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Band 2 - HP und die Kammer des Schreckens
Band 3 - HP und der Gefangende von Askaban
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Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore

also langsam nervt mich JKRs nachgeschobene interview-taktik, nach dem dürftigen epilog. sie hat uns soviel zu erzählen, scheinbar kommt sie selbst etwas durcheinanderUnsure

beim bloomsbury-chat sagt sie über die berufswahl des trios (mit besonderem augenmerk auf ron) dies

Zitat:Blodeuwedd: Hi jk, first of all thank you for all the books I have enjoyed each and every one of them could you tell us what professions Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna go on to have did the trio do their final year at school and take their newts?
J.K. Rowling: Thank you! I’ve already answered about Hermione. Kingsley became permanent Minister for Magic, and naturally he wanted Harry to head up his new Auror department. Harry did so (just because Voldemort was gone, it didn’t mean that there would not be other Dark witches and wizards in the coming years). Ron joined George at Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes, which became an enormous money-spinner... After a few years as a celebrated player for the Holyhead Harpies, Ginny retired to have her family and to become the Senior Quidditch correspondent at the Daily Prophet!
zur untermauerung

Zitat:Camille: How is George getting along without his twin?
J.K. Rowling: Well, I don’t think that George would ever get over losing Fred, which makes me feel so sad. However, he names his first child and son Fred, and he goes on to have a very successful career, helped by good old Ron.
und auf www.harrypotter-xperts, gibts ein, mittlerweile übersetztes, interview indem sie folgendes sagt:
Zitat:Um auf seinen Beruf zu kommen arbeitet Harry gemeinsam mit Ron im Aurorenbüro im Zaubereiministerium. Nach all den Jahren ist Harry nun der Abteilungsleiter.

"Harry und Ron haben das Aurorenbüro völlig revolutioniert", sagt Rowling. "Sie sind nun die Experten. Es zählt nicht, wie alt sie sind, oder was sie sonst gemacht haben."

im chat sagt sie folgendes über luna

Zitat:Alicepie: What happend to Luna, did she get married who to?
J.K. Rowling: She ended up marrying (rather later than Harry & co) a fellow naturalist and grandson of the great Newt Scamander (Rolf)!
im interview, veröffentlicht bei den xperts, nimmt sie stellung zum pairing luna / neville

Zitat:Luna und Neville Longbottom?
Es ist möglich, dass sich Luna auch in ein weiteres Mitglied der DA verliebt hat.

Als sie vor einigen Jahren das erste Mal über die Möglichkeit gefragt wurde, ob Luna mit Neville Longbottom zusammenkommen könnte, war Rowlings Antwort: "Bestimmt nicht" Doch im Laufe der Zeit, als sie ihre Figuren aufwachsen sah, begann Rowling, zwischen dem ungewöhnlichen Paar "etwas Anziehkraft zu spüren."

Zu guter Letzt hat Rowling die Frage ihrer Beziehung am Ende des Buches offen gelassen, denn alles andere hätte sich "zu gepflegt angefühlt."

was letztendlich stimmt, weiss wohl nur sie selbst! wenn sie den lesern diese informationen nun nachträglich mitteilen möchte, soll sie, aber einheitlich sollten diese [informationen] dann sein!
es ist müssig, alles auseinanderzuhalten- JKR! notizen könnten helfen!

.the more i see the less i know.
.the more i like to let it go.


