Umfrage: Welches Band von Harry Potter findet ihr am besten? - Du hast keine Berechtigung bei dieser Umfrage abzustimmen.
Band 1 - HP und der Stein der Weisen
Band 2 - HP und die Kammer des Schreckens
Band 3 - HP und der Gefangende von Askaban
Band 4 - HP und der Feuerkelch
Band 5 - HP und der Orden des Phönix
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Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore

Liebe Potter-Freunde, in der Annahme dass ihr bereits Deathly Hallows entjungfert seid, hier meine überhaupt nicht sarkastisch Einstellung *hüstel* zu diesem Buch, welches perfekte Vorlage für eine Parodie sein könnte (A la: Bin ich tot, oder bin ich nicht tot? Das ist hier die Frage. Mensch, ich kann mich doch nicht entscheiden! :pfeifSmile

Also meine Meinung zu Harry Potter und die tödlichen Heiligtümer (Gott ist deutsch eine furchtbare Sprache)? All was well? Ganz sicher nicht!!!
Ganz ehrlich; man ist seit Jahren dabei, fiebert der Veröffentlichung jeden neuen Bandes mit, schlägt sich die Nächte um die Ohren, egal ob man Prüfungen hat oder früh raus muss. Was ist schon eine Stunde Schlaf im Gegenzug zur Einweihung ins Pottersche Universum? Und es hat sich bisher immer gelohnt. Immer. Bis auf jetzt. Wenn ich es mir so überlege, waren meine Erwartungen vielleicht auch zu groß, ich weiß nicht, wie es euch dabei geht. Ich kenne Leute, deren Erwartungen in Bezug auf einen gewissen älteren Herren mit schwarzem, fettigen Haar sicher deutlich größer waren, als ein schnöder Schlangenbiss und die letzen Worte „Look... at ... me...!“

Gut, Opfer musste es geben. Das wurde ja lang und breit vorher angekündigt. Aber für mich hat sich die Autorin als ein sadistisches, entschuldigt den Ausdruck, Miststück entpuppt. Erklärung folgt später.

Hedwig, seien wir ehrlich, war ja sowieso nur notwendiges Zaubererinventar. Zugegeben, besser als ein Krätze genannte Ratte, ein krummbeiniger Kater oder eine sich ständig in Luft auflösende Kröte namens Trevor. Wie dem auch sei, ein böser grüner Fluch und Hedwig war einmal. So sinnlos, wie in meinen Augen jeder weitere Tod in diesem Buch, was einfach schlecht war, gemessen an der Tatsache, dass Mrs. Rowling vorher bewiesen hat, dass sie es besser kann.
Dann Mad Eye Moody. Irgendwie war klar, dass man mit einem solchen Namen nicht das Zeug hat, zu überleben. Dazu muss man schon Grawp heißen!Cool Aber wer mal ein ganzes Jahr in einer Kiste eingesperrt war, der darf dann im letzten Band ja auch endlich mal gnädigerweise sterben. War auch noch okay, zwar nicht schön, aber okay.

Ich werde jetzt gar nicht erst anfangen über den monatelangen Zeltausflug zu reden; Schweigen darüber zu breiten tut dem Teil wohler Confusedchlafen:. Hier war das erste Mal in pottersüchtiger Zeit, dass ich ein Buch weggelegt habe und tatsächlich lieber geschlafen habe! Aber das Strickmuster dabei hat sich doch arg wiederholt; nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil Ron mal wieder die schwache und trotzige Niete ist, die beleidigt abzieht.

Aber dann, wenn sie endlich nach endlosen, wie es mir vorkam, Jahren im selben stinkenden Zelt mal wieder zur Sache kommen, dann dachte ich: Jetzt. Jetzt geht es endlich los. Jetzt kommt die wohlverdiente Kost. Jetzt kommt das, was man an Harry Potter so liebt. Jetzt kommt ein würdiges Ende :freuu: Ich warte bis heute darauf. Hallo!!! Mrs. Rowling, hören sie mich!?! Oder muss ich noch lauter schreien?!

