15.07.2004, 10:04
Sorry Leute, der is es nicht! wollte euch ned verwirren.
Ich hab nur das von 'The Clash' dazugeschriebn, weil vorher jemand meinte er würde die Band hören.
Music Note - Jimmy mentions Bono, lead singer of U2, while talking to Jess at Luke's and they both listen to a David Bowie song called Suffragette City on the radio. Later in the episode Rory mentions that Jess showed up at a hockey game at some point with Distiller tickets.
Ich hab nur das von 'The Clash' dazugeschriebn, weil vorher jemand meinte er würde die Band hören.
Music Note - Jimmy mentions Bono, lead singer of U2, while talking to Jess at Luke's and they both listen to a David Bowie song called Suffragette City on the radio. Later in the episode Rory mentions that Jess showed up at a hockey game at some point with Distiller tickets.
~*~ Lorelai Gilmore, disapointing mothers since 1968 ~*~