08.12.2006, 11:17
Ich bin zwar (noch) kein Member hier, aber ich hab neulich aus Langeweile ein Gedicht in Info geschrieben. Also es muss noch überarbeitet werden, weil es klingt noch nicht so gut, aber ich post es einfach mal.
Would you just stand still?
Would you just stand still?
Just for one moment, one second
So I can look at you
And tell you how beautiful you are.
Would you just stand still?
Just for a little while
So I can kiss your lips
And confess my feelings
Would you just stand still?
With me, forever and always
So I can be with you
And prove how much I love you.
Would you just stand still?
Would you just stand still?
Just for one moment, one second
So I can look at you
And tell you how beautiful you are.
Would you just stand still?
Just for a little while
So I can kiss your lips
And confess my feelings
Would you just stand still?
With me, forever and always
So I can be with you
And prove how much I love you.
:herz: Verlobt mit Carö ~ cause we are meant to be :herz: