Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies)

@Sandra: Ja Mitchum zeigt Herz. Mal sehen ob es auch so bliebt:pfeif:
@Sindy85: Mal sehen ob du mit deiner Vermutung richtig liegst??Wink
@pratschkuh: Ja Mitchum als liebender Großvater. Ihr wird deine neugier gestillt.
@Anni maus: Ja Phil hat eindeutig, die offenheit von seinem VaterBig Grin Mal sehen was sich da machen lässt, dass Rory und Logan wieder zusammen kommen.
@KleineMichi: Eine neue Leserin. Freut mich sehr. Mal sehen, ob Logan seine Vater Rolle an nimmt?Wink
@eve94: Ich finde auch das ein netter Mitchum gruselig ist!
@Linda: Ich wäre wahrscheinlich auch noch schneller weg gelaufen, wäre ich an Rorys stelleBig Grin
@Anja schatzi: Ich liebe Phil auch. Mir macht es wirklich großen Spaß, Phil zu schreiben. Ich muss immer lachen, wenn ich Szenen mit Phil schreibeBig Grin
@DASEWIGEESI: Hier kommt der nächste Teil...

So hier ist der nächste Teil...Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß beim lesen.

Teil 10

„Ich wollte mich für mein Blödes verhalten Entschuldigen“, sagte eine stimme aus dem Auto. „Schon gut. Ich hätte nicht gewusst, wie ich darauf Reagiert hätte“, antwortete Rory verständnisvoll. „Hör zu, Rory. Ich wollte dir bloß sagen, das ich ein paar Tage brauche, um über alles nach zu denken. Wie es mit uns und Phil weiter geht. Ich werde dich anrufen, okay“, sagte Logan ganz ruhig.

Er hatte etwas Zeit darüber nach zu denken. Er wollte nicht, einfach so Fahren, eher er nicht darüber nachgedacht zuhaben. Wenn er ehrlich zu sich sei, dann war er ganz schön über diese Neuigkeit geschockt. Er hatte mit vieles gerechnet aber nicht mit so etwas. Er hatte ganz schön heftig darauf reagiert.

„Okay“, meinte sie. „Ich will nur dass du weißt, dass ich von dir überhaupt nichts erwarte. Ich verpflichte dich zu gar nichts. Ich meine wenn du Phil sehen möchtest, dann habe ich nichts dagegen“, fuhr sie fort. Sie wollte Logan das Gefühl geben, das er keine Angst zu haben braucht, wenn er seinen Sohn sehen möchte.

„Bitte dräng mich nicht, okay. Ich sagte ich werde darüber nachdenken“, meinte Logan und sah Rory fehlend an. Er wollte darüber nachdenken. Er brauchte nur ein bisschen mehr Zeit.
„Okay“, sagte sie und zuckte mit ihren Schultern. Für einen Moment war es einfach nur still. Keiner von beiden sagte irgendwas, als Rory sich gerade umdrehen wollte, zum gehen, sagte Logan. „Er ist wirklich Süß. Er sieht mir wirklich ähnlich“, und auf seinen Lippen bildete sich ein lächeln.

Rory drehte sich wieder zu Logan um. „Ja. Er ist wirklich wie du. Du müsstest ihn mal sehen, wenn er in seinem Element ist. Ach er ist einfach total Süß“, sprudelte es nur so aus ihr heraus. Immer wenn, sie von Phil sprach, plapperte sie wie ein Wasserfall. Sie liebte ihren Sohn einfach zu sehr. Sie grinste Logan an.

„Du hast es bestimmt nicht immer leicht mit ihm, oder?“, fragte Logan und sah auf seine Hände die auf seinem Schoß ruhten. „Nicht immer. Aber ich weiß ja, wie man mit Huntzbergers umgehen muss“, meinte Rory und begann zum lachen. Auch er musste lachen und zuckte dabei mit den Schultern. „Glaub mir das wird noch schlimmer. Warte erst, wenn er in die Schule geht. Ich war ganz schön schwierig“, sprach er und ein grinsten machte sich wieder breit.

