Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies)

@Tesa: Ja es wird noch ein wenig dauern, mit dem beiden. Was ist heute schon leicht? Es ist alles Kompliziert. Na ja, ich wollte sie ja Küssen lassen, aber dann habe ich es mir anders überlegt.Big Grin
@Anja maus: Ich finde es klasse, dass du beide gut verstehen kannst. Du kannst dich gut un Logan hineinversetzten und weißt wie er denkt. Das finde ich gut. Und du brauchst mir nicht Dankbar sein, für dass das du die FF als erste lesen durftest. Wink
@Leene: Tja, Männer sind seltsame Wesen. Aber ich denke, Logan hat schon genug Riskiert, und ich denke er Handelt nicht kindisch, sondern so, damit er nicht noch mal verletzt wird. Es ging ihm wirklich nicht gut, nach der Trennung von Rory.Wink
@Sindy: Ja beide machen es sich wirklich nicht leicht. Aber ich fand es auch klasse, dass Logan Phil da nicht mit rein ziehen will...Big Grin
@Vanessa: Nein, dass essen war leider noch nicht dabei, aber es kommt. Noch ein klein wenig Geduld, okay?Big Grin
@Lana: Jepp...Phil ist wie sein Daddy. Ich bin auch gespannt, wie Logan damit zurecht kommt. Er wird bestimmt sehr schwer werden.Big Grin
@Jenni: Ja das hoffe ich auch...:pfeif:

Diesen Teil widme ich allen meinen Lesern, die immer so fleißig FB geben. Ohne sie würde es diese FF nicht geben. Vielen Dank!!

Hier kommt der neue Teil viel Spaß beim Lesen...

Teil 26

Rory stand noch eine Weile vor Logans Tür. Ein paar Tränen schossen ihr in die Augen, und sie musste sich wirklich anstrengen, dass es nicht mehr wurden. Wie konnte sie wirklich nach allem was sie Logan angetan hatte glauben, er würde sie auch noch lieben?

Aber vielleicht brauchten sie wirklich nur ein bisschen Zeit. Er hatte ja gesagt, dass er sich erst über seine Gefühle klar werden muss, dachte Rory. Sie hob ihre Hand und wischte sich die Tränen aus den Augen. Dann lief sie zu ihrem Auto und setzte sich rein. Als sie gerade den Motor starten wollte, klingelte ihr Handy.

Sie holte es aus der Handtasche raus und ging ran. „Ja?“, sagte sie etwas genervt. „Wo bleibst du denn?“, fragte die Stimme am anderen Ende der Leitung. „Ich will nicht alleine in die Höhle des Löwen!“. „Ich bin ja schon unterwegs. In 10 Minuten bin ich bei dir, Mom.“, sagte Rory genervt. Sie hatte jetzt wirklich keinen Nerv dafür, die Spinnereien ihrer Mutter anzuhören. Sie hatte selber genug Probleme.

Lorelai ist es auf keinen Fall entgangen, dass Rory genervt war. Irgendwas musste bei Logan vorgefallen sein. „Schatz? Was ist los?“ fragte Lorelai etwas besorgt. Sie kannte ihre Tochter viel zu gut, um zu wissen, dass irgendetwas passiert war.
Rory hätte es wissen müssen, dass es ihrer Mutter auffallen würde, dass mit ihr irgendetwas nicht stimmte. „Es ist alles okay, Mom.“, versuchte sich Rory davor zu drücken. Aber leider hatte sie die Rechung ohne ihre Mutter gemacht.

„Das glaube ich dir nicht. Was ist bei Logan passiert? Habt ihr euch gestritten?“, stocherte Lorelai weiter. Sie wusste wenn sie weiter in ihre Tochter bohren würde, dann würde sie mit der Wahrheit schon rausrücken. „Nein haben wir nicht.“, meinte Rory und ein paar Tränen schossen ihr in die Augen. Gleich versuchte sie sie weg zu wischen, aber vergebens. „Schatz. Was ist los?“, fragte Lorelai nochmals nach, denn sie hatte Rorys Schluchzen gehört.

