17.04.2008, 15:46
ohne die hilfe einer person hätte in meinem leben etwas gewaltig schlecht geendet.
This day I saw you like I never did before
You stood there in front of me with tears in your eyes
Holding me tight and asking me why..
“Why did you change,how did you do?
Don’t you recognize what’s happening to you?”
Answers where spinning around inside of my head
The honest answers would fright you soo much
But at on go I couldn’t stand another lie
So I kept silent
I looked in your face and it did hurt me so much
Seeing the pain and feeling your touch
This glance in your eyes of knowing you’ve nearly lost me
This desperate gaze made me see..
It opened my eyes,
made me know that I’m about to fade away
Few days befor I would’ have been lying
Would have said: “Don’t worry I’m fine “
Would have tourned around and kept on with ED
But now I thank you and excuse me at same time
I can’t belive that I couldn’t start striving against ED
Until I made you crie and beeing on the point of abandoning me
I expected you having lost your trust & confidence in me
I expected my sorry of beeing worthless
But you’ve never given me up,you’ve scrambled for me
And I promised I wouldn’t ever again deceive..
Now I’m on the way of getting better
I wouldn’t have done it alone
But we will manage it together
von mir gibt es kein feedback, da ich finde dass gedichte einen sehr emotionalen moment festhalten, den man keinesfalls kritisieren sollte.
This day I saw you like I never did before
You stood there in front of me with tears in your eyes
Holding me tight and asking me why..
“Why did you change,how did you do?
Don’t you recognize what’s happening to you?”
Answers where spinning around inside of my head
The honest answers would fright you soo much
But at on go I couldn’t stand another lie
So I kept silent
I looked in your face and it did hurt me so much
Seeing the pain and feeling your touch
This glance in your eyes of knowing you’ve nearly lost me
This desperate gaze made me see..
It opened my eyes,
made me know that I’m about to fade away
Few days befor I would’ have been lying
Would have said: “Don’t worry I’m fine “
Would have tourned around and kept on with ED
But now I thank you and excuse me at same time
I can’t belive that I couldn’t start striving against ED
Until I made you crie and beeing on the point of abandoning me
I expected you having lost your trust & confidence in me
I expected my sorry of beeing worthless
But you’ve never given me up,you’ve scrambled for me
And I promised I wouldn’t ever again deceive..
Now I’m on the way of getting better
I wouldn’t have done it alone
But we will manage it together
von mir gibt es kein feedback, da ich finde dass gedichte einen sehr emotionalen moment festhalten, den man keinesfalls kritisieren sollte.