Wenn er an seine Schulzeit dachte, dann wünschte er sich das er damals nicht so viel misst gebaut hatte. Wenn er noch mal die Gelegenheit hätte, dann würde er sich jetzt anders verhalten.

Auch sie grinste über das ganze Gesicht. „Na dann Hals und Beinbruch. Gott steh mir bei“, sagte sie und sah Logan in die Augen. Sie sah dass seine Augen strahlten. Das hatte sie vermisst. Noch vor ein paar Minuten waren seine Augen noch voller Wut.

„Na ja. So schlimm war ich auch wieder nicht. Aber wenn er meinen Charakter geerbt hat, dann steht dir…uns“, berichtete er sich selber „noch einiges bevor“, beendete er seinen Satz und lachte.

Rory konnte es nicht glauben. Er sagte Tatsächlich „uns“. Und sein Zauberhaftes lächeln hatte sie so sehr vermisst. Als beide sich von ihrem Lachanfall erholt hatten, meinte Rory Mm…Logan. Aber ich sollte jetzt wieder rein wegen…“, „Phil. Schon klar“, beendete er Rorys Satz.

Kopf schüttelnd sagte sie. „Nein. Nicht wegen Phil. Der ist bei deinem Vater auf dem Arm“. Rory hoffte nur das sie jetzt nichts falsches gesagt hatte. Etwas unsicher strich sie sich eine Strähne aus dem Gesicht.

„Was? Bei meinem Vater? Hmm…“, gab Logan von sich. Dies lies Rory auf blicken und sah Logan verwundert an. Sie dachte eigentlich dass er sagen würde, warum Phil bei seinem Dad ist, aber so wie sie in seinem Gesicht sehen konnte, schien ihm das nichts aus zumachen.

„Das ist mir neu. Er hat sich zwar in den letzten Jahren verändert, aber das er einfach auf seinem Enkelsohn zugehen würde, hätte ich ihm nicht zugetraut“, beendete Logan seinen Satz. Er war zwar ein bisschen überrascht, aber es gefiel ihm, das er es gemacht hatte. Er hatte sich wirklich in den Jahren verändert. Sein Vater überraschte ihm halt immer wieder aufs neues.

„Er kam auf mich zu, und meinte, dass er gerne seinen Enkelsohn kennen lernen würde, wenn ich nichts dagegen hätte. Und ich konnte ihm das ja nun schlecht verbieten. Er ist ja immer hin sein Großvater“, verteidigte sich Rory während sie mit den Schulten zuckte und Logan ansah.

Logan verzog sein Gesicht. Er konnte nicht glauben was seine Ex-Freundin gerade gesagt hatte. Immer hin konnte sein Vater seine Freundin nie so richtig Leiden. Und so viel er weiß, war auch Rory nicht so gut auf Mitchum zusprechen.

„Du hast sicher Recht“, sagte er deswegen nur. Er wusste nicht was er sonst darauf sagen sollte. „Ich sollte jetzt gehen“, meinte Logan. „Gib Phil bitte einen Kuss von mir und sag ihm, dass es mir Leid tut, das ich schon weg bin“, sprach er weiter.

Rory nickte und sagte „Mach ich. Ich schätze du wirst mich erst am Wochenende anrufen, wegen Phil“. Er sah sie verwundert an. Er verstand nicht ganz, was sie ihm damit sagen wollte und zog die Stirn graus. „Ich versteh nicht ganz?“, fragte er nach.
„Du bist doch wieder in das Geschäft deines Vaters eingestiegen“, stellte sie ihm eine gegen frage.

Er versuchte sich krampfhaft zu erinnern wann und ob er ihr davon erzählt hatte, aber ihm viel es nicht ein. Wo her wusste sie, dann davon. Wenn er es ihr nicht erzählt hatte, dann musste es sein Dad gewesen sein. „Woher, weißt du das?“, wollte Logan wissen und machte dabei ein komisches Gesicht. Denn er wusste wirklich nicht woher sie das wusste.

