What if? - English FF

JAHAAAA... Mensch... imma noch LOL

Ja natürlich!

Nu mach mach mach!!!

Never give up on a miracle

nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, NEIEN!!!

Des will doch keiner....


Meine kleine Lieblings-Lil....

Du möchtest Feedback.... hm.... Gott, es fängt jetz schon an..... argh.... ich kann es nich zurückhalten... ich.... ich ..... ich weiß schon wie's weitergeht!!!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Tschuldigung.... ich konnt nich anders....

Also zu der FF bis hier hin kann ich nur sagen:
Die ist absolut und zu 100% Lilli!

Was heißt das, wenn irgendwas 100% Lilli is...?

Das heißt:
- wundervoll beschrieben
- wundervoll geschrieben
- man MUSS mitfühlen/leiden/lachen/schmachten/weinen/....
- man MUSS es lieben!!
- man kann einfach nicht aufhörn immer wieder um fortsetzung zu betteln und zu flehen!
- die Charaktere sind grundsätzlich und ohne Ausnahme getroffen
- dass dein Englisch hammermäßig und einfach nur beneidenswert is muss ich wohl nich mehr erwähnen Unsure
- es ist einfach alles himmlisch
- wunderbar
- atemberaubend
- grandios
- zum niederknien
- perfekt
- göttlich

Tut mir Leid, Sex and the City geht weiter... ansonsten könnt ich diese Liste noch Jahre weiterführen Wink wenn mir nich irgendwann der Wortschatz ausgehn würde... denn dein zeugs is ausserdem noch unbeschreiblich!!!

Hab dich zum niederknien lieb Big Grin :knuddel: *abknutsch*

|DaLSG| JJ| DaLA| LC| AtL| PC|
[Bild: sp_03.jpg]

Okay ich posts jetzt

Aber immer dran denken: ICH HAB EUCH GEWARNT!!

Es wird nicht schön was jetzt da kommt :heul:

She shivered because she was only wearing a t-shirt and when he saw her goose bumps he moved over to her, opened his coat and wrapped her in it, standing now very close to her.
She could feel his breath on her face and then he kissed her roughly. When she tried to move away he grasped the back of her head.
Silent tears ran down her face and she wanted to hurl when his tongue pushed into her mouth. He finally let go of her and she looked away in disgust, spitting on the floor.
He slapped her across the face and she screamed.
“What the fuck was that? I warn you, if you ever do anything … hurtful to me, like biting my lip or tongue I’ll shoot you. Or punish you. Whichever I like better at that moment. Got it?”
She nodded slowly, her shaking hands causing the metal handcuffs to click with the stove.
“Good, now come on” he pulled her roughly to the bed and dug his fingers deeper into her flesh when she struggled with him, afraid of what he was going to do next. He strapped her to the bed eagle style, each arm and leg tethered to one bedpost. Then he went over to the stove and started cooking dinner casually.
‘Please God, help me.’

“Mister Danes?”
“We just wanted to talk to Miss Gilmore, could you get her on the phone?” He bit his lip
“Miss Gilmore’s not here, in fact I haven’t seen her in a few days time, we had a big fight and I really don’t care where she is. Did you check at her house?”
“No not yet, we just figured she’d be with you. Anyway, thank you Mister Danes, goodbye”
“Bye” He hung up and shook his head.

LGIAC office:

“She’s not at her house either, Cal. She’s nowhere to be found and I’m worried. She wouldn’t just not show up here without further notice, a call, note, etc. you know. I’ll call the police and report her missing.”
“Okay, I’ll call her parents and ask if they’ve seen her, although I highly doubt it!”
“Thanks Cal- Yes hello, this is Gracie McFerrin, I’m Lorelai Gilmore’s secretary and would like to report her missing…”

“Cal?” Gracie asked with a shaky voice
“Look what I found in Miss Gilmore’s desk drawer”
She thrust a stack of paper at him with cut out letters spelling
“I’ll hunt you down, honeybunch”
“I will get you sometime, honeybunch”
“Beware, honeybunch”
“I love you, honeybunch”
“I saw the last one first and I thought they were from Mister Danes, but then I saw the other one’s I grew worried. I just hope she’s alright!” she whispered.