Rory versuchte sich zu beruhigen bevor sie ihrer Mutter antwortet. „Es ist nur…Ich vermisse Phil jetzt schon.“, log Rory. Sie wollte das jetzt nicht ihrer Mutter erzählen. Dazu hatte sie keine Lust. „Ach, Schätzchen“, kam es von Lorelai mitfühlend. Sie wusste genau, wie Rory sich jetzt fühlte. „Das ist das erste Mal, das Phil nicht bei mir ist.“, sprach Rory weiter. Dabei musste sie sich zurück halten, nicht wieder zu weinen. „Ich kann dich verstehen. Aber glaub mir, es wird leichter.“, versuchte Lorelai ihre Tochter etwas aufzumuntern. „Ich weiß, Mom. Danke. Ich mache mich jetzt auf den Weg zu Grandma.“, meinte Rory und ließ gerade ihren Motor an. „Okay bis gleich.“, kam es von Lorelai zurück. Beide legten auf und Rory fuhr los.


Logan hatte es sich auf der Couch bequem gemacht. Er schaute sich zusammen mit Phil einen Kinderfilm an, den Rory mit in die Tasche von Phil gepackt hatte. Logan hatte den Arm um Phil gelegt und ihn dicht an sich herangezogen. Sie schauten gerade Ice Age. Das war Phils Lieblingsfilm.
Als eine lustige Szene im Film kam, mussten beide lachen. Logan hatte den Film noch nie gesehen, aber er fand ihn wirklich sehr süß, den Film. Phil hatte den Film schon so oft schon gesehen, dass er die Dialoge die im Film kamen, alle mit sprechen konnte. Logan sah Phil verwundert an. „Hey, du kennst ja den Film, schon in und auswendig“, stellte Logan erstaunt fest. „Das ist ja auch mein absoluter Lieblingsfilm.“, erklärte Phil seinem Dad und grinste ihn frech an. Logan nahm seine Hand und kitzelte ihn am Bauch. Sie tobten eine ganze Zeit lang so herum und vergasen, den Film vollkommen.


Es war schon ziemlich spät und Phil lag schon fast schlafend auf der Couch. Logan betrachtete seinen Sohn und ein sanftes Lächeln machte sich auf seinen Lippen breit. Er freute sich wirklich sehr, dass Phil hier war, und er Zeit mit ihm verbringen konnte. Sie verstanden sich wirklich sehr gut.
Phil gähnte vor sich her und Logan nahm ihn auf dem Arm. Er trug ihn in sein Schlafzimmer und legte ihn auf sein Bett. Sanft deckte er ihn zu. Schlafanzug und Zähne geputzt hatte er schon. „Gute Nacht“, murmelte Logan zu Phil und von Phil kam das Gleiche zurück. Kurz sah er ihn noch mal an, eher er das Schlafzimmer verließ und zurück ins Wohnzimmer ging, um die Couch zum Schlafen fertig zu machen.

Er legte sich auf das Sofa und starrte die ganze Zeit an die Decke. Wenn er nicht bald schlafen würde, dann war die Nacht rum, und er hatte kein Auge zugebracht. Er musste an das Gespräch mit Rory denken. Aber er musste auch daran denken, wie schrecklich es ihm nach der Trennung ging.

Logan lag eine Woche später in seinem Bett und starrte an die Decke. Er hatte einen Bart und ganz tiefe Augenringe. Er hatte seit Tagen sein Appartement nicht mehr verlassen und er würde es auch so schnell nicht tun. Seit Tagen hatte er kein Auge mehr zugetan. Denn immer wenn er das tat, hatte er ihr Gesicht vor sich und dann fing er hemmungslos zu weinen an. Er hatte schon lange keine Tränen mehr. Er fragte sich, woher nur all die Tränen kamen? Während er mal wieder an sie dachte, wie all die anderen Tage davor auch schon, schossen ihm erneut Tränen in die Augen.

