Dirty Little Secret

@Little-Anni: Danke schön für diesen zweiten genialen kommentar Smile
Freut mich ehrlich, dass es dir so gefällt ^___^
Ich muss auch sagen, ich schreib am liebsten auf englisch, da kann ich mich irgendwie besser ausdrücken, deutsch kann manchmal sehr pathetisch klingen, find ich Big Grin
Und ja, Finn und Rory würde nie jemand kombinieren, das dachte ich mir auch (bis ich so viele ffs auf fanfiction.net über das pairing gelesen hab), aber ich mag allgemein solche ships, die niemand vermuten würde, solche von serien/filmen/büchern vorgegebenen ships find ich nach ner weile nur noch öde xDDD

@Gilmore-Mariano: Danke schön auch an dich für dein FB! Wink
Hehe, ja, ich bin momentan sehr produktiv, ist auch mal selten.. aber das muss ich jetzt mal ausnutzen bevor ich wieder wochenlang rumsitz und keine ideen habe xD
Und wie du am nächsten Kapitel sehen wirst, Rory hält es nicht mehr lange aus....^^

@alexis1002: Danke schön für deinen Kommentar! Find ich echt toll, dass meine story so gut ankommt Smile
Und stimmt, so was heimliches, irgendwie verbotenes hatte schon immer nen großen reiz auf mich, ich schreib sowas gerne Big Grin

Und hier kommt auch schon Kapitel 4!
Kleine Ergänzung zum Disclaimer: Moulin Rouge gehört Baz Luhrmann und Ewan McGregor und Nicole Kidman gehören sich selbst.
Die Filmreferenz passte einfach gut^^

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 4

How she had managed to survive all of her classes and not fall from her seat snoring, was a mystery to Rory. Yet when she entered the library to find some reading material for her next classes, she felt terribly tired. Sitting down in a quiet corner, the desk in front of her loaded with several piles of books, she leant back in the chair and sighed quietly. Looking around, she had problems to concentrate. Grabbing a book from the nearest pile, flipping it open in a desperate attempt to get rid of her exhaustion, Rory began reading.
But no words would sink in.
Groaning in frustration, she slammed the book shut again – which caused quite a noise in the silent library.
“Sorry”, she mouthed, looking around irritated.
“Don’t worry, Ace, you just woke them up again”, she heard a voice next to her.
She looked around, smiling as she recognized the blonde coming towards her.
“Hey, Logan.”
“Hey, Ace”, he said, sitting down opposite her.
“You got lost again?”, she smirked.
“Seemingly”, he admitted, looking around. “But psst, maybe nobody noticed me!”
She smiled, tilting her head, glad about this little interruption.
“So, Ace, what are you doing?”
“I’m trying to read”, she said, looking at the book piles in a mixture of frustration and guilt.
“Can’t concentrate that good lately”, she admitted.
“Maybe you need a little time-out”, he said.
‘No, I need sleep’, she thought.
“What about we go out tonight?”
‘And that’s not how I get some sleep!’, she thought with a sigh. “Yeah, sure, why not?”, she replied instead, smiling at him.
“Alright, I’ll pick you up at seven, okay?”
“Okay”, she nodded.
“Great. See you then, Ace!”
With that he got up, winked at her and vanished behind the nearest bookshelf. With Logan gone, she turned to her books again, shaking her head barely noticeable.
“And now to you guys”, she mumbled, grabbing another book.

