24.01.2007, 21:59
Chris-Logan schrieb:First of all, it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool watching that epi while it's snowing outside :freu:and so on... and so on
Second of all this episode was so funny. Maybe I just didn't realize the funny parts in 7.01 to 7.10 or David Rosenthal did a hell of a job!!! Respect.
So third item: these lines made me laugh my ass off!
Honey, could you post this stuff in german or at least translate the main parts of it, maybe some others would like to comment on it but can't, because they don't understand what you say. Please..
Edit: Die Quoten sind raus: 3.65 Millionen....0.7 weniger als bei Epi 10