03.12.2006, 10:16
:freu: Schön, dass sie dir gefällt. Danke schööööön :freu:
Und hier gibts auch schon das nächste Kapitel, mit Bedauern muss ich sagen, dass es das vorletzte ist. Im nächsten Kapitel gibts ein "Several months later" ... also seid gespannt.
Jetzt erstmal Finn's Tag in Stars Hollow.
Oh und zu Kapitel 9 nochwas, da hat sich ein kleiner Fehler eingebaut, nämlich die Tatsache, dass Finn's Mutter bei den DAR ist; das ist natürlich nur möglich wenn sie Amerikanerin ist - was sie jetzt einfach mal ist, behaupte ich mal so
Sagen wir seine Mutter und ihre Eltern kommen aus Amerika und sie ist dann nach Australien gegangen wo sie Finn's Vater kennengelernt hat. Und später, als Finn 16 war, ist sie dann samt Familie zurück in die Staaten. Vllt editiere ich das nochmal, aber es wird eh nur am Rande erwähnt.
Das dazu^^
Nun viel Spaà mit diesem Kapitel:
Finn watched Rory as she got her cell phone out and dialled a number, before holding the phone to her ear. She turned to him and threw him a smile. He replied it a little shyly.
“Hey, mom”, she just said, looking towards the house.
“Ooh, the daughter again”, Lorelai replied, sounding a little sleepy.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?”, she asked, watching how a light was lit in her mother’s bedroom.
“No, hun, I was lying awake waiting just for you to call.”
“Perfect”, Rory smiled and turned to Finn again. “Because you’ve got visitors.”
“Visitors?”, Lorelai asked, stressing the s.
“Yep”, Rory said and motioned Finn to get out with her. She locked the doors and took his hand, before they walked over to the front door.
“Where are you? And with who –“
“Just open the door.”
“The – what?”
After a few seconds, the door opened and a rather surprised looking Lorelai greeted them.
“Hello, mom”, Rory said with a smile.
“Well, hi, kiddo. How nice I never taught you to come earlier”, Lorelai said with a grin. “Ooh and hi there”, she addressed Finn who shot her a smile.
“Mom, this is Finn”, Rory said and turned to Finn, holding his hand tightly.
“Oh the infamous Finn”, Lorelai said, tilting her head to watch Finn over.
“Infamous?”, Finn asked, turning to Rory with a grin.
“Infamous”, she replied and smirked.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ms Gilmore”, he said and reached out a hand to shake Lorelai’s, who took it with a grin.
“Leave the Miss outside, boy”, she laughed. “It’s Lorelai.”
“He still has this Miss Manners cloud around him, dinner certainly took its toll on him”, Rory grinned and poked Finn into his side.
“Ooh, so how was dinner in Hellville?”
“They liked him.”
“Hmm, that might be a bad sign”, Lorelai mocked.
“I considered that myself”, Rory agreed.
Finn watched from one Gilmore girl to the other, frowning.
“Never mind”, Rory said and leant up to kiss his cheek.
“Well, come on in”, Lorelai then said and opened the door wider.
They gathered in the living room.
“So”, Lorelai said, looking at her daughter and her boyfriend. “How did you plan to celebrate your survival of Friday night’s dinner?”
“I thought about movie night”, Rory suggested.
“Always a good one”, Lorelai said and walked over to a shelf whilst Rory and Finn sat down on the couch. “What’s it going to be?”
“Any suggestions?”, Rory turned to Finn who still looked a little uneasy. She tilted her head and made a face at him, her hand playing with his fingers. He replied her gesture and stuck out his tongue at her, before they both began laughing.
“Aww, young love! Now that’s cute”, Lorelai said, causing them to bite their tongues, still giggling at each other. “Alright, what about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Not as good as the original but it has Johnny Depp and that says everything!”
“It does!”, Rory agreed, getting up after kissing Finn quickly. “I’ll get the chocolate!”
“And I’ll order food!”, Lorelai said and they both vanished into different directions, leaving Finn alone on the couch.
“And I’ll wait right here”, he told the pillow next to him in a serious voice.