Dobby kriegt ein herzerweichendes Begräbnis (bei dem mir die Tränen nur so gekullert sind und die Gänsehaut überall war bei seinen letzten Worten: Harry Potter... :heulSmile mit aller nur erdenklichen Würdigung seines Charakters (ich erinnere an Mad Eye’s Auge, dass an Umbridge’s Tür versauern darf? By the way, wer hat diesen unerträglichen Frosch eigentlich vor den Zentauren gerettet - ganz großes Fragezeichen :confusedSmile. Aber zurück zur Sache: Dobby wird beerdigt; in einem Grab, was Harry eigenhändig für ihn gebuddelt hat. Aber man ist noch nicht einmal dabei, wenn Tonks und Lupin das Zeitliche segnen? Oder wo ist George's Wehklagen ob des Todes seines Zwillings? Und Snape? Ja, dass ist für mich beinahe das größte Mysterium. Ist es der allertragischste Held, in meinen Augen fast noch vor Harry, denn nicht einmal wert, dass über ihn reflektiert wird?? Ich meine, Harry hat ihn 6 Jahre lang immer wieder der schlimmsten Dinge verdächtigt (zugegeben, manchmal ja nicht zu Unrecht Wink) und jetzt wird nicht mal ein winziger Abschnitt geschrieben, in dem Harry denkt: ‚Oh Mann, wie Unrecht ich doch hatte’.
Aber ups, Schande über mein Haupt, das hätte ich ja fast übersehen; schließlich hat er seinen Sohn ja Albus Severus genannt. Ich entschuldige mich in aller Form, bei ihnen, Mrs. Rowling. Und applaudiere ihnen! Damit ist natürlich alles gesagt; macht zu viele Worte unnötig. Kann ich ja auch verstehen, sie wollten fertig werden, deshalb waren die letzten zweihundert Seiten so gehetzt. Macht nichts, ist mir fast gar nicht aufgefallen, ehrlich nicht. Aber natürlich ist es wichtig, eine Million mal auf ein wimmerndes Etwas in Harry's Ich-bin-tot-ich-bin-nicht-tot-Mamas-liebe-hat-mich-gerettet-und-Dumbledore-wusste-wieder-alles-besser-Nahtoderlebnis hinzuweisen, nur um immer wieder zu betonen, dass es keine Bedeutung hätte...

Hab ich was vergessen? Oh ja, ich hab auch Positives zu sagen. Alle losen Enden sind brav aufgeknüpft, das Buch hat ein logisches Ende. Es bleiben keine unbeantworteten Fragen :clap: zumindest was die Auflösung von Prophezeihungen und den vielen Geheimnissen angeht. Wer aber mehr wissen will, kaufe sich in ein paar Jahren ihre Enzyklopädie. In der steht dann drin, dass Dean Thomas auch ein wichtiger Charakter war, dass Luna jetzt auf Magienaturforscherin macht, dass Harry Abteilungsleiter der Auroren im Zaubereiministerium ist und das er und Ron eben jenes reformiert haben. Daher wurde das Ende absichtlich offen gehalten, damit sich die Leser noch ein paar Illusionen lassen können.

Dass der gemeine Leser, zu dem ich mich sehr stolz zähle, sich aber sehr gern, wie von ihr gewohnt, hätte vorkauen lassen, was Harry abschließend über Snape’s Tod denkt oder auch zu hören, wie es George ohne Fred geht (Hallo! Die unzertrennlichen Zwillinge), daran denkt sie nicht, weil sie ja noch ihre Enzyklopädie veröffentlichen will. Wovor sie freilich noch ein kleines Päuschen braucht Unsure. Aber sie hat ja ganz offen zugegeben: Eigentlich war von Anfang an geplant, dass Arthur Weasley sterben sollte, eigentlich schon im fünften Buch. Aber sie hat es nicht über sich gebracht . Dafür mussten dann eben Lupin und Tonks dran glauben????? Warum? Du bist die Autorin, Himmel noch mal! Shoot

