Against All Expectations (Literati)

schwesterchen...ich verzeih dir noch einmal*G*

danke für die widmung....du kannst immer auf mich zählen so wie ich auf dich zählen kann(man klang das nicht geil oder wat?*lach*)

es hat wohl doch nicht geklappt, dass ich als erste fb geben kann...naja...dafür durfte ich ihn ja als erste lesen
&und ich bin begeistert von den teil wie du ja schon weißt
&der song ist einfach nur genial und passt einfach perfekt...außerdem liebe ich auch die band*gemeinsamkeit*

sushi schrieb:Manchmal fingen seine Augen an zu tränen, weil er nicht zu blinzeln wagte. Er hielt so angestrengt die Augen offen, dass es schmerzte. Er konnte nicht unterscheiden, ob die Tränen daher rührten oder ob sie aufgrund der unendlichen Leere in ihm in Strömen über seine Wangen und die Bartstoppeln liefen. Wenn er sie bemerkte, die salzige Flüssigkeit, die über seine Lippen lief, wischte er sie wütend weg. Wieso heulte er hier rum, er musste doch stark sein. Dieses Rumgeheule half doch auch niemandem weiter! Doch er konnte nichts dagegen tun.
das hier ist meine ober lieblingsstelle....ich finde es einfach nur genial geschrieben und all mögliches...vor allem das mit den tränen und so*hach* du weißt ja auch selber, dass ich gerne heulszenen und regenszenen in meien ff´s miteinbaue und diese szene ist einfach nur megageil

und dann taucht auch noch dave auf <333
&dafür gibt es erst mal einen fetten knuddel *knuddel*
vor allem wie er versucht jess aufzumuntern und so
&wie er apathisch dann auf das telefon starrt,während jess duscht...bei dieser szene musste ich lachen...auch wenn der ganze teil nicht wirklich zum lachen war, aber das war einfach nur genial
&zum schluss die tollsten wort im teil...rory ist endlich aufgewacht...du weißt gar nicht, wie ich mich gefreut habe,als ich das gelesen habe

so mein liebes schwesterherz..alles in allem:ein sehr gelungener teil, mit super beschriebenen gefühlen und atmosphäre
freu mich schon auf den nächsten teil udn hoffe, dass es nicht so lange dauern wird

hab dich lieb *knuddel*
dein schwesterherz

Perfect love is rare indeed - for to be a lover will require that you continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the sensitivity of the artist, the acceptance of the saint. [Leo Buscaglia]

