Can they turn hate into love?

OH MEIN GOTT, das war ja ein Wahnsinns Kapitel. Die Stelle in der Rory verzweifelt versucht hat diesen SChlüssel zu finden und Jess kam ´.. das war so wow.. ich bin sprachlos.. es steckte soviel Gefühl in dieser Szene.. man konnte die Anspannung richtig spüren. Manchmal kam ich bei den DIalogen nicht mit, irgendwie hab ich oft den Überblick verlore, wer was sagt.. aber das hat sich schnell gelegt, man muss sich nur halt dran gewöhnen wie du schreibst..

Und die gewöhnung lohnt sich, du schreibst echt toll =)
Finds süß das sie zusammen sind,
freu mich auf das nächste Kapi..

LG Linda


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 02.05.2008, 21:41
Can they turn hate into love? - von cherry 159 - 02.05.2008, 22:11
Can they turn hate into love? - von melitta - 02.05.2008, 22:11
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 02.05.2008, 22:14
Can they turn hate into love? - von melitta - 02.05.2008, 22:16
Can they turn hate into love? - von 0easy0 - 02.05.2008, 22:21
Can they turn hate into love? - von Lava - 02.05.2008, 22:50
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 02.05.2008, 22:57
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 02.05.2008, 23:42
Can they turn hate into love? - von VannyH - 03.05.2008, 09:39
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 03.05.2008, 09:46
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 03.05.2008, 11:48
Can they turn hate into love? - von contigo - 03.05.2008, 12:33
Can they turn hate into love? - von Crazylittlegirl - 03.05.2008, 13:15
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 11.05.2008, 20:46
Can they turn hate into love? - von contigo - 11.05.2008, 20:57
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 11.05.2008, 21:46
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 12.05.2008, 12:48
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 12.05.2008, 13:56
Can they turn hate into love? - von ace-19 - 12.05.2008, 19:18
Can they turn hate into love? - von jutschi - 12.05.2008, 20:28
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 13.05.2008, 14:01
Can they turn hate into love? - von Aki - 13.05.2008, 22:14
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 17.05.2008, 22:10
Can they turn hate into love? - von contigo - 17.05.2008, 22:18
Can they turn hate into love? - von cherry 159 - 17.05.2008, 22:34
Can they turn hate into love? - von Aki - 18.05.2008, 01:13
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 18.05.2008, 14:00
Can they turn hate into love? - von pünktchen - 18.05.2008, 15:35
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 18.05.2008, 21:31
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 18.05.2008, 23:02
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 19.05.2008, 08:35
Can they turn hate into love? - von jutschi - 24.05.2008, 17:06
Can they turn hate into love? - von schnuffeline - 24.05.2008, 18:47
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 25.05.2008, 16:31
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 25.05.2008, 16:53
Can they turn hate into love? - von cherry 159 - 25.05.2008, 16:55
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 25.05.2008, 17:02
Can they turn hate into love? - von 0easy0 - 25.05.2008, 17:29
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 25.05.2008, 20:05
Can they turn hate into love? - von pünktchen - 25.05.2008, 20:22
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 27.05.2008, 13:59
Can they turn hate into love? - von jutschi - 27.05.2008, 15:53
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 28.05.2008, 20:21
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 28.05.2008, 20:37
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 28.05.2008, 21:06
Can they turn hate into love? - von contigo - 28.05.2008, 21:46
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 28.05.2008, 22:05
Can they turn hate into love? - von jutschi - 29.05.2008, 12:40
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 29.05.2008, 19:21
Can they turn hate into love? - von ace-19 - 29.05.2008, 19:43
Can they turn hate into love? - von pünktchen - 31.05.2008, 12:34
Can they turn hate into love? - von cherry 159 - 31.05.2008, 22:35
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 31.05.2008, 22:44
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 02.06.2008, 18:38
Can they turn hate into love? - von pünktchen - 02.06.2008, 19:19
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 02.06.2008, 19:53
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 02.06.2008, 19:58
Can they turn hate into love? - von cherry 159 - 02.06.2008, 21:52
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 02.06.2008, 21:57
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 03.06.2008, 09:08
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 07.06.2008, 12:21
Can they turn hate into love? - von jutschi - 07.06.2008, 14:05
Can they turn hate into love? - von Aki - 07.06.2008, 15:09
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 07.06.2008, 15:19
Can they turn hate into love? - von 0easy0 - 07.06.2008, 19:16