Ich komme übrigens jetzt doch noch mal auf meine blumige Charakterisierung als sadistisches Miststück zurück: Ich denke da an eben jene erste Generation, jene Generation die den ersten Aufstieg Tom Riddle’s original erlebt haben; namentlich Sirius Black, Remus Lupin und Severus Snape. Alle hatten sie eine über die Maßen beschissenen Jugend. Dennoch haben sie Freunde gefunden. Freunde, die sie über alles geliebt haben und umgekehrt. Nur um diese dann zu verlieren! Okay, kommt der Dramatik der Bücher zugute. Aber:
Nehmen wir Sirius: Die Blacks: absolute Kotzbrocken. Aber dann findet er ja James, Remus und Peter (na gut, dazu sag ich nichts). Wird auch noch Pate. Und entscheidet dann über den Tod seines besten Freundes mit einem falschen Ratschlag. Die arme Seele. Dem nicht genug: Dann muss er mit diesem Wissen unschuldig nach Azkaban und in der Stunde, wo er endlich fliehen kann und seinen Paten endlich trifft, muss er in dem stinkenden Haus seiner Familie ein Jahr lang zur Untätigkeit verdammt rumdümpeln, nur um dann sang- und klanglos hinter irgendeinem Spiegel zu verschwinden.
Dann Lupin, der arme Hund (Cool): Wird gebissen und findet trotzdem Freunde, die er dann nicht nur verliert, sondern auch von ihnen verraten worden zu sein glaubt. Und als sich dann herausstellt, dass Sirius unschuldig ist und er auch ne Freundin findet, verliert er seinen Freund wieder und wird mal eben abgemurkst (wie eigentlich, zum Teufel? Warum lässt du uns nicht wenigsten dabei sein, wie bei Dobby, du doofe Pute?) als er gerade Papi geworden ist. Dabei hätten Looni Senior und sein Welpe so schön zusammen den Mond anheulen können :pfeif:.
Und last but not least: Snape, Severus Snape, seines Zeichens größter Held in der Zauberwelt: Scheiß Kindheit, nur eine wirkliche Freundin und Liebe und die verliebt sich ausgerechnet in den Erzfeind. Gut, er war jetzt nicht das perfekte Unschuldslamm (auch Dumbledore war das nicht). Aber, oh Mann, da verrät er unwissentlich eben jene einzige Person, die ihm was bedeutet und nimmt danach dann in Kauf, dass ihn jeder hasst, obwohl er doch reuig nur immer das Richtige gemacht hat. Und dann: Ich hätte erwartet, dass er sich heldenhaft in das Avada Kedavra, dass auf Harry gefeuert wird, wirft und ihm so das Leben rettet - am besten vor den Augen der gesamten Zaubererwelt. Das Harry in diesem Moment ein Licht aufgeht und dass sie sich verständisinnig in die Augen blicken und Harry seinen großen Fehler erkennt. Aber nein, Nagini durfte beißen und Snape stirbt, unerkannt und ohne Zeugen als Held, in der winselnden - oh entschuldigt, heulenden - Hütte Faint. Und dann wird kein weiteres Wort an ihn verloren. Pfui Spinne, kann ich da nur sagen.

Ich habe jetzt bewusst ausgelassen, dass ich auch von Ron und Hermines Story enttäuscht war. Ein Küsschen im unpassendsten Moment, nach diesem Hin und Her über sieben Jahre. Aber okay, in dem grandiosen Epilog wissen wir ja, dass sie verheiratet sind und zwei Kinder mit dem Namen Hugo und Rose haben....:confused:

So, weil ich davon ausgehe, dass ihr das Buch auch schon gelesen habt, dachte ich, dass ich euch mal meine Werte Meinung über dieses so heiß erwartet Buch mitteile. Nicht der Ausgang von allem, das war erwartet gut und schlüssig. Aber die gute Mrs. Rowling hat doch schon bewiesen, dass Harry den Tod auch reflektieren kann - siehe Sirius - wo war das auf einmal hin? Wir hatten schon mal tausend Seiten. Warum nicht auch jetzt, wo sie so dringend notwendig gewesen wären, bei all den Verlusten? Nicht zu sprechen von den Malfoys. Was ist jetzt mit Draco? Doch geläutert? Oder Lucius?

Ein enttäuschter Fan

Lorelai: "Okay, Burger Boy, Dance!" Luke: "Will you marry me?" Lorelai: "What?" Luke: "Just looking for something to shut you up."