At a little after seven, a knock echoed through her dorm. She walked to the door, already dressed for a night with Logan in a nice little dress, her coat and shoes that she soon might regret to have chosen. Opening the door, she saw a smirking Logan on the other side. He came forward immediately, kissing her hello.
“Hey to you too”, she said, after he had let go again.
“Ready?”, he asked and offered her his arm.
She nodded and hooked into his arm, pulling the door close behind her, before following him along the corridor. They spent a lovely evening together. He brought her to a nice little restaurant, they talked a lot and it felt really good to be with him again – it actually felt as if nothing ever happened between them. After the restaurant, they walked around campus for quite a while, each one having pulled an arm around the other.
“So, Ace, you still need a little sleep?”
“Hmm, actually I think sleep is slightly overrated”, she replied with a grin.
“Finn’s saying the same”, Logan chuckled.
“Is he?”, Rory asked, falling silent after that, caught inside her thoughts.
“Yeah, even though he is the one sleeping the whole day after he’s been away all night. How he still manages to not get thrown from school, I don’t know. Finn’s a miracle.”
Rory wanted to agree, but remained silent.
“You ok, Ace?”
“Yes, yes, I’m good.”
“But you’re tired. I’d better bring you back to your dorm.”
“No”, she said, honestly disagreeing. “I don’t mind walking around with you a little more.”
“Well, alright, but walking makes me tired, so, what about we find some nice place to relax?”
“Mhm, sounds good”, she said, looking at him smiling.
He returned her smile and bent down to kiss her. After that he led her into one of the dorm buildings until Rory realized which room he was taking her to. His dorm. That he shared with Finn and Colin. Oh dear.
Logan opened the door and led Rory into the room – that was packed with people.
“It’s just Monday, but they are already partying again”, he sighed, closing the door behind them. “Hey, Finn! Colin!”, he yelled over the mass of people, until his two friends appeared, each one carrying a beer. “Hey, I told you two, no parties on Mondays, okay?”
“That must have slipped our minds, mate”, Finn replied, shrugging, a smirk on his lips. That smirk immediately vanished when he noticed Rory standing next to Logan. She couldn’t look at him and stared at her shoes instead, suddenly finding them very interesting.
“Anyhow, you better tell your friends to go now”, Logan went on. “Tell them to come back tomorrow”, he added with a grin.
“Colin, those are your friends”, Finn turned to him. “Tell them to leave!”
“Those are not my friends, I don’t know even half of them!”
“Why are they here anyway?”
“How should I know? You kept the door open!”
“I did not!”
“Just tell them to leave, alright?”, Logan interrupted Colin and Finn.
“You tell them!”
“Damn it, are you two babies tonight”, he addressed his friends, rolling his eyes before turning to the nameless crowd. “Listen up everyone! Party’s over. Go find another place to drink!”
A moan went through the mass but one after another turned to leave the dorm of the three boys. After some minutes, the common room was empty again except for Logan, Colin, Finn and an awkward feeling Rory. She’d never expected to be in the same room with her two – how should she call them? Love interest? Secret? She frowned, thinking about it, causing some people to look at her in concern.
“Hey, Ace”, she heard Logan address her.
She turned to him and smiled, noticing out of the corner of her eye that Finn and Colin were now sitting on their common room couch, fighting over the remote control.
“You look really tired, you sure you want to stay over?”
“Um, yeah, why not?”, she replied, still feeling rather confused by the unexpected situation.
“Hey, do you want to watch Moulin Rouge with us? I want to see Finn cry again!”
“Hey, I was just crying about Ewan McGregor being that small next to Nicole Kidman!”
“Oh I bet you two would nevertheless make a perfect couple”, Colin mocked.
“Who? Me and Nicole?”
“No, stupid, you and Ewan!” That earned Colin a hit into the ribs.
“You want to watch Moulin Rouge, Ace?”
“Oh I love Moulin Rouge, but if you don’t want to see it, I –“
“No, no, if the lady loves the movie, than we love the movie too”, Logan replied, grinning at her, before leading her towards the couch. “Guys, make way!”
Colin and Finn slowly moved towards the end of the couch, letting Rory and Logan sit down as well. Rory felt weird sitting down between Finn and Logan, but a quick glance at Finn signalled her that he felt fine about the fact that she came here with Logan. Even though that didn’t make her feel any better. When Colin started the movie and turned off the light, she suddenly felt two hands on her knees.
Her outraged and fearful gaze met Finn who quickly removed his hand, making sure Logan hadn’t notice anything. Rory threw one last look at Finn, half sorry, half irritated, but he didn’t even reply it. The evening went past with more fights between Colin and Finn, mostly concerning Colin’s urge to make Finn cry again and Finn’s wish to see some scenes over and over. Rory didn’t seem to care about any of this; she just sat on the couch, Logan’s arm around her shoulder and watched the tragic love story on screen.
She hoped it would never end that way for her, with Logan being the Duke and Finn being Christian. How would Logan react if he would find out about her and Finn? Would he do anything to stop Finn from getting to her, like the Duke in the movie? And would Finn go crazy over his jealousy and fear of sharing her with someone else? Or would they switch roles and both suffer from jealously and fight each other? And what was her part in that story? Would she die at the end, like Satine?
“Sometimes I wish I could sing like that”, she just heard Colin say.
“You don’t! Besides, that wouldn’t change anything about you, not to say, it would make you even scarier!”
“I am scary? Who said I am scary?”
“Oh I know a lot of girls saying that about you!”
“You know, I can’t remember names, Colin!”
“Whatever. I mean, come on, Ewan can do it as well – and he got the girl!”
“He did not, she died!”
“Tragic, isn’t it?”
“Hey, Ace, wake up, the movie’s over”, she heard Logan’s voice from far away.
She slowly looked around, blinking. The TV was blank again and so was the couch, Colin and Finn apparently gone already.
“Should I bring you to your dorm or do you want to stay over?”, Logan just asked, jerking her awake immediately. Was he just asking her to stay over night? It happened not really often that she would see him in the morning after spending the night at his place. She just had to agree, no matter what other reasons might wanted her to go to her own dorm.
“I’d love to stay here”, she said quietly, smiling at him, before he pulled her closer to him, kissing her and embracing her tightly. She leant her head against his shoulder, pulling her arms around his waist, looking up just in time, to see Finn coming from the bathroom, heading to his room, just wearing boxer shorts. Their gazes met and suddenly Rory felt guilty for lying in Logan’s arms – and not in his.
She watched him breaking their gaze and vanishing inside his room. She suddenly felt the urge to follow him, yet she recalled in whose bed she was supposed to sleep tonight. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore her rising feelings for Finn. Just in time for Logan to let go of her. He looked at her with a smile on his face. Grabbing her hand, he led her into his room, only a door away from Finn’s.
‘Damn it, stop thinking about that!’, she thought and followed Logan into his room, telling herself how lucky she should be. When he pulled her into a passionate kiss, she was sure that she would enjoy the night.

(Fortsetzung im nächsten Post, ich sollte echt lernen, mich kürzer zu fassen Big Grin)

Meet Julio in Dirty Little Secret & Ever And A Day
[Member of the Life & Death Brigade and Rory Club]

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
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Dirty Little Secret - von marry-b - 25.11.2006, 18:55
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