Oh so different-2. Sequel to different pregnancy different man

Wow, das Klicken in Lorelais Kopf hab ich bis hier her gehört.´bout time!
Fand den talk zwischen Em und Lorelai sehr gut.
Bin mal gespannt, was als nächstes kommt. Bestimmt der Trip nach Martha´s Vineyard....

Beware of cylons

[Bild: ohsodifbannersized.jpg]

Chapter 7: Mr. Magic-eyes

When Luke came back some time later he found Lorelai and the twins upstairs in their bedroom. The girls were lying on both sides of Lorelai while she read to them.
“Hey you!” Lorelai smiled when she saw him standing in the doorway watching them.
“Hey you three. What are you reading?” Luke asked and sat down on the bed.
“Cinderella. They told me you started it a few days ago, so I thought I would read this.” Lorelai explained. She looked to her side and realized for the first time, that the girls were asleep again.
“Huh, I´m reading and they are sleeping. Just wait girls, when you wake up.” She said and kissed them both before she stood up, took Luke´s hand and lead him out of the room.
She slid her arms around his waist when they stood outside and gave him some quick kisses.
“Can we go downstairs and talk?” She asked then. Luke nodded and followed her down the stairs. They sat down on the couch where the blanket still lay.
“Luke, before you say something: I`m sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am. I know that I´ve been a horrible mother and wife this past year and I really wish I could turn back the time and do everything different, but I can´t. I called Rory this morning at the airport and told her that I was coming over, like she asked me to. She was at a party and drunk, and had no idea what I was talking about. She and Logan made up. Again. You were right: She does not need me anymore, at least not as much as I thought.” She told him quickly, just to get it all out.
“So you´re not here because you realized that the kids need you, but because Rory didn´t want you to come.” Luke summed it up and was clearly hurt.
“No, no Luke it´s not like that. I could have flown to her, I’m sure this peace won´t last long. I realized when I talked to this drunk young woman, that she isn´t a little girl anymore, she sometimes wants to be and I want her to be. She is not. And we have three little kids here. I know that you think that I don´t love them as much as I love Rory, but that´s not true. I just... I don´t know... thought that you are here. That they don´t need me because you are always there for them. Somehow I thought that it is enough when you are there, because Rory only had one parent, so why should it harm these three if I didn´t have that much time for them? But that was so stupid and selfish and I risked my family and lost the trust of my children because of my stupidity. Please, Luke, forgive me?” She asked.
“Of course I do. This one time, but don´t let it happen again. William really took it very hard and Sara and Laila were miserable. It hurt me to always tell them that you would not come, that you wouldn´t be there. They were so disappointed and sometimes I just failed. I yelled at them, because I missed you too. I took my bad mood out on them and that´s also why Will ran away at the mall. I am not a good single parent. I can´t do this! I need you to help me, to show me how to do it.” He said and she took his hand.
“Luke, you have no idea what an amazing father you are. Even my mother says that you are!” She said and smiled.
“You talked about me with your mother?” He asked surprised.
“Not only about you. She told me some things, gave me the final push, so to say. And she made a very nice offer.”
“What offer?” Luke asked.
“She said that if we want we could go to their house at Martha´s Vineyard if we like. We both took the week off, the twins are sick and can´t go to kindergarten and Will is bored at pre-school anyway. What do you think?”
“I think it´s a good idea. It´s warm there this time of year and we would have time only for us and the kids. Let´s do it, let´s go to the Vineyard!” Luke said and pulled her to him for a long kiss.

At noon, the twins were asleep again after taking the medicine, so Luke and Lorelai decided to pick up William together from pre-school.
When they arrived William was already waiting.
“Hey sweety, you´re already ready to go?” Lorelai laughed when she saw William standing in the entrance with his bag.
“Yeah let´s go!” William yelled exited and wanted to rush outside, but Luke held him back.
“Hey hey hey, we have to talk to your teacher and you will wait!” He told him.

