04.02.2007, 22:19
Vielen Dank für eure reviews. Jetzt stellen wir unser bisheriges Lieblingskapitel online und wir hoffen, dass es euch auch gefällt.
Laura und mir ist es dieses Mal gelungen uns gegenseitig mit unseren Ideen zu überraschen... mal sehen was ihr dazu sagt!
Chapter 10 : Ants in my ear
After Luke talked to April time went by fast and the months flew by. Before they knew it, it was May.
He had had to go to court, and even though he got partial custody of April, Anna was allowed to move to New Mexico with his daughter. Luke had April one weekend a month, every other holiday and one month over the summer. He was happy that he had won, but sad that April had moved to New Mexico. Nonetheless he had thrown a party to which all the Stars Hollow citizens were invited, Lorelai included. After the party Luke and Lorelai had talked again and Luke had decided that being friends again would be the best solution for their situation. It was too soon to get back together after everything that had happened.
Slowly things had gone back to normal. To how they were before they had gotten together the first time. Lorelai had started coming to the diner at least once a day for coffee and a meal and often more than once. They went back to their regular banter but there was something extra as well.
They talked about their feelings. Luke talked about how much he missed April now that she had moved. At least Anna allowed April to call him as often as she wanted, but it wasn’t the same. He missed her more than he ever thought possible.
It was a Sunday evening, a weekend at the beginning of May and Luke had just driven April to the airport after one of their weekends together. He drove to the diner in silence but when he stopped in front of the dark building, he figured it was too quiet to be there now. He missed April more than normal after she just left and knew that if he would stay alone right now, all he would do was sit in the dark and drink beer. Something he would regret in the morning. That’s when he decided to drive to Lorelai’s instead. He hadn’t been at her house again, other than to fix her bathroom window two months ago and it had both surprised them back then, how non-awkward it had been.
He parked his car behind hers and got out. He rang the doorbell and waited for a reply. ‘Come in.’ He heard Lorelai yelling from the inside and he tried the doorknob. When the door opened he stepped inside and took off his coat.
“You have to keep the door locked and at least see who’s at the door before you let them in your house”, he lectured her and threw his coat over the wardrobe, before he thought about it.
She looked up as she heard his voice.
“Hey Luke, what are you doing here? Didn’t you just drive April to the airport?” she asked him, but not as surprised as she should have been when he showed up that casually at her house.
“Yeah I did”, he said and sat down next to her on the couch.
“Do you mind if I stay here for a while? The diner seems to quiet without her,” he admitted and stretched his legs.
“Of course I don’t mind. I was having a movie night and you’re more than welcome to join me,” she said and smiled, because he looked so familiar in her house, like he had never been gone in the first place.
“What’s the theme tonight?” he asked and motioned to the TV.
“Classics. I was just about to put in Casablanca,” she told him.
“Fine with me”, he shrugged.
“Good. You want something to drink? I have some beer in the fridge” she asked him.
He nodded.
“I’ll get it,” he said then and stood up.
“You know the way,” she smiled and watched how he walked to the fridge. When she watched him walk around her house she was happy they were friends now. She had missed spending time with him and knew that being friends was better than being nothing at all. She knew how much he missed April and was glad he showed up at her doorstep tonight. If he hadn’t she most likely would’ve gone to his apartment but this was better.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked her when he came back and saw the smile on her face.
She hadn’t noticed that he had sat down next to her again and looked up.
“Nothing really. Just that I’m happy you decided to come here instead of spending the evening alone at your apartment,” she replied honestly.
He nodded. “Me too.”
“So, do I have to explain the rules of movie night or do you still remember?” She tried to lighten the mood.
“I remember. As I recall this is the movie we watched on our first movie night.”
She smiled when she recalled the memory. “I watched the movie, you fell asleep.”
“Not true. I stayed awake during Casablanca, during the next one I fell asleep” he corrected her.
“Hard buddies?” she remembered.
“Right,” he agreed and got comfortable on the couch again.
“Are you comfortable because you know you can’t move during the movie,” she reminded him when he stopped squishing around.
“I know and I’m comfortable,” he handed her one of the beer bottles he was holding. “And you?”
“Comfortable also,” and with that she started the movie.