The night went on with a lot of laughing, movie quoting and chocolate eating. When the TV was blank again, Lorelai was already half-sleeping in an armchair, whilst Rory cuddled against Finn who had his arm around her and his head on her shoulder. She turned her head to him and smiled. He replied her smile and moved closer to kiss her gently. She hugged him tighter and snuggled against his chest.
“This was nice”, she whispered.
“It was, your mom is cool”, he replied.
“She is”, Rory nodded.
“Thanks for inviting me into your world”, he said barely audible into her shoulder.
“Oh, mister, don’t think this was everything my world has to offer”, Rory said against his chest.
“There’s more?”, he asked, raising his head to look at her in faked disbelief, before he broke into a wide grin. She grinned back at him and kissed him with her hands on his cheeks.
“Ooh, get a room”, they heard Lorelai mumble from the other end of the room.
They let go of each other and looked at her.
“Mom, you look tired. You better go to bed”, Rory suggested.
“Yes, mother”, Lorelai mocked and got up clumsily. “You just want to get rid of me, right?”
“You caught me”, Rory laughed.
“Well, you two better keep it down, I don’t want to hear anything”, Lorelai said and winked, before getting up the stairs.
“Good night, mom!”, Rory yelled after her.
“’Night Lorelai”, Finn added.
“Night”, they heard Lorelai’s voice from upstairs before her bedroom door closed noisily.
It was then that Finn faced Rory and smiled at her. She yawned heavily, putting her hands on her mouth with her eyebrows raised.
“Look who’s tired as well”, Finn mocked. “I can’t remember seeing you yawn ever before!”
“That’s because you fall asleep hours before I do”, she replied, grinning.
“You might have a point in that”, he replied, smirking at her.
She cuddled against him and closed her eyes. “This was a long day”, she whispered.
He looked at his watch and yawned as well. He then turned to Rory, placing his hands on her cheeks. She watched him.
“Happy one week’s anniversary, love”, he said with a wide smile.
“Wow, this week seemed like forever”, Rory said. “And I can say, it’s been the best week I’ve ever had.”
“Really? Why, thank you”, he grinned and kissed her.
“Even though there were things that I’d like to forget… the whole Logan-thing is not what I want to remember…”
“Forget him”, Finn whispered and kissed her again.
“Consider him forgotten”, she then said and replied his kiss, pulling her arms around his neck, her fingers running through his hair. He pushed her gently into the cushions, lying on top of her, his hands running along the sides of her body. He continued kissing her, his lips moving along her yaw line to her neck.
“Finn, not here”, she giggled, but when she tried to lift up his body, she noticed that he was already asleep. She sighed deeply and kissed his hair, pulling her arms around him, his head resting on her chest, his snoring ringing in her ears as she closed her eyes and breathed in his scent, his warmth putting her to sleep immediately.
Rory awoke the next morning, feeling herself squeezed against the back of the couch by Finn’s body, who had one arm around her, the other one was dangling on the ground, his body half covering hers. She inhaled deeply, feeling the first sunbeams dancing around the living room. She tried to push Finn away gently without him noticing – but she ended up knocking him off the couch, trying to get up.
He landed on the floor with a groan, with Rory looking down at him with her eyes wide. He lay on his face – but continued sleeping. She grinned and climbed over him to go into the kitchen. She found her mother by the coffee machine.
“Morning, hun”, Lorelai greeted her, pouring water in the machine.
“Ah, coffee. You can read thoughts”, Rory said and got out two mugs from the shelves.
“No, I implanted you these thoughts”, Lorelai grinned. “So of course I know how your mind works.”
Rory smirked at her and sat down at the table, looking past her mother into the living room where Finn was still lying on the floor.
“What was that noise a minute ago?”
“Finn”, Rory answered. “I pushed him off the couch.”
“Oh, you’ve already had enough of him?”
Rory giggled. “No, I still like him very much – he was just in the way.”
“I see and you better be not in the way of Rory Gilmore”, Lorelai replied, sitting down opposite her daughter, waiting for the coffee to get ready.
They looked at each other for a while.
“So”, Lorelai said after a while.
