You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete]

So, hier erstmal Re-FB


So arm ist Lore gar nicht dran…
Der Titel des übernächsten Teiles lautet
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Aber von wem das ausgeht wirst du dann schon sehen.
Lore ist halt unentschlossen.
Sie hat Chris zwar nicht geheiratet, aber wenn sie ihn nicht lieben würde, wäre sie auch nie so weit gegangen.
Naja….ich musste ja mal wieder nen JJ-Teil bringen Wink
Und ich geh gern für dich in die Schule.


Okay, jetzt poste ich auch unregelmäßig! :lach: *bin ganz still*

Was??? Wann hab ich gesagt, dass
Show Content
Entweder es war nur aus Spaß oder um euch Angst einzujagen.
Nein, keine Angst:
Show Content


Ja, extra für dich ein Lore Teil! :biggrin:

Glaubst du echt Sookie würde in solch einem Moment sagen: „ Hey Lore, nimms nicht so schwer. Ist doch egal was mit Chris ist, du hast ihn doch eh stehen gelassen, für Luke. Lass ihn doch einfach in Ruhe und werde mit Luke glücklich“
Neee. Das würde Sookie nie machen.
Ja, okay….in der 5. Staffel ist sie wegen Luke und Lore fast durchgedreht (positiv), aber sie hatte nie wirklich was gegen Chris und will Lore einfach nur glücklich sehn!

Außerdem, ich zitier mich selbst
Me schrieb:Lore ist halt unentschlossen.
Sie hat Chris zwar nicht geheiratet, aber wenn sie ihn nicht lieben würde, wäre sie auch nie so weit gegangen.

Lore ist einfach verzweifelt.
Klar liebt sie Luke, sonst wäre sie sicher nicht von ihrer eigenen Hochzeit gegangen, zu ihm.
Aber sie liebt auch Chris, auch wenn sie nicht wirklich weiß „wie“.
Lore weiß einfach nicht weiter.
Schließlich wollte sie heiraten, doch dann ist ihr halt klar geworden, dass es nicht richtig wäre, wenn sie Gefühle für einen anderen Mann hat.

Zu Luke…(bah wenn ich schon den Namen höre XD)
Er bekommt sein Gedächtnis langsam wieder zurück, wie man dann auch im übernächsten teil merkt (ohja…da wird’s deutlich)

Ich glaub du hast en bissel Langeweile, mein Anti-Luke-JJ denken zu analysieren :biggrin: :lach:

Ich mach das echt nicht bewusst, es ist einfach in mir drinnen, dieses Anti Luke…Wink

Ja…und ich sehe es auch so…man kann nur einen Menschen richtig lieben.
Das Flashi spielt ja auch vor Luke und Lores Hochzeit (darf man nicht vergessen) und da war nichts mit Chris.
Ich muss auch ganz ehrlich sagen: Lore liebt nur Luke richtig! Und das nicht nur in der FF, sondern auch in der Serie. Das kann man einfach nicht leugnen!
Doch Chris kennt sie ihr ganzes Leben lang und sie hatte schon immer gewisse Gefühle für ihn und wird sie auch immer haben, das kann man nicht leugnen.
Außerdem fühlt sie sich gewissermaßen „schuldig“
Schließlich ruppt sich Chris, auf Deutsch, den Arsch für sie auf und sie lässt ihn vor dem Altar stehen.

Ja, danke für dein langes und gründliches FB, es hat mich in gewisser Weiße zum Nachdenken angeregt und ich hoffe, mein Re-FB hat dir auch ein wenig „geholfen“ um mansche dinge zu erklären.

Danke für euer FB
HEL :knuddel: Nächster Part kommt so in zwei Tagen…vllt. Nehme ich auch gleich zwei zusammen

Do you know the feeling of making someone happy?
How does it feel?
Relieving, good, great, fantastic, wonderful, more than wonderful. Alright.


