[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft

Zitat:Episode 6.16 - Bridesmaids Revisited
Air Date: Estimated 14 February 2006

Info taken from the Casting Sides Information in the Pre-Shooting Script dated 12 & 13 January 2006.

The information summarized below is taken from 14 Sides for: Lou, Joel, Moderator, Quentin Walsh, Claude, Megan, Walker, Alexandra, Country Club Staff Member, Sofia, G.G., Waitress, Bartender, and Editor. For the character of the Editor, there are no explicit 6.16 Sides. Instead for auditions excerpts from the Episode - Die Jerk! for Doyle were used.

The Casting Sides have been amended twice, consequently some of the scenes have been re-ordered. I have made a best effort to iron out and provide continuity in the scene order.

I will include context and stage direction descriptions where appropriate.
  • Characters:
    Lou - Young Guy - Music store employee at Sophie's Music Store
    Joel - A guy playing the tambourine in Zack's duo.
    Moderator - Arthur Gordon, a professor of English at Yale moderating the panel discussion.
    Quentin Walsh - Editor of The Daily Princetonian
    Country Club Staff Member - Guy working at the Club
    Alexandra - Honor Huntzberger's
    Walker - ...........Bridesmaids
    Claude - ...............Upper East Side-ish
    Megan - ...................Girls
    Sofia - Wedding Planner, Young woman
    G.G. - Christopher's Other Daughter.
    Editor - Editor Character - There are not Casting Sides specific to this episode
    Waitress - Woman working at the Rich Man's Shoe Blues bar
    Bartender - Man working at the Rich Man's Shoe Blues bar.
Editor Note: The Casting Sides start with Scene 3 already in progress. The scene fragment is between Doyle and Rory. The dialog infers that the scene is at the Yale Daily News.

Interior - Assumed Yale Daily News - Day (Day 1) - Scene 3 -

Editor Note: Scene 4 is already in progress.

Stage Direction: A beat, as Doyle lets this sink in for Rory.

Doyle is explaining - "Look, I've got more of a vested interested in Paris snapping out of this than anyone. I just think it's something she's got to get to on her own."

Rory agrees - "Yeah, yeah. Probably you're right."

Doyle is antsy - "I gotta go. I'm going to sneak back to the apartment and see if I can get a few hours of sleep before Paris comes home and spends the rest of the night learning to play the jazz trumpet."

Stage Direction: He hurries off. Rory looks in her folder, then looks up as Paris approaches. As Paris passes, she turns her back to Rory and glides by, cross-stepping sideways, turning forwards only when she's passed Rory. Rory watches her, flummoxed.

End of Scene 3

Interior - Sophie's Music Store - Day (Day 1) - Scene 4 -

Stage Direction: Someone is playing live acoustic music in the background as Lane enters, holding copies of her 'Drummer Available' ad. a young guy, Lou, a typical disinterested music store employee, is behind the counter, flipping through a magazine.

Lane see him - "Hey Lou. Okay if I put an ad up?"

Lou not even looking - "They come down after two weeks."

Lane moving on - "I can abide by that."

Stage Direction: Lane crosses to a bulletin board. Her attention is drawn to the live music in the back of the shop. Ten or so people sit cross-legged on the floor, watching two performers - Zack on acoustic guitar and Joel on tambourine. Zack is singing a forlorn Woody Guthrie song. After a while, something in the audience draws his attention.

Zack calling while playing - "Joel..."

Editor Note: Scene 4 continues for some length.

End of Casting Sides for Joel.

Editor Note: Scene 5 is picked up in progress. The end of the scene is between Rory, Lorelai and Christopher. The scene is for the Panel Discussion.

Interior - Yale Hall (Redressed Dining Hall) - Evening (Night 1) - Scene 5 -

Editor Note; - Scene 5 is already in progress.

Rory talking to no-one in particular - "Oh, that reminds me."

Stage Direction: Rory pulls out a pen and begins to furiously scribbling on one of her note cards.

Lorelai pointing somewhat proudly - "See."

Stage Direction: Rory finishes her note.

Rory is telling lorelai and Christopher - "Okay, I better get up there. I'll see you afterwards."

Lorelai cheers - "We'll be rooting for you."

Rory tries explaining - "This isn't really a 'rooting for me' kind of thing, but thanks."

Lorelai not giving up - "Well, we brought foam fingers."

Christopher chimes in - "And we're planning on doing the wave, if things get dull."

Stage Direction: Rory heads to the dais and joins the four other college newspaper editors and a middle-aged Moderator, as they take their seats behind the microphones. Lorelai takes a box of Milk Duds out of her purse and offer it to Christopher.

