Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies)

@Lillifee: Es freut mich, dass du weiterhin eine treue Leserin meiner FF bist, und das du es als eine Art Abwechslung siehst. So geht es mir auch immer, so kann man etwas abschalten und nicht über den Alltag nach denken.
@Sindy: Ja das mit dem eintreten, war ein schreibfehler und es war auch so genmeintBig Grin Hihi...werde ich dann gleich verbessern.
@Margie: Ja du sagst es. Seine liebe zu Rory und dass er sie noch immer so sehr liebt, macht ihn extrem Verwundbar. Und Logan tut mir natürlich auch verdammt leid.

So wie versprochen, gibt es heute den neuen Teil...Ich wollte mich noch entschuldigen, dass ich es am Mittwoch nicht geschafft habe einen Teil zu posten.
Entschuldigt bitte die Rechtschreibfehler...hatte keine Zeit mehr ihn zu meiner Beta zu schicken...

So und nun viel Spaß mit dem neuen Teil...

Teil 34

Rory, Phil und Logan standen vor dem Anwesend der Huntzbergers. Am liebsten würden Rory und Logan wieder in ihre jeweiligen Autos steigen und weg fahren. Aber das ging nicht. Mitchum Huntzberger persönlich hatte sie eingeladen, ob es ihnen nun passte oder nicht. Sie mussten da rein. Rory hielt die rechte Hand von Phil und Logan die linke Hand. Beide atmeten noch einmal tief durch und Rory wollte gerade ihren Finger an die Glocke legen, als Logan sich zu Wort meldete.

„Bist du bereit in die Höhle des Löwen zu gehen?“, fragte er sie und sah sie an. Er hatte Angst, dass das Essen wie damals verlief. Er wusste zwar, dass sein Vater sich verändert hatte, aber bei seiner Mutter und seinem Grandpa, war er sich nicht sicher. Rory nickte nur als Antwort. Sie brauchte nichts sagen, denn sie wusste genau woran Logan gerade dachte.

„Wenn ich daran denke, was beim letzten Mal passiert ist, würde ich am liebsten wieder gehen.“, kam es von Logan und er sah zu Phil, der ihn sanft anlächelte. Logan erwiderte das Lächeln seines Sohnes und sah wieder zu Rory. „Ich glaube, so schlimm wie beim letzten Mal wird es nicht werden.“, und sah Logan beruhigend an. Sie hatte zwar selber ein komisches Gefühl in der Magengegend, aber sie glaubte schon, dass es besser wird als das letzte Mal.

Verwundert sah Logan Rory an. Sie hatte wohl verdrängt, was beim letzten Mal war. „Du hast wohl vergessen, was ich beim letzten Mal gesagt hatte?“, erinnerte Logan Rory daran. Stirnrunzelnd sah sie Logan wieder an. Sie hatte keine Ahnung, was er damit meinte. „Was meinst du?“, fragte sie deshalb. „Meine Eltern können fies werden, wenn sie genervt sind.“, kam es von Logan und er dachte daran wie nervös er damals war. So nervös wie damals war er in seinem ganzen Leben nicht gewesen. „Das habe ich nicht. Aber ich denke, wir sollten uns nicht verrückt machen.“, meinte Rory und sah Logan wieder lächelnd an. Sie wusste, dass er sich Sogen machte, aber wenn Mitchum sich wirklich verändert hatte, so wie es Logan gesagt hatte, dann machte sie sich keine Sorgen.

Logan wollte gerade seinen Finger an die Glocke legen als Rory plötzlich sagte „Du hast nicht zufällig eine Freundin die Linda Miller heißt und du willst ihr in der nächsten Zeit auch keinen Antrag machen?“, fragte Rory und sah Logan unsicher an. Eigentlich wollte sie ihn das nicht fragen, aber ihre Neugierde war viel zu groß. Sie musste das wissen, vielleicht war ja ihr Traum doch kein Albtraum sondern die Realität?