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessy01 - 10.11.2004, 02:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MissLilli - 10.11.2004, 03:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CMM - 10.11.2004, 08:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MissLilli - 10.11.2004, 08:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CMM - 10.11.2004, 08:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LaurenFan - 10.11.2004, 12:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CMM - 10.11.2004, 15:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 10.11.2004, 15:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 10.11.2004, 15:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von .:Lory:. - 10.11.2004, 19:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Floyd - 10.11.2004, 19:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LaurenFan - 10.11.2004, 19:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von tinch - 10.11.2004, 22:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Leon - 10.11.2004, 23:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 11.11.2004, 14:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kristina - 11.11.2004, 18:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 11.11.2004, 20:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lila - 11.11.2004, 20:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessy01 - 11.11.2004, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von anne2004 - 11.11.2004, 20:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Piper89 - 13.11.2004, 12:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ninchen090 - 14.11.2004, 11:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jewel - 14.11.2004, 13:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~°Josie°~ - 14.11.2004, 14:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 14.11.2004, 14:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LORY - 14.11.2004, 18:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von chrissel - 14.11.2004, 18:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Alyssa - 14.11.2004, 21:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Bekky - 18.11.2004, 23:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Mellissa - 21.11.2004, 16:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Gelini - 21.11.2004, 17:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *kruemmel* - 21.11.2004, 17:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *janinegilmore* - 21.11.2004, 23:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Bernikatzi - 25.11.2004, 12:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Paya243 - 28.11.2004, 13:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *kruemmel* - 28.11.2004, 13:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von sassi - 29.11.2004, 20:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von mr.jackson - 29.11.2004, 20:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ninchen090 - 30.11.2004, 19:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 30.11.2004, 20:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Chad M. Fan - 01.12.2004, 19:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ***Nati*** - 01.12.2004, 22:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von IceQueen - 13.02.2005, 22:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 01.06.2007, 21:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 01.06.2007, 22:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 01.06.2007, 23:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 02.06.2007, 00:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 02.06.2007, 10:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fritzi753 - 02.06.2007, 10:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 02.06.2007, 10:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 02.06.2007, 10:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 02.06.2007, 10:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 02.06.2007, 14:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Abby - 02.06.2007, 18:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 02.06.2007, 18:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 02.06.2007, 21:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 03.06.2007, 10:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 03.06.2007, 17:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 03.06.2007, 17:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 03.06.2007, 17:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 03.06.2007, 17:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 03.06.2007, 17:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 03.06.2007, 18:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Tesa - 03.06.2007, 19:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 03.06.2007, 19:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 03.06.2007, 19:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Stephan_vbulletin3_import1 - 03.06.2007, 20:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von VannyH - 03.06.2007, 20:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 03.06.2007, 23:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 03.06.2007, 23:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 04.06.2007, 08:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 04.06.2007, 10:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 04.06.2007, 12:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Tesa - 04.06.2007, 13:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 04.06.2007, 14:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 04.06.2007, 16:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 04.06.2007, 17:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 04.06.2007, 17:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 04.06.2007, 22:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 05.06.2007, 12:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 05.06.2007, 13:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 05.06.2007, 14:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 05.06.2007, 15:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 05.06.2007, 16:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 05.06.2007, 16:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 05.06.2007, 16:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 05.06.2007, 16:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 05.06.2007, 16:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 05.06.2007, 16:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 05.06.2007, 17:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 05.06.2007, 18:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 05.06.2007, 18:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 05.06.2007, 18:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 05.06.2007, 19:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 05.06.2007, 21:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 06.06.2007, 11:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 06.06.2007, 11:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 06.06.2007, 11:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 06.06.2007, 12:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 06.06.2007, 12:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 06.06.2007, 17:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 06.06.2007, 18:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 06.06.2007, 18:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Tesa - 06.06.2007, 19:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 07.06.2007, 00:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 07.06.2007, 01:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SherlyFleischer - 08.06.2007, 06:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 08.06.2007, 11:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 09.06.2007, 12:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 09.06.2007, 12:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 09.06.2007, 17:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MiloAlexisFan - 09.06.2007, 20:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von <3Lory<3 - 10.06.2007, 00:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 10.06.2007, 02:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 10.06.2007, 10:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 10.06.2007, 20:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 12.06.2007, 18:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 13.06.2007, 13:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 13.06.2007, 16:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 13.06.2007, 16:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 13.06.2007, 17:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 13.06.2007, 19:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 13.06.2007, 20:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 13.06.2007, 21:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 14.06.2007, 18:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 14.06.2007, 22:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 15.06.2007, 20:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 16.06.2007, 09:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 21.06.2007, 18:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 21.06.2007, 19:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryHuntzberger - 21.06.2007, 20:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 22.06.2007, 14:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 22.06.2007, 20:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryHuntzberger - 22.06.2007, 21:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 23.06.2007, 12:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 23.06.2007, 13:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 23.06.2007, 13:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von VannyH - 23.06.2007, 14:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 23.06.2007, 16:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 23.06.2007, 16:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 23.06.2007, 16:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.06.2007, 16:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 24.06.2007, 16:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.06.2007, 16:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.06.2007, 17:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 25.06.2007, 12:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 25.06.2007, 15:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 25.06.2007, 16:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 25.06.2007, 18:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 25.06.2007, 18:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 25.06.2007, 21:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 25.06.2007, 23:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 26.06.2007, 12:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 26.06.2007, 18:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 26.06.2007, 18:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 26.06.2007, 18:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 26.06.2007, 18:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 26.06.2007, 18:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 27.06.2007, 10:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 27.06.2007, 10:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von karana - 27.06.2007, 11:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 27.06.2007, 13:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 27.06.2007, 14:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 27.06.2007, 14:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 27.06.2007, 16:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 18:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 18:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 27.06.2007, 18:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 27.06.2007, 18:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 19:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 19:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 27.06.2007, 19:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 20:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 29.06.2007, 13:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 29.06.2007, 13:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 29.06.2007, 16:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 29.06.2007, 16:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 01.07.2007, 21:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 08.07.2007, 12:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 08.07.2007, 13:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 08.07.2007, 20:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 08.07.2007, 22:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 09.07.2007, 18:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 09.07.2007, 19:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 09.07.2007, 19:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 09.07.2007, 19:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 09.07.2007, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 09.07.2007, 20:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 09.07.2007, 20:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 09.07.2007, 21:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 11.07.2007, 17:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 11.07.2007, 18:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 11.07.2007, 18:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von dragonfly24 - 12.07.2007, 18:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 12.07.2007, 18:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 12.07.2007, 18:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von lila lila - 13.07.2007, 10:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von dragonfly24 - 13.07.2007, 11:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 14.07.2007, 13:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 14.07.2007, 13:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 14.07.2007, 13:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 14.07.2007, 14:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 14.07.2007, 16:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 14.07.2007, 18:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 14.07.2007, 18:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 14.07.2007, 19:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 14.07.2007, 19:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 14.07.2007, 19:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 14.07.2007, 19:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 14.07.2007, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 14.07.2007, 20:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 14.07.2007, 20:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 14.07.2007, 20:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.07.2007, 12:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 15.07.2007, 13:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.07.2007, 13:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 15.07.2007, 14:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 15.07.2007, 14:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.07.2007, 16:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 16.07.2007, 19:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 16.07.2007, 19:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 16.07.2007, 19:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 17.07.2007, 12:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 17.07.2007, 12:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 17.07.2007, 13:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 17.07.2007, 20:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 17.07.2007, 20:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 17.07.2007, 20:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 17.07.2007, 21:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 19.07.2007, 09:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *chrissie* - 19.07.2007, 09:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 19.07.2007, 10:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von 23 Zwerge - 19.07.2007, 12:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 14:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 19.07.2007, 14:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 14:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 19.07.2007, 14:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 19.07.2007, 16:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kiki1413 - 19.07.2007, 16:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 19.07.2007, 18:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 19.07.2007, 18:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 18:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 19.07.2007, 18:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 19.07.2007, 19:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 19:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 19.07.2007, 19:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 19.07.2007, 19:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 19.07.2007, 19:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 19:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 20.07.2007, 00:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 20.07.2007, 02:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 10:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 20.07.2007, 11:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 11:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 20.07.2007, 11:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CoughSweet - 20.07.2007, 11:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 20.07.2007, 11:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 14:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 20.07.2007, 14:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 20.07.2007, 14:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 20.07.2007, 14:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 20.07.2007, 14:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 20.07.2007, 14:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 20.07.2007, 15:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lava - 20.07.2007, 15:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 20.07.2007, 15:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 20.07.2007, 16:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 20.07.2007, 16:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 17:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 17:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 20.07.2007, 18:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 20.07.2007, 18:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 18:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 20.07.2007, 18:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 18:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 20.07.2007, 19:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 20.07.2007, 19:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 20.07.2007, 19:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 20.07.2007, 19:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 19:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 20.07.2007, 20:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 20.07.2007, 20:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 20:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 20.07.2007, 20:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 20.07.2007, 20:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 20.07.2007, 20:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 20.07.2007, 20:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 20.07.2007, 20:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 20:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 20.07.2007, 20:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 20.07.2007, 20:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 20.07.2007, 20:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 20.