During the movie Lorelai unconsciously moved towards Luke. Without realizing she ended up leaning against him. He didn’t mind and she was so comfortable, that her had dropped to his shoulder and she fell asleep. When the credits were rolling down the screen she woke up, suddenly realizing which position she was in. She sat up straight on the couch.
“I’m sorry,” she said to Luke, who was still awake and didn’t seem uncomfortable that she had used him as her pillow. A gesture so simple and still so familiar, that it ran chills up her spine.
He smiled. “That’s okay. I fell asleep during our first movie night.”
She smiled now too. “What is it with falling asleep during the movie- nights? And this is a good movie, definitely not one to fall asleep”
“I don’t know,” he raised his shoulders.
She thought for a moment and then said. “I don’t think it was the movie that made me tired. I just felt comfortable in the position I was in and ended up falling asleep.”
He stared directly into her eyes, stunned by her honesty and how huge this little sentence was for him.
“I was comfortable too, with you in… that position,” he admitted quietly and looked at her. He didn’t feel hurt, guilt, regret or anything else that had kept him from giving into his feelings these past months. He looked at her and all he could think of was what an amazing woman she was, how incredibly beautiful she was and how much he loved her. He still did, as much as before and if possible even more.
She looked into his eyes and saw something she hadn’t seen for a long time. Gone were all the bad feelings from the past year, love and adoration the only things in his eyes. Without realizing it they leaned in and before they knew what was happening their lips touched. Both moaned at the contact and the sensations which ran through their bodies, but both leaned in more. Luke pulled her close when he slung one arm around her neck, the other one around her waist while she had knocked the cap off his head and then her hands held his shirt tight, afraid that he would slip away somehow.
When oxygen became a must again they had to break apart and stared at each other, breathing hard.
“God I missed you,” Luke said, still out of breath and cupped her face with his hand, stroked her cheek with his thumb.
“I was here. I was right here waiting for you, all those months,” she replied and smiled at him, placed a kiss on his thumb.
“I’m sorry, for making you wait so long.” he apologized
“Don’t apologize. You needed your time and I respect that. I will wait until you are ready to be with me again. I told you I would wait,” she said.
“I am ready. I love you,” he said and when Lorelai felt her eyes prick with tears she lunged at him and kissed him again.
Teil2 im nächsten post!
Laura und mir ist es dieses Mal gelungen uns gegenseitig mit unseren Ideen zu überraschen... mal sehen was ihr dazu sagt!
Chapter 10 : Ants in my ear
After Luke talked to April time went by fast and the months flew by. Before they knew it, it was May.
He had had to go to court, and even though he got partial custody of April, Anna was allowed to move to New Mexico with his daughter. Luke had April one weekend a month, every other holiday and one month over the summer. He was happy that he had won, but sad that April had moved to New Mexico. Nonetheless he had thrown a party to which all the Stars Hollow citizens were invited, Lorelai included. After the party Luke and Lorelai had talked again and Luke had decided that being friends again would be the best solution for their situation. It was too soon to get back together after everything that had happened.
Slowly things had gone back to normal. To how they were before they had gotten together the first time. Lorelai had started coming to the diner at least once a day for coffee and a meal and often more than once. They went back to their regular banter but there was something extra as well.
They talked about their feelings. Luke talked about how much he missed April now that she had moved. At least Anna allowed April to call him as often as she wanted, but it wasn’t the same. He missed her more than he ever thought possible.
It was a Sunday evening, a weekend at the beginning of May and Luke had just driven April to the airport after one of their weekends together. He drove to the diner in silence but when he stopped in front of the dark building, he figured it was too quiet to be there now. He missed April more than normal after she just left and knew that if he would stay alone right now, all he would do was sit in the dark and drink beer. Something he would regret in the morning. That’s when he decided to drive to Lorelai’s instead. He hadn’t been at her house again, other than to fix her bathroom window two months ago and it had both surprised them back then, how non-awkward it had been.
He parked his car behind hers and got out. He rang the doorbell and waited for a reply. ‘Come in.’ He heard Lorelai yelling from the inside and he tried the doorknob. When the door opened he stepped inside and took off his coat.
“You have to keep the door locked and at least see who’s at the door before you let them in your house”, he lectured her and threw his coat over the wardrobe, before he thought about it.
She looked up as she heard his voice.