Verwundert und leicht verwirrt sah Logan Rory an. Wie kam sie darauf, dass er eine Freundin hätte, die Linda Miller hieß und ihr einen Antrag machen würde. „Weder noch“, antworte Logan und sah sie aber weiterhin skeptisch an. „Also heißt dass, dass du weder eine Freundin hast, die Linda Miller heißt, noch dass du sie heiraten möchtest?“, fragte sie nach und steckte sich nervös eine Haarsträhne hinter ihr Ohr. Die ganze Sache war ihr sehr peinlich.
„Nein habe ich nicht. Warum fragst du?“, wollte er wissen und schüttelte mit dem Kopf und sah ihr in die Augen. Er verstand die Frage nicht. Warum fragte Rory ihn das alles? Rory versuchte Logans Blick auszuweichen, aber das gelang ihr nicht wirklich. „Nur so“ sagte sie kurz und legte ihren Finger an die Glocke und klingelte.

Verwundert sah Logan mit an, wie Rory einfach geklingelt hatte. Immer wenn er nicht wissen durfte, was sie meinte, verhielt sie sich so. Aber jetzt nachzufragen, wäre nicht gut, denn dann würden seine Eltern es mitbekommen und das wollte er nicht. Also beschloss er bis nach dem Essen zu warten, wenn sie wieder vor der Tür waren. Kurze Zeit später öffnete sich die Tür und Mitchum stand höchstpersönlich da. „Schön, dass ihr gekommen seid.“, meinte Mitchum und machte die Tür weiter auf, so dass alle drei eintreten konnten. Ein Dienstmädchen kam und nahm ihnen die Mäntel ab. Gemeinsam liefen sie ins Wohnzimmer, in dem schon Shira, Honor und Josh warteten. Verblüfft sah Logan auf seine große Schwester. „Honor, du bist auch da?“, fragte er und sah ganz schön verwundert aus. „Was dachtest du denn. Meinst du, ich will meinen Neffen verpassen.“, konterte sie und lief auf Logan zu und umarmte ihn. „Schön, dass du da bist“, sagte er ihr ins Ohr und löste sich aus der Umarmung.

Sein Verhältnis zu seiner Schwester ist nach dem Vorfall im Krankenhaus noch enger geworden. Sie versuchten sich so oft es ging zu treffen und zu telefonieren. „Ja, das finde ich auch.“, meinte sie lachend und sah ihren Bruder von oben bis unten an. „Du siehst glücklich aus.“, erkannte Honor und sah kurz zu Rory rüber. „Ich bin auch glücklich.“, flüstere Logan, so damit es nur Honor hören konnte. Sie zwinkerte ihm zu und wandte sich an Rory. „Hallo Rory. Du siehst einfach toll aus.“, meinte sie und umarmte auch sie. „Danke, du aber auch.“, kam es von Rory und sah zwischen Logan, der einen Arm um seine Schwester gelegt hatte und Honor hin und her.

„So und jetzt will ich meinen Neffen kennen lernen.“, meinte sie lachend und ging in die Knie damit sie Phil besser sehen konnte. Phil sah kurz zu seiner Mutter und dann zu seinem Vater. Rory nahm Phils Hand in ihre und ging ebenfalls in die Knie. „Schätzchen, dass ist deine Tante Honor.“, informierte sie ihn. Phil sah neugierig zu ihr. Kurz zögerte er, lief aber dann doch auf sie zu und streckte ihr die Hand entgegen. „Hallo“, meinte Phil und sah seine Tante mit großen Augen an. „Hallo. Du bist Phil, nehme ich an, oder?“, fragte sie weiter und nahm seine Hand in ihre. „Ja“, kam es von ihm. Immer noch mit großen Augen sah er seine Tante an. Plötzlich entzog sich Phil Honors Hand und ging auf sie zu und umarmte sie.

Verwundert über Phils Umarmung, sah sie Rory und Logan an. „Na langsam“, sagte Honor lachend und schlang aber ihre Arme auch um Phil. Sie löste die Umarmung und stellte Phil seinen Onkel Josh vor. Währenddessen, hatte Logan seine Mutter begrüßt und Rory tat es ihm gleich. Plötzlich hörte man Mitchums Stimme. „Phil, kommst du mal bitte?“, meinte er und sah zu Phil. Dieser sah seinen Grandpa an und lief auf ihn zu. „Was ist denn?“, fragte er, als er bei seinem Großvater ankam. „Ich habe was für dich. Das wird dir bestimmt gefallen.“, offenbarte er und reichte Phil ein großes Päckchen. Begeistert und mit großen Augen nahm Phil es entgegen und öffnete es gleich.