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 20.03.2006, 19:15
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von krümelmonster - 20.03.2006, 19:22
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von silbernerschatz - 20.03.2006, 19:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Nicky1111 - 20.03.2006, 19:35
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 20.03.2006, 19:48
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 20.03.2006, 20:12
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 20.03.2006, 20:19
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Autumn - 20.03.2006, 20:21
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *LouLou - 20.03.2006, 20:32
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 20.03.2006, 21:00
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 20.03.2006, 21:05
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 20.03.2006, 21:06
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 20.03.2006, 21:37
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Erdbeerglasur - 20.03.2006, 22:22
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 20.03.2006, 22:27
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Maxsa - 21.03.2006, 12:30
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von cherrygirl - 21.03.2006, 13:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Literati*lover - 21.03.2006, 17:45
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ~Loorie~ - 21.03.2006, 19:29
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 22.03.2006, 20:18
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 22.03.2006, 20:51
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Vereesa - 22.03.2006, 21:18
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 22.03.2006, 21:33
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 22.03.2006, 21:34
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ~Loorie~ - 22.03.2006, 21:41
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 22.03.2006, 21:44
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von krümelmonster - 22.03.2006, 22:11
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 22.03.2006, 22:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 22.03.2006, 23:20
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 22.03.2006, 23:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von silbernerschatz - 23.03.2006, 20:40
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von jutschi - 26.03.2006, 18:14
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 27.03.2006, 19:44
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 27.03.2006, 20:02
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *LouLou - 27.03.2006, 20:31
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 27.03.2006, 20:43
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 27.03.2006, 21:09
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ~Loorie~ - 27.03.2006, 21:20
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 27.03.2006, 21:36
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 28.03.2006, 14:50
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 28.03.2006, 16:55
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Literati*lover - 28.03.2006, 19:01
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von I love Milo - 29.03.2006, 14:26
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von FunnyBunny - 31.03.2006, 14:29
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von jutschi - 01.04.2006, 21:09
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von plaudertasche - 01.04.2006, 21:50
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sweety1010 - 03.04.2006, 20:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 04.04.2006, 11:54
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ajnevs04 - 04.04.2006, 12:43
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 06.04.2006, 16:25
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 06.04.2006, 16:26
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 06.04.2006, 16:43
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ajnevs04 - 06.04.2006, 16:48
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 06.04.2006, 16:53
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 06.04.2006, 16:57
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 06.04.2006, 17:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *janinegilmore* - 06.04.2006, 19:04
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sweety1010 - 07.04.2006, 14:30
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von silbernerschatz - 07.04.2006, 14:58
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von FunnyBunny - 08.04.2006, 10:59
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von jutschi - 08.04.2006, 14:35
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ~Loorie~ - 09.04.2006, 11:47
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von **Mrs.Mariano** - 09.04.2006, 12:36
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von FunnyBunny - 10.04.2006, 14:14
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 12.04.2006, 00:12
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von plaudertasche - 12.04.2006, 19:42
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 13.04.2006, 12:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 13.04.2006, 12:37
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sweety1010 - 13.04.2006, 13:56
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 13.04.2006, 18:46
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von **Mrs.Mariano** - 13.04.2006, 19:05
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *janinegilmore* - 13.04.2006, 20:25
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 13.04.2006, 23:10
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von jutschi - 14.04.2006, 10:30
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 14.04.2006, 12:29
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Therry - 14.04.2006, 12:57
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von plaudertasche - 14.04.2006, 22:11
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von FunnyBunny - 16.04.2006, 20:59
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von I love Milo - 17.04.2006, 15:12
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von silbernerschatz - 18.04.2006, 17:46
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 18.04.2006, 18:26
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 18.04.2006, 19:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 18.04.2006, 19:29
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von silbernerschatz - 18.04.2006, 19:42
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 18.04.2006, 19:45
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 18.04.2006, 19:49
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 18.04.2006, 20:27
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 18.04.2006, 21:25
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 18.04.2006, 22:33
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von I love Milo - 19.04.2006, 11:19
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 19.04.2006, 14:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 19.04.2006, 14:30
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 19.04.2006, 15:14
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 21.04.2006, 14:10
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sweety1010 - 21.04.2006, 14:19
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 21.04.2006, 14:31
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von silbernerschatz - 21.04.2006, 15:03
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 21.04.2006, 17:33
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 21.04.2006, 18:54
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 21.04.2006, 20:18
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 21.04.2006, 23:52
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 22.04.2006, 23:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 23.04.2006, 13:40
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 27.04.2006, 15:31
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 27.04.2006, 19:03
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 28.04.2006, 23:19
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 29.04.2006, 00:35
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 29.04.2006, 00:37
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von silbernerschatz - 29.04.2006, 20:39
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 29.04.2006, 21:58
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 29.04.2006, 22:54
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 29.04.2006, 23:59
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Fritzi753 - 30.04.2006, 11:40
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 30.04.2006, 18:49
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von FunnyBunny - 03.05.2006, 12:26
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 03.05.2006, 18:13
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 10.05.2006, 19:14
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 10.05.2006, 19:18
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 10.05.2006, 19:23
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 10.05.2006, 19:26
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 10.05.2006, 19:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 10.05.2006, 19:37
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 10.05.2006, 22:48
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 11.05.2006, 16:10
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von silbernerschatz - 11.05.2006, 17:21
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 14.05.2006, 03:36
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 16.05.2006, 18:44
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 16.05.2006, 18:55
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 16.05.2006, 19:00
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 16.05.2006, 19:20
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 16.05.2006, 20:37
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 16.05.2006, 22:57
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 17.05.2006, 16:10
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 19.05.2006, 14:55
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 19.05.2006, 22:37
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 19.05.2006, 22:43
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 19.05.2006, 22:53
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 19.05.2006, 22:56
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 19.05.2006, 22:57
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 19.05.2006, 23:05
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 19.05.2006, 23:26
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 19.05.2006, 23:43
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 21.05.2006, 19:06
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Jenny*GG - 22.05.2006, 17:14
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 22.05.2006, 19:30
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von silbernerschatz - 24.05.2006, 09:42
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von milo=best - 27.05.2006, 23:56
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 28.05.2006, 13:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 28.05.2006, 13:19
