Letters to you (JJ)

Zitat:ich (und jule auch) denke nicht, dass du ein lügner bist.
huhu ich hab euch zugestimmt. ich saß neben euch :lach:

nee ganz im ernst.
es ist und bleibt doch unser problem, wem wir was glauben oder nicht. keiner kann jemand anderen zwingen etwas zu glauben, und wer nicht glauben kann/will/möchte, dass du aus den staaten kommst, dann ist das doch auch gut so. das ist sein gutes recht, aber genauso gut ist es unser problem und recht es zu glauben. wenn wir in eine falle rennen dann ist es doch unser problem.
sicher nicht jeder gibt hier die wahrheit an, aber das ist doch auch nicht falsch. das ist ein forum und jedem sollte es dabei gestattet sein, anonym zu bleiben oder sonst was über sich zu erzählen. wir sind hier weder vor gericht noch sonst wo, wo entschieden wird, ob man in den himmel oder in die hölle kommt.
nicht jeder kann perfekt sein, aber nur wegen (angeblichen) fehlern, user wegzuekeln oder stories schlecht zu machen, ist kein grund. man wird auf diesem ganzen planeten niemanden finden, der seine sprache ohne jeden fehler spricht und genauso wenig auch nur einen menschen, der noch nie gelogen hat.
was ced uns erzählt ist seine sache und wenn wir es glauben dann ist das unsere.

ich hab dich gern ced und ich glaube dir :knuddel:

Wenn mich jeder mögen würde, dann wäre ich Käsekuchen!

Das wird hoffentlich mein einziger Post zu diesem Thema bleiben, denn das gehört alles nicht hier rein. Aber wenn jemand diesen Weg gehen möchten, bitte schön:

Wie naiv seit ihr eigentlich?
Gut, es ist ein Forum. Jeder teilt hier nur die Sachen mit, die er auch mitteilen möchte. Aber ganz offensichtliche Lügen (und sorry Ced, aber Du weißt, worauf ich anspiele), sind selbst hier nicht in Ordnung.
Ihr schreibt, es ist doch nur ein Forum, ist doch egal, was er behauptet,etc.
Dann frag ich Euch ernsthaft: Nur ein Forum? Dafür es nur ein Forum ist, wird hier aber sehr viel Zeit verbracht. Und seltsamerweise habt sogar ihr hier richtige, teilweise sogar DIE Freunde schlechthin gefunden.
Und meine Meinung ist: Ich schreibe lieber mit einer Person weniger, als mit einer, die mir bildlich ins Gesicht irgendwelche Stories erzählt, die von vorn bis hinten erlogen sind.
Aber wenn ihr das möchtet, bitte schön. Wir hindern Euch bestimmt nicht daran. Werdet glücklich damit.

Soweit mein Wort zum Samstagabend.

"I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing.
Words are the source of misunderstandings."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ( The Little Prince)

Solange die Person, also Ced, mir nicht auf den Geist geht oder mich belegt (tut er ja nicht) und auch ansonsten nicht negativ auffällt, kann es euch doch egal sein, ob er in Amerika oder in Deutschland wohnt. Wer sagt denn, dass eine Person, die ihr vom Forum her gut kennen zu glaubt, nicht in Wahrheit ein einäugiger Axtmörder ist????

Wo ist eurer Problem? Habt ihr in eurem echten Leben keine, sodass ihr euch an solchen Lappalien hier hochziehen müsst? Ich persönlich weiß nicht, was da zwischen euch vorgefallen ist, aber ich glaube Ced, weil wir uns immer gut verstanden haben und ich seine FFs sehr schätze. Und mir ist es dermaßen schnuppe, ob er nun in Plano oder in Potsdam wohnt. Oder seid ihr so oberflächlich? Außerdem lügen doch eh viele Leute in Foren generell, gerade was das Alter und den Wohnort angeht.

Das war mein Wort zu neuen Jahr! Sorry, ich habe versucht mich zu zügeln, aber meine Freunde wurden letzte Nacht von 8 Typen verprügelt und beklaut und nur ich wurde verschont.

:herz: Verlobt mit Carö ~ cause we are meant to be :herz:

Ich glaub langsam brauchen wir hierfür nen neuen Thread... aber ich werd jetzt auch mal mein Wort zum neuen Jahr (in diesem Fall) verkünden...