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 20.07.2007, 20:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 20.07.2007, 20:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 20:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 20.07.2007, 21:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 20.07.2007, 22:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 22:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 20.07.2007, 23:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 21.07.2007, 00:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 21.07.2007, 01:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 21.07.2007, 08:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 08:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 21.07.2007, 10:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 11:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 21.07.2007, 11:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 11:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 12:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 12:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 13:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KleineMichi - 21.07.2007, 14:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 21.07.2007, 14:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Zaubermaus - 21.07.2007, 14:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MiloAlexisFan - 21.07.2007, 14:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fritzi753 - 21.07.2007, 15:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 21.07.2007, 17:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 17:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.07.2007, 18:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 18:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.07.2007, 19:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 19:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 21.07.2007, 20:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 21.07.2007, 20:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 20:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 20:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 21:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 21:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 21:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 21.07.2007, 22:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 22:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 21.07.2007, 23:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 00:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 22.07.2007, 00:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 22.07.2007, 01:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 22.07.2007, 01:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 06:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 22.07.2007, 07:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 22.07.2007, 09:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 10:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kiki1413 - 22.07.2007, 10:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MaryKris - 22.07.2007, 11:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 11:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 22.07.2007, 12:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MaryKris - 22.07.2007, 12:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 22.07.2007, 15:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lava - 22.07.2007, 17:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 18:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 22.07.2007, 18:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 18:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 18:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 18:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 22.07.2007, 18:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 18:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 22.07.2007, 18:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 18:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 22.07.2007, 18:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 18:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 22.07.2007, 19:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 19:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 19:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 20:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 20:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 20:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 22.07.2007, 20:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 20:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 22.07.2007, 20:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 20:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 20:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 22.07.2007, 20:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 21:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 21:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 21:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 21:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 21:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 21:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 21:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 21:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 22.07.2007, 22:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 22:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 23.07.2007, 07:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 09:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 23.07.2007, 11:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 13:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 13:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 14:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 14:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 23.07.2007, 15:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von charma77 - 23.07.2007, 15:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 15:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 23.07.2007, 15:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 23.07.2007, 15:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lava - 23.07.2007, 15:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 15:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 23.07.2007, 16:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 17:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 23.07.2007, 18:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 18:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 23.07.2007, 18:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 19:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 23.07.2007, 20:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 20:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *mija* - 23.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 20:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 23.07.2007, 20:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 21:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 23.07.2007, 21:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 21:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 23.07.2007, 21:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 23.07.2007, 21:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 22:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 22:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 23.07.2007, 22:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 23:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 23:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 24.07.2007, 01:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 10:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 24.07.2007, 10:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 24.07.2007, 10:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 11:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 24.07.2007, 11:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 11:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 24.07.2007, 11:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von schnuffeline - 24.07.2007, 11:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 24.07.2007, 13:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 24.07.2007, 14:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 24.07.2007, 14:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 24.07.2007, 15:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 24.07.2007, 15:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lava - 24.07.2007, 16:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 24.07.2007, 16:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 24.07.2007, 16:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 24.07.2007, 18:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 18:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 24.07.2007, 19:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 24.07.2007, 19:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 20:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 24.07.2007, 20:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 21:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 24.07.2007, 23:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kiki1413 - 24.07.2007, 23:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Zaubermaus - 25.07.2007, 00:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 25.07.2007, 00:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Floyd - 25.07.2007, 09:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 25.07.2007, 11:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 25.07.2007, 11:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 25.07.2007, 12:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 25.07.2007, 12:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 25.07.2007, 13:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 25.07.2007, 15:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 25.07.2007, 16:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 25.07.2007, 19:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 20:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 25.07.2007, 20:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 25.07.2007, 20:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 25.