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

CMM schrieb:nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, nein,

Des will doch keiner....


Ich will den NC-17 Teil nicht....
bitte net...
des lesen auch kleene und des muss net sein, nicht dieser teil...
büdde... *bettel*

(ich hätte nie gedacht, sowas jemals zu schreiben)

ich will dne NC 17 teil...

Nad will den Teil net sehen.... Sad deswegen setz ich den mal in den Spoilerkasten:
“Come on, honeybunch, you have to eat something.” she shook her head from side to side vigorously. He grabbed her hair and she winced in pain “Eat it or I’ll shove it down your throat!”
So she gingerly took a bite and chewed, then swallowed, repeating this performance until the meal was finished.
“There, good girl” he kissed her and went back to do the washing up, Lorelai’s stomach was rebelling and the food threatened to make it’s way back up. He came back after a while with a grin on his face. He pulled her t-shirt up over her breasts and traced a finger around her navel, wandering down to her jeans. He opened them and slid them down her long legs, then tossed them on the floor. He unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. Straightening up, he smirked at her again “You’re beautiful” and Lorelai could already see the bulge in his pants, which he unbuckled slowly. A tear slipped down the side of her face onto the bed and her bottom lip trembled when he pushed her legs apart, running his hand over her panties. She couldn’t help her body reacting and he smiled to himself, pleased, when he felt her wet against his touch ‘Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke’ she repeated over and over in her mind like a mantra, keeping her from screaming. He pulled her panties down and gripped her hips brutally. She felt his tip brush her and whimpered, picturing Luke in her mind to make the situation bearable. He pushed inside her and she screamed out in pain again “Shut up whore!” he slapped her again, harder this time, drawing blood from her lip. He began to move inside her, grunting with every thrust until he pulled out and emptied himself all over her. She was sobbing quietly now and he gripped a bunch of hair to make her look at him and she yelled.
“I told you not to cry, or I’ll give you a real reason” he hissed and she just stared at him, wide eyed. He let go of her head, tethering her feet at the foot of the bed again, leaving her completely naked and to his view.
“Now, now, where are my manners, after you gave me such pleasure, I almost forgot to return the favour”
“Noooo” she yelled, frightened and tried to squirm away from him on the bed, but he had bound her to it too tight. He moved between her legs and ran his fingers up her thighs “Oh God” she whispered and willed her body again not to react, but she couldn’t help it; it had been too long since Luke had touched her like this. He rubbed his thumb over her clit over and over again and watched her intently. She didn’t show any sign of arousal on her face when he slipped a finger inside her, her eyelids fluttered shut for a moment, then opened again. She stared off into space as if in another world.
“What are you thinking about, hm?”
“Luke” she breathed but he slapped her stomach and she winced
“Wrong answer, honeybunch!” he removed his finger and replaced it with his already hard erection, humping into her quickly, until he had another orgasm and collapsed above her, almost crushing her underneath him. ‘Luke, Luke, Luke’

He raped her again many times over the next few days, not only on the bed but also against the wall, on the table and against the stove. She thought about her various encounters with Luke to not lose her mind and basically thought about anything else than her current situation. She cried silently when he slept next to her, his head on her chest while she still lay spread eagle-style because every time he caught her doing it when he was awake he slapped, punched or kicked her. She had several large black and blue bruised, her eye was swollen and her lip ripped.
Her whole body was sore, as were her most sensitive spots and she only prayed to God that he was HIV negative.[/spoiler:97614e3315]

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...


Ich wusste es Sad

OMG, ich habe es geahnt Sad

Bitte lass es wieder schön werden....

Never give up on a miracle

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