I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13

so ich geb dir jetzt ENDLICH FB...bevor ich das noch länger vor mich her schieb *schäm* an manchen Tagen binich einfach SOOOOO Faul...

also ich fand den Anfang voll süß.
Wie Luke sich sorgen um Lore macht und sie gar nich mehr allein lassen will.
Is zwar schon etwas übertrieben, aber auch total knuffig!

der Flashi...
seine Mutter is erstickt...
ganz übel...
und so traurig...:heul:

im letzten Part hat mir das hier sehr gut gefallen:
Zitat:„Luke, so etwas... so etwas muss sich nicht zwangsläufig immer wieder wiederholen!
Was ist mit Autounfällen? Flugzeugabstürzen? Zugunglücken? Man kann... man kann dem Tod nirgendwo entgehen, Luke. Und Mann kann sich nicht davor schützen. Mann kann nur hoffen, dass es einen nicht zu bald und nicht zu schmerzlich ereilt.“
das gefiel mir wirklich gut.
es ist so wahr.
Dir kann immer was passieren...mein zug zur schule könnte auch montag endgleisen...es kann dich echt überall überraschen...

und was ich toll fand war das ende...das du diese tradition mit Rorys geburtstag mit aufgenommen hast!

joa mehr hab ich zu dem Kapi nich zu sagen ^^



Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 16:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lexymaus - 20.09.2006, 16:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Liongirly*84 - 20.09.2006, 16:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 20.09.2006, 16:37
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 20.09.2006, 16:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 16:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 20.09.2006, 17:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 20.09.2006, 18:29
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 20.09.2006, 20:00
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 20:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 21:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 20.09.2006, 22:05
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 22:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.09.2006, 16:31
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.09.2006, 18:05
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 21.09.2006, 18:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 21.09.2006, 19:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 21.09.2006, 19:37
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.09.2006, 21:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 22.09.2006, 16:48
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 22.09.2006, 21:03
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.09.2006, 21:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 22.09.2006, 21:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 22.09.2006, 21:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 23.09.2006, 00:57
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 23.09.2006, 08:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 23.09.2006, 10:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 23.09.2006, 11:36
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 23.09.2006, 13:49
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 23.09.2006, 15:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 23.09.2006, 22:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Emerson Rose - 24.09.2006, 14:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 24.09.2006, 15:17
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.09.2006, 16:01
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.09.2006, 18:32
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 24.09.2006, 18:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 24.09.2006, 18:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 24.09.2006, 19:10
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 24.09.2006, 19:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 24.09.2006, 20:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 25.09.2006, 14:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 25.09.2006, 14:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 25.09.2006, 15:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 25.09.2006, 15:36
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von I Love G-Girls - 25.09.2006, 15:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 25.09.2006, 17:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 25.09.2006, 18:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 25.09.2006, 18:57
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 25.09.2006, 22:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 26.09.2006, 10:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 26.09.2006, 13:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 26.09.2006, 15:13
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 26.09.2006, 17:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 26.09.2006, 20:28
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 28.09.2006, 16:02
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 28.09.2006, 16:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 28.09.2006, 16:29
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 28.09.2006, 16:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 28.09.2006, 17:16
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 28.09.2006, 18:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 29.09.2006, 15:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 29.09.2006, 16:11
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 29.09.2006, 16:16
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 29.09.2006, 19:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 20:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 07.10.2006, 21:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 08.10.2006, 16:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 08.10.2006, 16:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 08.10.2006, 17:03
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 08.10.2006, 17:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 08.10.2006, 17:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 08.10.2006, 18:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 17.10.2006, 21:53
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 18.10.2006, 12:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 18.10.2006, 16:45
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 18.10.2006, 17:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 19:59
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 18.10.2006, 21:13
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 18.10.2006, 21:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 18.10.2006, 21:39
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 18.10.2006, 22:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 18.10.2006, 23:18
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 19.10.2006, 16:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 19.10.2006, 20:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 19.10.2006, 20:10
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 19.10.2006, 22:00
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 19.10.2006, 22:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 19.10.2006, 22:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.10.2006, 12:54
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 20.10.2006, 17:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 21.10.2006, 21:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.10.2006, 21:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 22.10.2006, 13:31
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.10.2006, 16:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 24.10.2006, 18:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.10.2006, 18:22
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 24.10.2006, 18:49
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 28.10.2006, 15:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 28.10.2006, 15:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 28.10.2006, 15:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 28.10.2006, 17:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 28.10.2006, 17:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 28.10.2006, 18:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 28.10.2006, 21:10
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 28.10.2006, 21:28
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 04.11.2006, 13:00
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 13:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 04.11.2006, 15:22
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 15:30
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 04.11.2006, 15:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 04.11.2006, 16:29