„Mitchum. Das ist echt nicht nötig. Er hat genug zu Hause.“, meldete sich Rory zu Wort. Auch Logan musste etwas sagen. „Dad, Rory hat Recht. Das wäre echt nicht nötig gewesen.“, kam es auch von Logan. „Ich weiß…Aber ich konnte nicht anders. Bitte sei mir nicht böse, Rory. Aber das ist mein einziges Enkelkind.“, sagte Mitchum und sah gespannt auf Phil, der immer noch damit beschäftigt war sein Geschenk auszupacken.
Als er es endlich offen hatte, nahm er es raus und seine Augen wurden immer größer. Zu seinem Polizeiauto, das er zu Hause schon hatte, hatte er von seinem Grandpa ein Feuerwehrauto und einen Krankenwagen bekommen. „Mommy, schau mal.“, meinte Phil begeistert und stand vom Boden wieder auf. „Schön, mein Schatz.“, meinte Rory. „Hast du nicht was vergessen?“, erinnerte sie Phil daran. Verwundert sah er seine Mutter erst an, aber dann wusste er, was sie damit meinte. Phil rannte auf seinen Großvater zu und sprang ihm in die Arme. „Danke schön“, sagte er begeistert.
Alle mussten lachen, als Phil Mitchum in die Arme gesprungen war, und sich bei ihm bedankte. „Nichts zu danken. Schön, dass es dir gefällt. Deine Grandma hatte die Idee. Bedank dich auch bei ihr.“, meinte Mitchum und stellte Phil wieder auf dem Boden ab. Nachdenklich sah er seine Grandma an. Er wusste nicht, ob er auf sie zu gehen sollte oder nicht.