“So –“
“I begin to hate this word.”
“Is so a word?”
“Of course!”
“But I isn’t a word, it’s a letter!”
“Mom”, Rory laughed.
“Anyhow, he’s cute”, Lorelai changed the topic abruptly.
“Yes, he is”, Rory agreed.
“And he treats you right?”
“Yes he does, he is perfect.”
“Perfect, huh?”
“He is funny, he makes me laugh, we can talk about everything and anything, he’s sweet – and I never assumed him to be.”
“Because he’s one of Logan’s friends.”
“Exactly. Oh, did I tell you that Logan kicked his ass?”
“What?”, Lorelai blurted out. “Hmm, no, that must have slipped your mind.”
“Sorry, there were so many things happening the last days. Anyway, Logan found us making out in my room and beat the crap out of Finn. He was sent to hospital with his nose broken and other things.”
“Ooh, I never liked this Logan!”
“Neither do I”, Rory whispered. “Oh, coffee’s ready!”, she said and got up to pour the hot liquid into the two mugs. Just when she sat down again, shooting a glance into the living room, she noticed that the floor was empty. No more Finn lying on the ground. She jerked a head a little wider before she saw Finn coming towards them, stumbling like a drunk. She grinned at him and greeted him with a kiss, leading him to the table where he sat down between Lorelai and Rory.
“I was lying on the ground”, he mumbled, looking at Rory rather sleepily, with his hair standing up into every direction and his white shirt wrinkled and half-unbuttoned, one end plugged into his trousers, the other hanging over his belt. “Why was I lying on the ground?”
Rory just grinned at him and leant over to kiss his cheek. “Coffee, Finn?”
He nodded, before his gaze fell onto Lorelai. “Have I met you yet?”, he muttered.
Lorelai exchanged a glance with Rory who just smiled knowingly.
“Finn? Finn, eyes to me”, Rory said, making him look at her by snapping her fingers. “Let’s have breakfast!”
“Off to Luke’s!”, Lorelai said, gulped down her coffee and got up, leaving the kitchen.
Rory helped Finn up and leant him against the wall next to her room door. He watched her with his eyes half-closed, while she buttoned his shirt and plugged it into his trousers, rolling up his sleeves as well.
“Now we can present you to the world again”, she laughed after running her fingers trough his hair, trying to flatten it a little.
“Mhm”, was all he managed to say.
“Stay here, okay? I’ll just change”, she said and vanished into her room.
Moments later, Finn had already collapsed to the ground again. Rory picked him up, pulling one arm around his waist and leaving the house with him.
“What’s with him?”, Luke just asked, as he brought them pancakes and coffee, pointing at Finn, whose head was lying on the table.
Rory giggled and patted Finn’s head gently. “It’s just not his time of day”, she said to Luke.
“As long as he doesn’t snore”, Luke grumbled, before shooting a glance at Lorelai who smiled at him, holding her coffee mug.
“Meet the boyfriend”, she said, pointing at Finn with Rory watching them.
Luke just raised an eyebrow and then leant down to kiss Lorelai hello. “Morning”, he said and smiled at her. She replied his smile and watched him go back to the counter.
Rory still patted Finn’s head, her fingers wandering over his hair towards his neck.
“You’re giving me a headache if you continue to waltz around my head, love”, she heard him mumble.
She put her head on the table too and looked at him. Their gazes met.
“You said something, mumbly?”, she mouthed.
“Mhm hmmmm”, he replied, breaking into a tired grin.
“Mhmmm hm!”, she answered, before moving closer to kiss him quickly.
They then heard someone clearing their throat. Rory raised her head and even Finn sat up straighter, blinking heavily, wiping his eyes sleepily.
They both faced Luke, who looked at them with his eyebrows raised. “No kissing on the tables!”, he simply stated.
Rory blushed heavily. “Sorry, Luke”, she said and looked away at Finn who met her gaze grinning.
Luke went away, with Lorelai following him, sitting down at the counter, leaving Rory and Finn alone at the table.
Rory raised her coffee cup to her lips. “Breakfast?”, she asked over to top of it, motioning to the plates in front of them.
