13.03.2022, 12:50
Zitat:MIDGE: At 13 I announced I was going to Bryn Mawr College. In Katharine Hepburn's old room.
Zitat:MIDGE: Why aren't you in pain?
GIRL: I'm from Kansas.
MIDGE: I don't know what that means. How much longer?
GIRL: Ten minutes.
MIDGE: Oh, Jiminy Crickets.
Zitat:MIDGE: I was going to meet a man-- a perfect man. He would be 6'4" and blond, and his name would be Dashiell or Stafford or-- Joel. Joel Maisel.
JOEL: Best buildup since Iceman Cometh.
Zitat:ANNOUNCEMENT GUY: He's fresh out of the Merchant Marines or some patriotic shit like that. And, uh, let's hear it for him-- Lenny Bruce.
Ich dachte wir können ihn auch mit reinnehmen, da er ja eine reale Figur ist. Es ist bestimmt interessant zu schauen, wie realitätsgetreu er dargestellt wird, was vielleicht weggelassen wird usw.... Also hier auf dem obersten Foto sieht man schon mal eine krasse Ähnlichkeit:
Zitat:LENNY BRUCE: Thank you. Nice to be back in Wichita. Oh, this isn’t Wichita? Well, wherever I am... So, I’m reading the papers today and I see a story - there were kids, eight and nine year old, that were sniffing airplane glue to get high on, these kids are responsible for turning musicians onto a lot of things they never knew about, actually. So, I had a fantasy how it happened. Kid is alone in his room - it’s Saturday. Kid is played by George MaCready.
Zitat:MIDGE: We heard today. My mother fainted. Then called four people, then fainted again. This year on Yom Kippur, the rabbi will be breaking fast at our house.
Zitat:MIDGE (to Customer): You like your free pork chops? Zip it then.
(to Lutzi) I have to go. Delivery Thursday? After ten.
(grabs cookies off the counter): I grabbed a couple of black and whites.
Zitat:JOEL (into phone): You tell everyone about the rabbi?
MIDGE: What am I, a braggart? Please. How’s work?
JOEL: I believe something got sold today. How’s the brisket?
MIDGE: I’m buying it a sash and a crown.
Zitat:JOEL: I bowed out of my lunch meeting and got downtown as quickly as I could but that guy who runs the Gaslight...Ich kann mich erinnern, dass es auch mal in GG eine Anspielung auf Gaslight gab, das war ein Film. Das Gaslight Cafe gab es allerdings wirklich, von daher hat es wohl nichts mit dem Film zu tun....
Zitat:SUSIE (on the phone): Yes. We're open. Don't know. When everyone's gone.
Dr. Salk should find a vaccine for morons.
Zitat:BAZ: Next time, I'd like some latkes.
MIDGE:I make great latkes, genius latkes. You won't be sorry.
Zitat:JOEL: So many of you may have read the book The Hidden Persuaders. It's about Madison Avenue's marketing men and how they create the public personas we all learn to know and trust and vote for.
Zitat:JOEL: Well, what if, during the Civil War, there was no Lincoln? What if they had to create him? This is a telephone conversation between Abe Lincoln and his press agent just before Gettysburg. (...)
Right, with the shawl and the stove pipe hat and the string tie. You don't have the shawl?
Zitat:MIDGE: Maybe you could do impressions to start. You do a great one of my aunt Bertha ordering dinner. "A garnish can be festive but deadly."
JOEL: Good night, Gracie.
Zitat:ROSE: Whom is he performing for?
MIDGE: Anyone who shows up.
ROSE: And they pay you?
MIDGE: They pass around a basket at the end of your set, and whatever's in it you get to take home.
Zitat:ROSE: How long are you going to be doing this, running around at night, taking money from strangers like a schnorrer?
Zitat:MIDGE: Bob Newhart is doing your act.
JOEL: What?
MIDGE: Bob Newhart. He's on "Ed Sullivan." He's doing your act.
Zitat:JOEL: Everybody in comedy steals--
MIDGE: Borrows.
JOEL: Borrows everybody else's jokes, especially at the beginning. Bob Newhart probably used Henny Youngman's stuff when he started.
Zitat:ARCHIE: That looks like Allen Ginsberg. Imogene, doesn't that look like Allen Ginsberg?
IMOGENE: Everyone here looks like Allen Ginsberg.
Zitat:MIDGE: (...) or how the Levins pretend they're from Warsaw once a week to get 10% off of that Polish restaurant - that does Kielbasa Night.
Zitat:ABE: When I agreed to send you to that fancy goyische college, what was the one thing I told you?
MIDGE: They'll have terrible deli?
Zitat:ABE: Now, I am no fan of Joel's, but you need a husband. And those children need a father.
MIDGE: What am I supposed to do, go buy one at Zabar's?
Zitat:MIDGE: I left my Pyrex here. I'd like it back.
(...) It's a glass baking dish, very durable.
Zitat:MIDGE: Lying to the rabbi on Yom Kippur. I couldn't get a clean slate for one fucking day.
Zitat:MIDGE: But did I mention that he left me for his secretary? (...)
She's 21 and dumb as a Brillo pad.
Zitat:MIDGE: And yes, our little girl is looking more and more like Winston Churchill every day, you know, with that big Yalta head.
Zitat:MIDGE: There are French whores standing around the Marais District saying [French accent]: "Did you hear what Midge did to Joel's balls the other night?"
Zitat:MIDGE: You think Bob Newhart's got a set of these at home? Rickles, maybe.
Zitat:SUSIE: I've been working in clubs, okay? 15 years watching every kind of loser get up there thinking he's Jack Benny.
Zitat:SUSIE: First time, guy walks in--West Coast, suntanned, arrogant pain in the ass. Three words into his act, I fucking knew it. I turned to Baz, and I said, "That guy's gonna be famous."
MIDGE: Who was he?
MIDGE: Oh, he's good. We saw him at Grossinger's last year.
Zitat:MIDGE: Thank you for my coat. I paid full price at Saks.
Zitat:LENNY (coming out of prison): You guys ever gonna tale a broom to this place? We've already got penicillin. You don't need to grow it.
POLICE MAN: Just take your things and leave, Bruce.
LENNY: I had three joints in my wallet. I expect to find them all there. Huh. If you guys have some coke back there, we could have a hell of a party.
Hier wird schon auf Lenny's Drogenabhängigkeit angespielt! Ist mir noch gar nicht aufgefallen beim ersten Schauen....
Zitat:LENNY: If someone said to me, "Leonard, you can either eat a guy's head or do two weeks at the Copa," I'd say "Pass the fucking salt."