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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.07.2008, 14:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 13.07.2008, 16:48
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von eve94 - 13.07.2008, 19:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.07.2008, 21:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 16.07.2008, 12:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 16.07.2008, 12:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 16.07.2008, 12:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 16.07.2008, 12:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 16.07.2008, 12:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 16.07.2008, 13:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 16.07.2008, 20:38
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.07.2008, 11:23
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.07.2008, 20:51
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Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 24.07.2008, 11:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 24.07.2008, 12:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 25.07.2008, 18:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von pratschkuh - 25.07.2008, 21:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 25.07.2008, 23:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.07.2008, 11:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 27.07.2008, 15:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 27.07.2008, 17:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 27.07.2008, 19:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.07.2008, 21:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 27.07.2008, 21:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 29.07.2008, 11:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 30.07.2008, 11:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 30.07.2008, 11:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 30.07.2008, 12:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 30.07.2008, 13:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 30.07.2008, 14:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 30.07.2008, 15:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LiaMcDreamy - 30.07.2008, 15:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 30.07.2008, 20:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.07.2008, 20:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von pratschkuh - 30.07.2008, 23:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 01.08.2008, 21:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 03.08.2008, 11:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 03.08.2008, 11:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.08.2008, 16:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.08.2008, 20:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 03.08.2008, 21:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 04.08.2008, 10:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 04.08.2008, 17:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 05.08.2008, 19:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.08.2008, 20:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.08.2008, 11:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 06.08.2008, 12:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 06.08.2008, 15:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 06.08.2008, 20:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 06.08.2008, 21:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 08.08.2008, 15:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.08.2008, 12:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.08.2008, 13:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 10.08.2008, 21:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 10.08.2008, 21:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 11.08.2008, 09:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 13.08.2008, 11:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.08.2008, 12:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 13.08.2008, 12:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 13.08.2008, 12:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 13.08.2008, 14:25
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.08.2008, 15:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 13.08.2008, 16:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 14.08.2008, 14:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 17.08.2008, 12:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.08.2008, 12:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 17.08.2008, 12:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 17.08.2008, 14:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 17.08.2008, 17:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 17.08.2008, 23:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 18.08.2008, 16:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 19.08.2008, 10:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 19.08.2008, 18:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.08.2008, 12:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 20.08.2008, 16:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.08.2008, 21:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 20.08.2008, 23:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 21.08.2008, 04:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von prinzessin23 - 21.08.2008, 13:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 23.08.2008, 00:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.08.2008, 14:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 24.08.2008, 14:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 24.08.2008, 20:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 24.08.2008, 20:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 24.08.2008, 22:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 25.08.2008, 19:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 26.08.2008, 15:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 26.08.2008, 17:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.08.2008, 14:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.08.2008, 16:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.08.2008, 16:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 27.08.2008, 16:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 27.08.2008, 17:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 27.08.2008, 20:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 27.08.2008, 21:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 28.08.2008, 06:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 28.08.2008, 16:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 28.08.2008, 20:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von adoreee-Logan - 29.08.2008, 21:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 30.08.2008, 14:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 31.08.2008, 13:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 31.08.2008, 15:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 31.08.2008, 20:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 01.09.2008, 18:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 01.09.2008, 21:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 02.09.2008, 12:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 02.09.2008, 14:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 03.09.2008, 13:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 03.09.2008, 13:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 03.09.2008, 20:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 03.09.2008, 21:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 04.09.2008, 14:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 05.09.2008, 14:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 06.09.2008, 11:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 07.09.2008, 12:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.09.2008, 17:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.09.2008, 21:25
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 08.09.2008, 13:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 09.09.2008, 11:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.09.2008, 19:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.09.2008, 20:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 10.09.2008, 21:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 11.09.2008, 20:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 12.09.2008, 10:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 12.09.2008, 21:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 13.09.2008, 14:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.09.2008, 14:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 14.09.2008, 14:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 16.09.2008, 21:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.09.2008, 19:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 17.09.2008, 19:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 20.09.2008, 11:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.09.2008, 12:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 21.09.2008, 12:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 21.09.2008, 17:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 22.09.2008, 16:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 22.09.2008, 17:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.09.2008, 20:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.09.2008, 11:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 28.09.2008, 13:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 28.09.2008, 18:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 29.09.2008, 14:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 29.09.2008, 18:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 30.09.2008, 17:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.09.2008, 20:31
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 02.10.2008, 10:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.10.2008, 20:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 05.10.2008, 21:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 06.10.2008, 14:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 06.10.2008, 18:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.10.2008, 20:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 08.10.2008, 23:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 09.10.2008, 16:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 09.10.2008, 21:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 12.10.2008, 12:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LaNa_GiLmOrE - 12.10.2008, 16:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 12.10.2008, 20:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 12.10.2008, 21:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.10.2008, 15:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 19.10.2008, 12:31
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 19.10.2008, 16:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 19.10.2008, 17:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.10.2008, 11:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 20.10.2008, 14:25