Er hob seine Hand und wischte hastig die Tränen weg. Er wollte stark sein, aber das gelang ihm nicht immer. Den Schmerz den er spürte, war einfach zu stark, und er wusste auch nicht, ob er das jemals überstehen würde.
Plötzlich richtete er sich auf und stieg aus dem Bett. Er steuerte geradewegs seine Bar an, in der jede menge Flaschen Alkohol drin standen. Er schnappte sich eine Scotch Flasche und lief auf die Couch zu. Er ließ sich fallen und schraubte die Kappe ab. Er nahm einen kräftigen Schluck draus.

Er lies seinen Blick durch die Wohnung schweifen. Sie war ohne sie ganz leer. Er vermisste, dass sie nicht mehr wie eine Verrückte, durch die Wohnung lief, wenn sie irgendetwas suchte. An seinem Schreibtisch blieb sein Blick kleben. Mit der Flasche in der Hand, stand er auf und lief auf seinem Schreibtisch zu. Dort lagen noch Sachen von ihr. Er starrte einige Zeit darauf. Als ihm wieder eine Wut überkam. Er nahm seinen Arm und legte ihn auf dem Schreibtisch und mit einem Ruck lagen die ganzen Sachen auf dem Boden.

Er lief auf seinem Schrank zu und darauf folge das Bild von ihm und Rory, an der Wand. Er nahm aus der Falsche den nächsten Schluck und wollte sich gerade wieder hinsetzten, als es an der Tür klopfte. Logan ließ sich, davon aber nicht ablenken und nahm gleich einen weiteren Schluck aus der Flasche.
Flashback Ende


