20.09.2006, 13:32
ok...nochma nen paar news...
irgendjemand von den Amis war mal wieder auf ner Settour in LA und hat folgende Infos...
ein neuer Raum...wofür der wohl is :confused: :confused: :confused:
irgendjemand von den Amis war mal wieder auf ner Settour in LA und hat folgende Infos...
Zitat:On the driveway to the Gilmore house new set was built and it`s a hotel room in Paris for Lorelai and Chris.
Zitat:And there was new room in the Gilmores house. And even our Guide didn`t know anything about it. He said it wasn`t there the last time he was on the set. It was a pretty big room, almost a hall.
ein neuer Raum...wofür der wohl is :confused: :confused: :confused:
Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."
♥ Bella&Edward ♥
♥ Bella&Edward ♥