“Mr. Danes, hello! See William now you can go home. He was asking the whole day if it was time to go back home!” The teacher said and shook hands with Luke.
“Hello, I´m Lorelai Danes, I am William’s mother!” Lorelai introduced herself to the woman.
“Oh, we already heard a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you.” The teacher said with a fake smile before she turned her attention back to Luke.
“William’s behavior was a lot better today. Besides his constant asking when he would be allowed to go home, he was like a completely different child. You were really nice today Willi!” The woman smiled and stroked over William’s head. William stepped back and hid behind his mother’s legs.
“Don´t call me Willi!” He mumbled. The teacher did not hear him, but Lorelai did and laughed, which brought her a confused stare from the other woman.
“That´s nice to know. But actually we are here to inform you that we will be on a trip for a week which means, that Will won´t be able to come. I hope this is okay.” Luke told her.
“Of course, no problem! Have a nice trip with your daddy, Willi!” She smiled at the boy, then at Luke.
“Well, no men-only trips this time. His sisters and I will join them!” Lorelai told her.
“Oh how nice!” The fake smile was back.
“We should go! We still have a lot of packing to do.” Luke said and the adults shook hand again.
When they walked outside arm in arm with William bouncing in front of them, Lorelai slipped her right hand in Luke´s right back-pocket of his jeans. Luke looked at her confused and she gave him a kiss. When they were outside and a few meters away from the pre-school Lorelai took her hand out of his back-pocket and slapped his chest with it.
“Oh my god! She was so checking you out! No wonder you always have to go there and talk with her about William! She so flirted with you!” Lorelai teased him with a smile.
“She did not flirt with me!” Luke said sternly.
“Of course she did! She was hitting on you right in front of me! She undressed you with her eyes and did you in her mind!” Lorelai said.
“Ah geez, she did not!” Luke argued with her.
“Hey Will, honey! Did this teacher of yours ever say something to you about your daddy?” She asked her son and wiped some color off his cheek.
“No. But she told the other teacher that she thinks daddy is hot and has magic eyes. But don´t worry mommy, she is nuts! She calls me Willi!” William said, opened his mouth, stuck in a finger and made a gagging sound.
Lorelai laughed, while Luke took his son’s arm and pulled the finger out of his mouth with a disapproving look.
“How often did I tell you not to do that?” He asked his son, who just rolled his eyes.
“Well, he is right Mr. Magic- eyes, it was disgusting how she drooled over you. And why does she call our son Willi? No one ever called him Willi! He is not a bee and his friend´s name isn´t Maja!”

“What?” Luke had no clue what she was talking about.
“Watch more cartoons daddy!” William told him and smiled at his mother, before he let her take his hand, at which he bounced home.

“Mommy can we swim there?” Sara wanted to know.
“Yes, but first you have to be healthy.”
“Daddy will you swim, too?” William asked.
“Maybe, we´ll see.” Luke shrugged while he put the suitcases in the back of the car.
“Lorelai, you told Kirsten to look after the guinea-pigs?” Luke asked her.
“Yes, and I called my mother and my father, I think they will get too much food! Everybody ready for take off?” she asked her children, who already sat in the back- seat in their car-seats.
“Yeah!” All three shouted, or tried at least, because the girls’ voices were still hoarse.
Both Luke and Lorelai knew that it wouldn´t take them long to fall asleep again and William had enough to do with several Winnie the Pooh books.
Luke started the car and Lorelai gave his thigh a squeeze before they drove off to the Vineyard.



Ohh...ein sehr schöner Teil!
Gut das Lore endlich eingesehen hat, dass sie wirklich fehler gemacht hat. Ich dacht aber eigentlich, dass sie von Anfang an so schlau sei und genau wisse, dass die kleinen mommy und daddy zusammen brauchen. aber besser spät als nie.
Der Urlaub wird ihnen hoffentlich gut tun und will wird sich hoffentlich wieder mehr seiner mom annähern.

Zitat:“No. But she told the other teacher that she thinks daddy is hot and has magic eyes. But don´t worry mommy, she is nuts! She calls me Willi!”
“Well, he is right Mr. Magic- eyes, it was disgusting how she drooled over you. And why does she call our son Willi? No one ever called him Willi! He is not a bee and his friend´s name isn´t Maja!”
“What?” Luke had no clue what she was talking about.
“Watch more cartoons daddy!” William told him and smiled at his mother, before he let her take his hand, at which he bounced home.