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessy01 - 10.11.2004, 02:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MissLilli - 10.11.2004, 03:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CMM - 10.11.2004, 08:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MissLilli - 10.11.2004, 08:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CMM - 10.11.2004, 08:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LaurenFan - 10.11.2004, 12:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CMM - 10.11.2004, 15:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 10.11.2004, 15:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 10.11.2004, 15:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von .:Lory:. - 10.11.2004, 19:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Floyd - 10.11.2004, 19:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LaurenFan - 10.11.2004, 19:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von tinch - 10.11.2004, 22:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Leon - 10.11.2004, 23:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 11.11.2004, 14:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kristina - 11.11.2004, 18:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 11.11.2004, 20:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lila - 11.11.2004, 20:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessy01 - 11.11.2004, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von anne2004 - 11.11.2004, 20:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Piper89 - 13.11.2004, 12:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ninchen090 - 14.11.2004, 11:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jewel - 14.11.2004, 13:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~°Josie°~ - 14.11.2004, 14:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 14.11.2004, 14:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LORY - 14.11.2004, 18:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von chrissel - 14.11.2004, 18:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Alyssa - 14.11.2004, 21:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Bekky - 18.11.2004, 23:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Mellissa - 21.11.2004, 16:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Gelini - 21.11.2004, 17:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *kruemmel* - 21.11.2004, 17:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *janinegilmore* - 21.11.2004, 23:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Bernikatzi - 25.11.2004, 12:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Paya243 - 28.11.2004, 13:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *kruemmel* - 28.11.2004, 13:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von sassi - 29.11.2004, 20:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von mr.jackson - 29.11.2004, 20:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ninchen090 - 30.11.2004, 19:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 30.11.2004, 20:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Chad M. Fan - 01.12.2004, 19:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ***Nati*** - 01.12.2004, 22:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von IceQueen - 13.02.2005, 22:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 01.06.2007, 21:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 01.06.2007, 22:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 01.06.2007, 23:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 02.06.2007, 00:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 02.06.2007, 10:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fritzi753 - 02.06.2007, 10:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 02.06.2007, 10:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 02.06.2007, 10:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 02.06.2007, 10:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 02.06.2007, 14:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Abby - 02.06.2007, 18:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 02.06.2007, 18:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 02.06.2007, 21:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 03.06.2007, 10:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 03.06.2007, 17:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 03.06.2007, 17:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 03.06.2007, 17:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 03.06.2007, 17:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 03.06.2007, 17:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 03.06.2007, 18:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Tesa - 03.06.2007, 19:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 03.06.2007, 19:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 03.06.2007, 19:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Stephan_vbulletin3_import1 - 03.06.2007, 20:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von VannyH - 03.06.2007, 20:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 03.06.2007, 23:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 03.06.2007, 23:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 04.06.2007, 08:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 04.06.2007, 10:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 04.06.2007, 12:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Tesa - 04.06.2007, 13:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 04.06.2007, 14:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 04.06.2007, 16:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 04.06.2007, 17:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 04.06.2007, 17:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 04.06.2007, 22:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 05.06.2007, 12:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 05.06.2007, 13:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 05.06.2007, 14:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 05.06.2007, 15:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 05.06.2007, 16:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 05.06.2007, 16:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 05.06.2007, 16:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 05.06.2007, 16:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 05.06.2007, 16:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 05.06.2007, 16:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 05.06.2007, 17:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 05.06.2007, 18:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 05.06.2007, 18:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 05.06.2007, 18:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 05.06.2007, 19:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 05.06.2007, 21:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 06.06.2007, 11:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 06.06.2007, 11:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 06.06.2007, 11:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 06.06.2007, 12:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 06.06.2007, 12:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 06.06.2007, 17:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 06.06.2007, 18:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 06.06.2007, 18:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Tesa - 06.06.2007, 19:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 07.06.2007, 00:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 07.06.2007, 01:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SherlyFleischer - 08.06.2007, 06:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 08.06.2007, 11:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 09.06.2007, 12:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 09.06.2007, 12:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 09.06.2007, 17:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MiloAlexisFan - 09.06.2007, 20:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von <3Lory<3 - 10.06.2007, 00:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 10.06.2007, 02:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 10.06.2007, 10:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 10.06.2007, 20:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 12.06.2007, 18:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 13.06.2007, 13:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 13.06.2007, 16:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 13.06.2007, 16:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 13.06.2007, 17:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 13.06.2007, 19:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 13.06.2007, 20:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 13.06.2007, 21:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 14.06.2007, 18:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 14.06.2007, 22:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 15.06.2007, 20:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 16.06.2007, 09:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 21.06.2007, 18:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 21.06.2007, 19:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryHuntzberger - 21.06.2007, 20:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 22.06.2007, 14:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 22.06.2007, 20:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryHuntzberger - 22.06.2007, 21:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 23.06.2007, 12:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 23.06.2007, 13:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 23.06.2007, 13:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von VannyH - 23.06.2007, 14:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 23.06.2007, 16:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 23.06.2007, 16:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 23.06.2007, 16:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.06.2007, 16:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 24.06.2007, 16:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.06.2007, 16:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.06.2007, 17:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 25.06.2007, 12:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 25.06.2007, 15:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 25.06.2007, 16:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 25.06.2007, 18:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 25.06.2007, 18:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 25.06.2007, 21:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 25.06.2007, 23:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 26.06.2007, 12:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 26.06.2007, 18:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 26.06.2007, 18:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 26.06.2007, 18:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 26.06.2007, 18:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 26.06.2007, 18:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 27.06.2007, 10:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 27.06.2007, 10:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von karana - 27.06.2007, 11:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 27.06.2007, 13:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 27.06.2007, 14:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 27.06.2007, 14:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 27.06.2007, 16:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 18:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 18:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 27.06.2007, 18:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 27.06.2007, 18:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 19:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 19:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 27.06.2007, 19:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.06.2007, 20:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 29.06.2007, 13:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 29.06.2007, 13:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 29.06.2007, 16:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 29.06.2007, 16:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 01.07.2007, 21:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 08.07.2007, 12:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 08.07.2007, 13:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 08.07.2007, 20:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 08.07.2007, 22:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 09.07.2007, 18:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 09.07.2007, 19:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 09.07.2007, 19:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 09.07.2007, 19:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 09.07.2007, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 09.07.2007, 20:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 09.07.2007, 20:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 09.07.2007, 21:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 11.07.2007, 17:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 11.07.2007, 18:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 11.07.2007, 18:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von dragonfly24 - 12.07.2007, 18:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 12.07.2007, 18:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 12.07.2007, 18:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von lila lila - 13.07.2007, 10:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von dragonfly24 - 13.07.2007, 11:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 14.07.2007, 13:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 14.07.2007, 13:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 14.07.2007, 13:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 14.07.2007, 14:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 14.07.2007, 16:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 14.07.2007, 18:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 14.07.2007, 18:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 14.07.2007, 19:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 14.07.2007, 19:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 14.07.2007, 19:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 14.07.2007, 19:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 14.07.2007, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 14.07.2007, 20:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 14.07.2007, 20:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 14.07.2007, 20:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.07.2007, 12:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 15.07.2007, 13:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.07.2007, 13:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 15.07.2007, 14:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 15.07.2007, 14:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.07.2007, 16:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 16.07.2007, 19:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 16.07.2007, 19:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 16.07.2007, 19:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 17.07.2007, 12:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 17.07.2007, 12:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 17.07.2007, 13:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 17.07.2007, 20:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 17.07.2007, 20:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 17.07.2007, 20:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 17.07.2007, 21:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 19.07.2007, 09:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *chrissie* - 19.07.2007, 09:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 19.07.2007, 10:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von 23 Zwerge - 19.07.2007, 12:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 14:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 19.07.2007, 14:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 14:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 19.07.2007, 14:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 19.07.2007, 16:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kiki1413 - 19.07.2007, 16:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 19.07.2007, 18:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 19.07.2007, 18:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 18:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 19.07.2007, 18:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 19.07.2007, 19:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 19:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 19.07.2007, 19:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 19.07.2007, 19:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 19.07.2007, 19:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 19.07.2007, 19:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 20.07.2007, 00:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 20.07.2007, 02:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 10:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 20.07.2007, 11:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 11:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 20.07.2007, 11:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CoughSweet - 20.07.2007, 11:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 20.07.2007, 11:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 14:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 20.07.2007, 14:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 20.07.2007, 14:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 20.07.2007, 14:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 20.07.2007, 14:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 20.07.2007, 14:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 20.07.2007, 15:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lava - 20.07.2007, 15:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 20.07.2007, 15:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 20.07.2007, 16:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 20.07.2007, 16:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 17:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 17:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 20.07.2007, 18:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 20.07.2007, 18:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 18:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 20.07.2007, 18:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 18:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 20.07.2007, 19:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 20.07.2007, 19:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 20.07.2007, 19:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 20.07.2007, 19:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 19:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 20.07.2007, 20:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 20.07.2007, 20:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 20:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 20.07.2007, 20:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 20.07.2007, 20:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 20.07.2007, 20:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 20.07.2007, 20:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 20.07.2007, 20:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 20:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 20:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 20.07.2007, 20:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 20.07.2007, 20:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 20.07.2007, 20:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 20.