What if? - English FF

wuuuuuuuuuuuuuunderschön!!! Wub arme lorelai... sie tut mir echt leid!! Sad
aber der FF ist echt geil!!! Big GrinBig Grin

No, I don't want to battle from beginning to end
I don't want a cycle of recycled revenge
I don't wanna follow death and all of his friends.

so, diesmal bin ich sofort dabei wenns um feedback geht... ich will ja nich wieder nen monat warten Unsure *mich immernoch über mich selbst ärger*

Zitat:okay, ich weiß nicht mehr wie ich mich für euer supermegaliebes FB bedanken soll
also was mich angeht musst du dich nich fürs fb bedanken! ich mach das gerne, weil es immer die vollste wahrheit ist und ich mich geehrt fühle dir fb geben zu dürfen Wink

zum teil:
ich liebe diesen teil!!! erst ist es so traurig, deprimierend und irgendwie absolut bedrückend... es geht lore so schlecht und weil es ihr so schlecht geht gehts auch luke schlecht.. und wenns den beiden schlecht geht, dann gehts mir schlecht Sad
aber dann geht der teil ja weiter und er wird so Wub
ich liebe luke, der einfach immer so wundervoll und perfekt ist... so fürsorglich und liebenswert... einfach zum knuddeln...
und lore gibt sich auch große mühe.... und dann.... Big Grin dann schlägt sie auch noch vor in urlaub zu fahrn Big Grin Big Grin
ich freu mich schon so Big Grin das wird bestimmt herrlich!!

also, schnell weiter... lass mich ncih zu lang zappeln Wink

hab dich lieb!!!

|DaLSG| JJ| DaLA| LC| AtL| PC|
[Bild: sp_03.jpg]

Se Lill hat anscheinend wieder inspiration Big Grin

Zwei Teile an einem Tag Big Grin

Mein Tag ist gerettet (obwohl er nimmer lang ist) Big Grin

Ich kann Luke echt verstehen... Er muss ja wirklich fertig sein.
Aber Lore bekommt dann natürlich nen falschen Eindruck, ne? Wink

Aber wunderbar, wie immer. Diese FF ist einfach nur himmlisch und Wub und Big Grin und teilweise Sad

Alles in allem, THE BEST!

*hab dich lieb schatzi* :knuddel:

Never give up on a miracle

So, endlich habe ich diesen Teil gelesen und auch so, dass ich ihn verstanden habe Smile
Das Gespräch zwischen Mia und Luke. Naja...uff...ich fand das ziemlich bitter. würde mia echt so über sie reden? ich meine, lore ist doch wie eine tochter für sie.
das ist aber auch mein einziger kritikpunkt. alles andere war wieder echt gelungen. *Klatsch*
wenn ich irgendwann mal so gut bin wie du, dann kann ich mich glücklich schätzen Big Grin

edit: so, jetzt sag ich nochmal was dazu. klar kann ich mia verstehen, aber es klang etwas "seltsam" Big Grin

i'd like to make myself believe
that planet earth turns slowly

erm... Elü ich weiß nicht was du dran seltsam findest, sorry *schäm* ich bemüh mich echt, aber ich raffs nicht, weil Mia will nur das Beste für Luke und das Beste is unbestrittener Weise Lorelai Wink und Lore sollte mit wem drüber reden meint sie, deswegen der "professional" *g* egal...

Danke wie immer für das grandiose FB *bussis austeil* :knuddel: an alle *g*

“Lorelai, when I said I wanted to go skiing, I mean to Vail or Salt Lake City, but not over the big pont to Europe, to Kitzbühel! I mean, this is too much, it’s too expensive, it’s-“ Lorelai interrupted his rant by hitting him over the head with the folder containing the tickets, then walking off in the direction of the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water.
“Jesus Luke, I wanna go away, far far away from all of this, why can’t you accept this?”
He held his hands up in surrender “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I didn’t wanna pick a fight with you… but this is so expensive… And I feel really bad when you pay all the expenses on this trip”
Lorelai screwed the cap off the bottle and took a big gulp. She wiped her mouth with her index finger, then turned her eyes on him.
She walked over to him and took his hand
“Hey, it’s gonna be a great vacation, we could use one after all we’ve been through and I don’t want you to worry about money issues… I’ve got it, Luke, and what good would a vacation do without you?” She looked at him lovingly.

“Hey, I heard that they play Citizen Kane tonight, you wanna watch?” he interrupted the silence, surprising her with that suggestion.
“Throw in some popcorn and you got yourself a deal” she grinned, knowing she’d never get him to agree to popcorn unless she blackmailed him.
He only rolled his eyes at her “Fine, I’ll make you some popcorn… As long as I don’t have to eat it” He gave her hand a last gentle squeeze and went over to the microwave, preparing her popcorn.

She grabbed her favorite blanket from the bed, putting it neatly onto the couch, standing in the middle of the room, her hands in her pockets, not knowing what to do.
“Hey, can I help you?” she offered, hoping he’d give her something to do “I’m making popcorn, that’s not that hard that I’d need help, thank you”

“Okaaaay” she sighed, looking around the room, jumping from one foot to the other impatiently. He looked back at her over his shoulder and scowled.
“You can’t stand still for 2 seconds, can you?” She grinned brightly at him “Noooo I can’t and that’s why you love me” She extended her hands for the bowl of popcorn, sitting down on the couch “No, I love you in spite of that” he mumbled to himself.
“Heeeey! I heard that!” She swatted his arm playfully, spilling some popcorn onto the floor. She looked at him apologetically, batting her eyelashes
“Oopsi, clumsy me….” He gave her his best you-annoy-me-but-I-won’t-give-you-the-satisfaction-of-reacting-the-way-you-want-me-to and grabbed the remote. She only extended her hand, commanding him to hand it over immediately in a very stern voice. He held it out to her, knowing she wouldn’t rest until she had it. She clicked on the TV, zapping around a little until she had found the right station.
She wrapped herself in “her” blanket (she had acquired it immediately after she had spent the first night at his place, calling it hers ever since) and scooted closer to him, putting her head on his shoulder, offering him a corner of the blanket silently. He gladly took it, not daring to wrap her arms around her, this being the first real physical contact ever since. He just didn’t want to push her.