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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.07.2008, 21:44
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 16.07.2008, 12:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 16.07.2008, 12:42
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 27.07.2008, 19:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.07.2008, 21:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 27.07.2008, 21:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 29.07.2008, 11:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 30.07.2008, 11:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 30.07.2008, 11:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 30.07.2008, 12:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 30.07.2008, 13:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 30.07.2008, 14:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 30.07.2008, 15:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LiaMcDreamy - 30.07.2008, 15:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 30.07.2008, 20:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.07.2008, 20:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von pratschkuh - 30.07.2008, 23:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 01.08.2008, 21:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 03.08.2008, 11:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 03.08.2008, 11:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.08.2008, 16:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.08.2008, 20:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 03.08.2008, 21:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 04.08.2008, 10:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 04.08.2008, 17:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 05.08.2008, 19:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.08.2008, 20:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.08.2008, 11:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 06.08.2008, 12:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 06.08.2008, 15:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 06.08.2008, 20:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 06.08.2008, 21:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 08.08.2008, 15:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.08.2008, 12:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.08.2008, 13:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 10.08.2008, 21:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 10.08.2008, 21:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 11.08.2008, 09:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 13.08.2008, 11:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.08.2008, 12:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 13.08.2008, 12:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 13.08.2008, 12:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 13.08.2008, 14:25
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.08.2008, 15:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 13.08.2008, 16:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 14.08.2008, 14:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 17.08.2008, 12:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.08.2008, 12:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 17.08.2008, 12:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 17.08.2008, 14:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 17.08.2008, 17:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 17.08.2008, 23:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 18.08.2008, 16:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 19.08.2008, 10:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 19.08.2008, 18:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.08.2008, 12:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 20.08.2008, 16:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.08.2008, 21:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 20.08.2008, 23:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 21.08.2008, 04:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 21.08.2008, 13:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 23.08.2008, 00:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.08.2008, 14:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 24.08.2008, 14:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 24.08.2008, 20:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 24.08.2008, 20:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 24.08.2008, 22:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 25.08.2008, 19:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 26.08.2008, 15:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 26.08.2008, 17:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.08.2008, 14:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.08.2008, 16:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.08.2008, 16:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 27.08.2008, 16:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 27.08.2008, 17:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 27.08.2008, 20:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 27.08.2008, 21:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 28.08.2008, 06:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 28.08.2008, 16:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 28.08.2008, 20:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 29.08.2008, 21:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 30.08.2008, 14:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 31.08.2008, 13:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 31.08.2008, 15:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 31.08.2008, 20:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 01.09.2008, 18:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 01.09.2008, 21:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 02.09.2008, 12:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 02.09.2008, 14:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 03.09.2008, 13:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 03.09.2008, 13:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 03.09.2008, 20:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 03.09.2008, 21:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 04.09.2008, 14:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 05.09.2008, 14:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 06.09.2008, 11:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 07.09.2008, 12:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.09.2008, 17:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.09.2008, 21:25
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 08.09.2008, 13:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 09.09.2008, 11:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.09.2008, 19:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.09.2008, 20:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 10.09.2008, 21:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 11.09.2008, 20:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 12.09.2008, 10:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 12.09.2008, 21:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 13.09.2008, 14:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.09.2008, 14:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 14.09.2008, 14:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 16.09.2008, 21:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.09.2008, 19:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 17.09.2008, 19:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 20.09.2008, 11:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.09.2008, 12:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 21.09.2008, 12:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 21.09.2008, 17:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 22.09.2008, 16:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 22.09.2008, 17:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.09.2008, 20:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.09.2008, 11:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 28.09.2008, 13:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 28.09.2008, 18:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 29.09.2008, 14:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 29.09.2008, 18:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 30.09.2008, 17:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.09.2008, 20:31
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 02.10.2008, 10:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.10.2008, 20:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 05.10.2008, 21:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 06.10.2008, 14:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 06.10.2008, 18:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.10.2008, 20:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 08.10.2008, 23:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 09.10.2008, 16:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 09.10.2008, 21:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 12.10.2008, 12:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LaNa_GiLmOrE - 12.10.2008, 16:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 12.10.2008, 20:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 12.10.2008, 21:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.10.2008, 15:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 19.10.2008, 12:31
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 19.10.2008, 16:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 19.10.2008, 17:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.10.2008, 11:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 20.10.2008, 14:25