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 20.07.2007, 20:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 20.07.2007, 20:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.07.2007, 20:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 20.07.2007, 21:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 20.07.2007, 22:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 20.07.2007, 22:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 20.07.2007, 23:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 21.07.2007, 00:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 21.07.2007, 01:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 21.07.2007, 08:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 08:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 21.07.2007, 10:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 11:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 21.07.2007, 11:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 11:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 12:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 12:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 13:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KleineMichi - 21.07.2007, 14:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 21.07.2007, 14:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Zaubermaus - 21.07.2007, 14:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MiloAlexisFan - 21.07.2007, 14:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fritzi753 - 21.07.2007, 15:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 21.07.2007, 17:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 17:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.07.2007, 18:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 18:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.07.2007, 19:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 19:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 21.07.2007, 20:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 21.07.2007, 20:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 20:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 20:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 21:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 21.07.2007, 21:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 21.07.2007, 21:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 21.07.2007, 22:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 21.07.2007, 22:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 21.07.2007, 23:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 00:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 22.07.2007, 00:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von i_love_milo_89 - 22.07.2007, 01:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 22.07.2007, 01:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 06:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 22.07.2007, 07:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 22.07.2007, 09:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 10:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kiki1413 - 22.07.2007, 10:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MaryKris - 22.07.2007, 11:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 11:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 22.07.2007, 12:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von MaryKris - 22.07.2007, 12:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 22.07.2007, 15:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lava - 22.07.2007, 17:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 18:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 22.07.2007, 18:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 18:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 18:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 18:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 22.07.2007, 18:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 18:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 22.07.2007, 18:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 18:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 22.07.2007, 18:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 18:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 22.07.2007, 19:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 19:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 19:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 20:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 20:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 20:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 20:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 22.07.2007, 20:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 20:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 22.07.2007, 20:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 20:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 20:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 22.07.2007, 20:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 21:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 21:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 21:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 21:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Samah - 22.07.2007, 21:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 22.07.2007, 21:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 21:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 22.07.2007, 21:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 22.07.2007, 22:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 22.07.2007, 22:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 23.07.2007, 07:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 09:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Knatter - 23.07.2007, 11:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 13:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 13:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 14:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 14:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 23.07.2007, 15:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von charma77 - 23.07.2007, 15:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 15:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 23.07.2007, 15:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 23.07.2007, 15:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lava - 23.07.2007, 15:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 15:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 23.07.2007, 16:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 17:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 23.07.2007, 18:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 18:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 23.07.2007, 18:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 19:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 23.07.2007, 20:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 20:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *mija* - 23.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 20:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 23.07.2007, 20:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 21:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 23.07.2007, 21:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 21:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 23.07.2007, 21:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 23.07.2007, 21:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 23.07.2007, 22:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 22:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 23.07.2007, 22:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 23:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 23.07.2007, 23:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 24.07.2007, 01:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 10:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 24.07.2007, 10:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 24.07.2007, 10:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 11:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 24.07.2007, 11:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 11:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 24.07.2007, 11:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von schnuffeline - 24.07.2007, 11:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 24.07.2007, 13:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 24.07.2007, 14:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 24.07.2007, 14:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 24.07.2007, 15:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 24.07.2007, 15:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lava - 24.07.2007, 16:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 24.07.2007, 16:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 24.07.2007, 16:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 24.07.2007, 18:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 18:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 24.07.2007, 19:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 24.07.2007, 19:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 20:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 24.07.2007, 20:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 24.07.2007, 21:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 24.07.2007, 23:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kiki1413 - 24.07.2007, 23:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Zaubermaus - 25.07.2007, 00:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Snoopy in love - 25.07.2007, 00:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Floyd - 25.07.2007, 09:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 25.07.2007, 11:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 25.07.2007, 11:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 25.07.2007, 12:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 25.07.2007, 12:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 25.07.2007, 13:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 25.07.2007, 15:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 25.07.2007, 16:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 25.07.2007, 19:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 20:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 25.07.2007, 20:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kathleen - 25.07.2007, 20:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 25.