Lorelai - "Dud?"

Stage Direction: They each take a Dud and settle in.

The Moderator gets things underway - "Welcome, everybody, to the 'Young Voices of Journalism' panel. I'm Arthur Gordon, a professor of English here at Yale, and I will be moderating today's panel. We are joined today by the editors of some of the country's most prestigious collegiate newspapers."

Christopher sotto voce to Lorelai - "Woo hoo."

The Moderator continues - "We have, before us, the editors from The harvard Crimson, The Daily Princetonian, The Cornell Daily Sun, The Daily Pennsylvanian, and The Yale Daily News, all here today to tell us what's on their minds. To hear where they think Ivy League journalism is heading. And, more broadly, to share their views on the future of the free press in America."

Lorelai sotto back to Christopher - "Whoa. Heavy"

Moderator continues - "So, I will begin by posing a series of questions to our panel. Now, lets begin. referring to his notes. I was wondering how the panelists would describe the state of journalistic ethics on a collegiate level in the post-Judy Miller era--"

Stage Direction: Quentin Walsh, the pompous editor of the Daily Princetonian, wearing a bow tie and sitting at the central microphone, jumps in, cutting off the tail end of the moderator's question.

Somewhat grandiosely, Quentin Walsh begins - "Wonderful question. Quentin Walsh, Daily Princetonian. The ramifications of the scandal, to which you obliquely alluded, ought not to be underestimated."

Christopher whispers to Lorelai - "I hate this guy already."

Lorelai whispers back - "Rory told me about him. That's Pompous Princeton Guy!"

Christopher comes back with - "Well sure, if your parent are going to name you that, what chance do you have?"

Stage Direction: Rory burns watching Quentin go on and on, appalled by his smug obnoxious demeanor.

Quentin is rambling on - "...The struggle to preserve the fundamental principles and rights upon which our free press depends, was made far more difficult by the choice of certain reporters -- who shall remain unnamed -- He laughs at his own joke to capitulate to governmental pressure and divulge their sources."

Lorelai to Christopher - "How unbelievable!"

Christopher whispers - "He's wearing a bow tie."

Lorelai grabs a Milk Dud - "Should I Dud him?"

Quentin is still going - "I myself have, on occasion, felt tremendous pressure to divulge unnamed sources, but I've stood my ground knowing that, while I may suffer for my principled stand, there was a much greater issue at stake."

Rory to the Moderator - "If I may?"

Editor Note: Scene 5 continues on for some length.

Editor Note: The has obviously been a break in the Panel Discussion. We pick up with Scene 6 at the start of ACT TWO - as we FADE IN:

Interior - Yale Hall (Redress Dining Hall) - A Little Later - Evening (Night 1) - Scene 6 -

Stage Direction: Rory, much more relaxed and confident, is in the middle of responding to a question from a member of the audience.

Rory is remarking - "...I just don't care how funny the picture is. If it's not newsworthy, and I can't see how it would be, I would not publish a picture of the University President stuffing his face with a key lime pie at the Drama Club bake sale."

The Moderator chimes in - "I'm sure President Levin will be pleased to hear that."

Stage Direction: The audience laughs.

Rory continues - " If, however, someone pushed said key lime in the president's face as a political statement, that I would print."

Quentin Walsh jumps in 'again' - "Me, too. Front page."

Rory a bit taken aback - "Quentin, you agreed with me. I didn't think you were genetically capable."

Stage Direction: The audience laughs,a s does Quentin, in spite of himself.

The Moderator, Professor Gordon, begins to wrap things up - "Well, on that collegial note, I'm afraid we have to end our discussion. I'd like to thank all of out panelists for a terrific discussion. He turns to the audience. And thank you all for coming."

Stage Direction: The crowd applauds. Rory and her fellow panelists head off the dais. Lorelai and Christopher look on, proud and impressed.

Lorelai says more to herself - "The girl's got skills."

Editor Note: Scene 6 continues for some length.

End of Casting Sides for The Moderator and Quentin Walsh.

Editor Note: Scene 9 is picked up in progress. The scene is at the Country Club. The fragment starts with Rory and Logan.

Interior - Country Club - Exact Location Unknown - Day (Day 2) - Scene 9 -

Editor Note: Scene 9 is already in progress.

Logan is asking Rory - "You sure you'll be okay hanging out by yourself for a while?"

Rory holds up her laptop and bag - "For at least a fortnight."

Logan tells her - "There's actually a really nice library somewhere in here. Leather chairs, oak-paneld walls. I'm not sure exactly where it is, thought."

Rory assures him - "I'll figure it out. Go, put on your eye patch and find some cuff links."