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 07.05.2006, 12:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 07.05.2006, 14:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von CoughSweet - 07.05.2006, 17:21
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 07.05.2006, 20:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 08.05.2006, 05:35
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 08.05.2006, 18:09
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 08.05.2006, 18:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 08.05.2006, 19:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 08.05.2006, 20:35
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von CoughSweet - 08.05.2006, 20:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 08.05.2006, 21:30
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 10.05.2006, 12:34
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 11.05.2006, 17:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von CoughSweet - 11.05.2006, 17:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 11.05.2006, 19:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 11.05.2006, 20:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 12.05.2006, 22:18
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 15.05.2006, 18:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 15.05.2006, 22:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 16.05.2006, 11:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 16.05.2006, 15:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 16.05.2006, 18:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von CoughSweet - 16.05.2006, 20:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 03.06.2006, 13:13
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 03.06.2006, 17:13
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 03.06.2006, 19:02
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 03.06.2006, 21:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 04.06.2006, 13:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Floyd - 04.06.2006, 19:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 07.06.2006, 16:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 07.06.2006, 23:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 08.06.2006, 12:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 09.06.2006, 00:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.06.2006, 07:16
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.06.2006, 15:36
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.06.2006, 16:29
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 09.06.2006, 17:16
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.06.2006, 17:22
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 09.06.2006, 17:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.06.2006, 17:49
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 09.06.2006, 17:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.06.2006, 17:58
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 09.06.2006, 18:00
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 11.06.2006, 17:49
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 11.06.2006, 19:16
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 12.06.2006, 16:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 12.06.2006, 18:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 13.06.2006, 15:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 13.06.2006, 15:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 13.06.2006, 18:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 13.06.2006, 18:40
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.06.2006, 11:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 17.06.2006, 12:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 18.06.2006, 11:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 24.06.2006, 10:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 24.06.2006, 13:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 24.06.2006, 21:03
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 25.06.2006, 11:27
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 12:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 25.06.2006, 16:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 16:09
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 25.06.2006, 16:19
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 16:23
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 25.06.2006, 18:13
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 18:31
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 25.06.2006, 19:39
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.06.2006, 20:21
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 25.06.2006, 20:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 26.06.2006, 18:38
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 26.06.2006, 20:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 26.06.2006, 20:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 01.07.2006, 10:49
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 09.07.2006, 10:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.07.2006, 13:10
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.07.2006, 19:25
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 10.07.2006, 16:31
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 10.07.2006, 16:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 22.07.2006, 13:00
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 22.07.2006, 14:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 05.08.2006, 14:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 08.08.2006, 00:16
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 14.08.2006, 17:40
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 14.08.2006, 19:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Narco - 17.08.2006, 15:19
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 19.08.2006, 17:50
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 20.08.2006, 16:35
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 20.08.2006, 18:31
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 21.08.2006, 12:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 21.08.2006, 12:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 21.08.2006, 16:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 22.08.2006, 09:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 22.08.2006, 11:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 22.08.2006, 22:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 23.08.2006, 13:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 23.08.2006, 15:59
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 23.08.2006, 16:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 23.08.2006, 19:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 23.08.2006, 22:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 26.08.2006, 17:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 27.08.2006, 14:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 28.08.2006, 08:11
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 30.08.2006, 22:19
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 31.08.2006, 06:18
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 31.08.2006, 06:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 31.08.2006, 10:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 31.08.2006, 16:57
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 31.08.2006, 17:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 01.09.2006, 06:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Coco - 02.09.2006, 00:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 02.09.2006, 10:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 02.09.2006, 11:55
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 03.09.2006, 00:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 03.09.2006, 13:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 03.09.2006, 16:11
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 03.09.2006, 16:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 03.09.2006, 16:17
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 03.09.2006, 16:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 03.09.2006, 18:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.09.2006, 21:07
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 11.09.2006, 19:25
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 11.09.2006, 19:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 11.09.2006, 19:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 12.09.2006, 06:57
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 12.09.2006, 11:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 12.09.2006, 16:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 12.09.2006, 16:53
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 14.09.2006, 18:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 15.09.2006, 06:30
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 15.09.2006, 13:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 15.09.2006, 16:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 15.09.2006, 17:11
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 16.09.2006, 01:35
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 16.09.2006, 13:37
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 19.09.2006, 17:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 19.09.2006, 18:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 20.09.2006, 16:03
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 21.09.2006, 16:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 21.09.2006, 19:14
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 22.09.2006, 06:39
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 22.09.2006, 10:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 22.09.2006, 15:12
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 30.09.2006, 09:56
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 30.09.2006, 13:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 30.09.2006, 14:00
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 30.09.2006, 20:39
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 01.10.2006, 13:19
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 02.10.2006, 03:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 02.10.2006, 15:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 07.10.2006, 18:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 18:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 07.10.2006, 18:58
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 19:03
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 08.10.2006, 00:30
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 08.10.2006, 15:45
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 08.10.2006, 19:54
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.10.2006, 13:27
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.10.2006, 19:07
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 09.10.2006, 19:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 09.10.2006, 19:36
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 09.10.2006, 20:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 09.10.2006, 21:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von [Chiara] - 13.10.2006, 20:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 13.10.2006, 20:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 13.10.2006, 21:08
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 14.10.2006, 03:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 15.10.2006, 16:21
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.10.2006, 13:11
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 17.10.2006, 14:02
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 17.10.2006, 15:03
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 17.10.2006, 18:52
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 18.10.2006, 13:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 18.10.2006, 13:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 18.10.2006, 17:38
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 18.10.2006, 17:48
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 18.10.2006, 18:56
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 20:09
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 19.10.2006, 17:04
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 31.10.2006, 18:02
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 31.10.2006, 18:23
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 31.10.2006, 18:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 01.11.2006, 19:39
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 01.11.2006, 19:46
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 01.11.2006, 20:09
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 02.11.2006, 17:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 02.11.2006, 17:47
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 02.11.2006, 19:29
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 08.11.2006, 20:33
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 08.11.2006, 20:41
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 10.11.2006, 19:44
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 10.11.2006, 19:51
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 10.11.2006, 20:22
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von jeany_loverin - 10.11.2006, 20:28
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 10.11.2006, 20:42
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 11.11.2006, 16:27
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 11.11.2006, 16:58
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 16.11.2006, 20:24
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 16.11.2006, 22:38
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 17.11.2006, 10:36
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.11.2006, 12:26
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 17.11.2006, 13:31
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.11.2006, 15:49
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 17.11.2006, 16:32
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 17.11.2006, 20:57
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 17.11.2006, 22:13
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 17.11.2006, 22:22
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 25.11.2006, 21:40
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von 23 Zwerge - 25.11.2006, 22:27
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Franny - 26.11.2006, 17:18
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Cedric - 26.11.2006, 19:40
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 27.11.2006, 23:06
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 28.11.2006, 16:33
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 28.11.2006, 19:15
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Check - 28.11.2006, 19:20
You are the reason ...why I´m staying here [complete] - von Katrin - 28.11.2006, 19:39

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