Hahaha den Teil fand ich echt witzig!!!

War´n super Teil!!!


Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

So, ich will das hier noch schnell loswerden:

Ich poste die Story ja auch in meinem LJ (mittlerweile ch9) und ich bin total überwältigt von der Resonanz dort. Da ich weiß, dass einige von hier rüber kommen wollte ich einfach mal "Danke" sagen. Wahnsinn!

Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass das dort überhaupt wer liest, außer die Zwei für die ich es dort poste.

Ich weiß noch nicht ob ich es hier weiter poste, da fast alle es ja schon in meinem LJ lesen.

Für die die es noch nicht kennen:


Also falls ich es hier nicht weiterposte wisst ihr wo es Nachschub gibt.
Eine Bitte: Lasst nen review da ob auf Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch oder Arabisch ist mir Wurscht, aber schreibt euren Namen bzw. Nick dazu!

Jetzt gibts auch mein FB

also mir hat das Kapitel wieder gefallen.
Endlich hat lore es wirklich gecheckt und das sie nach MV fahren, find ich toll. mal schauen wie der urlaub wird.
die sache mit der lehrerin und luke war cool und das mit dem cartoon auch XD klasse teil, hab nichts zu meckern :biggrin:

Hier könnte Ihre Werbung stehen. [url=http://ema.mtv.de/vote/][/url]

Sorry, dass ihr warten musstet (falls das hier noch wer liest), aber ich hab schlicht und ergreifend vergessen auch hier noch ein Kapitel reinzustellenEek

[Bild: ohsodifbannersized.jpg]

Chapter 8: Fishy Rockstar

Wow, kiddos look, there’s such nice weather here!” Lorelai said excitedly when they arrived. She wondered why she got no answer and turned towards the backseats; all three kids were asleep.
Look at our lazy kids!” She said to Luke and smiled.
Well they are sick. And lazy. Wonder where they got it from!” He smiled back, before he got out of the car and walked towards the entry of the house. Lorelai caught up to him and slipped her hand in his.
How am I going to open the door now?” He asked and gestured with his chin to his hands. In one he held the first bag, in the other now Lorelai´s hand.
Don´t be grumpy, honey! I have a solution for everything.” She smiled sweetly at him, stuck her hand in his pocket, grabbed the key and unlocked the door.
See, I am clever, Mr. Grumpy” She laughed.
Anybody would be grumpy after hours in a car with you.” He said while they walked inside.
Hey! I was behaving perfectly fine” She pouted.
Uhuh, flipping from one radio-station to the next, then torturing me with your Metallica CDs, needing 6 coffee-breaks, and three more stops for the bathroom, and finally you were reading out loud a Cosmo article in Kermit voice. I don´t wanna know what behaving badly would mean.” He told her.
Well, maybe you´ll find out once we´re alone in a car for that long!” She said and tried to sound extra naughty.
Dirty.” Luke said.
Come on, admit it! You love it and we both know it.” She laughed and bounced sideways in front of him.
No, I don´t.” He argued with her, although he knew this would culminate in another nonsense conversation.

After they had checked out the house, decided on who would take which room, and put an end to the “yes, you do”-”no, I don´t”- discussion, they went back outside to the car to take out the kids and the rest of the bags.
First they placed the kids together on the big bed in the main bedroom, so they wouldn´t be alone and get scared when they woke up and then they got the rest of the luggage.

I thought we were staying here for a week, obviously I missed the fact that we moved here.” Luke remarked sarcastically after he brought the last suitcase into the house.
Oh, shut up you. You have three girls here and we need to be pretty.” She told him before she walked outside to the backyard to find the pool.
Then be pretty while carrying your stuff yourself the next time.” He grumped, but walked over to where she stood and slid his arms around her waist from behind. She was standing in front of a cliff and looked down on the sea.
It´s beautiful here.” She said with a dreamy expression.
You´re beautiful.” He whispered and placed a kiss on her cheek. She lay her hands on top of his and while staring straight ahead at the sea, and with a serious expression she asked
We will work through this. You and the kids will trust me again and Will won´t hate me any longer, right?”
Will never hated you.”
Right? We will be able to...” Luke interrupted her.
Of course we will, don´t worry.” He told her. They stood outside in comfortable silence for a few more minutes, until they heard Laila´s cries for her parents, followed by Sara´s coughing.