Finn just nodded and grabbed the nearest plate with pancakes. Rory watched him giggling, how he picked one of the pancakes with his fork and stuffed it into his mouth – wholly. He then swallowed it loudly, before grinning at Rory widely. She poked him playfully, still giggling. He got hold of her hand and made her pick up her fork, jamming it into the stack of pancakes. She let him feed her, heavily chewing on the last pancake.
When someone approached their table, she almost choked, with Finn patting her back, smiling sympathetically, before they both looked up.
“Sorry to interrupt”, Lorelai grinned at them.
“It’s fine”, Rory said, swallowing the last bit of her pancake, with Finn wiping away some syrup from the corner of her mouth. She immediately shot him a glance.
“Are you staying over the weekend?”, her mother asked. “Or are you heading back to Yale? I’d like to know because if you do stay, I have to go shopping –“
“Always looking for a reason”, Rory giggled. She then looked at Finn who just shrugged. “I guess we’re staying at least today. Right?”, she addressed Finn who nodded. “I want to show Finn Stars Hollow.”
“Say hi to Kirk for me”, Lorelai winked and waved them goodbye, before leaving Luke’s with a huge coffee cup in her hands.
“Who’s Kirk?”
“You’ll see”, Rory grinned and kissed him. “Mhm, you taste good this morning.”
“I wonder if they have this syrup in Yale too”, he smirked. “Might come in handy some day – or night!”
“Rory!”, he mocked, imitating her tone, before leaning towards her, kissing her earlobe.
“Come on”, she then said, gulping down her coffee, while he ate another pancake. “Let’s go!”
“Right now?”, he asked with his mouth full of pancakes.
“Now, now, have you forgotten about Miss Manners?”
“Good boy”, Rory laughed and patted his arm. “Now, up, up! Stars Hollow isn’t waiting!”
“It’s not? Huh. I’m already disappointed, love”, he grinned, while following her outside.
She grabbed his hand and cuddled against his arm, looking up at him. “You ready?”
“Ready, coach!”, he replied, saluting her with his free hand.
“Then off we go!”
(Fortzsetzung im nächsten Post)
Und hier gibts auch schon das nächste Kapitel, mit Bedauern muss ich sagen, dass es das vorletzte ist. Im nächsten Kapitel gibts ein "Several months later" ... also seid gespannt.
Jetzt erstmal Finn's Tag in Stars Hollow.
Oh und zu Kapitel 9 nochwas, da hat sich ein kleiner Fehler eingebaut, nämlich die Tatsache, dass Finn's Mutter bei den DAR ist; das ist natürlich nur möglich wenn sie Amerikanerin ist - was sie jetzt einfach mal ist, behaupte ich mal so

Das dazu^^
Nun viel Spaà mit diesem Kapitel:
Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 10
Finn watched Rory as she got her cell phone out and dialled a number, before holding the phone to her ear. She turned to him and threw him a smile. He replied it a little shyly.
“Hey, mom”, she just said, looking towards the house.
“Ooh, the daughter again”, Lorelai replied, sounding a little sleepy.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?”, she asked, watching how a light was lit in her mother’s bedroom.
“No, hun, I was lying awake waiting just for you to call.”
“Perfect”, Rory smiled and turned to Finn again. “Because you’ve got visitors.”
“Visitors?”, Lorelai asked, stressing the s.
“Yep”, Rory said and motioned Finn to get out with her. She locked the doors and took his hand, before they walked over to the front door.
“Where are you? And with who –“
“Just open the door.”
“The – what?”
After a few seconds, the door opened and a rather surprised looking Lorelai greeted them.
“Hello, mom”, Rory said with a smile.
“Well, hi, kiddo. How nice I never taught you to come earlier”, Lorelai said with a grin. “Ooh and hi there”, she addressed Finn who shot her a smile.
“Mom, this is Finn”, Rory said and turned to Finn, holding his hand tightly.
“Oh the infamous Finn”, Lorelai said, tilting her head to watch Finn over.
“Infamous?”, Finn asked, turning to Rory with a grin.