Charming_Holly schrieb:Solange die Person, also Ced, mir nicht auf den Geist geht oder mich belegt (tut er ja nicht) und auch ansonsten nicht negativ auffällt, kann es euch doch egal sein, ob er in Amerika oder in Deutschland wohnt. Wer sagt denn, dass eine Person, die ihr vom Forum her gut kennen zu glaubt, nicht in Wahrheit ein einäugiger Axtmörder ist????

Wo ist eurer Problem? Habt ihr in eurem echten Leben keine, sodass ihr euch an solchen Lappalien hier hochziehen müsst? Ich persönlich weiß nicht, was da zwischen euch vorgefallen ist, aber ich glaube Ced, weil wir uns immer gut verstanden haben und ich seine FFs sehr schätze. Und mir ist es dermaßen schnuppe, ob er nun in Plano oder in Potsdam wohnt. Oder seid ihr so oberflächlich? Außerdem lügen doch eh viele Leute in Foren generell, gerade was das Alter und den Wohnort angeht.

Das war mein Wort zu neuen Jahr! Sorry, ich habe versucht mich zu zügeln, aber meine Freunde wurden letzte Nacht von 8 Typen verprügelt und beklaut und nur ich wurde verschont.

1. Ich bin mir nicht sicher was mit "belegt" gemeint war... falls es "belügt" heißen soll, wären wir ja beim Thema....
2. Ob jemand in Amerika, Deutschland oder Timbuktu sitzt ist mir persönlich egal. Von mir aus könnt ihr alle "Grönland" oder "Mond" als Ort angeben wenn es euch Spaß macht.
3. Es geht hier nicht um "glauben" sondern um "wissen", oder denkt ihr wir würden hier irgendetwas auch nur andeuten wenn wir spekulieren würden?!
4. den oberflächlich-Kommentar überlese ich jetzt mal dezent, sonst müsste ich dir ne Verwarnung wegen Beleidigung geben... vielleicht les ich es ja später noch... mal sehen, ich muss mir das noch überlegen
5. Wer hier zu welchen Themen lügt ist uns durchaus bekannt, uch wenn einige denken es wird nicht bemerkt, weil wir nichts sagen
6. Wieviele Probleme wir im echten Leben haben oder nicht, ist unsere Sache, aber wenigstens haben wir ein Leben außerhalb des Forums so dass wir
7. die Realität nicht aus den Augen verlieren und uns so auffällt dass manche dazu leider nicht mehr in der Lage sind.
8. Wenn du noch so aufgeregt bist weil Freunde von dir überfallen wurden, solltest du dich vielleicht nicht zu posts hinreißen lassen, die dir Ärger bringen könnten, sondern eher noch ne Runde drüber schlafen!

Und jetzt noch was ganz generell zum Thema Lügen:
Wenn hier eine/r seine/ihre Märchen erzählen will.. tut euch keinen Zwang an. Wenn ihr eure "Freundschaften" immer so aufbaut, dass ihr nie wisst ob der andere wirklich die Wahrheit erzählt... bitte.

Aber es gibt Sachen in einem Forum die gehen nicht. Ich will da jetzt nicht näher drauf eingehen, aber irgendwann ist die Grenze erreicht.
Und weshalb wir uns da einmischen: Weil ihr selbst anscheinend vergesst, dass ihr euch gegenseitig was vorlügt (denn dass euch das bewusst ist schreibst du ja oben) und um zu verhindern, dass eventuell immer mehr Leute den Mist glauben den hier einige erzählen.
Und wenn du meine posts anschaust, wirst du feststellen, dass dies hier nicht der einzige Thread ist in dem ich drauf hingewießen habe, dass das so nicht stimmen kann...

Und Cedric ist auch willkommen wenn er in was weiß ich wo wohnen würde, aber wieso erfindet man dann was? man ist ja nicht gezwungen hier seine Adresse und Namen anzugeben, im Gegenteil, denn dafür gibt es nicks.

Für jegliche weitere Diskussion könnt ihr uns ne pm schicken, denn hier hat das eigentlich nix verloren...

Hey! (Vorsichtig rein schau)
Ich hab eigentlich gar keine Ahnung wovon ihr überhaupt sprecht, aber dass muss ich wahrscheinlich auch nicht!
Ich wollte eigentlich auch nur sagen, dass ich mich über einen neuen Teil sehr freuen würde, weil deine FF nämlich wirklich schön ist und der ganze Rest dazwischen, darf gern einfach wegfallen, dann muss ich nicht so lang nach den tollen Kapiteln suchen *g*! Nein, ich will halt nur damit sagen, das ich gern ne Fortzsetung von deiner FF hätte, falls das in Frage stehen sollte!
LG momo

I never thought it could hurt so much!!

ein neuer teil......

