What if? - English FF

ich hab auch hoffnung!!und ich hoffe luke und lore kommen wieder zusammen!!

so, hier der neue Teil Wink

“Mom??” “Yes, hello Lorelai” “How’s Dad? Is he okay?” “Well, it certainly is nice to hear your voice other than at Christmas or Easter or my birthday. I hope I’m not interfering with your busy l-“ “Mother, focus, please!” she hissed into the telephone, not really feeling up to a debate with her mother about the fact that she had cut them out of her life completely (and that for a good reason, too) “Your father is fine” Lorelai breathed a sigh of relief “They’ll be releasing him tomorrow and he has to follow a diet.” “So do you want me to….stop by the hospital?” “Really? Could you? Could you find the time in your busy life to visit your father in the hospital? No thanks, Lorelai, your father needs rest and you paying him a visit would only upset him more. Goodbye”

It clicked and all Lorelai heard was the dialing tone. She rubbed a hand over her tired and aching eyes
Why can’t my parent’s be like Lukes? They support him in whatever he does and would never tell him what to do with his life. Or show him that they’re unhappy about your choices….

She told Charlie to bring her home immediately and collapsed onto her bed the second the got back home. Back to her castle. Back to being the lonely princess waiting for her prince.
Why do princesses never screw up relationships? Maybe that’s just the part they conveniently left out of the fairy tales….

When she opened her eyes the next day she felt a little…. lost. And that not only because she hadn’t slept in her own bed in a looong time, but because her bed was huge. It wasn’t king sized, or queen sized, it was emperor-sized! As she lay there tangled in her sheets she tried to find out why she had this tugging sensation in her stomach or the pressure in her chest… Not being able to find a reason she scrambled out of bed but tangled herself even more in the covers, lost her balance and fell out of her bed onto the floor with a loud squee and a “thud”. “Ow, man that hurt” she rubbed her behind. Then she got up and walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes sleepily. She popped some pop-tarts into the toaster.
“Ma’am, I can do this for you, just sit down and read the morning paper” Startled, Lorelai turned around and saw her maid standing there; she wasn’t used to the fact that other people did things for her, Luke had taught her that she had to do things on her own.

“No it’s alright Eliza, go take the day off, have a little fun” she waved her off and turned to the counter again. She filled up the coffee pot with water, put it into the coffee maker, took out some coffee powder, put it into the filter and watched the coffee as it dripped down slowly into the pot. What is wrong with me today? I’m feeling really crabby and cranky, just wanna yell at everybody and everything….

She took out her favorite mug and took the now full coffee pot to pour herself a cup.
Mhm coffee pot, coffee mug, coffee fix, coffee dealer….Luke
She gasped as her chest tightened and the coffee mug slipped out of her hand, shattering at her feet on the floor. As a dry sob escaped her lips she leaned on the counter for support and put her head against the cool surface of the kitchen cabinet. She gripped onto the edge of the counter as she sobs shook her body and the tears mingled with the spilled coffee on the sideboard.

Get a grip woman, for the love of God. You have and important meeting later today so knock it off! She blew her nose and dried her eyes, then went into the bathroom to take a shower and try to look presentable.

When she breezed into the office, her workers sensed that something was wrong immediately. The last weeks had been amazing, Lorelai was calm and supportive of new ideas, very much unlike the woman they knew and had feared for quite some time. It was like a vacation seeing her so relaxed around them, but now The Boss was back and everybody wondered who had spit in the Boss’s coffee this morning.

“Janet, get over here, I need to discuss something with you. What? Get off that phone and be in my office in 10 Minutes, I mean it! Gracie, Tylenol, right now, quick!” “Yes ma’am, your coffee and water are on your desk already as are the files you requested yesterday. Oh and this guy from Esprit called, he-“ “A guy? Gracie, how often do I have to tell you to write down names when important people call?? Geez, I have to tell you everything, huh? Can’t you think on your own, huh?” She scoffed and dropped down on her chair. Working would best take her mind off Luke for a while. Oh God, Luke. She quickly grabbed her coffee mug and took a sip. “Oh my God!” she screwed up her face and spit the coffee back into the mug. “Ugh, what the-“ then she noticed the Starbuck’s sign on the mug and her heart sank. He had cancelled the coffee delivery to her.

Feeling the oh so familiar tickling in her nose as the tears announced themselves, she quickly took a few breaths, ignored the feeling of someone poking her heart with a sharp stick and got up for her meeting. She poured the coffee into one of her plants and decided that she had to go without coffee. And Luke. She had lost two of the most important things in her life within 24 hours. Way to go Lorelai. She straightened her shoulders and boldly walked out of her office towards the conference room. Plastering a smile on her face for her customer, she extended a hand and greeted them professionally, forgetting all about her emotional distress as she switched into business-autopilot.

