I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13

Zitat:In Stars Hollow hielten die Bewohner der Stadt eine Versammlung ab. Niemals zuvor hatte sich so schreckliches in der Stadt abgespielt, und die Bürger waren der Meinung, dass all das sofort verschwinden musste. Sobald die Tatorte von der Polizei freigegeben waren, was bald geschehen sollte, würden die Aufräumarbeiten beginnen.
Wer von euch steht noch nicht auf der Liste?“, rief Patty in das Geplapper hinein.
Sookies Haus übernehme ich zusammen mit Kirk und Taylor- und Sookie schläft heute Nacht bei Babette, das Haus können wir ihr so nicht zumuten.“
Es gab ein zustimmendes Gemurmel.
Wer kümmert sich um das Waldgebiet?“
Einige Finger gingen hoch und Patty schrieb schnell die Namen auf.

Babette, Morey und Cinnamon übernehmen Lorelais Wohnung... Cinnamon?“
„Klar!“, antwortete Babette, „Er wird alles überprüfen, ist doch eine Spürkatze!“

Das geht nicht!“, warf Taylor ein,“in meine Mietshäuser kommen keine Tiere. Das steht so im Mietvertrag!“
Eine hitzige Diskussion entbrannte.
:gg: Danke dafür. Zu genial, könnte fast als Tages-Highlight gelten :lach:

Die Konversation zwischen Rory und den Großeltern ist allerliebst und Jess, wie er ins Zimmer rollt und Schläuche cool findet ebenfalls. Das mit den Officers und Luke stimmt mich ein bisschen misstrauisch - kommt da etwa noch was Unverhofftes? Und klar, dass Lorelai sich überfordert fühlt und weint. Ist auch alles bisschen viel.

Klasse Teil. Bin gespannt, was noch auf uns zukommt.