“Infamous”, she replied and smirked.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ms Gilmore”, he said and reached out a hand to shake Lorelai’s, who took it with a grin.
“Leave the Miss outside, boy”, she laughed. “It’s Lorelai.”
“He still has this Miss Manners cloud around him, dinner certainly took its toll on him”, Rory grinned and poked Finn into his side.
“Ooh, so how was dinner in Hellville?”
“They liked him.”
“Hmm, that might be a bad sign”, Lorelai mocked.
“I considered that myself”, Rory agreed.
Finn watched from one Gilmore girl to the other, frowning.
“Never mind”, Rory said and leant up to kiss his cheek.
“Well, come on in”, Lorelai then said and opened the door wider.
They gathered in the living room.
“So”, Lorelai said, looking at her daughter and her boyfriend. “How did you plan to celebrate your survival of Friday night’s dinner?”
“I thought about movie night”, Rory suggested.
“Always a good one”, Lorelai said and walked over to a shelf whilst Rory and Finn sat down on the couch. “What’s it going to be?”
“Any suggestions?”, Rory turned to Finn who still looked a little uneasy. She tilted her head and made a face at him, her hand playing with his fingers. He replied her gesture and stuck out his tongue at her, before they both began laughing.
“Aww, young love! Now that’s cute”, Lorelai said, causing them to bite their tongues, still giggling at each other. “Alright, what about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Not as good as the original but it has Johnny Depp and that says everything!”
“It does!”, Rory agreed, getting up after kissing Finn quickly. “I’ll get the chocolate!”
“And I’ll order food!”, Lorelai said and they both vanished into different directions, leaving Finn alone on the couch.
“And I’ll wait right here”, he told the pillow next to him in a serious voice.
The night went on with a lot of laughing, movie quoting and chocolate eating. When the TV was blank again, Lorelai was already half-sleeping in an armchair, whilst Rory cuddled against Finn who had his arm around her and his head on her shoulder. She turned her head to him and smiled. He replied her smile and moved closer to kiss her gently. She hugged him tighter and snuggled against his chest.
“This was nice”, she whispered.
“It was, your mom is cool”, he replied.
“She is”, Rory nodded.
“Thanks for inviting me into your world”, he said barely audible into her shoulder.
“Oh, mister, don’t think this was everything my world has to offer”, Rory said against his chest.
“There’s more?”, he asked, raising his head to look at her in faked disbelief, before he broke into a wide grin. She grinned back at him and kissed him with her hands on his cheeks.
“Ooh, get a room”, they heard Lorelai mumble from the other end of the room.
They let go of each other and looked at her.
“Mom, you look tired. You better go to bed”, Rory suggested.
“Yes, mother”, Lorelai mocked and got up clumsily. “You just want to get rid of me, right?”
“You caught me”, Rory laughed.
“Well, you two better keep it down, I don’t want to hear anything”, Lorelai said and winked, before getting up the stairs.
“Good night, mom!”, Rory yelled after her.
“’Night Lorelai”, Finn added.
“Night”, they heard Lorelai’s voice from upstairs before her bedroom door closed noisily.
It was then that Finn faced Rory and smiled at her. She yawned heavily, putting her hands on her mouth with her eyebrows raised.
“Look who’s tired as well”, Finn mocked. “I can’t remember seeing you yawn ever before!”
“That’s because you fall asleep hours before I do”, she replied, grinning.
“You might have a point in that”, he replied, smirking at her.
She cuddled against him and closed her eyes. “This was a long day”, she whispered.
He looked at his watch and yawned as well. He then turned to Rory, placing his hands on her cheeks. She watched him.
“Happy one week’s anniversary, love”, he said with a wide smile.
“Wow, this week seemed like forever”, Rory said. “And I can say, it’s been the best week I’ve ever had.”
“Really? Why, thank you”, he grinned and kissed her.
“Even though there were things that I’d like to forget… the whole Logan-thing is not what I want to remember…”
“Forget him”, Finn whispered and kissed her again.
