12.05.2007, 19:08
Scott ist sehr .. subtil.. in diesem Interview :lach:
Ich glaube wir wissen auch so alle wen er meint :lach:

Ich finde Lauren sollte mal bei Scott Tipps einholen wie man ein Interview gibt, nach dem Ende einer Show, ohne sich unbeliebt zu machen!
Zitat:To continue to do something like that there has to be a real passion for it. I didn't sense there was any passion left, and, therefore, little reason to do it.
Are you speaking about yourself?
Not me, just a general sense.
Ich glaube wir wissen auch so alle wen er meint :lach:
Zitat:Yeah, there was a perceptible change. Lauren was a producer this year, and there was a little more leeway in how things were shaped. The actors had more input than in the previous six years. And it was less work — I'm not qualifying that either way, whether it was good or bad. That's just the way it wasDer letzte Satz ist besonders glaubhaft wenn man in Betracht zieht, dass er sich danach noch negativ über die SL äuÃert

Zitat:Do you feel like you were cheated out of saying a formal good-bye to the cast and crew since the decision came down after you were done filming?Das hat er aber nett gesagt
That part was unfortunate
Zitat:But in Hollywood, when you're trying to make the best deal you can, unfortunately, that type of thing is going to happen from time-to-time. I don't think [Lauren and Alexis] had a choice. They chose a certain tactic and they stuck to their guns, which is admirable.Was im Klartext heiÃt, dass er Alexis und Lauren "die Schuld gibt" und nicht CW!
Zitat:This is the upside of Gilmore ending, because now a whole new world is opening up and it's really thrilling.Siehste Lauren, so kann man auch sagen, dass man sich über neue Sachen freut, ohne den Fans eins reinzuwürgen!
Ich finde Lauren sollte mal bei Scott Tipps einholen wie man ein Interview gibt, nach dem Ende einer Show, ohne sich unbeliebt zu machen!