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 25.07.2007, 20:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 20:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 25.07.2007, 21:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 21:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 25.07.2007, 21:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 21:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 25.07.2007, 21:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 25.07.2007, 22:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 22:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 25.07.2007, 23:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Luna_Bezi - 26.07.2007, 07:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 26.07.2007, 09:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lux - 26.07.2007, 10:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 26.07.2007, 12:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 26.07.2007, 12:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von FunnyBunny - 26.07.2007, 13:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 26.07.2007, 14:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von -Ace- - 26.07.2007, 14:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von VannyH - 26.07.2007, 14:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von -Ace- - 26.07.2007, 14:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 26.07.2007, 15:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von sassi - 26.07.2007, 16:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 26.07.2007, 17:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von BoOks-4ever - 26.07.2007, 17:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 26.07.2007, 18:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 26.07.2007, 20:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von silentmovie - 26.07.2007, 20:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 26.07.2007, 21:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 26.07.2007, 22:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 26.07.2007, 22:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 26.07.2007, 23:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 26.07.2007, 23:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 27.07.2007, 07:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.07.2007, 11:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 27.07.2007, 16:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 27.07.2007, 16:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 27.07.2007, 21:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 27.07.2007, 22:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 27.07.2007, 22:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 27.07.2007, 22:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 27.07.2007, 22:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 27.07.2007, 22:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 27.07.2007, 23:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 28.07.2007, 02:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 28.07.2007, 09:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 28.07.2007, 10:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 28.07.2007, 10:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 28.07.2007, 13:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 14:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 28.07.2007, 14:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 28.07.2007, 14:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 14:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 28.07.2007, 15:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 15:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 28.07.2007, 15:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 15:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 28.07.2007, 17:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 28.07.2007, 17:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 28.07.2007, 17:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 28.07.2007, 20:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 28.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 22:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von lila lila - 28.07.2007, 22:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 28.07.2007, 22:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 28.07.2007, 22:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 22:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 28.07.2007, 23:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 01:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 29.07.2007, 01:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 01:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 29.07.2007, 10:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 29.07.2007, 11:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 29.07.2007, 12:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 29.07.2007, 12:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 12:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von -Ace- - 29.07.2007, 12:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 29.07.2007, 20:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 29.07.2007, 21:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 21:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 29.07.2007, 21:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 21:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 29.07.2007, 21:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 21:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessica - 30.07.2007, 13:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 30.07.2007, 13:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 30.07.2007, 13:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 30.07.2007, 14:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessica - 30.07.2007, 14:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 30.07.2007, 14:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 30.07.2007, 16:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessica - 30.07.2007, 18:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 30.07.2007, 18:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 30.07.2007, 23:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 31.07.2007, 00:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 31.07.2007, 01:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 31.07.2007, 10:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 31.07.2007, 11:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 31.07.2007, 14:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 31.07.2007, 15:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 31.07.2007, 15:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 31.07.2007, 18:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 01.08.2007, 10:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kate Austen - 01.08.2007, 12:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 01.08.2007, 13:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 01.08.2007, 13:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 01.08.2007, 13:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von schnuffeline - 01.08.2007, 14:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kate Austen - 01.08.2007, 14:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 01.08.2007, 14:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 01.08.2007, 14:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 01.08.2007, 15:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kate Austen - 01.08.2007, 15:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 01.08.2007, 15:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 01.08.2007, 15:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 01.08.2007, 16:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 01.08.2007, 16:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 01.08.2007, 21:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 01.08.2007, 21:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 01.08.2007, 21:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 01.08.2007, 22:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 01.08.2007, 22:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 02.08.2007, 01:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 02.08.2007, 01:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 02.08.2007, 08:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 02.08.2007, 17:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 02.08.2007, 18:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Noir-Girl - 02.08.2007, 18:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 03.08.2007, 10:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 03.08.2007, 10:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von FunnyBunny - 03.08.2007, 11:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 03.08.2007, 12:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 03.08.2007, 13:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 03.08.2007, 13:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SherlyFleischer - 04.08.2007, 13:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 04.08.2007, 13:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SherlyFleischer - 04.08.2007, 19:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 05.08.2007, 12:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SherlyFleischer - 05.08.2007, 13:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Thulchen - 05.08.2007, 23:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 06.08.2007, 00:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 06.08.2007, 00:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 06.08.2007, 00:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kleines-bienchen - 06.08.2007, 00:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 06.08.2007, 00:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 06.08.2007, 00:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 06.08.2007, 00:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 07.08.2007, 09:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 07.08.2007, 10:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 07.08.2007, 12:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 07.08.2007, 12:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von zirrussternchen - 07.08.2007, 15:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 07.08.2007, 17:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 07.08.2007, 20:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 