06 I was your Ava

You were my North, my South, my East, my West,
My working week and my Sunday rest.
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song,
I thought that your love would last forever:
I was wrong.
N.H. Auden

February came and disappeared again. Nothing happened.
Luke continued to go to work. Basically, it was the only thing he was doing. He buried himself in it. But step by step, he felt that he was getting better. He still couldn’t understand why Lorelai had left him but he realized that right now, he couldn’t do anything to get her back to Stars Hollow. So, he just continued to wait. And waited and waited and waited.
For something to happen…
"Lane? Could you get the phone? I’m busy!”, Luke shouted through the diner.
He was just approaching to Kirk’s table and already was annoyed of him. Kirk seemed to be in an extraordinary good mood.
“Hey there, Luke. Can I ask you a question?”
Luke took a deep breath and answered quite annoyed,
“Yeah. Shoot, Kirk.”
“Well, you know, I have saved some money and I wanted to ask you this question for a long time, but my mother had forbidden me to ask you. But today, she’s outta town, so I thought, I could seize the day.”
Luke snorted. He had no time for Kirk’s stupid talk right now, the place was packed and Lane and him had too much work to listen to guys like Kirk.
“So?”, he asked rather angry now.
Well, since Lorelai left… erm… I noticed that… that the DragonFly Inn has been closed, for quite a while. And now I have the desire to buy it. I suppose it’s yours now?”
Luke stared at him.
“Did he just say, what I think he was saying?",Luke thought.
He had become pale. His normally blue eyes had turned into black and they seemed to be shimmering. He reached out for a chair and sat down, breathing hard. He felt incapable to answer Kirk’s question. It had hit him like a stroke.
Finally, he found his words again.
“Kirk, you’re something else, you know that? How dare you asking such a question? It’s not mine, it’s Lorelai’s. She’s not dead, Kirk! She just left. She will come back. And I won’t sell it ‘till the day she’s here again. D’you understand me? End of discussion.”
With those words, he stood up and knocked Lane almost over, who was standing right in front of him to ask, whether he was okay. Luke had not exactly been quiet. In fact, every single person, sitting in the diner, stared at him.
“Oh sorry, Lane, didn’t see ya there. Uhm, could you maybe manage the diner for a few moments? I have to catch some air. Please?”
“Yeah, of course, Luke. Take your time.”

Luke went out the diner and blindly began to run out of the town, as far as his feet were carrying him. And as many times before, he ended up in front of her dream. Her dream that had come true. The DragonFly Inn.
Kirk had been right, it was closed now, Luke felt incapable to open it again and Sookie couldn’t manage it alone. So they decided to close it for a while. It felt like forever, since he entered the hotel.

And today, again, Luke sat down at the stairs and took a deep breath. He couldn’t quite explain it, but as Kirk mentioned the inn and Lorelai, something died inside of him. It tore his heart into pieces. Nobody ever said that she was gone, at least not in front him. But hearing the words, said out loud, the truth hit him hard.
Maybe she wouldn’t come back. Maybe she loved somebody else, or even worse, maybe she was dead…
He hadn’t heard from her since January and the longer there was no trace of her, the more desperate he became. His lifeline was cut…

After what seemed like hours to him, he made a decision. He stood up, took his keys and climbed the stairs. He hadn’t entered the hotel since her departure. He just couldn’t do it. But now, he single-minded opened the door and went through the threshold, where all the magic had begun. Their fight, their first moment, their first kiss. It all had started there.

Luke moved further in. It hadn’t changed. Everything looked exactly the same. Luke went into Lorelai’s office. Still, no changes. He sat down and opened the top drawer. Lorelai’s typical mess awaited him. Papers were mixed with a lipstick, a cup and loads of candies. Inevitable, something similar to a smile appeared on Luke’s face. He opened the next drawer, in the expectation to find more papers. But a small piece of paper, lying on top, caught his eyes. Luke took it and switched on a light to regard it more closely. His first impression had been right. It was a picture. An ultrasonic one. Luke realized it was a picture of an unborn child. He grew more curious.
Who's was it?
Luke turned around the paper and as he read the writings, the world twirled around him. He gasped for air, twinkled and read it again.
This just was too unbelievable to be true. But there it was, Lorelai’s name.
And at that moment, some things became clearer to Luke.
Lorelai’s sickness the days before she left. Her references to successful mothers…

But something still made no sense at all. Why did she left? Luke always wanted kids with her, they already had talked about that issue. He would have been the happiest man on the planet.