After dinner, while it was still warm outside, they decided to go for a walk on the beach, taking the kids with them. Luke and Lorelai walked along the beach with their arms around each other’s waists. William, Sara, and Laila were skipping ahead, searching for shells. Luke held their shoes in one hand, while Lorelai held her own pair in her free hand.

Mommy, daddy, look!” Sara yelled excitedly and showed them a little crab she had found.
You better put it back down before it pinches you.” said Luke
But it´s cute. I want it to be my pet.” Sara insisted.
And what´s his name? Or is it a girl?” Lorelai asked and winked at Luke.
It´s a boy and his name is Luke.” The girl smiled, with the devilish glint in her eyes, which reminded Luke even more of Lorelai. Luke knew there would be an explanation for it.
You named him after your father? Why?” Lorelai wanted to know.
Because he looks like daddy and daddy is always in a crabby mood.” The girl giggled and looked at Lorelai who burst out laughing.
Oh wait, you monster!” Luke laughed, grabbed the girl and ran with her into the ocean. The water only reached his ankles, but Sara laughed and screamed.
I think you need to dive to learn the difference between your father and strange looking sea animals.”
No, daddy, I can´t swim.” Sara screeched. Luke held her so that only her feet dove into the water and she struggled so that the water was splashing around them. William, who saw the splashing water, ran to them and made them even wetter.
When they started splashing the water towards Laila, she ran to her mother and hid behind her. Within seconds Lorelai was wet and the everyone was laughing at her, because of her tirade directed at Luke, about her hair, her make-up, and clothes. But then she had to laugh herself, picked up Laila, and hugged her tight so that the girl got equally wet.

Back at the house, Lorelai stopped the others when they wanted to enter.
You three can´t seriously believe that I will let you in like that?!”
Why?” William wanted to know.
Because you are dripping wet and all fishy.”
Fishy? That´s not a word.” Luke laughed.
And you are wet, too!” Sara pointed out.
But I don´t smell like fish. Undress!” Lorelai laughed and ordered.
Here? Are you crazy?” Luke asked her.
Why, sexy Lukey, scared somebody might see your goods? Don´t worry nobody´s around.” Lorelai grinned and pulled at his shirt, pulling it over his head and patting his chest.
Mommy, am I sexy too?” William wanted to know. Luke wanted to say something, but Lorelai stopped him.
You are awfully sexy my baby-boy. I am sure the girls will go crazy in ten years.” She smiled and helped him out of his wet shirt and shorts, while Luke helped Sara.
I think you all need a bath.” Lorelai told them after she had sniffed at them.
Sara, Laila, I will bathe you first and Will do you want to shower or take a bath with me?” Luke decided.
I wanna bathe with you.” William said.
Okay, then come here girls.” Luke said to his daughters. He was used to being in charge so Lorelai´s offer surprised him at first.
Why don´t you two get your clothes and do some male bonding while I bathe these two?” She proposed.
Okay.” Luke said slowly, but smiled when he realized that this was also a step in the right direction.

Nooo, mommy! I don´t wanna!” Sara cried, while Laila was still brushing her teeth.
Sara, we need to comb your hair now, otherwise there will be knots in it tomorrow when it is dry, and then we won’t be able to comb through it anymore, and will have to cut it!” Lorelai argued with her. She had already had the same fight with Laila minutes before. The girls were sick and tired which made them whiny.
Nooo, it hurts!” Sara cried, she was standing between Lorelai´s legs, while Lorelai sat on the closed toilet.
I will be extra careful, baby.” She reassured her daughter and let the comb glide through the wet curls of her daughter.
Sara was still crying when Lorelai finished and Laila had started again, because her nose was clogged. Lorelai scooped them both up in her arms, and although they were really heavy, carried them into their bedroom. She gave them their medicine before she lay down on Sara´s bed with them and held them until they fell asleep.
She loved those moments when they were asleep after a bath and would cuddle up to her. Their hair smelled like the baby-shampoo she used and she would breathe them in every time. She had done that since the first day they were born and over the years these moments got rare. They were growing up so fast and she had less and less time for them.
With Rory she had done that for a very long time, sometimes she would still breathe her in when they hugged, although she didn´t smell like the baby-shampoo anymore.
With William she had stopped that a long time ago. When she had found him sleeping on the floor a few days before it had been the first time in years. She didn´t know why. She didn´t understand why it had gone that far. She only knew that she had to fix it.

