FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever

Hi ihr alle!

Also die Blockade ist jetzt weg! *freu* Wink Und ich bin schon fleißig am schreiben! Und was ich euch schonmal verraten kann :

Jess hat ...................... nein das sag ich euch lieber noch nicht! Wink

Aber eins kann ich euch doch schonmal verraten: Georgia wird in diesem Teil mitspielen!
Falls einige von euch ne gedächnislücke haben sollten:

Georgia ist Rory´s kleine Schwester! Aber die kleine wird nicht sehr viel sagen, außer "brablbrabl" und ähm "brablbrabl" ! :lach:

also habt noch etwas gedult. Nächste Woche schreibe ich Mathe nach und da muss ich natürlich auchnoch für lernen. Aber ich verspreche jetzt hier und jetzt ......... ach lieber nicht. Sonst seid ihr noch alle ganz dolle böse auf mich, wenn ich doch nicht fertig geworden bin! Wink

Also ich lass die Tasten jetzt mal wieder qualmen!


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 10.11.2004, 21:03
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von ninchen090 - 10.11.2004, 21:13
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von LuckyDucky - 10.11.2004, 21:20
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 10.11.2004, 21:41
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 10.11.2004, 21:56
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 10.11.2004, 22:00
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 10.11.2004, 22:12
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Betti - 10.11.2004, 22:31
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 10.11.2004, 22:43
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *Triki* - 10.11.2004, 23:18
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von ninchen090 - 11.11.2004, 15:48
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von LuckyDucky - 11.11.2004, 16:24
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 11.11.2004, 17:01
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 11.11.2004, 17:17
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 11.11.2004, 18:33
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Dark Angel - 11.11.2004, 18:39
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von schokihaeschen - 11.11.2004, 19:41
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Josefine - 11.11.2004, 21:39
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von TheClash - 12.11.2004, 01:24
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 12.11.2004, 07:49
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 13.11.2004, 14:01
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 13.11.2004, 14:18
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von ninchen090 - 13.11.2004, 14:32
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von schokihaeschen - 13.11.2004, 14:49
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Flora - 13.11.2004, 19:46
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *GGLOVE* - 14.11.2004, 19:27
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 14.11.2004, 21:00
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *GGLOVE* - 14.11.2004, 21:32
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Josefine - 14.11.2004, 21:48
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 14.11.2004, 22:46
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 15.11.2004, 14:38
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *GGLOVE* - 15.11.2004, 16:10
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 15.11.2004, 16:27
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 15.11.2004, 17:50
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 15.11.2004, 18:41
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 15.11.2004, 19:26
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 15.11.2004, 19:54
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 15.11.2004, 20:03
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 15.11.2004, 20:53
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 16.11.2004, 17:00
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 16.11.2004, 18:34
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 16.11.2004, 22:52
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 16.11.2004, 22:54
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 17.11.2004, 17:59
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 17.11.2004, 18:09
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von mAng0 - 17.11.2004, 18:24
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 17.11.2004, 18:30
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 17.11.2004, 20:49
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 19.11.2004, 17:31
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 19.11.2004, 17:37
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Selene - 19.11.2004, 17:57
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Dark Angel - 19.11.2004, 18:00
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 19.11.2004, 18:37
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 19.11.2004, 22:33
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von larissa12321 - 20.11.2004, 12:33
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Dark Angel - 20.11.2004, 12:54
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 20.11.2004, 14:12
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 22.11.2004, 21:11
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 22.11.2004, 21:16
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 22.11.2004, 21:28
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 23.11.2004, 19:09
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 26.11.2004, 22:24
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 28.11.2004, 15:56
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 28.11.2004, 18:24
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 28.11.2004, 19:24
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 28.11.2004, 23:56
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von green day - 30.11.2004, 21:31
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 30.11.2004, 22:34
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 30.11.2004, 22:45
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 30.11.2004, 22:51
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von green day - 30.11.2004, 23:56
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 01.12.2004, 00:01
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von green day - 01.12.2004, 00:02
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 04.12.2004, 16:09
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 04.12.2004, 16:13
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von green day - 04.12.2004, 20:30
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 04.12.2004, 22:00
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fienchen - 07.12.2004, 18:26