Hundreds of miles away from Stars Hollow, a woman walked around a small park all alone. And as alone as she walked, she felt. She had no one on the planet to stand by her side. To help her. To guide her. To be there for her. To make the world spin faster.
She once had that someone...
But right now and for the rest of her life, she would be alone.
Alone in her suffering, alone in everything she was planning to do.
And even though, she knew that she was his Ava Gardner, she was sure that he would never forgive her.


ooooh Ceeed du hast geupdated *hug*

und du verwirrst mich immer mehr.
Ganz ehrlich, hab ich mir das mit der Schwangerschaft schon gedacht.
Nur warum haut sie dann ab.
das ist alles so verwirrend.
Hat sie mit wem anders geschlafen? Is jemand anderes der Vater?
alles sehr sehr verwirrend...

und Kirk... soooo typisch... sooo unsensibel... -.-

aw man, ich will wissen was weiter passiert.
Update soon ^^

hdl :knuddel:


Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

Cedric schrieb:Hundreds of miles away from Stars Hollow, a woman walked around a small park all alone. And as alone as she walked, she felt. She had no one on the planet to stand by her side. To help her. To guide her. To be there for her. To make the world spin faster.
She once had that someone...
But right now and for the rest of her life, she would be alone.
Alone in her suffering, alone in everything she was planning to do.
And even though, she knew that she was his Ava Gardner, she was sure that he would never forgive her.

Ich traue meinen Augen nicht! Ced! :freu: :knuddel:

He's back! *dance* I thought you'd never continue this story but I'm glad you came back Wub
Poor Luke! Well, it's Kirk .... -.- But the memory muist have been painful enough to knock Luke down again. The way you described his reaction, how his eyes turned black and he had to sit down Top My chest aches ^^

I can't say I was surprised to learn about the pregnancy and I only can agree with Jule: they always wanted to have kids and they're made for each other so why did she leave? Lorelai knows that she's THE ONE for him so why shouldn't he forgive her? :confused:

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:herz: Verlobt mit Carö ~ cause we are meant to be :herz:

so,ein neuer teil. Ich weiss, schnell, aber ich habe gerade kreativitaet^^

reFBs fuer Jule:
ich hoffe, das ist schnell genug, und es gefaellt mir, das du verwirrt bist Wink das wird auch nicht besser werdenUnsure

fuer Maxi:
ja, ich bin wieder da^^ can't say anything concerning your spoiler, I'm sorry... es wuerde zu viel verraten....

okay der naechste part is fuer euch beide!!

07 Fall at your feet

Luke was still sitting in Lorelai’s old office. But he didn’t feel like himself. He was like a stranger, who was standing beside him, wondering how on earth, one man could be so depressed. Like every feeling inside of him had died. Like the feeling of love had disappeared out of his body. Like the word love didn’t even exist anymore. Like in slow motion, he reached out his hand, took a pencil, searched for a paper and began to write.


I don’t know what to say or what to write. I never thought that I could hate something or someone…
But right now, anger is spreading out in my body and wants to implode. And I would be so happy, if it will. Just to get away from everything… away from Stars Hollow, away from my diner, away from all the memories, away from my life, away from you.
You know, I had a lot of theories, why you left. You could have been in love with someone else. You could have been sick of me. You could have wanted to get away, see something else.
But as I’m sitting here like a jerk in your old office, things become clearer. Things suddenly make sense. You didn’t leave because of some stupid reason.
You left because you were pregnant, and that makes even less sense. We talked about children, do you remember? We were lying in my bed, right after you asked me whether I wanted to marry you. I thought, you were asleep, so I talked and talked about having children. But you weren’t asleep, you listened to me and you agreed with me. We wanted to have kids, Lorelai. We both wanted some. But maybe I was wrong, maybe you didn’t.
But nevertheless, I had the right to know. I had the right to see my kid growing up. For heaven’s sake, I had the right to raise it, to care about it, to love it.
But now I’m here alone, wondering where you might be. Whether you still carry the child or whether you don’t.
It just doesn’t make sense, you know. Not in my world. I know we always lived in kind of different worlds, you in the crazy one, me in the normal one. But we made it. We found our world. Our world, where nobody could find us, where nobody could distract us, where nobody interrupted. But you ended this world. You left with the most precious gift of our world.
And you took me with you. I’m not myself for five months now. I live, I go to work, I sleep but never like I used to. I’m not laughing anymore, not smiling anymore, not having fun anymore. Not loving anymore. You took my ability to love away.
I thought I loved you. And I still do but at the same time, I hate you. And I want to have an explanation why you left. Just one single reason. To let me live my life. I would do anything to do that.
Don’t get me wrong now. I love you. I truly do.
But right now I think that it might be not enough to love you. I want to understand you. But I want to be there for you, too.
I’ll be there, when you call. And whenever you fall at my feet, you let your tears rain down on me, whenever I touch your slow turning pain.
You’re hiding from me now, that’s plain to see. I’m just hoping you won’t hide forever. That’s my only wish. The only one. Don’t let me down, okay?