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 20.10.2008, 15:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 20.10.2008, 20:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.10.2008, 22:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 24.10.2008, 15:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.10.2008, 19:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 25.10.2008, 12:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 25.10.2008, 17:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.10.2008, 19:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 25.10.2008, 19:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.10.2008, 19:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 25.10.2008, 22:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 26.10.2008, 11:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 26.10.2008, 14:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 26.10.2008, 21:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.10.2008, 17:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.10.2008, 22:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 30.10.2008, 23:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 01.11.2008, 23:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 02.11.2008, 17:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 02.11.2008, 17:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 02.11.2008, 20:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 03.11.2008, 14:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.11.2008, 15:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 03.11.2008, 21:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 03.11.2008, 23:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 09.11.2008, 14:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 09.11.2008, 18:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.11.2008, 21:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 11.11.2008, 12:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 11.11.2008, 14:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 11.11.2008, 23:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.11.2008, 15:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 16.11.2008, 13:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 16.11.2008, 15:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 16.11.2008, 19:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 16.11.2008, 23:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 21.11.2008, 20:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 22.11.2008, 20:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 23.11.2008, 19:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 25.11.2008, 21:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 26.11.2008, 12:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 26.11.2008, 20:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 28.11.2008, 16:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 28.11.2008, 22:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 30.11.2008, 15:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 30.11.2008, 16:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 30.11.2008, 21:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.11.2008, 23:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 02.12.2008, 13:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 04.12.2008, 01:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 07.12.2008, 13:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.12.2008, 16:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.12.2008, 21:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 07.12.2008, 21:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 08.12.2008, 15:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 11.12.2008, 17:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Izzie - 11.12.2008, 17:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.12.2008, 17:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 14.12.2008, 21:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.12.2008, 22:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 14.12.2008, 22:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 14.12.2008, 23:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 15.12.2008, 20:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.12.2008, 16:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 22.12.2008, 17:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 22.12.2008, 19:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 23.12.2008, 19:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 24.12.2008, 00:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.12.2008, 17:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 26.12.2008, 12:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 28.12.2008, 14:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 29.12.2008, 12:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 29.12.2008, 17:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 30.12.2008, 22:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 31.12.2008, 18:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 04.01.2009, 16:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 05.01.2009, 22:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 05.01.2009, 22:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LizzyBenett - 09.01.2009, 07:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 10.01.2009, 19:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 11.01.2009, 14:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 11.01.2009, 18:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 18.01.2009, 17:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 18.01.2009, 19:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 18.01.2009, 20:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 19.01.2009, 03:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 19.01.2009, 15:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 19.01.2009, 20:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 25.01.2009, 13:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.01.2009, 16:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 25.01.2009, 22:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.01.2009, 23:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von dweety - 26.01.2009, 01:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.01.2009, 16:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 27.01.2009, 19:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 01.02.2009, 12:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 01.02.2009, 16:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 01.02.2009, 18:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 01.02.2009, 21:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 02.02.2009, 17:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.02.2009, 16:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 08.02.2009, 19:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 08.02.2009, 20:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 09.02.2009, 18:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von gilmoreGirl nr1 - 10.02.2009, 10:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.02.2009, 21:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 15.02.2009, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 22.02.2009, 14:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.02.2009, 19:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 23.02.2009, 10:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von DASEWIGEESI - 23.02.2009, 14:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.02.2009, 21:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 01.03.2009, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 02.03.2009, 14:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.03.2009, 00:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.03.2009, 14:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 03.03.2009, 15:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 05.03.2009, 22:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.03.2009, 16:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 08.03.2009, 19:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.03.2009, 00:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 09.03.2009, 18:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 09.03.2009, 22:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 15.03.2009, 16:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 15.03.2009, 19:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 15.03.2009, 21:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 16.03.2009, 22:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 22.03.2009, 16:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.03.2009, 22:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.03.2009, 19:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 24.03.2009, 20:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 28.03.2009, 20:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 29.03.2009, 15:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 31.03.2009, 21:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.04.2009, 16:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 06.04.2009, 16:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 08.04.2009, 12:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 11.04.2009, 20:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.04.2009, 15:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 13.04.2009, 15:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.04.2009, 20:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von JUHUI - 14.04.2009, 20:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.04.2009, 21:43
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 19.04.2009, 13:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 19.04.2009, 14:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von SweetStevie - 19.04.2009, 16:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 19.04.2009, 18:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 21.04.2009, 21:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 03.05.2009, 15:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 03.05.2009, 19:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von SweetStevie - 03.05.2009, 20:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 03.05.2009, 22:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 04.05.2009, 14:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 05.05.2009, 17:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 05.05.2009, 19:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.05.2009, 17:34
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.05.2009, 17:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 17.05.2009, 22:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von SweetStevie - 18.05.2009, 16:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 19.05.2009, 16:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 19.05.2009, 21:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 20.05.2009, 17:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.05.2009, 17:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 24.05.2009, 19:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 25.05.2009, 20:28
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 28.05.2009, 20:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 29.05.2009, 13:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 01.06.2009, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 01.06.2009, 17:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 02.06.2009, 17:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 02.06.2009, 21:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 06.06.2009, 15:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.06.2009, 16:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 07.06.2009, 17:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 08.06.2009, 19:11
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.06.2009, 00:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 09.06.2009, 10:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 09.06.2009, 19:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 09.06.2009, 23:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.06.2009, 14:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 14.06.2009, 17:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 18.06.2009, 17:19