“Hey Luke, what are you doing here? Didn’t you just drive April to the airport?” she asked him, but not as surprised as she should have been when he showed up that casually at her house.
“Yeah I did”, he said and sat down next to her on the couch.
“Do you mind if I stay here for a while? The diner seems to quiet without her,” he admitted and stretched his legs.
“Of course I don’t mind. I was having a movie night and you’re more than welcome to join me,” she said and smiled, because he looked so familiar in her house, like he had never been gone in the first place.
“What’s the theme tonight?” he asked and motioned to the TV.
“Classics. I was just about to put in Casablanca,” she told him.
“Fine with me”, he shrugged.
“Good. You want something to drink? I have some beer in the fridge” she asked him.
He nodded.
“I’ll get it,” he said then and stood up.
“You know the way,” she smiled and watched how he walked to the fridge. When she watched him walk around her house she was happy they were friends now. She had missed spending time with him and knew that being friends was better than being nothing at all. She knew how much he missed April and was glad he showed up at her doorstep tonight. If he hadn’t she most likely would’ve gone to his apartment but this was better.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked her when he came back and saw the smile on her face.
She hadn’t noticed that he had sat down next to her again and looked up.
“Nothing really. Just that I’m happy you decided to come here instead of spending the evening alone at your apartment,” she replied honestly.
He nodded. “Me too.”
“So, do I have to explain the rules of movie night or do you still remember?” She tried to lighten the mood.
“I remember. As I recall this is the movie we watched on our first movie night.”
She smiled when she recalled the memory. “I watched the movie, you fell asleep.”
“Not true. I stayed awake during Casablanca, during the next one I fell asleep” he corrected her.
“Hard buddies?” she remembered.
“Right,” he agreed and got comfortable on the couch again.
“Are you comfortable because you know you can’t move during the movie,” she reminded him when he stopped squishing around.
“I know and I’m comfortable,” he handed her one of the beer bottles he was holding. “And you?”
“Comfortable also,” and with that she started the movie.
During the movie Lorelai unconsciously moved towards Luke. Without realizing she ended up leaning against him. He didn’t mind and she was so comfortable, that her had dropped to his shoulder and she fell asleep. When the credits were rolling down the screen she woke up, suddenly realizing which position she was in. She sat up straight on the couch.
“I’m sorry,” she said to Luke, who was still awake and didn’t seem uncomfortable that she had used him as her pillow. A gesture so simple and still so familiar, that it ran chills up her spine.
He smiled. “That’s okay. I fell asleep during our first movie night.”
She smiled now too. “What is it with falling asleep during the movie- nights? And this is a good movie, definitely not one to fall asleep”
“I don’t know,” he raised his shoulders.
She thought for a moment and then said. “I don’t think it was the movie that made me tired. I just felt comfortable in the position I was in and ended up falling asleep.”
He stared directly into her eyes, stunned by her honesty and how huge this little sentence was for him.
“I was comfortable too, with you in… that position,” he admitted quietly and looked at her. He didn’t feel hurt, guilt, regret or anything else that had kept him from giving into his feelings these past months. He looked at her and all he could think of was what an amazing woman she was, how incredibly beautiful she was and how much he loved her. He still did, as much as before and if possible even more.
She looked into his eyes and saw something she hadn’t seen for a long time. Gone were all the bad feelings from the past year, love and adoration the only things in his eyes. Without realizing it they leaned in and before they knew what was happening their lips touched. Both moaned at the contact and the sensations which ran through their bodies, but both leaned in more. Luke pulled her close when he slung one arm around her neck, the other one around her waist while she had knocked the cap off his head and then her hands held his shirt tight, afraid that he would slip away somehow.
When oxygen became a must again they had to break apart and stared at each other, breathing hard.
“God I missed you,” Luke said, still out of breath and cupped her face with his hand, stroked her cheek with his thumb.
“I was here. I was right here waiting for you, all those months,” she replied and smiled at him, placed a kiss on his thumb.
“I’m sorry, for making you wait so long.” he apologized
“Don’t apologize. You needed your time and I respect that. I will wait until you are ready to be with me again. I told you I would wait,” she said.
“I am ready. I love you,” he said and when Lorelai felt her eyes prick with tears she lunged at him and kissed him again.
Teil2 im nächsten post!