She untangled from the twins, placed Laila on her bed, and kissed them both good-night, before she walked into the bathroom once more, where Luke and William were sitting in the bathtub now.
Wow, two sexy men in a tub, must be my lucky day!” She grinned. Both of them just rolled their eyes, which caused her to laugh.
Are the twins asleep?” Luke asked when she had calmed down and kneeled next to the tub.
Yep, they were really tired.”
I know. I could hear their whining in the bedroom.”
And you didn´t come to rescue me?” She feigned shock.
Nah, didn´t feel like it. What was it this time? The hair-washing or the combing?” Luke grinned.
Both! Nooo, mommy, the shampoo hurts my eyes, waaaaah, mommy, don´t! The water is too hot. No, now it´s too cold! Don´t comb my hair! You´re hurting me! Waaaaaaaaaah.” She imitated the twins.
Girls!” William huffed.
Hey you, Mr. Hero, I don´t see any water in your hair right now.” Lorelai teased him.
I can do that alone, mommy.” He declared.
Ha, I don´t believe you. You´re just bragging.” Lorelai said and winked at Luke. William gave her a pointed look, dove down to make his hair wet, came back up, took the shampoo, rubbed it in his hair and dove down again.
See.” He said proudly and wiped the water out of his eyes.
Such a big boy, but you still have all that foam in your hair, hon.” Lorelai giggled. She let both of her hands glide into his hair and combed it to one side.
Now you look like the king.” She laughed.
The King?” William asked her.
Oh my god, what did your father teach you? The king: Elvis Presley. No more Bellamy Brothers for you two!” She said.
I am not listening to that!” Luke argued with her.
Reggae Fever.”
Duran Duran.”
Mandy Moore.”
All 4 one.”
Johnny Cash.”
Barry Manilow.”
Now it´s getting ugly!” Lorelai laughed and splashed some water into Luke´s face. Then she resumed playing with William’s hair. She pulled it up in the middle.
Now you look like a real rock-star!” She told him.
Yay! But which one?” William asked and smiled


Mmmh, let´s see.” Lorelai said and bent her head to one side.
Nick Carter?” she laughed then.
Since when is Nick Carter a rock star and in what way does Will look like him?” Luke asked with raised eyebrows.
Well, he is blond and has blue eyes.” Lorelai was still laughing.
How do you know what this guy looks like? I thought you hated boybands?”
Boygroups, Luke, boygroups. And how do you know that he is in one?” She shot back.
You did not answer my question!”
Neither did you! Confess!” Lorelai said. William started to giggle.
What?” They asked both at the same time
You are funny.” He laughed.
Are you laughing at your beloved parents? Your rockstar time is so over!” Lorelai said grinning and ruffled through his hair. Then she took the spray and rinsed out his hair, while he held his head back.
Come on Poseidon, let´s get you out of the water.” She said then to William, grabbed a large towel, and held it open for him. William stood up and she wrapped him in the towel and lifted him out of the tub and into her arms. She hugged him tight for a few seconds and William relaxed in her arms.
Mommy, put me down!” He told her then and wriggled to get away from her. She was disappointed and hurt, but put him down and tried to smile. Luke gave her a reassuring smile and also got out of the tub.
While he was getting himself ready for the night, Lorelai creamed William, helped him dress, and dried his hair. When she was finished William yawned, walked to Luke, and held his arms up. Luke took him and William lay his head on his shoulder, already nearly asleep.
I’ll put him to bed. You take a shower and we will meet in the bedroom?” Luke asked her.
I´m coming with you. I promised I would be there when he goes to bed.”
He´s already asleep and you are here.” Luke told her. She sighed and kissed William on the head and buried her nose in his hair for a moment. Luke then put William in his bed and Lorelai took a shower.