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

schade es war emily...egal
dieser teil war auch traurig...aber ich hab irgendwie das gefühl dass was passiert und L&L wieder zusammenkommen..ich weiß es..is doch so?oder?
LilliSchätzchen?ich hab doch recht oder?...
nicht vergessen: das war ein superklasse teil!!

der teil war super... also klasse geschrieben... Smile
das die zwei sich schon getrennt ham is natürlich nich so super... *g*

gibts heut möglicherweise noch was? *mitaugenklapper* Big Grin

Hi Miss Lilly,

endlich habe ich die Zeit gefunden deine FF mal zu lesen.
Ok, was heißt lesen, ich hab mich so durchgemogelt, weil ich mich mit Englisch lesen einfach sehr hart tue.

Klasse!!! Schreib unbedingt weiter, auch wenn ich mich über eine deutsche Übersetzung sehr freuen würde!!!


hey dine, schön dich mal hier zu sehen Smile Smile *freu*

leider kann ich das nicht übersetzen, weil ich einfach Sachen auf Englisch ausdrücken kann, die ich auf Deutsch so nicht sagen kann (zu kompliziert??) Aber so schwer ist es nicht zu lesen oder? und du kannst mich echt urnerven wenn du was nicht verstehst, also PM mir mal oder so wenn du nicht verstehst!! Okay? Okay Smile

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

ein trauriger neuer teil...
es war emily Sad

aber ich hatte eh nich damit gerechnet, dass du so schnell wieder auf freide freude eierkuchen umschaltest... naja, aber irgendwann gibts doch n happy end, oder? auch wenn du das end darin nich allzu wörtlich nehmen solltest!!

bitte schnell weiter! bitte!!!

|DaLSG| JJ| DaLA| LC| AtL| PC|
[Bild: sp_03.jpg]

nein kein Friede Freude Eierkuchen weil die zwei müssen sich erst über einige Dinge klar werden... naja ein neuer Teil für euch, hope ya'll like it

When Mia walked into the diner, she instantly got the vibe floating around. And it was a bad vibe. Plus it was radiating from Luke, who looked like he hadn’t slept in ages, his face looked so much older and he hadn’t shaved in two days.

“Hey Mia, I’ll be right with ya, have a seat” he said in a hollow voice and tried to smile at her. She went over to him, putting a hand on his arm to stop him from working and looked him in the eye “What’s wrong, Lucas” she said in a no-nonsense voice but he shook off her arm “Nothing’s wrong, I gotta work so sit down, I’ll get through when I get through” But Mia wasn’t buying any of it, so she followed him to the counter

“Lucas, I know when something’s bothering you, I mean look at you, you look like someone had whacked you over the head with a baseball bat, you haven’t had any sleep and you’re barking at everyone!” “I don’t know what you’re talking about” he mumbled as he filled her a cup of coffee. “Lucas… I’m not an idiot, you know. Is this about Lorelai?” he flinched at the sound of her name “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, except that other guys keep calling her, last one was some Paul and she flirts with them on the phone and that’s just so disgusting to watch, you know and we’ve been together for like a month now and we didn’t sleep with each other even though I heard from her friends that she’s really easy to get to bed. And when she got off that phonecall with Paul I confronted her with that and she couldn’t even argue with me, she didn’t even say anything and I was so mad that I told her that I couldn’t do this anymore and then I stormed up to my apartment and you know what she did? She left me a note, very thoughtful, huh? Gave it to Caesar to give it to me” he scoffed and finally turned around to face Mia, who had frowned a little more with each word he said.

“Did you read the note?” she asked softly “Ts, why should I, it probably says that it wasn’t so great anyway and that I’m just not good enough for her and blab la, I don’t need to read that, Mia.” “Why are you so cynical, Lucas? Maybe she’s not that awful as you tend to see her” Luke shook his head “Listen, about the phone calls: She’s been single for a really long time, she told me so, so she doesn’t know how much this hurts you cause it’s normal for her to get a little flirty over the phone and if it’s just limited to ear-to-ear conversation over a phoneline, I don’t see the harm. And her not sleeping with you might mean that she wants this thing with you to be different from the other guys she’s been with; the one’s who got her into bed right away. Lucas, I’ve never seen you so happy in your entire life like when you were with her so don’t let her slip away like that just cause you’re both too stubborn to realize your mistakes, okay? That’s all I’m asking! So think about what I said and do the right thing” she kissed him on the cheek and walked out the door, leaving Luke behind, thinking God I’m such an idiot!

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

wieder ein sehr guter part Smile
irgendwie mag ich deinen schreibstil... und wieso kann ich nich so englisch wie du...? Sad

hoff dass bald nen neuer part kommt Big Grin

also was ich bisher gelesen habe: wunderbar, doch es ist noch nicht viel...es ist spät und du hast ein super englisch drauf, also ist es an manchen stellen nicht sehr leicht zu verstehen. werde mich aber durchbeisen und dir dann ausführliches feedback schreibe. versprochen.

i'd like to make myself believe
that planet earth turns slowly

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