“Consider him forgotten”, she then said and replied his kiss, pulling her arms around his neck, her fingers running through his hair. He pushed her gently into the cushions, lying on top of her, his hands running along the sides of her body. He continued kissing her, his lips moving along her yaw line to her neck.
“Finn, not here”, she giggled, but when she tried to lift up his body, she noticed that he was already asleep. She sighed deeply and kissed his hair, pulling her arms around him, his head resting on her chest, his snoring ringing in her ears as she closed her eyes and breathed in his scent, his warmth putting her to sleep immediately.
Rory awoke the next morning, feeling herself squeezed against the back of the couch by Finn’s body, who had one arm around her, the other one was dangling on the ground, his body half covering hers. She inhaled deeply, feeling the first sunbeams dancing around the living room. She tried to push Finn away gently without him noticing – but she ended up knocking him off the couch, trying to get up.
He landed on the floor with a groan, with Rory looking down at him with her eyes wide. He lay on his face – but continued sleeping. She grinned and climbed over him to go into the kitchen. She found her mother by the coffee machine.
“Morning, hun”, Lorelai greeted her, pouring water in the machine.
“Ah, coffee. You can read thoughts”, Rory said and got out two mugs from the shelves.
“No, I implanted you these thoughts”, Lorelai grinned. “So of course I know how your mind works.”
Rory smirked at her and sat down at the table, looking past her mother into the living room where Finn was still lying on the floor.
“What was that noise a minute ago?”
“Finn”, Rory answered. “I pushed him off the couch.”
“Oh, you’ve already had enough of him?”
Rory giggled. “No, I still like him very much – he was just in the way.”
“I see and you better be not in the way of Rory Gilmore”, Lorelai replied, sitting down opposite her daughter, waiting for the coffee to get ready.
They looked at each other for a while.
“So”, Lorelai said after a while.
“So –“
“I begin to hate this word.”
“Is so a word?”
“Of course!”
“But I isn’t a word, it’s a letter!”
“Mom”, Rory laughed.
“Anyhow, he’s cute”, Lorelai changed the topic abruptly.
“Yes, he is”, Rory agreed.
“And he treats you right?”
“Yes he does, he is perfect.”
“Perfect, huh?”
“He is funny, he makes me laugh, we can talk about everything and anything, he’s sweet – and I never assumed him to be.”
“Because he’s one of Logan’s friends.”
“Exactly. Oh, did I tell you that Logan kicked his ass?”
“What?”, Lorelai blurted out. “Hmm, no, that must have slipped your mind.”
“Sorry, there were so many things happening the last days. Anyway, Logan found us making out in my room and beat the crap out of Finn. He was sent to hospital with his nose broken and other things.”
“Ooh, I never liked this Logan!”
“Neither do I”, Rory whispered. “Oh, coffee’s ready!”, she said and got up to pour the hot liquid into the two mugs. Just when she sat down again, shooting a glance into the living room, she noticed that the floor was empty. No more Finn lying on the ground. She jerked a head a little wider before she saw Finn coming towards them, stumbling like a drunk. She grinned at him and greeted him with a kiss, leading him to the table where he sat down between Lorelai and Rory.
“I was lying on the ground”, he mumbled, looking at Rory rather sleepily, with his hair standing up into every direction and his white shirt wrinkled and half-unbuttoned, one end plugged into his trousers, the other hanging over his belt. “Why was I lying on the ground?”
Rory just grinned at him and leant over to kiss his cheek. “Coffee, Finn?”
He nodded, before his gaze fell onto Lorelai. “Have I met you yet?”, he muttered.
Lorelai exchanged a glance with Rory who just smiled knowingly.
“Finn? Finn, eyes to me”, Rory said, making him look at her by snapping her fingers. “Let’s have breakfast!”
“Off to Luke’s!”, Lorelai said, gulped down her coffee and got up, leaving the kitchen.
Rory helped Finn up and leant him against the wall next to her room door. He watched her with his eyes half-closed, while she buttoned his shirt and plugged it into his trousers, rolling up his sleeves as well.
“Now we can present you to the world again”, she laughed after running her fingers trough his hair, trying to flatten it a little.
“Mhm”, was all he managed to say.