Luke sighed, put down the pencil, put the letter into one of his pockets and stood up. He still was empty inside, but he was feeling better. The anger had disappeared. Concerns replaced it. It just wasn’t the Lorelai, he knew, who left because of a baby. Maybe it was some other guy’s kid. But Luke highly doubted that.
He turned the light off, and was about to leave the room, as he saw that picture again. He picked it up and shuffled it into another pocket. Then he left the DragonFly.
A few days had passed since that day and Luke started to feel a little bit better. Kirk had apologized to him, but Luke had the feeling that he wasn’t really sorry about his question because all the time Kirk’s mother was standing outside Luke’s and watched her son closely.

Today was a Friday and Rory would come home for the weekend. Luke usually was very relieved to have his daughter around but this time, he was afraid. He was afraid of telling her. He wasn’t even sure, whether he wanted to tell her, to burden her. And to make things worse, they were invited to her grandparents. The only good thing about Lorelai’s departure was that he didn’t have to go to the Friday night dinners anymore. Luke never felt very comfortable around them, even though they’ve always been friendly to him.

Rory arrived late, so Luke didn’t have the chance to talk to her before they left to Hartford. Rory immediately sensed that something was wrong with him but she decided to shut up for the moment.
The evening went rather smoothly. Emily and Richard were happy to have Rory around and chatted all the time. Nobody seemed to notice that Luke was more silent than usually. He only half-hearted listened to the conversations around him. They didn’t reach him. He was too buried in his thoughts…

“Luke? Do you listen?” he heard his mother-in-law saying.
“Sorry, Emily, I was thinking about something. What did you say?”
“Did you get a letter lately? I mean a letter from Lorelai?” she asked concerned.
Luke looked up. He wasn’t sure what to answer. Emily and Richard always had been there for him and Rory but he felt that this wasn’t the right time. He didn’t process the fact that she was pregnant, yet. He decided to keep it to himself, so he answered,
“Nope, no letter.”

As Rory and Luke arrived at home, Rory immediately asked Luke the question, she wanted to ask the whole day.
“Luke, what’s up with you? Are you okay? Are you sure, there was no letter from Mom?”
“Rory, I have something very important to tell you… it’s about Lorelai.”

Rory looked closely at her stepdad. He seemed more depressed than ever and his eyes seemed to be dead like he had lost something or someone. Rory immediately became worried, sat down on the couch and said,
“What is it?”
"Wow, that’s really hard. Rory, I went to the DragonFly this week and I found something there.”
He searched his pockets and handed the picture to Rory. Luke couldn’t see the expression on her face but her hand had begun shaking. She looked up. She was pale and her eyes were widened.
"She…she was pregnant?” she stuttered.
“She still is. I mean, if she isn’t…” Luke broke off, incapable to say anything more.
They stared at each other, unable to put their feelings into sentences.
Finally, Rory found her words,
“Do you think she left because she was pregnant?"
“What do you think? Is this our Lorelai?” Luke asked thoughtfully.
“No”, Rory stated, “That’s not her. She would never do that. But why, then?”
Luke just shrugged.

“If I only knew”, Luke thought.


japp das war schnell genug ^^
langsam hab ich so das gefühl, dass an maxis spoilern was dran sein könnte...hmmm..

Ich fand Lukes letter total gut!
Nur das 'I hate you' find ich ein wenig zu hart. ich kann mir vorstellen, dass er schreibt, dass er really upset and mad at her is aber 'I hate you' ich weiß nich... das klint wirklich richtig hart. Aber sonst war der brief klasse.
Maaan die tun mir alle so leid. Ich will wissen was mit lore is -.-

update soon

Jule :knuddel:


Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

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