Dirty Little Secret

Faint Whoa, 24std. mal kein neuer Teil und gleich 6 neue Kommentare, was soll ich sagen: DANKE AN EUCH ALLE!!! Ich find das soooo toll, dass euch meine FF gefällt, hätte ich nie erwartet! Danke schön ^________^ :freu:
Ich finds auch toll, dass ihr sie realistisch und nachvollziehbar findet. Das möchte ich eigentlich immer erreichen, wenn ich schreibe. Meistens stelle ich mir jede einzelne Szene bildlich im Kopf vor und beschreibe dann einfach was ich sehe Big Grin
Und ja, ich muss nochmal anmerken: Finn ist toll und es macht so viel Spaß über ihn zu schreiben und ihm mehr leben einzuhauchen als es in der Serie der Fall ist. Was ja eigentlich von Vorteil ist, so kann es noch soo viele verschiedene Seiten von Finn geben, die nur noch niemand gesehen hat. Wie seine liebe Seite Rory gegenüber. Aber keine Sorge, er wird auch mal ne andere Seite zeigen, spätestens wenn Logan es endlich herausfindet *hehe* - aber noch nicht in diesem Kapitel? Oder? Naja, lest es und findet es heraus!
Nochmals vielen Dank für eure Kommentare, ich freue mich über jeden unglaublich doll!!

Anmerkung: Einige Dialogfetzen stammen aus der Folge Super Cool Party People aus der sechsten Staffel aus einer Szene mit Finn und Colin und ich hab sie einfach mal in meine Story eingebaut, weil ich die Szene so liebe^^ Ihr wisst ja, dass alles ASP gehört!

Und nun viel Spaß mit dem ersten Teil des fünften Kapitels:

Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 5

“I want you.”
Rory’s words floated a while between her and Finn, while she still examined his eyes. She wasn’t aware about what she had said until Finn broke into a wide smile. She frowned, before her words sunk in at last.
She blinked and felt her cheeks redden.
“You sure, love?”, he asked, tilting his head.
“I think I am”, she whispered, throwing him a shy smile before looking away again.
He watched her, a weird expression on his face that could easily be misunderstood as arrogance, but of the corner of her eye she could see that he was glad and proud that she had chosen him over his best friend Logan. At least she thought she had. Her fingers just hooked into his again, when he let go of her and stood up from the bed. She looked up, more than puzzled.
“I knew this night – or morning – might offer a reason to celebrate”, he said and bent down to get something from behind the bed.
“Celebrate?”, she asked, watching him.
“Yes, love”, he replied, finally getting up again, hiding his hands behind his back.
“So, here we go, love”, he said with a smirk, revealing what he brought to celebrate. “The drink that brought us together!”
She couldn’t help but grin at him, looking at the Tequila bottle in his hands.
“But before we kill your Tequila-virgin once again – and I know that’s not possible, but anyhow, we have to talk”, he said, sitting down beside her again, facing her.
“Yes, my dear monosyllabic girl”, he grinned. She just tilted her head, watching him with a spark in her eyes that could either interpreted as fear or impatience. Finn chose the latter. “Talk, yes, THE talk, love”, he continued, locking eyes with her.
She raised an eyebrow.
“Alright, I am not the person to be believed to talk THE talk, but, just pretend I am”, he added, noticing the sceptic look on her face. “Anyhow, love, I just want to know where we stand.”
“We’re sitting, Finn”, she suggested.
“Oh, clever girl, now I understand why you’re going to Yale”, he grinned.
“And I’m still wondering why you are here as well”, she mocked.
“Now that hurt, love”, he said, hiding a smirk. “As I was saying, where are we, Rory? Am I still your dirty little secret?”
“Of course you are”, she replied, watching him.
“And nothing… more?”
His worry made her smile at him. She never expected him to be that … cute. “Well, we still can’t tell anyone about this, you know that. Logan would push you off a bridge, my mother wouldn’t approve of it either, and –“
“Wait. Paris already knows, remember. At least she’s assuming something. And Logan won’t ask again –“
“What? What do you mean he won’t ask again? Is this what you two talked about in your dorm bathroom?”
“Yes, love. I gave him my word that I would never ever even think about making out with you –“
“You are such a liar, Finn!”, she chuckled.
“I know – and unlike Colin I’m pretty good at it too”, he replied, grinning. “So I told Logan that, and he, as my best friend, believes me.”
“But you know, if this ever comes out, you are as good as dead.”
“I know that, love”, he whispered, a tiny amount of concern in his voice.
“And you still want to do this? Be my secret?”
“Of course, love, never assume anything else!”, he said and leant his head against her shoulder, which looked rather silly for him being more than a head taller than her. She chuckled and put a hand on his cheek, before leaning in to kiss him. He pulled his arms around her and soon she was sitting on his lap, her legs wrapped around his waist, her hands holding his face, falling more and more for his charm. Just as they kissed wildly with their lips sucking on each other’s, a loud rumble echoed through the room – making them both growing rigid.
Rory looked around the room and let out a sigh as she saw the Tequila bottle lying on the floor, luckily still in one piece. She glanced back at Finn who just grinned and was about to lean into the kiss again – when suddenly her dorm room door burst open.
“Hands in the air!”, Paris’s loud voice rang through the room, causing Rory to jump and Finn to instinctively raise his hands over his head.
“Paris!”, Rory blurted out, staring at her roommate in rage. “Ever heard about knocking?”
“What are you doing here?”
“What do you think, Paris?”
“I told you to warn me, Rory!”
“I thought you knew I had a visitor.”
“I didn’t expect … this”, Paris said, her voice sounding rather disgusted. “And what was that noise? Do you hit each other while –“
“Paris, gross!”, Rory said outraged, before pointing at the floor for Paris to see the bottle.
Paris raised an eyebrow and looked from the bottle to Finn, who was about to lower his hands but raised them once again as he noticed Paris’s glare. A smirk was playing around his lips.
“Anyway, keep it down, will you? My night’s already been short”, she said grumbling.
“Paris, wait”, Rory held her back.
“What? I don’t want to watch you if that’s what you are about to ask.”
“Um, no! I just wanted to ask you a favour.”
“Please don’t tell anyone about this.”
“Why not?”
“Because then you might be involved in a lot of blood shed, not to mention that you might get a new roommate.”
Paris stared at Rory, before she shrugged and turned around. “Fine.” With that she slummed the door shut behind her again.
Rory turned to Finn, who sighed loudly. “Darn, I thought she would kill me right away”, he said, lowering his hands.
Rory laughed at him and playfully caressed his cheek. “I would have protected you, poor Finny-poo”, she said as if talking to a baby.
He grinned and quickly kissed her. “But you have to admit, love, that girl is scary!”
“I never said the opposite”, she agreed. “But you can be sure that she won’t tell anyone. She might even forget about it. Hmm, but we shouldn’t put her into a room alone with Logan, if she is mad at someone – and she is always mad at Logan – then she might use this against him – and then we are doomed!”
“Alright, keep those two away from each other, then”, he said, pulling her closer to him. “One problem solved, love”, he added, kissing the corner of her mouth.
“Many other still remaining”, she finished, looking a little sad. “Finn, I –“
“What is it, darling?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I feel that everything is right when I’m with you, but the moment we part… you know, um, I don’t know… I have doubts this is really what I want.”
“And I thought we’d already declared what you want”, he said, leaning closer to breathe against her neck before kissing it gently.
She closed her eyes and just enjoyed the warmth of his lips for a while, before she pushed him away as gentle as she could, locking eyes with him.
“Yeah, I know that I want this, this with you, but –“
He cupped her face with his hands, his eyes hypnotising her.
“But I don’t know if I’m the person to do this…”, she continued.
“What do you mean?”, he breathed against her lips.
“I told you, I am not that kind of girl…”
“You’ll never be that kind of girl, love”, he then said, their noses already touching.
“What?”, she breathed.
