You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete]

Weißt du, ich könnt mich grad echt ohrfeigen! So lange gibt es diese FF schon, und ich hab sie nie bemerkt *mich furchtbar schäm*!
Es ist ja ohnehin schon schwer, eine Narco-FF zu finden, und hier kommt noch BB dazu!!! :freu:
So, mach dich auf ein laaaanges Fb bereit! *gg*
Ich hab jetzt bis hier her alles durchgelesen, und muss erst mal sagen dass sich dein Schreibstil unglaublich verbessert hat. Am Anfang klang es oft etwas abgehakt und man musste sich anstrengen um alles richtig zu verstehen. Jetzt lässt es sich richtig angenehm lesen, es ist alles viel verständlicher und du bringst auch die Gefühle der Personen besser rüber! Top
zu Rory: Erstmal find ich es natürlich super dass sie mit Dean zusammen ist. Leider kommt man nicht immer ganz mit, was sie eigentlich denkt. Mal liebt sie Dean über alles, dann wieder hat sie Zweifel wegen Jess. Das mit der Schwangerschaft war etwas merkwürdig... ich glaube nicht dass sie sich gefreut hätte, sie wusste ja nicht mal ob es von Jess oder Dean ist... (aber sie ist ja nicht schwanger, und darüber bin ich irgendwie froh! Unsure )
Den Brief von Jess fand ich eigentlich ganz gut, ein bisschen gestört hat mich dann wieder Rorys Reaktion, obwohl ich sie auch irgendwie verstehen konnte. So ein Brief wirft einen vll wirklich etwas aus der Bahn...
Als Dean den Brief gelesen hat, dachte ich mir nur: Eek Jetzt ist es aus... *heul* Und ich denke, dass Dean ihr nie so schnell verziehen hätte. Wir wissen ja alle, dass er manchmal echt eifersüchtig sein konnte (*duck*), und dass er einfach so hinnimmt, dass seine Freundin mit seinem größten Rivalen geschlafen hat, will irgendwie nicht in meinen Kopf...
Den Antrag fand ich einfach nur Wub Der Schriftzug am Himmer, die 50 Rosen! Wub Auch wenn es etwas schnell kam, aber das hat mich, ehrlich gesagt, nicht gestört!! =) Das mit der Doppelhochzeit finde ich übrigends auch sehr klasse!!
Aber den letzten Streit der beiden hab ich irgendwie nicht ganz verstanden... warum streiten sie jetzt eigentlich? Weil Dean noch keine Kinder will, oder weil er sie will? Unsure Das hätte man vll etwas genauer beschreiben können, kann aber auch sein, dass ich wieder mal nicht mitkomme! Wink

jetzt zu Lorelai: Zuerst mal: Du triffst Lorelais Humor wirklich super! Das mit Bush *lach* (nur ein Beispiel von vielen) ! Dass Lorelai und Chris heiraten wollen ist für mich einfach nur Wub :dance: Nur schade, dass Lorelai immer wieder solche Zweifel kommen... :heul: Chris ist der Richtige für sie!!!!! *fest steht*
Was mich ein bisschen verwundert hat, war, als Lore und Chris draußen auf dem Balkon waren, und beide so glücklich waren, und am nächsten Morgen will Chris unbedingt zu Luke um mit ihm zu reden, weil er irgendwie immer zw ihnen stehen würde... das kam mir ein bisschen merkwürdig vor... Unsure
Was ich richtig klasse fand, war als die beiden Gilmores das Tagebuch von Chris lasen!!!^^ Und das mit der Locke, die er aufbewart hat war einfach nur süß!!!!
Luke und Lorelai waren also mal verheiratet... (übrigends fand ich das Flaschback ganz am Schluss echt super, auch wenn ich kein JJ bin! Da hat man endlich erfahren wie das "damals" abgelaufen ist!). Finds schon merkwürdig dass Lorelai Luke zur Hochzeit einlädt, dann aber nicht zu ihm Frühstücken gehen kann... Unsure
Bin ja mal gespannt ob sie Chris wirklich heiraten wird (was ich natürlich schwer hoffe! Big Grin )
So, an mehr kann ich mich im Moment nicht erinnern! Wink
Finde die FF echt spitze, und ich hoffe du nimmst es mir nicht übel, dass ich hier ziemlich viel Kritik geschrieben habe!
Mir gefällt dein Schreibstil echt gut, ist was ganz besonderes, und ich hoffe du wirst ganz fleißig weiterschreiben, dann gebe ich dir auch ganz fleißig Fb!! =)


Liebe ist ein Geschenk
verschwende keine Zeit
irgendwann ist es vielleicht zu spät!