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 18.06.2009, 20:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.06.2009, 16:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 21.06.2009, 17:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.06.2009, 23:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.07.2009, 15:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 05.07.2009, 16:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.07.2009, 19:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 14.07.2009, 18:49
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 19.07.2009, 15:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 19.07.2009, 18:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 20.07.2009, 17:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von LadyH - 24.07.2009, 00:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 26.07.2009, 17:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 26.07.2009, 19:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 27.07.2009, 12:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 27.07.2009, 20:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 02.08.2009, 18:14
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 02.08.2009, 18:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 06.08.2009, 23:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 09.08.2009, 19:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.08.2009, 09:44
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 17.08.2009, 10:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.08.2009, 11:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 17.08.2009, 12:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 19.08.2009, 19:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 25.08.2009, 21:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 30.08.2009, 18:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 30.08.2009, 19:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 31.08.2009, 11:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 06.09.2009, 15:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.09.2009, 17:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 06.09.2009, 19:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 07.09.2009, 11:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.09.2009, 20:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 08.09.2009, 16:57
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.09.2009, 18:35
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 13.09.2009, 18:48
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 16.09.2009, 12:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.09.2009, 16:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 20.09.2009, 18:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 22.09.2009, 23:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.09.2009, 15:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 23.09.2009, 22:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.09.2009, 18:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 27.09.2009, 20:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 30.09.2009, 12:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 02.10.2009, 20:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 04.10.2009, 17:01
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 05.10.2009, 14:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 11.10.2009, 17:09
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 11.10.2009, 18:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 11.10.2009, 19:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 12.10.2009, 13:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 12.10.2009, 16:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 15.10.2009, 12:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 18.10.2009, 17:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 19.10.2009, 13:24
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Tesa - 23.10.2009, 17:51
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 25.10.2009, 20:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 26.10.2009, 01:10
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 26.10.2009, 18:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 31.10.2009, 17:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 04.11.2009, 20:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.11.2009, 11:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 05.11.2009, 20:20
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.11.2009, 18:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 08.11.2009, 19:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 08.11.2009, 20:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 08.11.2009, 20:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 09.11.2009, 16:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 09.11.2009, 23:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 15.11.2009, 20:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 15.11.2009, 20:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 15.11.2009, 21:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 16.11.2009, 22:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.11.2009, 13:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 22.11.2009, 13:42
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Blitzlotos - 22.11.2009, 14:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 22.11.2009, 16:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 23.11.2009, 21:39
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 28.11.2009, 14:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 29.11.2009, 18:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 29.11.2009, 20:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 30.11.2009, 17:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 02.12.2009, 12:16
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 06.12.2009, 17:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 06.12.2009, 18:47
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.12.2009, 13:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 07.12.2009, 15:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 10.12.2009, 14:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 11.12.2009, 22:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 13.12.2009, 18:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 13.12.2009, 20:32
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 14.12.2009, 18:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 15.12.2009, 01:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 17.12.2009, 23:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 20.12.2009, 16:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 24.12.2009, 13:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 24.12.2009, 13:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 27.12.2009, 11:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 27.12.2009, 17:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 28.12.2009, 18:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 31.12.2009, 16:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 31.12.2009, 17:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 06.01.2010, 18:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.01.2010, 18:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 10.01.2010, 18:59
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 10.01.2010, 19:12
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 10.01.2010, 23:50
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Teufel1202 - 11.01.2010, 19:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 12.01.2010, 20:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von blue_eye - 16.01.2010, 11:36
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 17.01.2010, 16:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 18.01.2010, 15:54
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 20.01.2010, 23:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von quackquack - 21.01.2010, 21:04
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.01.2010, 22:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.02.2010, 17:06
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 07.02.2010, 18:46
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.02.2010, 18:56
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 15.02.2010, 12:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 15.02.2010, 22:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 01.03.2010, 11:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 03.03.2010, 13:02
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 07.03.2010, 16:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 08.03.2010, 11:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.03.2010, 12:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 04.04.2010, 18:00
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 04.04.2010, 22:29
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von GilmoreGirls09 - 13.05.2010, 01:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 14.05.2010, 22:07
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 16.05.2010, 16:26
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 16.05.2010, 20:37
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 17.05.2010, 17:58
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 04.07.2010, 21:13
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 14.07.2010, 16:45
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 14.07.2010, 18:30
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von madeleiine - 02.08.2010, 12:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 11.09.2010, 15:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Nell - 20.09.2010, 19:17
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 21.09.2010, 19:05
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von -Ace- - 22.09.2010, 10:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 22.09.2010, 20:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Nell - 23.09.2010, 04:53
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 29.09.2010, 14:08
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 19.12.2010, 01:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 03.02.2011, 23:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ~sophie~ - 10.02.2011, 15:18
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Miss-Gilmore - 18.02.2011, 16:38
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 24.06.2011, 19:41
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 29.07.2011, 20:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von ace-19 - 28.06.2008, 19:52
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von pratschkuh - 28.06.2008, 19:55
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Lillifee - 28.06.2008, 21:21
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von KleineMichi - 09.07.2008, 17:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 09.07.2008, 17:40
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Leene - 01.08.2008, 20:27
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 13.08.2008, 21:23
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sindy85 - 14.09.2008, 20:03
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von r.eg.02 - 05.10.2008, 15:15
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von RL4EVER - 25.02.2009, 20:22
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von Sweet-Gel - 28.02.2009, 19:33
Will this love have a second chance one day? (Sophies) - von mybom - 05.04.2010, 10:18

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