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 20.10.2008, 15:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 20.10.2008, 20:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.10.2008, 22:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 24.10.2008, 15:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.10.2008, 19:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 25.10.2008, 12:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 25.10.2008, 17:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.10.2008, 19:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 25.10.2008, 19:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.10.2008, 19:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 25.10.2008, 22:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 26.10.2008, 11:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 26.10.2008, 14:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 26.10.2008, 21:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.10.2008, 17:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.10.2008, 22:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 30.10.2008, 23:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 01.11.2008, 23:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 02.11.2008, 17:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 02.11.2008, 17:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 02.11.2008, 20:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 03.11.2008, 14:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.11.2008, 15:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 03.11.2008, 21:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 03.11.2008, 23:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 09.11.2008, 14:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 09.11.2008, 18:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.11.2008, 21:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 11.11.2008, 12:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 11.11.2008, 14:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 11.11.2008, 23:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.11.2008, 15:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 16.11.2008, 13:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 16.11.2008, 15:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 16.11.2008, 19:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 16.11.2008, 23:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 21.11.2008, 20:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 22.11.2008, 20:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 23.11.2008, 19:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 25.11.2008, 21:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 26.11.2008, 12:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 26.11.2008, 20:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 28.11.2008, 16:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 28.11.2008, 22:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 30.11.2008, 15:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 30.11.2008, 16:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 30.11.2008, 21:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.11.2008, 23:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 02.12.2008, 13:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 04.12.2008, 01:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 07.12.2008, 13:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.12.2008, 16:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.12.2008, 21:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 07.12.2008, 21:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 08.12.2008, 15:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 11.12.2008, 17:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Izzie - 11.12.2008, 17:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.12.2008, 17:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 14.12.2008, 21:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.12.2008, 22:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 14.12.2008, 22:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 14.12.2008, 23:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 15.12.2008, 20:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.12.2008, 16:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 22.12.2008, 17:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 22.12.2008, 19:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 23.12.2008, 19:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 24.12.2008, 00:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.12.2008, 17:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 26.12.2008, 12:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 28.12.2008, 14:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 29.12.2008, 12:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 29.12.2008, 17:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.12.2008, 22:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 31.12.2008, 18:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 04.01.2009, 16:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 05.01.2009, 22:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 05.01.2009, 22:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LizzyBenett - 09.01.2009, 07:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 10.01.2009, 19:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 11.01.2009, 14:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 11.01.2009, 18:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 18.01.2009, 17:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 18.01.2009, 19:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 18.01.2009, 20:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 19.01.2009, 03:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 19.01.2009, 15:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 19.01.2009, 20:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 25.01.2009, 13:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.01.2009, 16:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 25.01.2009, 22:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.01.2009, 23:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 26.01.2009, 01:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.01.2009, 16:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.01.2009, 19:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 01.02.2009, 12:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 01.02.2009, 16:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 01.02.2009, 18:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 01.02.2009, 21:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 02.02.2009, 17:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.02.2009, 16:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 08.02.2009, 19:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 08.02.2009, 20:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 09.02.2009, 18:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 10.02.2009, 10:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.02.2009, 21:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 15.02.2009, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 22.02.2009, 14:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.02.2009, 19:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 23.02.2009, 10:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 23.02.2009, 14:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.02.2009, 21:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 01.03.2009, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 02.03.2009, 14:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.03.2009, 00:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.03.2009, 14:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 03.03.2009, 15:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 05.03.2009, 22:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.03.2009, 16:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 08.03.2009, 19:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.03.2009, 00:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 09.03.2009, 18:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 09.03.2009, 22:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 15.03.2009, 16:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 15.03.2009, 19:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 15.03.2009, 21:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 16.03.2009, 22:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 22.03.2009, 16:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.03.2009, 22:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.03.2009, 19:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 24.03.2009, 20:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 28.03.2009, 20:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 29.03.2009, 15:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 31.03.2009, 21:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.04.2009, 16:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 06.04.2009, 16:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 08.04.2009, 12:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 11.04.2009, 20:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.04.2009, 15:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 13.04.2009, 15:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.04.2009, 20:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 14.04.2009, 20:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.04.2009, 21:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 19.04.2009, 13:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 19.04.2009, 14:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von SweetStevie - 19.04.2009, 16:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 19.04.2009, 18:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 21.04.2009, 21:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 03.05.2009, 15:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 03.05.2009, 19:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von SweetStevie - 03.05.2009, 20:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.05.2009, 22:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 04.05.2009, 14:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.05.2009, 17:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 05.05.2009, 19:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.05.2009, 17:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.05.2009, 17:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 17.05.2009, 22:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von SweetStevie - 18.05.2009, 16:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 19.05.2009, 16:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 19.05.2009, 21:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 20.05.2009, 17:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.05.2009, 17:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 24.05.2009, 19:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 25.05.2009, 20:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 28.05.2009, 20:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 29.05.2009, 13:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 01.06.2009, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 01.06.2009, 17:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 02.06.2009, 17:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 02.06.2009, 21:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 06.06.2009, 15:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.06.2009, 16:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 07.06.2009, 17:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 08.06.2009, 19:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.06.2009, 00:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 09.06.2009, 10:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 09.06.2009, 19:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 09.06.2009, 23:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.06.2009, 14:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 14.06.2009, 17:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 