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 25.07.2007, 20:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 20:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 25.07.2007, 21:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 21:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 25.07.2007, 21:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 21:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 25.07.2007, 21:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 25.07.2007, 22:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 25.07.2007, 22:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 25.07.2007, 23:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Luna_Bezi - 26.07.2007, 07:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 26.07.2007, 09:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lux - 26.07.2007, 10:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 26.07.2007, 12:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 26.07.2007, 12:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von FunnyBunny - 26.07.2007, 13:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 26.07.2007, 14:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von -Ace- - 26.07.2007, 14:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von VannyH - 26.07.2007, 14:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von -Ace- - 26.07.2007, 14:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 26.07.2007, 15:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von sassi - 26.07.2007, 16:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 26.07.2007, 17:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von BoOks-4ever - 26.07.2007, 17:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LuckyDucky - 26.07.2007, 18:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 26.07.2007, 20:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von silentmovie - 26.07.2007, 20:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 26.07.2007, 21:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 26.07.2007, 22:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 26.07.2007, 22:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 26.07.2007, 23:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 26.07.2007, 23:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 27.07.2007, 07:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 27.07.2007, 11:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 27.07.2007, 16:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 27.07.2007, 16:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 27.07.2007, 21:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 27.07.2007, 22:15
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 27.07.2007, 22:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 27.07.2007, 22:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 27.07.2007, 22:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 27.07.2007, 22:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 27.07.2007, 23:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 28.07.2007, 02:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 28.07.2007, 09:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 28.07.2007, 10:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von carooo - 28.07.2007, 10:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 28.07.2007, 13:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 14:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 28.07.2007, 14:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 28.07.2007, 14:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 14:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 28.07.2007, 15:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 15:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 28.07.2007, 15:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 15:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von literati4ever - 28.07.2007, 17:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 28.07.2007, 17:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 28.07.2007, 17:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 28.07.2007, 20:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 28.07.2007, 20:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 22:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von lila lila - 28.07.2007, 22:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 28.07.2007, 22:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 28.07.2007, 22:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 28.07.2007, 22:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Phoebe - 28.07.2007, 23:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 01:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 29.07.2007, 01:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 01:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 29.07.2007, 10:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 29.07.2007, 11:31
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Juli* - 29.07.2007, 12:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 29.07.2007, 12:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 12:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von -Ace- - 29.07.2007, 12:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 29.07.2007, 20:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 29.07.2007, 21:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 21:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 29.07.2007, 21:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 21:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 29.07.2007, 21:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 29.07.2007, 21:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessica - 30.07.2007, 13:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 30.07.2007, 13:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 30.07.2007, 13:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 30.07.2007, 14:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessica - 30.07.2007, 14:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 30.07.2007, 14:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 30.07.2007, 16:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Jessica - 30.07.2007, 18:29
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 30.07.2007, 18:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 30.07.2007, 23:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 31.07.2007, 00:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 31.07.2007, 01:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 31.07.2007, 10:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 31.07.2007, 11:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 31.07.2007, 14:34
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SuzannPettersen - 31.07.2007, 15:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 31.07.2007, 15:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 31.07.2007, 18:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 01.08.2007, 10:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kate Austen - 01.08.2007, 12:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 01.08.2007, 13:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 01.08.2007, 13:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 01.08.2007, 13:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von schnuffeline - 01.08.2007, 14:42
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kate Austen - 01.08.2007, 14:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 01.08.2007, 14:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 01.08.2007, 14:57
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 01.08.2007, 15:00
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kate Austen - 01.08.2007, 15:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 01.08.2007, 15:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 01.08.2007, 15:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 01.08.2007, 16:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 01.08.2007, 16:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 01.08.2007, 21:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 01.08.2007, 21:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 01.08.2007, 21:40
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 01.08.2007, 22:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 01.08.2007, 22:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 02.08.2007, 01:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 02.08.2007, 01:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 02.08.2007, 08:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 02.08.2007, 17:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 02.08.2007, 18:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Noir-Girl - 02.08.2007, 18:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 03.08.2007, 10:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Norma399 - 03.08.2007, 10:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von FunnyBunny - 03.08.2007, 11:38
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 03.08.2007, 12:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 03.08.2007, 13:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 03.08.2007, 13:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SherlyFleischer - 04.08.2007, 13:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 04.08.2007, 13:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SherlyFleischer - 04.08.2007, 19:58
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 05.08.2007, 12:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von SherlyFleischer - 05.08.2007, 13:10
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Thulchen - 05.08.2007, 23:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 06.08.2007, 00:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 06.08.2007, 00:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Vevila - 06.08.2007, 00:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kleines-bienchen - 06.08.2007, 00:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 06.08.2007, 00:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 06.08.2007, 00:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 06.08.2007, 00:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 07.08.2007, 09:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 07.08.2007, 10:32
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 07.08.2007, 12:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 07.08.2007, 12:55
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von zirrussternchen - 07.08.2007, 15:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 07.08.2007, 17:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lenii - 07.08.2007, 20:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 07.08.2007, 20:51