„Colin und Finn, haben es mir gesagt“, offenbarte sie und sah Logan an. „Wow. Du hast Colin und Finn gesehen? Wann denn?“, fragte er und sah sie mit einem aufforderten blick an. Er konnte es nicht glauben, dass sie Colin und Finn gesehen hatte. Er hatte schon seit 2 Jahren keinen Kontakt mehr mit ihnen.

„Heute Morgen in New York. Ich war selber ganz erstaunt die beiden zusehen. Ich kam gerade aus meiner Wohnung raus gelaufen und bin mit ihnen zusammen gestoßen“, klärte sie ihm auf. Sie wusste dass er danach fragen würde. Immer hin waren sie zu College Zeiten die besten freunde. Sie sah dass er sich darüber freute, das sie die Jungs gesehen hatte.
„Wow…Wie geht es Ihnen? Ich habe die Jungs schon lange nicht mehr gesehen“, fragte er. Er musste sie mal wieder anrufen.


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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.07.2008, 14:12
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.07.2008, 21:44
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 16.07.2008, 12:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 16.07.2008, 12:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 16.07.2008, 12:42
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 16.07.2008, 20:38
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 27.07.2008, 17:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 27.07.2008, 19:43
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 27.07.2008, 21:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 29.07.2008, 11:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 30.07.2008, 11:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 30.07.2008, 11:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 30.07.2008, 12:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 30.07.2008, 13:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 30.07.2008, 14:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 30.07.2008, 15:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LiaMcDreamy - 30.07.2008, 15:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 30.07.2008, 20:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.07.2008, 20:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von pratschkuh - 30.07.2008, 23:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 01.08.2008, 21:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 03.08.2008, 11:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 03.08.2008, 11:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.08.2008, 16:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.08.2008, 20:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 03.08.2008, 21:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 04.08.2008, 10:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 04.08.2008, 17:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 05.08.2008, 19:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.08.2008, 20:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.08.2008, 11:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 06.08.2008, 12:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 06.08.2008, 15:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 06.08.2008, 20:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 06.08.2008, 21:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 08.08.2008, 15:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.08.2008, 12:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.08.2008, 13:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 10.08.2008, 21:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 10.08.2008, 21:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 11.08.2008, 09:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 13.08.2008, 11:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.08.2008, 12:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 13.08.2008, 12:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 13.08.2008, 12:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 13.08.2008, 14:25
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.08.2008, 15:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 13.08.2008, 16:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 14.08.2008, 14:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 17.08.2008, 12:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.08.2008, 12:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 17.08.2008, 12:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 17.08.2008, 14:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 17.08.2008, 17:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 17.08.2008, 23:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 18.08.2008, 16:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 19.08.2008, 10:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 19.08.2008, 18:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.08.2008, 12:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 20.08.2008, 16:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.08.2008, 21:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 20.08.2008, 23:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 21.08.2008, 04:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 21.08.2008, 13:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 23.08.2008, 00:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.08.2008, 14:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 24.08.2008, 14:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 24.08.2008, 20:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 24.08.2008, 20:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 24.08.2008, 22:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 25.08.2008, 19:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 26.08.2008, 15:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 26.08.2008, 17:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.08.2008, 14:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.08.2008, 16:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.08.2008, 16:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 27.08.2008, 16:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 27.08.2008, 17:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 27.08.2008, 20:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 27.08.2008, 21:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 28.08.2008, 06:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 28.08.2008, 16:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 28.08.2008, 20:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 29.08.2008, 21:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 30.08.2008, 14:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 31.08.2008, 13:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 31.08.2008, 15:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 31.08.2008, 20:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 01.09.2008, 18:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 01.09.2008, 21:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 02.09.2008, 12:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 02.09.2008, 14:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 03.09.2008, 13:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 03.09.2008, 13:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 03.09.2008, 20:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 03.09.2008, 21:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 04.09.2008, 14:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 05.09.2008, 14:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 06.09.2008, 11:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 07.09.2008, 12:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.09.2008, 17:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.09.2008, 21:25