07.08.2007, 20:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 07.08.2007, 21:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 07.08.2007, 21:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von zirrussternchen - 08.08.2007, 16:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 08.08.2007, 23:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fanny - 09.08.2007, 00:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 09.08.2007, 00:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 09.08.2007, 12:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fanny - 09.08.2007, 12:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 09.08.2007, 12:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 09.08.2007, 13:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 09.08.2007, 14:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 09.08.2007, 14:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 09.08.2007, 14:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 09.08.2007, 14:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 10.08.2007, 13:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 10.08.2007, 16:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Gin - 10.08.2007, 17:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 10.08.2007, 17:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 10.08.2007, 18:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 10.08.2007, 19:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 10.08.2007, 19:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 10.08.2007, 20:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 11.08.2007, 12:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 12.08.2007, 23:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 13.08.2007, 01:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kiki1413 - 16.08.2007, 22:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *chrissy* - 18.08.2007, 17:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 18.08.2007, 17:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 18.08.2007, 17:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 18.08.2007, 18:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 18.08.2007, 18:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 18.08.2007, 20:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 18.08.2007, 21:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 18.08.2007, 22:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 18.08.2007, 22:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 18.08.2007, 23:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.08.2007, 20:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von girl-of-roses - 22.08.2007, 11:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 26.08.2007, 15:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 26.08.2007, 23:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 27.08.2007, 09:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 27.08.2007, 12:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Rafa - 25.09.2007, 15:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 02.10.2007, 12:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von laurienschen - 03.10.2007, 15:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 03.10.2007, 15:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 04.10.2007, 17:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 20.10.2007, 14:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Stella* - 20.10.2007, 15:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 20.10.2007, 16:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.10.2007, 17:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 20.10.2007, 19:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 21.10.2007, 10:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.10.2007, 14:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 21.10.2007, 14:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.10.2007, 14:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 21.10.2007, 15:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 21.10.2007, 16:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 21.10.2007, 17:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 22.10.2007, 14:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 22.10.2007, 18:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 23.10.2007, 19:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 23.10.2007, 20:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 29.10.2007, 18:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 29.10.2007, 18:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 29.10.2007, 18:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 30.10.2007, 10:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Pinky - 30.10.2007, 20:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 31.10.2007, 00:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 31.10.2007, 08:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von -Ace- - 01.11.2007, 12:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 01.11.2007, 12:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lostie - 01.11.2007, 16:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sabi - 01.11.2007, 17:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Susi90 - 01.11.2007, 20:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 02.11.2007, 21:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lyzzy - 03.11.2007, 00:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Susi90 - 03.11.2007, 13:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Noir-Girl - 03.11.2007, 14:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 03.11.2007, 15:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 26.12.2007, 18:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 02.01.2008, 18:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 03.01.2008, 00:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 03.01.2008, 00:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 03.01.2008, 03:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 03.01.2008, 14:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 04.01.2008, 00:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 04.01.2008, 22:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 05.01.2008, 10:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 05.01.2008, 16:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 05.01.2008, 20:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fanny - 05.01.2008, 21:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 06.01.2008, 14:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fanny - 06.01.2008, 15:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 06.01.2008, 18:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 26.01.2008, 22:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 27.01.2008, 20:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 28.01.2008, 18:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Susi90 - 28.01.2008, 19:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 28.01.2008, 20:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 28.01.2008, 21:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 29.01.2008, 18:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lostie - 09.03.2008, 15:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Shopaholic - 09.03.2008, 15:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~sophie~ - 09.03.2008, 20:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 09.03.2008, 21:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~sophie~ - 09.03.2008, 22:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 12.05.2008, 18:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 12.05.2008, 18:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 12.05.2008, 18:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 12.05.2008, 18:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 12.05.2008, 19:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 12.05.2008, 21:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von 0easy0 - 12.05.2008, 21:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melitta - 12.05.2008, 23:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 13.05.2008, 09:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 13.05.2008, 10:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 13.05.2008, 11:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 13.05.2008, 16:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 13.05.2008, 18:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 13.05.2008, 18:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 13.05.2008, 21:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 13.05.2008, 21:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.05.2008, 16:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 15.05.2008, 16:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.05.2008, 16:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 15.05.2008, 17:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 15.05.2008, 17:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von 0easy0 - 15.05.2008, 23:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Liza_GG - 16.05.2008, 18:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Coffeelover - 03.06.2008, 13:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sweet-Gel - 28.06.2008, 13:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von BoOks-4ever - 10.07.2008, 22:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sweet-Gel - 14.07.2008, 13:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von sweety1010 - 13.08.2008, 00:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Locutus - 29.08.2008, 19:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 03.09.2008, 19:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 03.09.2008, 19:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 09.09.2008, 06:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 09.09.2008, 08:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melitta - 09.09.2008, 08:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 09.09.2008, 17:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Shopaholic - 09.09.2008, 20:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 28.09.2008, 10:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 19.08.2007, 00:57

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