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 07.08.2007, 21:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 07.08.2007, 21:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von zirrussternchen - 08.08.2007, 16:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 08.08.2007, 23:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fanny - 09.08.2007, 00:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 09.08.2007, 00:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 09.08.2007, 12:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fanny - 09.08.2007, 12:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sincerely Yours - 09.08.2007, 12:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 09.08.2007, 13:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 09.08.2007, 14:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 09.08.2007, 14:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 09.08.2007, 14:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 09.08.2007, 14:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 10.08.2007, 13:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 10.08.2007, 16:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Gin - 10.08.2007, 17:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 10.08.2007, 17:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 10.08.2007, 18:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 10.08.2007, 19:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 10.08.2007, 19:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 10.08.2007, 20:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Soffel - 11.08.2007, 12:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sariche - 12.08.2007, 23:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 13.08.2007, 01:14
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von kiki1413 - 16.08.2007, 22:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *chrissy* - 18.08.2007, 17:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 18.08.2007, 17:25
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 18.08.2007, 17:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 18.08.2007, 18:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 18.08.2007, 18:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 18.08.2007, 20:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von graefinlotte - 18.08.2007, 21:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Irina-J - 18.08.2007, 22:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 18.08.2007, 22:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 18.08.2007, 23:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.08.2007, 20:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von girl-of-roses - 22.08.2007, 11:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 26.08.2007, 15:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 26.08.2007, 23:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Clärchen - 27.08.2007, 09:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 27.08.2007, 12:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Rafa - 25.09.2007, 15:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 02.10.2007, 12:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von laurienschen - 03.10.2007, 15:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 03.10.2007, 15:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 04.10.2007, 17:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 20.10.2007, 14:50
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von *Stella* - 20.10.2007, 15:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von curlie_angel - 20.10.2007, 16:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melle - 20.10.2007, 17:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 20.10.2007, 19:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 21.10.2007, 10:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.10.2007, 14:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 21.10.2007, 14:36
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Caroe - 21.10.2007, 14:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 21.10.2007, 15:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 21.10.2007, 16:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von XxPruexX - 21.10.2007, 17:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 22.10.2007, 14:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 22.10.2007, 18:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoveMetal - 23.10.2007, 19:27
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ChrissiTine - 23.10.2007, 20:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Franny - 29.10.2007, 18:13
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von verena04/09 - 29.10.2007, 18:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 29.10.2007, 18:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 30.10.2007, 10:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Pinky - 30.10.2007, 20:35
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 31.10.2007, 00:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 31.10.2007, 08:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von -Ace- - 01.11.2007, 12:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 01.11.2007, 12:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lostie - 01.11.2007, 16:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sabi - 01.11.2007, 17:59
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Susi90 - 01.11.2007, 20:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 02.11.2007, 21:24
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lyzzy - 03.11.2007, 00:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Susi90 - 03.11.2007, 13:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Noir-Girl - 03.11.2007, 14:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~~Anmut~~ - 03.11.2007, 15:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 26.12.2007, 18:05
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 02.01.2008, 18:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 03.01.2008, 00:01
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 03.01.2008, 00:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 03.01.2008, 03:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 03.01.2008, 14:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 04.01.2008, 00:53
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 04.01.2008, 22:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 05.01.2008, 10:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 05.01.2008, 16:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 05.01.2008, 20:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fanny - 05.01.2008, 21:08
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 06.01.2008, 14:37
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Fanny - 06.01.2008, 15:43
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 06.01.2008, 18:07
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 26.01.2008, 22:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~Irina~ - 27.01.2008, 20:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 28.01.2008, 18:39
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Susi90 - 28.01.2008, 19:52
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Palaveri - 28.01.2008, 20:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 28.01.2008, 21:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 29.01.2008, 18:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Lostie - 09.03.2008, 15:03
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Shopaholic - 09.03.2008, 15:47
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~sophie~ - 09.03.2008, 20:09
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 09.03.2008, 21:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von ~sophie~ - 09.03.2008, 22:33
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 12.05.2008, 18:18
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 12.05.2008, 18:41
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 12.05.2008, 18:46
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 12.05.2008, 18:56
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 12.05.2008, 19:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 12.05.2008, 21:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von 0easy0 - 12.05.2008, 21:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melitta - 12.05.2008, 23:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 13.05.2008, 09:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 13.05.2008, 10:11
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 13.05.2008, 11:06
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 13.05.2008, 16:49
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 13.05.2008, 18:45
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 13.05.2008, 18:54
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 13.05.2008, 21:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Twilight - 13.05.2008, 21:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.05.2008, 16:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Glühwürmchen - 15.05.2008, 16:28
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Check - 15.05.2008, 16:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 15.05.2008, 17:19
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 15.05.2008, 17:26
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von 0easy0 - 15.05.2008, 23:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Liza_GG - 16.05.2008, 18:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Coffeelover - 03.06.2008, 13:20
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sweet-Gel - 28.06.2008, 13:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von BoOks-4ever - 10.07.2008, 22:48
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Sweet-Gel - 14.07.2008, 13:16
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von sweety1010 - 13.08.2008, 00:04
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Locutus - 29.08.2008, 19:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 03.09.2008, 19:17
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von LoryFan - 03.09.2008, 19:22
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 09.09.2008, 06:44
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von CrazyHuhn - 09.09.2008, 08:12
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von melitta - 09.09.2008, 08:21
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Kayara - 09.09.2008, 17:23
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Shopaholic - 09.09.2008, 20:02
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von KatieSmock - 28.09.2008, 10:30
Harry Potter V - We can't wait anymore - von Natalie - 19.08.2007, 00:57

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