Logan kisses her - "I'll see you later. Putting his arm around Josh. Okay, you and me are on a cuff link hunt."

Stage Direction: Logan steers Josh out and they exit. Rory stops a passing Country Cub Staff Member, who is holding an armload of candles.

Rory asks him - "Excuse me. I'm looking for the library?"

The CC Staff Member tells her - "Sure. It's in the east wing. You --"

From off screen we hear Honor Huntzberger - "Rory!"

Stage Direction: Rory turns to see Honor, with curlers in her hair, followed by four pretty Upper East Side-ish bridesmaids: Alexandra, Walker, Claude, and Megan. They're not in their dresses yet, but wearing cashmere sweaters, sweats, and Ugg boots. The carry bottle upon bottle of champagne, which they just stole from the bar. Honor, whose zip-up white hoodie has 'Bride' on the back in rhinestones, runs over and hugs Rory.

Rory greets her - "Hey bride, you look beautiful."

Honor kids along - "You like my wedding sweats? I'm beginning to think 'Town & Country' might not approve."

Rory asks - "So... how are you doing?"

Honor inspired - "Okay. You have got to come back and hang out with me and the bridesmaids."

Rory tries to explain - "That's sweet, but I can't. I actually have all this work --"

Stage Direction: The chic, young wedding planner, Sofia, holding a clipboard and wearing a wireless mike, enters and beckons the bridesmaids.

Sofia gather them all in - "Ladies, c'mon, makeup time. And whoever took Josh's cuff links, hand them over."

Stage Direction: Walker, laughing, hands Sofia the cuff links and the bridesmaids exit off, laughing and chatting. Honor turns urgently to Rory:

Honor explains - "Look, the girls have cracked open a case of champagne. I need you to be my designated dresser. Honor picks up on Rory's hesitation. I'm the bride. You can't say 'no' to the bride. It's bad luck."

Rory temporizes - "I guess I could do my work tomorrow."

Honor encouraging - "That's always been my motto. C'mon"

Stage Direction: Rory allows Honor to pull her back toward the dressing room.

Honor bubbles - "All day, if anyone does something I don't want them to, I'm saying it's bad luck. I swear, getting married is so fabulous."

End of Scene 9

Interior - Country Club - Dressing Room - Continuous - Day (Day 2) - Scene 10 -

Stage Direction: Honor and Rory enter the dressing room, which is filled with flowers, mirrors, makeup, and all things girly. The bridesmaids are laughing and having a good time. Walker is the clown of the group and the biggest drinker. Alexandra has a dry sense of humor and laid-back manner. Claude is the sweetest and Megan the most pretentious. In addition to Sofia, the wedding planner, there's Italo, a male hair-stylist, and Charlie, a female makeup artist.

Honor explains to everyone - "Everybody, so this is my lovely friend, Rory. Rory's going to hand out with us while we get ready. Some of you may have met at the shower, but this is Alexandra, Walker, Claude, and Megan."

Rory to all - "Hi."

Stage Direction: The bridesmaids ad-lib overlapping friendly hellos to Rory.

Walker kicks it off - "Welcome to the final hours of Honor's maidenhood."

Alexandra quips - "Yeah right. Honor's maidenhood didn't make it to upper school at Brearly."

Walker - "Ooh, snap."

Honor to Alexandra - "Not true. Turks and Caicos, 1996"

Megan turns to Rory - "Anyway, we're here to celebrate these last, precious hours before we lose Honor to the dark side."

Walker holds up a champagne bottle - "And to celebrate, we drink booze."

Honor putting it off - "Not me. I'm having one glass, right before the ceremony."

Alexandra not helping - "Whatever you need to tell yourself."

Claude pipes up - "Ooh, I love that dress, Rory."

Rory trying to keep up with things - "Oh, thanks."

Megan referring to designer Carolina Herrera - "Is that Carolinas?"

Rory not getting it at all - "Um, no. It's mine."

Walker - "Ooh, snap."

Alexandra complains - "Could somebody please stop her from saying that?"

Honor tries her trick - "It's bad luck to say 'snap' on someone's wedding day, Walker. She turns to Rory. Throw your coat anywhere."

Stage Direction: Rory does. A champagne cork pops, as Walker opens a bottle. They cheer. Champagne foams and spills onto the floor.

Walker giggling - "Oops. She affects a gansta pose. Just dropping a little Kristal on my homies."

Stage Direction: Walker starts to fill flutes for everyone. Honor takes Rory by the arm and points out the hair and makeup people.