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 08.09.2008, 13:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 09.09.2008, 11:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.09.2008, 19:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.09.2008, 20:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 10.09.2008, 21:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 11.09.2008, 20:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 12.09.2008, 10:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 12.09.2008, 21:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 13.09.2008, 14:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.09.2008, 14:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 14.09.2008, 14:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 16.09.2008, 21:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.09.2008, 19:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 17.09.2008, 19:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 20.09.2008, 11:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.09.2008, 12:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 21.09.2008, 12:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 21.09.2008, 17:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 22.09.2008, 16:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 22.09.2008, 17:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.09.2008, 20:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.09.2008, 11:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 28.09.2008, 13:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 28.09.2008, 18:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 29.09.2008, 14:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 29.09.2008, 18:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 30.09.2008, 17:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.09.2008, 20:31
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 02.10.2008, 10:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.10.2008, 20:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 05.10.2008, 21:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 06.10.2008, 14:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 06.10.2008, 18:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.10.2008, 20:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 08.10.2008, 23:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 09.10.2008, 16:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 09.10.2008, 21:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 12.10.2008, 12:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LaNa_GiLmOrE - 12.10.2008, 16:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 12.10.2008, 20:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 12.10.2008, 21:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.10.2008, 15:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 19.10.2008, 12:31
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 19.10.2008, 16:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 19.10.2008, 17:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.10.2008, 11:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 20.10.2008, 14:25
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 20.10.2008, 15:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 20.10.2008, 20:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.10.2008, 22:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 24.10.2008, 15:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.10.2008, 19:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 25.10.2008, 12:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 25.10.2008, 17:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.10.2008, 19:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 25.10.2008, 19:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.10.2008, 19:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 25.10.2008, 22:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 26.10.2008, 11:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 26.10.2008, 14:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 26.10.2008, 21:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.10.2008, 17:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.10.2008, 22:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 30.10.2008, 23:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 01.11.2008, 23:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 02.11.2008, 17:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 02.11.2008, 17:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 02.11.2008, 20:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 03.11.2008, 14:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.11.2008, 15:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 03.11.2008, 21:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 03.11.2008, 23:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 09.11.2008, 14:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 09.11.2008, 18:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.11.2008, 21:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 11.11.2008, 12:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 11.11.2008, 14:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 11.11.2008, 23:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.11.2008, 15:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 16.11.2008, 13:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 16.11.2008, 15:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 16.11.2008, 19:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 16.11.2008, 23:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 21.11.2008, 20:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 22.11.2008, 20:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 23.11.2008, 19:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 25.11.2008, 21:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 26.11.2008, 12:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 26.11.2008, 20:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 28.11.2008, 16:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 28.11.2008, 22:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 30.11.2008, 15:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 30.11.2008, 16:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 30.11.2008, 21:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.11.2008, 23:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 02.12.2008, 13:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 04.12.2008, 01:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 07.12.2008, 13:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.12.2008, 16:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.12.2008, 21:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 07.12.2008, 21:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 08.12.2008, 15:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 11.12.2008, 17:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Izzie - 11.12.2008, 17:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.12.2008, 17:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 14.12.2008, 21:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.12.2008, 22:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 14.12.2008, 22:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 14.12.2008, 23:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 15.12.2008, 20:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.12.2008, 16:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 22.12.2008, 17:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 22.12.2008, 19:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 23.12.2008, 19:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 24.12.2008, 00:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.12.2008, 17:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 26.12.2008, 12:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 28.12.2008, 14:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 29.12.2008, 12:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 29.12.2008, 17:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.12.2008, 22:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 31.12.2008, 18:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 04.01.2009, 16:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 05.01.2009, 22:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 05.01.2009, 22:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LizzyBenett - 09.01.2009, 07:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 10.01.2009, 19:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 11.01.2009, 14:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 11.01.2009, 18:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 18.01.2009, 17:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 18.01.2009, 19:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 18.01.2009, 20:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 19.01.2009, 03:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 19.01.2009, 15:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 19.01.2009, 20:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 25.01.2009, 13:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.01.2009, 16:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 25.01.2009, 22:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.01.2009, 23:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 26.01.2009, 01:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.01.2009, 16:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.01.2009, 19:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 01.02.2009, 12:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 01.02.2009, 16:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 01.02.2009, 18:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 01.02.2009, 21:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 02.02.2009, 17:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.02.2009, 16:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 08.02.2009, 19:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 08.02.2009, 20:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 09.02.2009, 18:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 10.02.2009, 10:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.02.2009, 21:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 15.02.2009, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 22.02.2009, 14:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.02.2009, 19:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 23.02.2009, 10:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 23.02.2009, 14:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.02.2009, 21:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 01.03.2009, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 02.03.2009, 14:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.03.2009, 00:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.03.2009, 14:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 03.03.2009, 15:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 05.03.2009, 22:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.03.2009, 16:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 08.03.2009, 19:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.03.2009, 00:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 09.03.2009, 18:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 09.03.2009, 22:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 15.03.2009, 16:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 15.03.2009, 19:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 15.03.2009, 21:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 16.03.2009, 22:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 22.03.2009, 16:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.03.2009, 22:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.03.2009, 19:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 24.03.2009, 20:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 28.03.2009, 20:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 29.03.2009, 15:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 31.03.2009, 21:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.04.2009, 16:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 06.04.2009, 16:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 08.04.2009, 12:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 11.04.2009, 20:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.04.2009, 15:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 13.04.2009, 15:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.04.2009, 20:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 14.04.2009, 20:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.04.2009, 21:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 19.04.2009, 13:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 19.04.2009, 14:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von SweetStevie - 19.04.2009, 16:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 19.04.2009, 18:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 21.04.2009, 21:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 03.05.2009, 15:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 03.05.2009, 19:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von SweetStevie - 03.05.2009, 20:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.05.2009, 22:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 04.05.2009, 14:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.05.2009, 17:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 05.05.2009, 19:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.05.2009, 17:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.05.2009, 17:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 17.05.2009, 22:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von SweetStevie - 18.05.2009, 16:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 19.05.2009, 16:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 19.05.2009, 21:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 20.05.2009, 17:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.05.2009, 17:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 24.05.2009, 19:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 25.05.2009, 20:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 28.05.2009, 20:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 29.05.2009, 13:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 01.06.2009, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 01.06.2009, 17:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 02.06.2009, 17:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 02.06.2009, 21:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 06.06.2009, 15:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.06.2009, 16:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 07.06.2009, 17:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 08.06.2009, 19:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.06.2009, 00:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 09.06.2009, 10:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 09.06.2009, 19:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 09.06.2009, 23:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.06.2009, 14:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 14.06.2009, 17:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 18.06.2009, 17:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 18.06.2009, 20:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.06.2009, 16:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 21.06.2009, 17:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.06.2009, 23:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.07.2009, 15:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 05.07.2009, 16:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.07.2009, 19:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.07.2009, 18:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 19.07.2009, 15:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 19.07.2009, 18:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.07.2009, 17:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LadyH - 24.07.2009, 00:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 26.07.2009, 17:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 26.07.2009, 19:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 27.07.2009, 12:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.07.2009, 20:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 02.08.2009, 18:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 02.08.2009, 18:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 06.08.2009, 23:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 09.08.2009, 19:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.08.2009, 09:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 17.08.2009, 10:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.08.2009, 11:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 17.08.2009, 12:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 19.08.2009, 19:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.08.2009, 21:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 30.08.2009, 18:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 30.08.2009, 19:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 31.08.2009, 11:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 06.09.2009, 15:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.09.2009, 17:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 06.09.2009, 19:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 07.09.2009, 11:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.09.2009, 20:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 08.09.2009, 16:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.09.2009, 18:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 13.09.2009, 18:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 16.09.2009, 12:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.09.2009, 16:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 20.09.2009, 18:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 22.09.2009, 23:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.09.2009, 15:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 23.09.2009, 22:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.09.2009, 18:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 27.09.2009, 20:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 30.09.2009, 12:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 02.10.2009, 20:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 04.10.2009, 17:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 05.10.2009, 14:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 11.10.2009, 17:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 11.10.2009, 18:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 11.10.2009, 19:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 12.10.2009, 13:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 12.10.2009, 16:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 15.10.2009, 12:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 18.10.2009, 17:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 19.10.2009, 13:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.10.2009, 17:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.10.2009, 20:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 26.10.2009, 01:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 26.10.2009, 18:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 31.10.2009, 17:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 04.11.2009, 20:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.11.2009, 11:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 05.11.2009, 20:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.11.2009, 18:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.11.2009, 19:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 08.11.2009, 20:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 08.11.2009, 20:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 09.11.2009, 16:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.11.2009, 23:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 15.11.2009, 20:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 15.11.2009, 20:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 15.11.2009, 21:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 16.11.2009, 22:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.11.2009, 13:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 22.11.2009, 13:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 22.11.2009, 14:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 22.11.2009, 16:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 23.11.2009, 21:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 28.11.2009, 14:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 29.11.2009, 18:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 29.11.2009, 20:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 30.11.2009, 17:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 02.12.2009, 12:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.12.2009, 17:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 06.12.2009, 18:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.12.2009, 13:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 07.12.2009, 15:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 10.12.2009, 14:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 11.12.2009, 22:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.12.2009, 18:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.12.2009, 20:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 14.12.2009, 18:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 15.12.2009, 01:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 17.12.2009, 23:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.12.2009, 16:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 24.12.2009, 13:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 24.12.2009, 13:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 27.12.2009, 11:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.12.2009, 17:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 28.12.2009, 18:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 31.12.2009, 16:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 31.12.2009, 17:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 06.01.2010, 18:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.01.2010, 18:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 10.01.2010, 18:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.01.2010, 19:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.01.2010, 23:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Teufel1202 - 11.01.2010, 19:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 12.01.2010, 20:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 16.01.2010, 11:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.01.2010, 16:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 18.01.2010, 15:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 20.01.2010, 23:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von quackquack - 21.01.2010, 21:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.01.2010, 22:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.02.2010, 17:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.02.2010, 18:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.02.2010, 18:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 15.02.2010, 12:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 15.02.2010, 22:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 01.03.2010, 11:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 03.03.2010, 13:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.03.2010, 16:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 08.03.2010, 11:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.03.2010, 12:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 04.04.2010, 18:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 04.04.2010, 22:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 13.05.2010, 01:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 14.05.2010, 22:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 16.05.2010, 16:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 16.05.2010, 20:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.05.2010, 17:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 04.07.2010, 21:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 14.07.2010, 16:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.07.2010, 18:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von madeleiine - 02.08.2010, 12:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 11.09.2010, 15:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Nell - 20.09.2010, 19:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.09.2010, 19:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 22.09.2010, 10:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.09.2010, 20:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Nell - 23.09.2010, 04:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 29.09.2010, 14:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 19.12.2010, 01:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.02.2011, 23:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 10.02.2011, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 18.02.2011, 16:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.06.2011, 19:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 29.07.2011, 20:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 28.06.2008, 19:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von pratschkuh - 28.06.2008, 19:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 28.06.2008, 21:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 09.07.2008, 17:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 09.07.2008, 17:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 01.08.2008, 20:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.08.2008, 21:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 14.09.2008, 20:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.10.2008, 15:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 25.02.2009, 20:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 28.02.2009, 19:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 05.04.2010, 10:18

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