Beiträge: 2.018
Themen: 5
Registriert seit: 10.05.2004
sry.. das muss jetzt sein..
meine gedanken über 3.04 (in englisch)
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SpoilerForeman is sooo not good with kids..
I kind of hoped there would be more Chase in this episode 'cause he's great with kids..
But House seems to be great with kids, too.. The kid made his first eye contact with House *squeee*
monkey see,monkey do Drugged up House LMAO You have pretty hair
And the whole "I want my carpet back"-thingie.. hilarious.. Wilsons office (weird typo..), the chapel (OMG soooo great), office space (You can't stop our love.. *still laughing*) and Cuddys office.. I just love him...
Stalker-girl kind of annoyed me.. Okay.. she was actually sick but still. she was annoying..
Wilson and Cuddy - wanna make out how could you just not like them? and Cuddy locked Stalker-girl up *lol*
Chase and Foreman on the couch and Cameron next to House?! oh please *annoyed* Could somebody just end this whole House/Cameron thing?!
Even if you find 15 minutes of free-time outside doesn't mean he spent it eating a bush *squee* Love Chase for this.. Just sounds so funny with his accent and all.
The worms in his eyes.. ewwww.. Gross!
This was the best episode of the season so far.. Don't wanna wait 4 weeks for the next episode *whines*
schaut überhaupt auÃer mir noch jemand die original-folgen?!