006, 21:58
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 22.07.2006, 22:01
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 22.07.2006, 22:02
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ChrissiTine - 22.07.2006, 22:07
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 23.07.2006, 10:05
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von coffeegilgirl90 - 23.07.2006, 11:21
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von reggaekati - 23.07.2006, 11:27
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 23.07.2006, 14:59
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 23.07.2006, 15:20
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 23.07.2006, 16:33
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 25.07.2006, 18:40
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 27.07.2006, 14:36
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 27.07.2006, 14:41
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 27.07.2006, 14:55
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 27.07.2006, 14:56
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 28.07.2006, 14:58
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 28.07.2006, 15:01
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 08.08.2006, 10:01
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 09.08.2006, 22:57
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 09.08.2006, 23:06
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 10.08.2006, 02:16
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 10.08.2006, 06:38
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von coffeegilgirl90 - 10.08.2006, 09:56
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 10.08.2006, 14:06
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 10.08.2006, 16:20
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 10.08.2006, 18:05
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 10.08.2006, 18:23
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 10.08.2006, 18:46
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 10.08.2006, 19:31
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 10.08.2006, 21:17
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 10.08.2006, 22:30
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 14.08.2006, 20:12
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 14.08.2006, 20:46
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 15.08.2006, 06:31
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 15.08.2006, 13:59
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 15.08.2006, 14:10
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 15.08.2006, 21:52
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 15.08.2006, 22:07
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 15.08.2006, 22:11
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 16.08.2006, 07:05
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 16.08.2006, 10:19
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 16.08.2006, 13:45
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 16.08.2006, 14:16
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 16.08.2006, 15:20
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 16.08.2006, 16:40
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von coffeegilgirl90 - 16.08.2006, 17:43
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 17.08.2006, 06:21
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 18.08.2006, 19:00
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 20.08.2006, 16:48
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 20.08.2006, 17:17
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 20.08.2006, 17:21
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 20.08.2006, 17:28
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 21.08.2006, 21:06
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 21.08.2006, 21:22
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 22.08.2006, 07:10
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 22.08.2006, 07:11
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 22.08.2006, 10:22
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 22.08.2006, 14:29
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 22.08.2006, 14:51
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 22.08.2006, 19:34
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 22.08.2006, 23:47
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von Franny - 23.08.2006, 07:30
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 23.08.2006, 14:35
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 23.08.2006, 21:50
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von LGRG - 24.08.2006, 11:12
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 24.08.2006, 14:28
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von YaleGirl87 - 24.08.2006, 14:41
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 24.08.2006, 18:45
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von ~Tina~ - 24.08.2006, 21:36
The new way to say "I love you"?!? (100%JJ) [complete] - von caipirinha87 - 24.01.2008, 18:20

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