Honor introducing - "Oh, Rory, this is Italo. Italo's a total genius. If they gave MacArthur grants for hair, he'd get one. And this is Charlie, makeup genius extraordinaire, and Sofia, of course, my dear, sweet wedding planner. Also a genius."

Rory a bit overwhelmed - "Hi. Wow. Lotta Mensa in the house."

Sofia try get get a bit of control - "Okay girls, I need to get you in these chairs pronto."

Stage Direction: Alexandra and Megan sit for Italo and Charlie. Walker hands a glass of champagne to Megan and then one to Alexandra.

Walker handing a glass to Honor - "Bridezilla?"

Honor concedes - Okay, but just one now and one right before the ceremony."

Alexandra jibes - "Whatever you need to tell yourself."

Honor defensively - "I need to make a toast. Then, holding up her glass. To friends, old and new. Borrowed and blue. You guys are (blacked out dialog)"

Stage Direction: They toast, clinking their glasses and ad-libbing cheers.

Walker hollers out - "To Honor and to Honor's honor! The missing maidenhood."

Stage Direction: They all laugh and clink their glasses, ad-libbing 'To Honor.' Off Rory, as she laughs with the girls, one of the gang.

End of Scene 10

Interior - Lorelai's House - Entryway/Living Room - Day (Day 2) - Scene 11 -

Stage Direction: Lorelai is carrying a stack of old board games into the living room when the doorbell rings. She puts them down and goes to answer the door. She opens it. It's Christopher. Alone. Carrying a large bag of stuff and a blanket and a pillow and a duvet cover.

Christopher greets her - "Hey."

Lorelai - "Hi - What's all this?"

Christopher explains - "It's G.G.'s blanket, pillow and duvet cover."

Lorelai quips - "What? No mattress and box springs."

Christopher explains - "She's pretty attached to these. And she never goes anywhere without her duvet cover. She call is her scrunchy bunchy. You know, 'cause she likes to scrunch it--"

Lorelai finishes- "And bunch it. I get it. Looking around. Uh... You forget the kid?"

Christopher stumbles - "No I-- He looks around behind him and spots her off camera, running around the yard. Uh, G.G., Come on, hon."

Lorelai asks - "What's she chasing?"

Christopher blase - "Oh, that's a cat."

Lorelai not helping - "Just so you know, that cat sprays, bites, and scratches."

Christopher explores - "G.G.! Come on, sweetie! Right now!"

Stage Direction: Finally, G.G. joins them at the doorway.

Lorelai crouches down - "Hey kiddo. I am so excited to hand out with you today."

Christopher still trying - "G.G., you want to give Lorelai a hug?"

G.G. - "No!"

Stage Direction: G.G. drops her coat on the floor, grabs her scruncy bunchy, and runs into the living room, disappearing off camera.

Christopher failing miserably - "G.G., please come back here and pick up your jacket... G.G."

Stage Direction: We hear the TV turn on. Christopher picks up the jacket and the enter the foyer.

Christopher effusive - "So, thank you again for this. I really appreciate it."

Editor Note: There is a one page skip in the sides, which means it would be exclusive dialog between Lorelai and Christopher. The Sides pick up on the page after with Lorelai talking to G.G.

Lorelai is talking to G.G. - "so, figured out how to turn on the TV on? Smarty."

Stage Direction: Lorelai goes and sits next to her on the couch.

Lorelai continues with the one-sided talk - "What are we watching?"

G.G. rudely - "Shhhhh!"

Lorelai playing along - "Shhhh-indler's List? Looking at the TV Ah, 'Full House.' You know, I think the Olsen twins actually weigh less now than they did on their show."

Stage Direction: G.G. just glares at her.

Lorelai prompting - "Right. I get it. I don't like it when people talk to me while I'm watching TV either."

Stage Direction: They sit together in silence, watching TV.

