04.10.2011, 22:11
bin für die letzte zeile:
obwohl in der ferne die sonne schon scheint
da muss was optimistisches rein
ansatz find ich toll!
meine gedanken aus dem zug heute:
There's a song inside my head
that I have heard before
I wish the memories were dead
I wouldn't cry no more.
The harmonies still sound like you
I sang them all the time
they change as well as seasons do
but never stop to chime.
And while that song inside my mind
tells tales of pain and love
I search someone I just can't find
to help me rise above-
Sadly though noone will try
enough to climb my wall-
and with your love the time goes by
when I felt something at all.
obwohl in der ferne die sonne schon scheint

meine gedanken aus dem zug heute:
There's a song inside my head
that I have heard before
I wish the memories were dead
I wouldn't cry no more.
The harmonies still sound like you
I sang them all the time
they change as well as seasons do
but never stop to chime.
And while that song inside my mind
tells tales of pain and love
I search someone I just can't find
to help me rise above-
Sadly though noone will try
enough to climb my wall-
and with your love the time goes by
when I felt something at all.