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 04.11.2006, 18:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 18:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 19:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 04.11.2006, 20:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 04.11.2006, 20:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 04.11.2006, 21:03
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 21:38
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 05.11.2006, 14:16
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:59
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 06.11.2006, 22:01
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 06.11.2006, 22:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 06.12.2006, 14:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Jeanie - 19.12.2006, 16:31
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.12.2006, 15:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.12.2006, 22:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.12.2006, 22:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 21.12.2006, 22:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.12.2006, 00:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 22.12.2006, 00:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.12.2006, 19:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 22.12.2006, 21:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 22.12.2006, 21:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 23.12.2006, 00:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 23.12.2006, 21:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 23.12.2006, 21:53
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 23.12.2006, 21:59
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 23.12.2006, 22:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 23.12.2006, 23:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 24.12.2006, 11:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.12.2006, 14:49
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 24.12.2006, 15:57
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 26.12.2006, 11:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Jeanie - 26.12.2006, 19:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 06.01.2007, 17:56
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 06.01.2007, 18:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 06.01.2007, 19:41
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 06.01.2007, 21:24
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 07.01.2007, 01:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Jeanie - 07.01.2007, 17:48
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 08.01.2007, 00:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 08.01.2007, 21:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 09.01.2007, 18:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.01.2007, 19:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 24.01.2007, 20:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 25.01.2007, 17:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 25.01.2007, 22:03
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 25.01.2007, 23:38
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Palaveri - 27.01.2007, 00:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cameron - 27.01.2007, 17:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 27.01.2007, 22:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 27.01.2007, 22:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Palaveri - 27.01.2007, 22:41
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 07.02.2007, 18:11
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 10.02.2007, 20:56
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 10.02.2007, 23:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 10.02.2007, 23:54
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 02.05.2007, 22:02
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 03.05.2007, 16:19
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.05.2007, 21:28
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 06.05.2007, 18:38
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 30.07.2007, 19:21
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.08.2007, 14:00
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Piper H. - 04.08.2007, 21:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 05.08.2007, 17:21
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 05.08.2007, 20:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 05.08.2007, 21:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von LGforever - 06.08.2007, 14:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 30.12.2008, 19:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~°~°®°~°~ - 31.12.2008, 02:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 03.01.2009, 00:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von mybom - 15.04.2009, 14:56
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 22.04.2009, 10:16
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 16.10.2011, 16:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 16.10.2011, 19:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 16.10.2011, 19:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 16.10.2011, 22:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 17.10.2011, 14:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 17.10.2011, 17:10
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 17.10.2011, 17:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 17.10.2011, 17:21
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 17.10.2011, 17:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 18.10.2011, 09:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 18.10.2011, 13:05
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 18.10.2011, 17:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 18.10.2011, 19:51
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 19.10.2011, 13:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 19.10.2011, 18:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 19.10.2011, 19:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 19.10.2011, 20:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 20.10.2011, 12:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 20.10.2011, 17:53
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.10.2011, 23:32
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 21.10.2011, 13:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.10.2011, 13:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.10.2011, 19:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 21.10.2011, 20:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.10.2011, 20:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 22.10.2011, 09:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 22.10.2011, 16:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.10.2011, 18:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 22.10.2011, 19:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.10.2011, 19:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von eleliasiz - 22.10.2011, 23:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 22.10.2011, 23:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 23.10.2011, 13:39
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 24.10.2011, 13:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.10.2011, 13:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 24.10.2011, 13:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.10.2011, 14:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 24.10.2011, 14:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 24.10.2011, 15:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.10.2011, 15:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 24.10.2011, 17:36
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 24.10.2011, 19:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von apogaloek - 25.10.2011, 11:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 25.10.2011, 13:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 25.10.2011, 13:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 25.10.2011, 17:21
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 25.10.2011, 21:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 26.10.2011, 19:17
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 26.10.2011, 21:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 26.10.2011, 21:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 27.10.2011, 00:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 27.10.2011, 23:05
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 28.10.2011, 10:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 28.10.2011, 16:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 28.10.2011, 19:11
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von sweetGilmore - 30.10.2011, 11:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Luna_Bezi - 03.11.2011, 10:13

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