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 07.05.2006, 12:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 07.05.2006, 14:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von CoughSweet - 07.05.2006, 17:21
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 07.05.2006, 20:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 08.05.2006, 05:35
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 08.05.2006, 18:09
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 08.05.2006, 18:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 08.05.2006, 19:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 08.05.2006, 20:35
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von CoughSweet - 08.05.2006, 20:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 08.05.2006, 21:30
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 10.05.2006, 12:34
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 11.05.2006, 17:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von CoughSweet - 11.05.2006, 17:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 11.05.2006, 19:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 11.05.2006, 20:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 12.05.2006, 22:18
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 15.05.2006, 18:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 15.05.2006, 22:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 16.05.2006, 11:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 16.05.2006, 15:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 16.05.2006, 18:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von CoughSweet - 16.05.2006, 20:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 03.06.2006, 13:13
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 03.06.2006, 17:13
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 03.06.2006, 19:02
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 03.06.2006, 21:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 04.06.2006, 13:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Floyd - 04.06.2006, 19:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 07.06.2006, 16:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 07.06.2006, 23:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 08.06.2006, 12:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 09.06.2006, 00:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.06.2006, 07:16
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.06.2006, 15:36
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.06.2006, 16:29
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 09.06.2006, 17:16
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.06.2006, 17:22
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 09.06.2006, 17:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.06.2006, 17:49
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 09.06.2006, 17:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.06.2006, 17:58
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 09.06.2006, 18:00
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 11.06.2006, 17:49
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 11.06.2006, 19:16
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 12.06.2006, 16:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 12.06.2006, 18:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 13.06.2006, 15:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 13.06.2006, 15:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 13.06.2006, 18:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 13.06.2006, 18:40
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.06.2006, 11:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 17.06.2006, 12:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 18.06.2006, 11:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 24.06.2006, 10:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 24.06.2006, 13:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 24.06.2006, 21:03
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 25.06.2006, 11:27
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 12:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 25.06.2006, 16:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 16:09
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 25.06.2006, 16:19
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 16:23
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 25.06.2006, 18:13
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 18:31
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 25.06.2006, 19:39
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 20:21
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 25.06.2006, 20:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 26.06.2006, 18:38
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 26.06.2006, 20:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 26.06.2006, 20:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 01.07.2006, 10:49
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 09.07.2006, 10:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.07.2006, 13:10
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.07.2006, 19:25
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 10.07.2006, 16:31
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 10.07.2006, 16:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 22.07.2006, 13:00
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 22.07.2006, 14:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 05.08.2006, 14:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 08.08.2006, 00:16
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 14.08.2006, 17:40
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 14.08.2006, 19:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 17.08.2006, 15:19
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 19.08.2006, 17:50
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 20.08.2006, 16:35
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 20.08.2006, 18:31
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 21.08.2006, 12:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 21.08.2006, 12:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 21.08.2006, 16:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 22.08.2006, 09:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 22.08.2006, 11:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 22.08.2006, 22:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 23.08.2006, 13:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 23.08.2006, 15:59
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 23.08.2006, 16:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 23.08.2006, 19:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 23.08.2006, 22:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 26.08.2006, 17:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 27.08.2006, 14:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 28.08.2006, 08:11
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 30.08.2006, 22:19
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 31.08.2006, 06:18
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 31.08.2006, 06:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 31.08.2006, 10:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 31.08.2006, 16:57
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 31.08.2006, 17:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 01.09.2006, 06:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 02.09.2006, 00:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 02.09.2006, 10:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 02.09.2006, 11:55
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 03.09.2006, 00:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 03.09.2006, 13:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 03.09.2006, 16:11
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 03.09.2006, 16:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 03.09.2006, 16:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 03.09.2006, 16:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 03.09.2006, 18:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.09.2006, 21:07
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 11.09.2006, 19:25
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 11.09.2006, 19:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 11.09.2006, 19:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 12.09.2006, 06:57
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 12.09.2006, 11:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 12.09.2006, 16:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 12.09.2006, 16:53
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 14.09.2006, 18:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 15.09.2006, 06:30
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 15.09.2006, 13:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 15.09.2006, 16:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 15.09.2006, 17:11
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 16.09.2006, 01:35
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 16.09.2006, 13:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 19.09.2006, 17:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 19.09.2006, 18:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 20.09.2006, 16:03
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 21.09.2006, 16:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 21.09.2006, 19:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 22.09.2006, 06:39
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 22.09.2006, 10:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 22.09.2006, 15:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 30.09.2006, 09:56
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 30.09.2006, 13:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 30.09.2006, 14:00
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 30.09.2006, 20:39
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 01.10.2006, 13:19
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 02.10.2006, 03:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 02.10.2006, 15:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 07.10.2006, 18:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 18:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 07.10.2006, 18:58
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 19:03
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 08.10.2006, 00:30
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 08.10.2006, 15:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 08.10.2006, 19:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.10.2006, 13:27
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.10.2006, 19:07
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 09.10.2006, 19:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.10.2006, 19:36
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 09.10.2006, 20:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.10.2006, 21:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von [Chiara] - 13.10.2006, 20:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 13.10.2006, 20:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 13.10.2006, 21:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 14.10.2006, 03:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 15.10.2006, 16:21
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.10.2006, 13:11
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 17.10.2006, 14:02
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 17.10.2006, 15:03
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 17.10.2006, 18:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 18.10.2006, 13:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 18.10.2006, 13:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 18.10.2006, 17:38
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 18.10.2006, 17:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 18.10.2006, 18:56
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 20:09
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 19.10.2006, 17:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 31.10.2006, 18:02
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 31.10.2006, 18:23
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 31.10.2006, 18:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 01.11.2006, 19:39
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 01.11.2006, 19:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 01.11.2006, 20:09
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 02.11.2006, 17:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 02.11.2006, 17:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 02.11.2006, 19:29
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 08.11.2006, 20:33
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 08.11.2006, 20:41
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 10.11.2006, 19:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 10.11.2006, 19:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 10.11.2006, 20:22
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 10.11.2006, 20:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 10.11.2006, 20:42
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 11.11.2006, 16:27
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 11.11.2006, 16:58
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 16.11.2006, 20:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 16.11.2006, 22:38
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 17.11.2006, 10:36
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.11.2006, 12:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 17.11.2006, 13:31
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.11.2006, 15:49
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 17.11.2006, 16:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 17.11.2006, 20:57
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.11.2006, 22:13
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 17.11.2006, 22:22
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 25.11.2006, 21:40
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.11.2006, 22:27
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 26.11.2006, 17:18
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 26.11.2006, 19:40
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 27.11.2006, 23:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 28.11.2006, 16:33
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 28.11.2006, 19:15
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 28.11.2006, 19:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 28.11.2006, 19:39

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