Lorelai kept stuffing popcorn into her mouth, munching away on it happily, almost falling asleep on his shoulder. The movie wasn’t that entertaining so she wondered if she could annoy Luke into eating some popcorn. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she offered the bowl to him, never taking her eyes off the screen. He didn’t catch on the first time she tried so she shook the bowl a little, trying to get his attention.
“What?” she felt his voice against her ear before she actually heard him “Want some?” she asked innocently.
He merely snorted and replied monotonously “You really thing I’d eat that?” gesturing to the bowl, he almost knocked it out of her hand
“Watch it, this is sacred! You sure you don’t want some?”
“Yes, now be quiet, I wanna watch the movie” he hushed her, slightly annoyed.
Lorelai smiled to herself. She was getting there.

“Come on, at least try it” she whined.
“No” he said flatly “It’s unhealthy, it’s fat and I don’t wanna clog my arteries with that junk, okay?”
She sat up next to him, grabbing one piece of popcorn, holding it out to him “One piece, come on” He shook his head resolutely
“Don’t be such a baby, Luke” She touched the popcorn to his lips, waiting patiently for him to open it.
But he wasn’t gonna give in this easily.
“Luuuuuke just eat it, for me?” She smiled sweetly, but no effect. She nudged his lips gently “I’m not gonna give up, you know that, might be better for you if you’d just eat it now” He gave her an exasperated look, then opened his mouth.
She quickly pushed the popcorn in before he changed his mind and was about to pull her fingers back as he closed his lips around them. Keeping his eyes locked on hers for any sign of discomfort from her side he gently licked the salt off her fingers.
She swallowed hard, removing her fingers shakily, looking away.

He hung his head. “I’m sorry, Lore, really. I shouldn’t have done that… I don’t know why I did it, I-“
He almost cried as he realized what he did to her, but she cut him off by saying quietly “I understand, Luke, I know it’s hard for you, but I can’t jump over my own shadow you know?”
She put her head on his shoulder again, closing her eyes. She felt so safe when she was with him, she knew it sounded cheesy and corny, but she felt … home.
She stroked her fingers over the back of his hand, contemplating her next move. Was she ready? She opted for ‘yes’, took his arm and put it around her shoulders. He looked down at her, surprised at her move, but soon relaxed into her and put his head atop hers.

They soon were fast asleep, cuddled together on the couch, the TV showing the test picture of the TV station.

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

Wub Wub Wub Wub Wub Wub Wub

Das ist doch mal eine wundervolle Gute - Nacht - Geschichte Big Grin

Hast du gaaaaanz toll gemacht Big Grin

Endlich herrscht wieder ein bissche Harmonie. Das Lore noch nicht darüber hinweg ist, ist ja klar, aber die beiden wieder so zu sehen Wub
Einfach traumhaft.

Schreib schön weiter so süße!

*hab dich lieb*
*knuddel* :knuddel:

Never give up on a miracle

hach lilli...*schmacht*
das war wieder ein extrem genialer teil(nachdem ich ja zu dumm war, den letzten zu verstehen Unsure )
es ist einfach wunderbar, dass luke und lore sich wieder etwas näher kommen und lore den ersten schritt macht, alles hinter sich zu lassen.
und wieder muss ich sagen, dass du es immer wieder schaffst mich mit deiner art zu schreiben zu beeindrucken. so gefühlvoll und du denkst einfach an alles.
ich meine, bei genug anderen geschichten wäre sofort wieder "friedefreudeeierkuchen", aber bei du berücksíchtigst wirklich, was lore schlimmes erlebt hat und denkst echt an die gefühle.
was soll ich mehr sagen? deine ff ist einfach super spitzenmässig!

i'd like to make myself believe
that planet earth turns slowly


das ist einfach toll!!!

aber das warst du uns auch schuldig, nach dme ganzen stress und ärger und so...

ach es ist sooooooooooooo romantisch... und das um die uhrzeit...

also wirklcih einfahc nur süß!!!!

und zu deinem schreibstil oder so muss cih ja wohl nichts mehr sagen, oder willst due snoch einmal hören???

ich wäre übrigens sehr zufrieden, wenn du uns immer mit so tollen teilen für unser FB danken würdest!!!


never . forget

das war mal wieder soooooooo toll!! Wub Wub du wirst mal autorin!! :lach:

einfach genial!! Big Grin

No, I don't want to battle from beginning to end
I don't want a cycle of recycled revenge
I don't wanna follow death and all of his friends.

wow ... einfach wieder super geil !!! der letzte teil war total süss, typisch lore ;-) aber luke tut mir auch leid, ist mit sicherheit ne s c h e i s s situation ... Unsure

naja, aber du hast mal wieder saubere arbeit geleistet ! einfach
toll, wie du schreibst, das muss ich einfach immer wieder sagen Big Grin

warte gespannt auf einen neuen teil, aber jetzt muss ich erstmal
gg gucken ...


champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends
.: I need you to need me back :.

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