18.06.2009, 17:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 18.06.2009, 20:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.06.2009, 16:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 21.06.2009, 17:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.06.2009, 23:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.07.2009, 15:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 05.07.2009, 16:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.07.2009, 19:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.07.2009, 18:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 19.07.2009, 15:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 19.07.2009, 18:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.07.2009, 17:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LadyH - 24.07.2009, 00:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 26.07.2009, 17:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 26.07.2009, 19:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 27.07.2009, 12:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.07.2009, 20:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 02.08.2009, 18:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 02.08.2009, 18:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 06.08.2009, 23:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 09.08.2009, 19:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.08.2009, 09:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 17.08.2009, 10:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.08.2009, 11:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 17.08.2009, 12:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 19.08.2009, 19:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.08.2009, 21:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 30.08.2009, 18:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 30.08.2009, 19:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 31.08.2009, 11:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 06.09.2009, 15:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.09.2009, 17:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 06.09.2009, 19:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 07.09.2009, 11:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.09.2009, 20:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 08.09.2009, 16:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.09.2009, 18:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 13.09.2009, 18:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 16.09.2009, 12:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.09.2009, 16:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 20.09.2009, 18:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 22.09.2009, 23:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.09.2009, 15:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 23.09.2009, 22:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.09.2009, 18:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 27.09.2009, 20:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 30.09.2009, 12:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 02.10.2009, 20:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 04.10.2009, 17:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 05.10.2009, 14:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 11.10.2009, 17:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 11.10.2009, 18:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 11.10.2009, 19:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 12.10.2009, 13:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 12.10.2009, 16:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 15.10.2009, 12:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 18.10.2009, 17:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 19.10.2009, 13:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.10.2009, 17:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.10.2009, 20:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 26.10.2009, 01:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 26.10.2009, 18:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 31.10.2009, 17:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 04.11.2009, 20:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.11.2009, 11:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 05.11.2009, 20:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.11.2009, 18:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.11.2009, 19:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 08.11.2009, 20:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 08.11.2009, 20:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 09.11.2009, 16:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.11.2009, 23:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 15.11.2009, 20:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 15.11.2009, 20:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 15.11.2009, 21:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 16.11.2009, 22:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.11.2009, 13:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 22.11.2009, 13:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 22.11.2009, 14:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 22.11.2009, 16:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 23.11.2009, 21:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 28.11.2009, 14:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 29.11.2009, 18:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 29.11.2009, 20:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 30.11.2009, 17:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 02.12.2009, 12:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.12.2009, 17:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 06.12.2009, 18:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.12.2009, 13:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 07.12.2009, 15:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 10.12.2009, 14:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 11.12.2009, 22:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.12.2009, 18:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.12.2009, 20:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 14.12.2009, 18:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 15.12.2009, 01:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 17.12.2009, 23:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.12.2009, 16:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 24.12.2009, 13:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 24.12.2009, 13:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 27.12.2009, 11:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.12.2009, 17:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 28.12.2009, 18:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 31.12.2009, 16:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 31.12.2009, 17:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 06.01.2010, 18:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.01.2010, 18:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 10.01.2010, 18:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.01.2010, 19:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.01.2010, 23:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Teufel1202 - 11.01.2010, 19:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 12.01.2010, 20:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 16.01.2010, 11:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.01.2010, 16:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 18.01.2010, 15:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 20.01.2010, 23:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von quackquack - 21.01.2010, 21:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.01.2010, 22:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.02.2010, 17:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.02.2010, 18:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.02.2010, 18:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 15.02.2010, 12:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 15.02.2010, 22:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 01.03.2010, 11:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 03.03.2010, 13:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.03.2010, 16:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 08.03.2010, 11:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.03.2010, 12:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 04.04.2010, 18:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 04.04.2010, 22:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 13.05.2010, 01:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 14.05.2010, 22:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 16.05.2010, 16:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 16.05.2010, 20:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.05.2010, 17:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 04.07.2010, 21:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 14.07.2010, 16:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.07.2010, 18:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von madeleiine - 02.08.2010, 12:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 11.09.2010, 15:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Nell - 20.09.2010, 19:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.09.2010, 19:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 22.09.2010, 10:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.09.2010, 20:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Nell - 23.09.2010, 04:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 29.09.2010, 14:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 19.12.2010, 01:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.02.2011, 23:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 10.02.2011, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 18.02.2011, 16:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.06.2011, 19:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 29.07.2011, 20:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 28.06.2008, 19:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von pratschkuh - 28.06.2008, 19:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 28.06.2008, 21:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 09.07.2008, 17:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 09.07.2008, 17:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 01.08.2008, 20:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.08.2008, 21:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 14.09.2008, 20:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.10.2008, 15:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 25.02.2009, 20:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 28.02.2009, 19:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 05.04.2010, 10:18

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