“You are not like every other girl, you are special, darling, you won’t be one of many.”
“Aww, Finn!”, she mouthed and kissed him. “That was sweet and I wonder why I never expected you to say something like that!”
A grin broke from his face. “You really have to get to know me better, love!”
“That’s what I’m planning to do”, she whispered, grinning at him before she leant in to an even deeper kiss, her arms around his neck, her fingers playing with his hair.
“Not that I’m complaining about the service in your humble home”, he interrupted her longing kiss. “But we’re neglecting our little mate down there!”
She just laughed and bent down to grab the Tequila bottle. Shoving it into Finn’s hands, she watched how he welcomed the bottle in their middle.
“Well, hello there, little lad, how are you? Ready to be drunk?”, he said with a grin and opened the bottle to take a large gulp from it.
Rory stared at him in awe. “I’m always wondering how you do that…”
“Well, let me show you”, he said, smirking, lifting the bottle to her lips. “You move your lips to that gap up here, you raise the bottle” – he did so – “and you drink! Very easy!”
She took a sip, before she leant back coughing, almost spilling the valuable liquid. Holding her throat, she blinked at Finn. “Damn, I can’t remember that burning…”, she said with a hoarse voice, causing Finn to laugh.
“You’ll get used to it, love”, he winked at her and took another gulp without even blinking. She made a face just watching him. “Come on, celebrate, darling!”, he added, looking at her smirking. “Here’s to us!”, he said and took yet another gulp, before handing the bottle to her.
“I don’t know if I should applaud you or throw up…”
“I think you should applaud me”, he said, stretching slightly. “Throwing up is a bad business!”, he added, stressing the word bad with his forehead furrowed.
She grinned at him and lifted the bottle to her lips again, yet taking only a little sip.
“Alright, the woman that calls me her dirty little secret cannot drink Tequila, I am disappointed”, he said, grinning, yet acting as if being hurt. “We need glasses!”
When he got up, she could see that the alcohol had already settled in his system.
“But I don’t have any glasses here, Finn”, she told him, watching him rummage through her room.
“Oh, found something!”, he said after a while holding up two Yale coffee mugs.
“But those are mugs, Finn, we can’t drink Tequila from mugs! That’s like… like… drinking coffee from buckets!”
“As if you would mind, darling, my little coffee addict”, he smirked and cuddled next to her on the bed, holding out the coffee mugs for her to fill. She lifted the Tequila bottle to the mugs and filled them both half, emptying the bottle entirely. “Oh dear, they should do more inside those bottles”, he giggled.
“And look how poor this little fellow looks right now, all empty and see-through…”, Rory looked at the bottle, already feeling the alcohol in her veins.
“We should adopt it, make it our mascot!”, Finn added.
“Of course first, we must be married!”
“Naturally, darling! I’m very old-fashioned!”
“Oh Finn!”
“Oh buttercup!”, he said, tilting his head to look at her with a major sigh on his lips.
She giggled at him and took a mug from his hands.
“To us, love”, he said, lifting his mug into the air.
She lifted her mug in the air as well, locking eyes with him. “To us…”
Finn emptied the mug in one big gulp, making Rory stare at him with her mouth open. He noticed her stare and smirked. “Come on, I know you can do the same!”
She frowned and looked down into her own mug. Swallowing hard, she lifted it to her lips and drank – and drank. While gulping down the last sips, she made a face as if she was about to throw up but then lowered the mug and brushed the back of her hand over her mouth. Finn glared at her as if he just found out that weekends have been extended.
“My, I am so proud of you, love!”, he sang, pulling Rory into a bone-breaking hug. She laughed and let him pull her, lying on top of him, her head on his chest. In a moment when there was a small gap in the fog that clouded her vision, she looked at the clock on her night stand.
“Oh look, we’ve missed breakfast”, she giggled.
“Don’t worry, I can’t remember being there once in my life, love!”
“No way!”
She just giggled and snuggled against him, feeling how the alcohol rushed through her blood.
“You know that you are very, very, very bad for me, Finn?”
“I assume, love.”
“I mean, I’ve never drank in the morning, this is a first for me!”
“Another virgin killed, I am so good!”, he grinned.
She laughed and kissed his chest, feeling his heart beat right against her lips.
“Rory?”, she heard him ask, his voice unnaturally calm.
She looked up, putting her chin on his chest. “Finn?”, she replied in a mockingly deep voice.
He had his arms crossed behind his head and looked at her. “It’s too bright”, he then said, making her giggle even harder.
She sat up on top of him and quickly climbed off the bed, walking slowly over to the window (the Tequila messing with her system) and pulling her curtains over the windows. It was still a little light inside the room, for it was almost noon, yet the darker light made her feel even better about the young man in her bed and the fact that she had already missed several classes. As she climbed into the bed again, she lay down beside Finn, her index finger drawing lines on his chest.
“Do you want to wear this dress all day long, love?”
She looked down at herself, noticing the dress she had been wearing last night at the date with Logan. Under other circumstances that memory would have caused her to think and feel bad again, but with half a bottle of Tequila inside her, she couldn’t care less. She sat up and pulled the dress over her head, before lying down beside Finn again.
He rolled onto his side to face her. And it was Rory who moved close to him, closing her lips around his, her arms around his neck. They kissed passionately, Finn’s hands messing with her hair, Rory’s hands holding onto his shoulder blades, her fingernails scraping gently over his skin. He rolled over her and pinned her to the bed, using his arms as support, while jerking his neck a little to kiss her, his tongue fighting with hers.
Her arms were still around his neck, her fingernails drawing lines on his back. She pulled him closer so that he laid on his elbows, kissing her eagerly, before one of his hands wandered down her body, his fingers causing jolts of electricity to run through her veins. She breathed against his lips, being totally absorbed by him. Closing her eyes, she fell into the dimness of her room, for the warmth of his body and his gentle touch that made her shiver.
While she forgot about everything, the life outside her window blossomed, students running around, talking, laughing, hurrying, learning, living.
Rory and Finn couldn’t care less.

(Fortsetzung im nächsten Post^^)

Meet Julio in Dirty Little Secret & Ever And A Day
[Member of the Life & Death Brigade and Rory Club]

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