25.05.2006, 22:35
Ich poste das jetzt einfach mal in diesen Tread. Einen neuen zu öffnen wäre vielleicht übertrieben:
http://www.fanforum.com/showpost.php?p=9...tcount=226 --> Quelle
Zitat:Scoop!: Everwood Exec Joins Gilmore
If you were looking for a silver lining in Everwood's tragic and untimely cancellation, here it is: Sources confirm that executive producer Rina Mimoun has joined Gilmore Girls as a consultant. I don't know about you, but I consider this a huge coup for Gilmore. Not only will Rina bring her considerable show running talents to Stars Hollow, but she has an unparalleled aptitude for nuanced characterizations and — more importantly — satisfying story arcs. If I were new Gilmore bossman Dave Rosenthal, I'd be breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Posted by: Michael Ausiello 05/24/2006 10:10 AM
http://www.fanforum.com/showpost.php?p=9...tcount=226 --> Quelle
Junkie of the United States of America