“Stay here, okay? I’ll just change”, she said and vanished into her room.
Moments later, Finn had already collapsed to the ground again. Rory picked him up, pulling one arm around his waist and leaving the house with him.
“What’s with him?”, Luke just asked, as he brought them pancakes and coffee, pointing at Finn, whose head was lying on the table.
Rory giggled and patted Finn’s head gently. “It’s just not his time of day”, she said to Luke.
“As long as he doesn’t snore”, Luke grumbled, before shooting a glance at Lorelai who smiled at him, holding her coffee mug.
“Meet the boyfriend”, she said, pointing at Finn with Rory watching them.
Luke just raised an eyebrow and then leant down to kiss Lorelai hello. “Morning”, he said and smiled at her. She replied his smile and watched him go back to the counter.
Rory still patted Finn’s head, her fingers wandering over his hair towards his neck.
“You’re giving me a headache if you continue to waltz around my head, love”, she heard him mumble.
She put her head on the table too and looked at him. Their gazes met.
“You said something, mumbly?”, she mouthed.
“Mhm hmmmm”, he replied, breaking into a tired grin.
“Mhmmm hm!”, she answered, before moving closer to kiss him quickly.
They then heard someone clearing their throat. Rory raised her head and even Finn sat up straighter, blinking heavily, wiping his eyes sleepily.
They both faced Luke, who looked at them with his eyebrows raised. “No kissing on the tables!”, he simply stated.
Rory blushed heavily. “Sorry, Luke”, she said and looked away at Finn who met her gaze grinning.
Luke went away, with Lorelai following him, sitting down at the counter, leaving Rory and Finn alone at the table.
Rory raised her coffee cup to her lips. “Breakfast?”, she asked over to top of it, motioning to the plates in front of them.
Finn just nodded and grabbed the nearest plate with pancakes. Rory watched him giggling, how he picked one of the pancakes with his fork and stuffed it into his mouth – wholly. He then swallowed it loudly, before grinning at Rory widely. She poked him playfully, still giggling. He got hold of her hand and made her pick up her fork, jamming it into the stack of pancakes. She let him feed her, heavily chewing on the last pancake.
When someone approached their table, she almost choked, with Finn patting her back, smiling sympathetically, before they both looked up.
“Sorry to interrupt”, Lorelai grinned at them.
“It’s fine”, Rory said, swallowing the last bit of her pancake, with Finn wiping away some syrup from the corner of her mouth. She immediately shot him a glance.
“Are you staying over the weekend?”, her mother asked. “Or are you heading back to Yale? I’d like to know because if you do stay, I have to go shopping –“
“Always looking for a reason”, Rory giggled. She then looked at Finn who just shrugged. “I guess we’re staying at least today. Right?”, she addressed Finn who nodded. “I want to show Finn Stars Hollow.”
“Say hi to Kirk for me”, Lorelai winked and waved them goodbye, before leaving Luke’s with a huge coffee cup in her hands.
“Who’s Kirk?”
“You’ll see”, Rory grinned and kissed him. “Mhm, you taste good this morning.”
“I wonder if they have this syrup in Yale too”, he smirked. “Might come in handy some day – or night!”
“Rory!”, he mocked, imitating her tone, before leaning towards her, kissing her earlobe.
“Come on”, she then said, gulping down her coffee, while he ate another pancake. “Let’s go!”
“Right now?”, he asked with his mouth full of pancakes.
“Now, now, have you forgotten about Miss Manners?”
“Good boy”, Rory laughed and patted his arm. “Now, up, up! Stars Hollow isn’t waiting!”
“It’s not? Huh. I’m already disappointed, love”, he grinned, while following her outside.
She grabbed his hand and cuddled against his arm, looking up at him. “You ready?”
“Ready, coach!”, he replied, saluting her with his free hand.
“Then off we go!”
(Fortzsetzung im nächsten Post)
Meet Julio in Dirty Little Secret & Ever And A Day
[Member of the Life & Death Brigade and Rory Club]
Meet Julio in Dirty Little Secret & Ever And A Day
[Member of the Life & Death Brigade and Rory Club]