06.07.2004, 15:02
ich find die szene, wo lorelai bei luke schläft und ihm von ihrem traum erzählt voll cool! hab mir die szene schon zig mal angeschaut...
auÃerdem fand ich die unterhaltung zwischen Lore und Sookie über lukes hintern auch ziemlich gut!
und das hier find ich auch super:
[spoiler:015604ebe0]LORELAI: Shel, have you met Luke? Hey, Luke...Get up! Uh, Shel, this is Luke.
SHEL: Nice to meet you.
LUKE: Yeah, you too.
LORELAI: Luke is my...special friend.
LORELAI: I have to tell you, renovating this place has been a real nightmare. I just don't know how I would have gotten through it without him. [Lorelai leans against Luke and forces him to put his arm around her waist.] Have I said thank you to you recently?
auÃerdem fand ich die unterhaltung zwischen Lore und Sookie über lukes hintern auch ziemlich gut!
und das hier find ich auch super:
[spoiler:015604ebe0]LORELAI: Shel, have you met Luke? Hey, Luke...Get up! Uh, Shel, this is Luke.
SHEL: Nice to meet you.
LUKE: Yeah, you too.
LORELAI: Luke is my...special friend.
LORELAI: I have to tell you, renovating this place has been a real nightmare. I just don't know how I would have gotten through it without him. [Lorelai leans against Luke and forces him to put his arm around her waist.] Have I said thank you to you recently?