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 28.05.2006, 13:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 28.05.2006, 13:45
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von milo=best - 28.05.2006, 14:02
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 28.05.2006, 14:07
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 28.05.2006, 18:07
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 28.05.2006, 19:53
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 28.05.2006, 20:56
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Fritzi753 - 30.05.2006, 18:14
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 06.06.2006, 07:17
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von leighleigh - 06.06.2006, 14:04
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 07.06.2006, 22:13
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 08.06.2006, 20:59
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 11.06.2006, 20:52
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 11.06.2006, 21:03
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 11.06.2006, 21:09
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 12.06.2006, 10:58
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 12.06.2006, 12:11
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 12.06.2006, 18:08
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 12.06.2006, 18:15
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 12.06.2006, 18:53
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 12.06.2006, 21:02
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 12.06.2006, 21:27
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 12.06.2006, 21:30
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 13.06.2006, 12:18
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 13.06.2006, 16:25
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 14.06.2006, 15:01
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 14.06.2006, 15:14
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 15.06.2006, 21:43
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 15.06.2006, 22:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sweety1010 - 17.06.2006, 20:06
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 18.06.2006, 13:45
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 19.06.2006, 21:38
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 19.06.2006, 21:48
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 20.06.2006, 00:21
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 20.06.2006, 09:39
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ajnevs04 - 20.06.2006, 09:47
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 20.06.2006, 13:52
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 20.06.2006, 14:01
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 21.06.2006, 20:09
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Steffi_super_fa - 22.06.2006, 13:40
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sweety1010 - 22.06.2006, 16:26
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 25.06.2006, 13:34
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 25.06.2006, 18:07
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Fritzi753 - 25.06.2006, 20:56
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 25.06.2006, 21:13
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 25.06.2006, 23:13
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ajnevs04 - 26.06.2006, 08:23
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 26.06.2006, 13:15
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 26.06.2006, 14:48
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Colorblind - 26.06.2006, 16:15
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 26.06.2006, 16:25
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 26.06.2006, 17:34
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 26.06.2006, 17:36
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 26.06.2006, 18:32
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Fritzi753 - 26.06.2006, 18:51
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 26.06.2006, 22:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 06.07.2006, 22:23
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von FunnyBunny - 07.07.2006, 12:12
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 03.08.2006, 22:52
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 04.08.2006, 14:57
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Colorblind - 05.08.2006, 21:06
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von leighleigh - 10.08.2006, 20:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ajnevs04 - 11.08.2006, 08:54
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 12.08.2006, 11:47
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 12.08.2006, 12:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 12.08.2006, 15:55
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 12.08.2006, 18:59
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 12.08.2006, 20:32
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 14.08.2006, 14:08
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Colorblind - 14.08.2006, 18:48
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 14.08.2006, 20:42
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ajnevs04 - 15.08.2006, 12:32
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 15.08.2006, 17:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von *chrissy* - 15.08.2006, 17:42
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 15.08.2006, 20:00
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 15.08.2006, 21:09
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 15.08.2006, 21:25
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 15.08.2006, 21:27
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 15.08.2006, 21:32
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Colorblind - 15.08.2006, 21:43
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 15.08.2006, 22:38
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 16.08.2006, 10:02
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 21.08.2006, 15:43
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ajnevs04 - 22.08.2006, 09:06
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von phoe-nixe - 22.08.2006, 16:18
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 25.08.2006, 16:59
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noodle - 06.09.2006, 19:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 15.09.2006, 16:36
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 16.09.2006, 13:25
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 16.09.2006, 13:55
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 16.09.2006, 14:07
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Colorblind - 16.09.2006, 14:09
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 16.09.2006, 14:16
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 16.09.2006, 22:35
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 17.09.2006, 12:56
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 17.09.2006, 15:09
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von phoe-nixe - 17.09.2006, 23:50
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 07.10.2006, 20:47
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Colorblind - 07.10.2006, 21:19
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 07.10.2006, 22:10
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 07.10.2006, 23:31
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 08.10.2006, 13:40
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von phoe-nixe - 09.10.2006, 11:18
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von LOVE JESS - 09.10.2006, 17:46
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 09.10.2006, 18:42
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 16.10.2006, 19:04
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 16.10.2006, 19:57
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von phoe-nixe - 16.10.2006, 23:38
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 16.10.2006, 23:52
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von LOVE JESS - 17.10.2006, 13:00
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 17.10.2006, 13:47
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Colorblind - 17.10.2006, 14:13
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 17.10.2006, 15:41
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 17.10.2006, 16:40
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ajnevs04 - 19.10.2006, 16:32
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Ricola123 - 02.12.2006, 15:05
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 02.12.2006, 16:30
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 02.12.2006, 17:26
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 03.12.2006, 15:09
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 07.01.2007, 21:28
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 08.01.2007, 01:22
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Palaveri - 08.01.2007, 12:44
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 08.01.2007, 16:50
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 08.01.2007, 23:09
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 08.01.2007, 23:32
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von CandyCane91 - 08.01.2007, 23:46
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von phoe-nixe - 09.01.2007, 11:10
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ajnevs04 - 11.01.2007, 11:13
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Leniccah - 11.01.2007, 21:53
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Mery1202 - 12.01.2007, 14:42
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 28.01.2007, 18:59
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 29.01.2007, 18:39
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lydimaus - 29.01.2007, 18:50
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Tagträumerin - 29.01.2007, 19:53
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von phoe-nixe - 29.01.2007, 20:07
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von ChAoS - 29.01.2007, 22:14
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 29.01.2007, 22:42
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 30.01.2007, 17:01
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 02.02.2007, 12:57
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 02.02.2007, 16:12
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Mery1202 - 05.02.2007, 11:33
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von miniqueen - 09.02.2007, 15:26
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 03.08.2006, 01:01
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 03.08.2006, 01:12
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Lava - 03.08.2006, 01:15
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Noir-Girl - 03.08.2006, 12:10
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Chery - 03.08.2006, 14:37
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von marylou - 03.08.2006, 15:36
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von sushi - 03.08.2006, 16:21
Against All Expectations (Literati) - von Fritzi753 - 03.08.2006, 20:41

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