14.12.2011, 19:33
Untimely Death
I thought about how to let you go
when your time came and you went at last
I wondered how I was to let you know
that I loved you and you went too fast.
So I promised myself I would be okay
when your breath ceased and you left for good,
I prepared to be ready, so that wretched day
when your grip eased and you left, I would.
But the truth is - though I understood our fate -
if time ran out and you died right now,
I couldn't bear it, be it "early" or "late",
death is never on time anyhow.
Ãbersetzung (die sich grauenhaft holprig liest):
I thought about how to let you go
when your time came and you went at last
I wondered how I was to let you know
that I loved you and you went too fast.
So I promised myself I would be okay
when your breath ceased and you left for good,
I prepared to be ready, so that wretched day
when your grip eased and you left, I would.
But the truth is - though I understood our fate -
if time ran out and you died right now,
I couldn't bear it, be it "early" or "late",
death is never on time anyhow.
Ãbersetzung (die sich grauenhaft holprig liest):