When she came into the bedroom, dressed in a black, short and silky night-gown, Luke was already lying in bed reading some sports-magazine.
She stopped and watched him lovingly.
Stop staring at me and come to bed woman.” Luke said after a few seconds, without looking up.
She laughed, closed the door behind her, then walked over to him, straddled his lap, and threw the magazine on the floor.
Hey, I was reading that!” Luke complained, but his hands were already settled on her hips, stroking her hipbones with his thumbs. For a few moments, which were like hours for both of them, they just sat there staring and grinning at each other. Then Lorelai leaned over and slowly her face neared his.
Her lips brushed softly against his, one time, two times, then a third time, before she deepened the kiss. Luke´s hands moved away from her hips and one went to the back of her head and tangled in her hair, while the other lay on her back, pressing her tightly against him.
Their tongues played with each other, causing them both to moan. She nibbled on his lower-lip and his right hand found its way from her back to under the night-gown, causing her to moan once again.
When they had to break the kiss from the lack of air, she pressed her forehead against his and smiled.
This is crazy.” She whispered and shook her head.
What?” he wanted to know, while his hand was still gliding over her skin.
We have been married for nearly six years, have been together for eight, and you still drive me crazy with a simple touch.” She told him.
Right back at ya!” Luke grinned, rolled them over so that he was on top of her, and kissed her passionately.
Lorelai pulled Luke´s shirt up and over his head, then pressed her lips against his bare chest. Luke pulled the straps of her nightgown down and placed kisses on her collarbone, then slowly moved south, pulling her gown down with him. Lorelai gasped when she felt his hand on her breast, placed one hand on the back of his head and pressed him tightly against her skin.

Daddy?!” Sara´s sniffing could be heard a second later and the two jumped apart. Lorelai pulled her gown up, covering her breasts, and Luke was fire-red in his face.
Sara, god, what are you doing in here?” Lorelai asked breathlessly.
I am sick and Laila threw up on her bed.” The girl cried and started to gag a second later. Lorelai jumped out of bed, took Sara, and ran with her into the bathroom, just in time.
Luke appeared in the doorway, moments later, with his shirt on.
You got it covered? I’ll go change Laila and the sheets.” He said.
I’ve got it.” She told him and stroked over her daughter’s curls while she held her up over the toilet.

Sara was exhausted from the vomiting and fell asleep in Lorelai´s arms. She was still sitting with her daughter on the bathroom floor when Luke came in, with the sniffing Laila, who was only dressed in her panties.
Luke gave her some water to rinse her mouth, after she had thrown up one more time, this time in the toilet, though.
Lorelai lay Sara in their bed and got another pair of pajamas for Laila. She took the sheets and the dirty nightgown with her and threw it in the washing-machine on her way back.
Laila was asleep on top of Luke, in their bed, when she arrived and she dressed her carefully.
They placed the girls in the middle of their bed, then looked at each other.
I think that was our night of passion.” Lorelai smiled sadly.
There are six more nights left!” Luke smiled.
And six more days!” Lorelai grinned and gave him one last kiss before she lay down and switched off the lights.


yay...hier gehts ja doch noch weiter...
Von mir haste ja schon nen Review bei FF.net bekommen...aber eins hab ich da vergessen:

Die Szene wo Sara ins Schlafzimmer geplatzt kam war zu köstlich. Ich kann mir das richtig vorstellen, wie die beiden da vor schreck auseinander springen LOL echt gut


Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

Was hier gut ist, ist dass ich die Bilder hier mitposten kann:biggrin:

yay...das bild hatte ich ja gerad gar nich gesehen...man is das süüüüß! :biggrin: Ich hab mir das auch irgendwie fast so vorgestellt Wink


Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

Jaja, das ist William.... :biggrin: Rolleyes

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