Life is to express, not to impress.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 16:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lexymaus - 20.09.2006, 16:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Liongirly*84 - 20.09.2006, 16:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 20.09.2006, 16:37
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 20.09.2006, 16:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 16:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 20.09.2006, 17:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 20.09.2006, 18:29
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 20.09.2006, 20:00
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 20:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 21:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 20.09.2006, 22:05
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.09.2006, 22:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.09.2006, 16:31
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.09.2006, 18:05
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 21.09.2006, 18:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 21.09.2006, 19:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 21.09.2006, 19:37
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.09.2006, 21:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 22.09.2006, 16:48
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 22.09.2006, 21:03
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.09.2006, 21:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 22.09.2006, 21:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 22.09.2006, 21:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 23.09.2006, 00:57
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 23.09.2006, 08:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 23.09.2006, 10:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 23.09.2006, 11:36
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 23.09.2006, 13:49
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 23.09.2006, 15:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 23.09.2006, 22:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Emerson Rose - 24.09.2006, 14:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 24.09.2006, 15:17
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.09.2006, 16:01
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.09.2006, 18:32
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 24.09.2006, 18:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 24.09.2006, 18:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 24.09.2006, 19:10
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 24.09.2006, 19:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 24.09.2006, 20:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 25.09.2006, 14:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 25.09.2006, 14:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 25.09.2006, 15:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 25.09.2006, 15:36
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von I Love G-Girls - 25.09.2006, 15:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 25.09.2006, 17:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 25.09.2006, 18:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 25.09.2006, 18:57
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 25.09.2006, 22:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 26.09.2006, 10:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 26.09.2006, 13:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 26.09.2006, 15:13
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 26.09.2006, 17:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 26.09.2006, 20:28
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 28.09.2006, 16:02
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 28.09.2006, 16:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 28.09.2006, 16:29
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 28.09.2006, 16:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 28.09.2006, 17:16
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 28.09.2006, 18:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 29.09.2006, 15:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 29.09.2006, 16:11
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 29.09.2006, 16:16
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 29.09.2006, 19:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 07.10.2006, 20:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 07.10.2006, 21:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 08.10.2006, 16:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 08.10.2006, 16:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 08.10.2006, 17:03
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 08.10.2006, 17:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 08.10.2006, 17:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 08.10.2006, 18:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 17.10.2006, 21:53
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 18.10.2006, 12:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 18.10.2006, 16:45
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 18.10.2006, 17:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 18.10.2006, 19:59
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 18.10.2006, 21:13
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 18.10.2006, 21:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 18.10.2006, 21:39
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 18.10.2006, 22:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 18.10.2006, 23:18
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 19.10.2006, 16:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 19.10.2006, 20:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 19.10.2006, 20:10
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 19.10.2006, 22:00
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 19.10.2006, 22:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 19.10.2006, 22:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.10.2006, 12:54
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 20.10.2006, 17:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 21.10.2006, 21:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.10.2006, 21:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 22.10.2006, 13:31
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.10.2006, 16:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 24.10.2006, 18:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.10.2006, 18:22
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 24.10.2006, 18:49
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 28.10.2006, 15:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 28.10.2006, 15:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 28.10.2006, 15:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 28.10.2006, 17:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 28.10.2006, 17:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 28.10.2006, 18:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 28.10.2006, 21:10
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 28.10.2006, 21:28
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 04.11.2006, 13:00
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 13:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 04.11.2006, 15:22
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 15:30
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 04.11.2006, 15:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 04.11.2006, 16:29
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 04.11.2006, 18:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 18:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 19:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 04.11.2006, 19:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 04.11.2006, 20:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 04.11.2006, 20:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 04.11.2006, 21:03
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.11.2006, 21:38
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 05.11.2006, 14:16
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 06.11.2006, 20:59
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 06.11.2006, 22:01
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 06.11.2006, 22:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 06.12.2006, 14:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Jeanie - 19.12.2006, 16:31
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.12.2006, 15:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.12.2006, 22:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.12.2006, 22:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 21.12.2006, 22:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.12.2006, 00:06
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 22.12.2006, 00:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.12.2006, 19:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 22.12.2006, 21:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 22.12.2006, 21:58
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 23.12.2006, 00:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 23.12.2006, 21:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 23.12.2006, 21:53
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 23.12.2006, 21:59
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 23.12.2006, 22:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 23.12.2006, 23:55
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von pimp_krümel - 24.12.2006, 11:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.12.2006, 14:49
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 24.12.2006, 15:57
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 26.12.2006, 11:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Jeanie - 26.12.2006, 19:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 06.01.2007, 17:56
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von jeany_loverin - 06.01.2007, 18:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 06.01.2007, 19:41
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 06.01.2007, 21:24
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 07.01.2007, 01:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Jeanie - 07.01.2007, 17:48
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 08.01.2007, 00:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 08.01.2007, 21:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 09.01.2007, 18:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.01.2007, 19:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Vevila - 24.01.2007, 20:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 25.01.2007, 17:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 25.01.2007, 22:03
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 25.01.2007, 23:38
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Palaveri - 27.01.2007, 00:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cameron - 27.01.2007, 17:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 27.01.2007, 22:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 27.01.2007, 22:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Palaveri - 27.01.2007, 22:41
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 07.02.2007, 18:11
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 10.02.2007, 20:56
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 10.02.2007, 23:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Kayara - 10.02.2007, 23:54
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 02.05.2007, 22:02
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~Tina~ - 03.05.2007, 16:19
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.05.2007, 21:28
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 06.05.2007, 18:38
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Loerlai_Gilmore - 30.07.2007, 19:21
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 04.08.2007, 14:00
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Piper H. - 04.08.2007, 21:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 05.08.2007, 17:21
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 05.08.2007, 20:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 05.08.2007, 21:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von LGforever - 06.08.2007, 14:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 30.12.2008, 19:23
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von ~°~°®°~°~ - 31.12.2008, 02:33
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 03.01.2009, 00:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von mybom - 15.04.2009, 14:56
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Cedric - 22.04.2009, 10:16
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 16.10.2011, 16:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 16.10.2011, 19:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 16.10.2011, 19:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 16.10.2011, 22:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 17.10.2011, 14:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 17.10.2011, 17:10
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 17.10.2011, 17:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 17.10.2011, 17:21
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 17.10.2011, 17:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 18.10.2011, 09:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 18.10.2011, 13:05
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 18.10.2011, 17:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 18.10.2011, 19:51
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 19.10.2011, 13:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 19.10.2011, 18:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 19.10.2011, 19:25
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 19.10.2011, 20:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 20.10.2011, 12:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 20.10.2011, 17:53
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 20.10.2011, 23:32
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 21.10.2011, 13:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.10.2011, 13:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 21.10.2011, 19:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 21.10.2011, 20:09
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 21.10.2011, 20:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 22.10.2011, 09:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 22.10.2011, 16:15
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.10.2011, 18:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 22.10.2011, 19:26
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 22.10.2011, 19:40
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von eleliasiz - 22.10.2011, 23:12
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 22.10.2011, 23:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 23.10.2011, 13:39
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 24.10.2011, 13:07
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.10.2011, 13:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 24.10.2011, 13:50
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.10.2011, 14:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 24.10.2011, 14:52
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 24.10.2011, 15:20
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 24.10.2011, 15:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 24.10.2011, 17:36
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 24.10.2011, 19:08
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von apogaloek - 25.10.2011, 11:14
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 25.10.2011, 13:34
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 25.10.2011, 13:46
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 25.10.2011, 17:21
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 25.10.2011, 21:42
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 26.10.2011, 19:17
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 26.10.2011, 21:43
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 26.10.2011, 21:47
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von 23 Zwerge - 27.10.2011, 00:35
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Meffi - 27.10.2011, 23:05
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von CoughSweet - 28.10.2011, 10:04
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Lis - 28.10.2011, 16:44
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Aki - 28.10.2011, 19:11
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von sweetGilmore - 30.10.2011, 11:27
I can't stand this alone ~JJ~PG-13 - von Luna_Bezi - 03.11.2011, 10:13

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