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Registriert seit: 07.01.2006
Uhm, erstmal, wäre es nicht besser, wenn wir unsere Meinungen (insofern sie Inhalt des Buches preisgeben) bis August in Spoiler tun? Ich möchte es den deutschen Lesern echt nicht versauen.
Also, ich mach das einfach mal so. Und meine Meinung ist auf Englisch, weil ich die kurzerhand mal aus meinem Stammforum kopiere. Wenn ihr das lieber auf Deutsch wollt, dann sagt Bescheid.
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SpoilerWhen I started the book I wasn’t sure whether I would like it or put it down after 30 pages. I must say I wasn’t surprised when I started to love it. Stephenie Meyer showed me just once again how wrong I could be. I hadn’t been too fond of reading a book about vampires when I first saw Twilight but I came to love it and it’s no different now with The Host.
I really felt with Wanda all the time and, actually, I can understand the souls for ‘invading’ Earth and ‘erasing’ the human race. I sincerely understand why these peaceful and loving creatures would want to stop the violence and brutality among the humans. And at first I was so thrown off by my own opinion because (apart from that Seeker) I really liked the souls and I hadn’t expected that.
I think what got me most was the relationship between Wanda and Mel. Sometimes I felt for Wanda, sometimes I felt for Mel, but in the end it just felt wrong to me to separate them. I don’t dislike the end – in fact, I’m glad that it didn’t end with Wanda’s or Mel’s death – but I wish that Mel and Wanda could’ve stayed together. The love between them made me cry so hard because it just wasn’t fair that they had to be separated in order to live ‘equal’ lives.
I think together they are the most perfect person they can be because they both added to it. It is never just Wanda or Mel acting and reacting but always the pair of them, even if Mel keeps quiet. I think that’s what bothers me most about the book. It’s not that I’m not glad that they both get to live but to me they were one person and I don’t think either can be the way we got to know them when they were together. Mel can’t go back to the way she was before Wanda and Wanda will never be completely herself – or at least the Wanda we got to know – in Pet’s body.
My most favorite characters are Jeb, Jamie and Ian (did anyone else notice SM’s infatuation with names that start with a ‘J’? Jared, Jamie, Jeb – Jacob…, just because they’re so nice and loving. Jared’s okay, too, but I can’t really put him down to my favorites. I can’t quite get around to liking him that much. Still, I’m glad that Mel and Jared are back together and that Ian’s got his Wanda. I so loved the love square between them. It was just amazing.
The book is just awesome. I still can’t quite believe that I’m through. I really want more. More of Wanda and of course Mel. More of everyone.
(The only thing I don’t really like is the body they chose for Wanda. Pet’s body just doesn’t seem right. It’s just not how I imagine the real Wanda. I get why Jamie and the others chose Pet but somehow Wanda seems a bit out of place in that body.)
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