Can they turn hate into love? - von friends of love - 07.06.2008, 19:17
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 07.06.2008, 21:39
Can they turn hate into love? - von pünktchen - 08.06.2008, 13:09
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 08.06.2008, 17:35
Can they turn hate into love? - von cherry 159 - 08.06.2008, 19:38
Can they turn hate into love? - von eve94 - 09.06.2008, 20:01
Can they turn hate into love? - von contigo - 13.06.2008, 15:35
Can they turn hate into love? - von ace-19 - 13.06.2008, 19:17
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 13.06.2008, 19:38
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 13.06.2008, 19:59
Can they turn hate into love? - von ordinary - 13.06.2008, 20:09
Can they turn hate into love? - von cherry 159 - 13.06.2008, 20:14
Can they turn hate into love? - von pünktchen - 13.06.2008, 20:47
Can they turn hate into love? - von jutschi - 13.06.2008, 21:01
Can they turn hate into love? - von ace-19 - 13.06.2008, 21:33
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 13.06.2008, 22:15
Can they turn hate into love? - von friends of love - 13.06.2008, 22:39
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 14.06.2008, 10:14
Can they turn hate into love? - von eve94 - 14.06.2008, 15:12
Can they turn hate into love? - von contigo - 14.06.2008, 16:35
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 15.06.2008, 21:09
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 17.06.2008, 18:22
Can they turn hate into love? - von pünktchen - 17.06.2008, 18:58
Can they turn hate into love? - von cherry 159 - 17.06.2008, 19:05
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 17.06.2008, 19:21
Can they turn hate into love? - von friends of love - 17.06.2008, 20:25
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 18.06.2008, 16:16
Can they turn hate into love? - von contigo - 18.06.2008, 18:56
Can they turn hate into love? - von ordinary - 18.06.2008, 19:09
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 18.06.2008, 21:59
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 19.06.2008, 18:47
Can they turn hate into love? - von ace-19 - 19.06.2008, 21:52
Can they turn hate into love? - von DASEWIGEESI - 19.06.2008, 21:55
Can they turn hate into love? - von 0easy0 - 22.06.2008, 22:16
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 27.06.2008, 17:20
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 28.06.2008, 09:45
Can they turn hate into love? - von Aki - 04.07.2008, 15:27
Can they turn hate into love? - von Tanja488 - 23.07.2008, 23:33
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 12.08.2008, 19:47
Can they turn hate into love? - von Aki - 12.08.2008, 19:50
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 12.08.2008, 21:36
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 14.08.2008, 12:51
Can they turn hate into love? - von Hayden - 14.08.2008, 15:04
Can they turn hate into love? - von ace-19 - 15.08.2008, 13:41
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 07.10.2008, 18:54
Can they turn hate into love? - von pünktchen - 07.10.2008, 20:05
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 07.10.2008, 20:08
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 07.10.2008, 21:18
Can they turn hate into love? - von ace-19 - 13.10.2008, 03:34
Can they turn hate into love? - von Nathi 4545 - 07.01.2009, 23:01
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 08.01.2009, 00:20
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 08.01.2009, 15:16
Can they turn hate into love? - von Nathi 4545 - 08.01.2009, 18:10
Can they turn hate into love? - von Mery1202 - 08.01.2009, 18:44
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 09.01.2009, 20:56
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 10.01.2009, 01:35
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 10.01.2009, 13:06
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 10.01.2009, 13:42
Can they turn hate into love? - von ace-19 - 10.01.2009, 18:49
Can they turn hate into love? - von Nathi 4545 - 10.01.2009, 19:53
Can they turn hate into love? - von Tanja488 - 12.01.2009, 18:26
Can they turn hate into love? - von ~sophie~ - 24.02.2009, 15:19
Can they turn hate into love? - von Nathi 4545 - 24.02.2009, 20:38
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 27.02.2009, 21:52
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 28.02.2009, 13:20
Can they turn hate into love? - von Nathi 4545 - 28.02.2009, 14:20
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 03.03.2009, 00:40
Can they turn hate into love? - von mybom - 19.07.2009, 10:55
Can they turn hate into love? - von Literati*lover - 19.07.2009, 21:07
Can they turn hate into love? - von Nathi 4545 - 20.07.2009, 11:10
Can they turn hate into love? - von Sindy85 - 20.07.2009, 17:41
Can they turn hate into love? - von ace-19 - 25.05.2008, 18:04
Can they turn hate into love? - von contigo - 25.05.2008, 19:01
Can they turn hate into love? - von lit*blink - 13.08.2008, 18:54

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