End of Scene 11

Source: Fanforum

The truth is... sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
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[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 12:07
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Kristina - 01.03.2006, 12:13
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[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von --Joey - 01.03.2006, 17:22
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[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 17:37
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von --Joey - 01.03.2006, 17:37
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Samah - 01.03.2006, 17:40
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von --Joey - 01.03.2006, 17:44
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Kristina - 01.03.2006, 17:51
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von --Joey - 01.03.2006, 17:54
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Searsha - 01.03.2006, 17:58
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 18:00
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von --Joey - 01.03.2006, 18:00
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Searsha - 01.03.2006, 18:02
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von --Joey - 01.03.2006, 18:06
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Miko86 - 01.03.2006, 18:08
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 18:10
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von --Joey - 01.03.2006, 18:11
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Miko86 - 01.03.2006, 18:22
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Anouk - 01.03.2006, 18:23
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Miko86 - 01.03.2006, 18:46
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 19:05
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von cappuccinobaby - 01.03.2006, 19:07
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Searsha - 01.03.2006, 19:13
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Miko86 - 01.03.2006, 19:14
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von karana - 01.03.2006, 19:43
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von *KID* - 01.03.2006, 19:52
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Scottjunkie - 01.03.2006, 19:52
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von *KID* - 01.03.2006, 19:59
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 20:01
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von karana - 01.03.2006, 20:08
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 20:11
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von karana - 01.03.2006, 20:19
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Miko86 - 01.03.2006, 20:30
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 20:34
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Seth - 01.03.2006, 20:35
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von GGjessi - 01.03.2006, 20:37
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 20:45
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von MaryMary - 01.03.2006, 20:45
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von LazyHazyCrazy - 01.03.2006, 20:56
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Scottjunkie - 01.03.2006, 21:05
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Clärchen - 01.03.2006, 21:09
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Clärchen - 01.03.2006, 21:12
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Miko86 - 01.03.2006, 21:13
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 21:17
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 01.03.2006, 21:25
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von feelein08 - 01.03.2006, 21:35
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von MaryKris - 01.03.2006, 22:51
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von karana - 01.03.2006, 23:12
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von york - 01.03.2006, 23:37
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von karana - 01.03.2006, 23:51
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Clärchen - 02.03.2006, 10:46
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Kristina - 02.03.2006, 10:49
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Samah - 02.03.2006, 12:07
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Blacksoul1 - 02.03.2006, 13:03
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von york - 02.03.2006, 15:42
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von karana - 02.03.2006, 15:55
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von sorc - 02.03.2006, 16:50
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von louisvuitton - 02.03.2006, 17:54
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von york - 02.03.2006, 18:01
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Haligh - 02.03.2006, 18:26
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Miko86 - 02.03.2006, 18:42
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Pink-Lady - 02.03.2006, 19:18
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Gin - 02.03.2006, 19:48
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von karana - 02.03.2006, 19:57
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Gin - 02.03.2006, 20:44
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von hobbes - 02.03.2006, 20:59
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von york - 02.03.2006, 21:39
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Timo86 - 02.03.2006, 21:55
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Carola - 02.03.2006, 22:13
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von feelein08 - 02.03.2006, 22:14
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von hobbes - 03.03.2006, 10:10
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von sorc - 03.03.2006, 21:16
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von york - 03.03.2006, 21:35
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Alyssa - 04.03.2006, 14:44
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Jeory - 05.03.2006, 11:38
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von JustSomeone - 05.03.2006, 12:33
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von *Juli* - 19.06.2006, 14:03
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Nanni - 19.06.2006, 14:27
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Candy - 25.08.2006, 19:00
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Candy - 27.08.2006, 22:19
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von *Stella* - 27.08.2006, 23:10
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Logan_USA_20w - 27.08.2006, 23:14
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Candy - 28.08.2006, 13:25
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von *Stella* - 28.08.2006, 15:14
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Logan_USA_20w - 28.08.2006, 20:10
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Marissa1986 - 03.09.2006, 09:50
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von graefinlotte - 25.09.2006, 14:46
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von hausstudioks - 10.11.2006, 17:50
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Liza_GG - 10.11.2006, 18:55
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 10.11.2006, 19:18
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Anima Sola - 20.12.2006, 21:37
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von just_gilmore - 20.12.2006, 22:15
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Nici - 20.12.2006, 23:15
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von *Stella* - 20.12.2006, 23:22
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Luca - 21.12.2006, 10:10
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Sandy Gilmore - 21.12.2006, 10:12
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Luca - 21.12.2006, 10:15
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Leanna - 21.12.2006, 17:30
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Sandy Gilmore - 21.12.2006, 18:27
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Rowan - 21.12.2006, 21:54
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Kayara - 21.12.2006, 22:41
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Irina-J - 21.12.2006, 23:55
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von LGRG - 22.12.2006, 10:35
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Rowan - 22.12.2006, 19:21
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Anima Sola - 22.12.2006, 19:25
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von ChrissiTine - 23.12.2006, 00:22
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Irina-J - 23.12.2006, 01:24
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von LGRG - 23.12.2006, 10:51
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Marissa1986 - 23.12.2006, 11:37
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Leanna - 23.12.2006, 19:44
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von inky_81 - 27.12.2006, 01:20
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von CoraCorsa - 27.12.2006, 12:17
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von hamti - 25.01.2007, 09:54
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von MaryMary - 01.03.2006, 21:10
[6x16] - Bridesmaids Revisited / Versumpft - von Miko86 - 01.03.2006, 21:11

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