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 07.12.2004, 19:07
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 07.12.2004, 19:16
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 07.12.2004, 19:50
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 07.12.2004, 19:52
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 07.12.2004, 19:57
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 07.12.2004, 20:01
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 07.12.2004, 20:05
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 07.12.2004, 20:06
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Searsha - 07.12.2004, 20:08
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 07.12.2004, 20:11
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 07.12.2004, 20:14
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 07.12.2004, 20:27
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 07.12.2004, 20:33
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 07.12.2004, 20:38
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 07.12.2004, 22:53
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 07.12.2004, 22:57
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 07.12.2004, 22:59
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 07.12.2004, 23:01
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 07.12.2004, 23:11
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 07.12.2004, 23:12
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 07.12.2004, 23:15
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 07.12.2004, 23:28
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 08.12.2004, 11:49
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 08.12.2004, 16:34
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 08.12.2004, 16:36
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 08.12.2004, 17:33
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 08.12.2004, 19:33
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 08.12.2004, 19:54
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von ordinary day - 08.12.2004, 20:15
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 08.12.2004, 21:48
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Dark Angel - 08.12.2004, 22:25
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 14.12.2004, 17:30
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 14.12.2004, 18:06
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 14.12.2004, 18:09
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 14.12.2004, 18:11
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *Julä* - 14.12.2004, 18:20
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 14.12.2004, 18:42
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 14.12.2004, 19:32
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 14.12.2004, 19:39
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 14.12.2004, 19:48
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 14.12.2004, 19:49
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Sky Angel - 14.12.2004, 19:53
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 15.12.2004, 16:11
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 15.12.2004, 16:16
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 15.12.2004, 16:20
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Stars_Hollow - 15.12.2004, 16:30
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *lane* - 23.12.2004, 17:05
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von larissa12321 - 27.12.2004, 22:12
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Blume333 - 06.01.2005, 20:43
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Princetongirl - 07.01.2005, 19:48
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 07.01.2005, 20:58
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *jule* - 08.01.2005, 17:53
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 08.01.2005, 18:23
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Jeory - 08.01.2005, 18:36
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von *jule* - 08.01.2005, 20:40
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Kizz - 08.01.2005, 20:43
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von jutschi - 09.01.2005, 16:38
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fienchen - 09.01.2005, 21:05
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 06.07.2005, 03:32
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von MaraMariano - 08.07.2005, 23:38
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Lava - 09.07.2005, 13:27
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Chery - 09.07.2005, 14:15
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Nani**** - 09.07.2005, 16:38
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Jule13 - 10.07.2005, 00:12
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von silbernerschatz - 10.07.2005, 00:37
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 10.07.2005, 01:38
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von DependentOfGG - 10.07.2005, 10:31
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von jutschi - 10.07.2005, 17:02
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von fantasticGG - 10.07.2005, 18:06
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 11.07.2005, 23:38
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Chery - 12.07.2005, 00:12
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 12.07.2005, 01:42
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 17.07.2005, 17:39
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 24.08.2005, 21:10
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von ***jojo*** - 26.08.2005, 14:26
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 27.08.2005, 00:52
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von ***jojo*** - 27.08.2005, 18:43
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 29.08.2005, 18:02
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von ***jojo*** - 29.08.2005, 19:01
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 06.09.2005, 17:51
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Micki - 06.09.2005, 20:05
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 27.10.2005, 19:45
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Chery - 27.10.2005, 22:49
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Jule13 - 28.10.2005, 00:30
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 28.10.2005, 12:36
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von ***jojo*** - 28.10.2005, 19:19
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 06.05.2006, 01:21
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Fauna - 06.05.2006, 11:43
FF - Rory and Jess – their love will be forever - von Chery - 06.05.2006, 15:51

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