29.08.2005, 11:12
[6x01] - New and Improved Lorelai / Funkstille
29.08.2005, 12:46
:freu: danke riska für den link....:knuddel:
29.08.2005, 13:31
Ich hab den Promo heut früh schon gesehen und fand die Szene so gut als Lorelai ihre Eltern im Schlafzimmer überfällt.
Das ist richtig hart für Lorelai gewesen, Rory gehen zu lassen.
Als ise gesagt hat "She's all your'S" hat mich das so traurig gemacht!
Rory wird mir immer unsympathischer. Erst begeht sie ein ernsthaftes Verbrechen (also ein Boot zu klauen ist wirklich kein Kavaliersdelikt mehr) und dann freut sie sich, dass die Kumpels von LOgan ihr eine Sträflingsparty schmeiÃen.
Das ist richtig hart für Lorelai gewesen, Rory gehen zu lassen.
Als ise gesagt hat "She's all your'S" hat mich das so traurig gemacht!
Rory wird mir immer unsympathischer. Erst begeht sie ein ernsthaftes Verbrechen (also ein Boot zu klauen ist wirklich kein Kavaliersdelikt mehr) und dann freut sie sich, dass die Kumpels von LOgan ihr eine Sträflingsparty schmeiÃen.
Ich weinte, ich lachte, war mutlos und hoffte neu
Doch was ich auch machte, mir selbst blieb ich immer treu
Die Welt sucht vergebens den Sinne meines Lebens
Denn ich gehör nur mir!
29.08.2005, 19:02
Izhira schrieb:Ich hab den Promo heut früh schon gesehen und fand die Szene so gut als Lorelai ihre Eltern im Schlafzimmer überfällt.
Das ist richtig hart für Lorelai gewesen, Rory gehen zu lassen.
Als ise gesagt hat "She's all your'S" hat mich das so traurig gemacht!
Ja bei der Szene da musste ich auch erstmal tief Luft holen.. ist einerseits lustig, da Em und Rich noch im Bett liegen aber andererseits total traurig. Sie scheint Rory wohl entgültig aufgegeben zu haben...
Aber wie Rory sich da im Promo benimmt, total eingebildet usw..boah über die werd ich mich in den nächsten Wochen noch total aufregen *würg*
![[Bild: 51.jpg]](http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a300/JJ-Jasmin/51.jpg)
29.08.2005, 19:37
Gölli schrieb:Ja bei der Szene da musste ich auch erstmal tief Luft holen.. ist einerseits lustig, da Em und Rich noch im Bett liegen aber andererseits total traurig. Sie scheint Rory wohl entgültig aufgegeben zu haben...
Aber wie Rory sich da im Promo benimmt, total eingebildet usw..boah über die werd ich mich in den nächsten Wochen noch total aufregen *würg*
Genau genau *dir komplett zustimm*
"people should not be happy all the time, 'cause it can't be christmas everyday"
Lauren Graham
29.08.2005, 21:49
Hier eine Spekulation darüber, ob Lorelai und Luke zueinander "i love you" sagen in der 1.Folge:
? Luke and Lorelai say ILY?
? Luke and Lorelai say ILY?
"people should not be happy all the time, 'cause it can't be christmas everyday"
Lauren Graham
29.08.2005, 21:54
Also ich hoffe ja, dass sie es sich endlich sagen. Ich meine sie verloben sich ja schlieÃlich, da ist ein ILY ja eigentlich mitinbegriffen. Na ja, lassen wir uns mal überraschen

![[Bild: 51.jpg]](http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a300/JJ-Jasmin/51.jpg)
30.08.2005, 11:30
Gölli schrieb:Also ich hoffe ja, dass sie es sich endlich sagen. Ich meine sie verloben sich ja schlieÃlich, da ist ein ILY ja eigentlich mitinbegriffen. Na ja, lassen wir uns mal überraschen
Emily und Richard ham wir die berühmten drei Worte auch nie sagen gehört

30.08.2005, 19:39
Zitat:From kaitymouse at TWoP :
I was working on the set for the fourth episode of the new season and I almost lost it in the middle of a scene when Kirk said the following line. It really isn't spoiler-y but I'll tag it just in case.
When Rory tells him he looks nice he says "Thanks, it's the suit my dad was buried in"
It's just so deadpan and ludicrous, I love it.
P.S. Sean Gunn's eyelashes are soooooo long and pretty.![]()
I do extra work and I lucked into a day on Gilmore Girls which was exciting. The spoiler tag is what was going on the day I worked if anyone is curious.
I was a guest at the baptism for Davey and Martha Belleville who are two (technically four...) of the cutest kids on the planet. Jackson ends up getting baptised as well which was mildly amusing.
Source: Fanforum
... ja, theoretisch Doppelpost - aber sonst würd keiner die neuen Spoiler registrieren

So, und hier die komplette Zusammenfassung der ersten Folge: (Fanforum.com)
Zitat:Originally Posted by Ms Chicklet
I have seen the season premiere. Anyone who doesn't want to know more about the opening episode than what they've already read ... move along now.
Opening scene, which will probably come after the "previously on Gilmore Girls" teaser:
Luke says "Whaaaat?" Lorelei asks again, "Will you--" Luke says, totally straight and deadpan, "Yes." Lorelei asks if he's sure. "Yes," he says. Lorelei says, "You can take a minute to--" Luke jumps in with, "No." Lorelei stands up, they're both in shock, standing a bit apart. Lorelei says maybe they should celebrate, commemorate the moment. Luke suggests a toast. He starts going through the kitchen to find something, can only come up with grapefruit juice and worcestershire sauce. Lorelei says they'll go to Funkytown, then freaks because she thinks she's being too quippy. Luke reassures her. They leave the diner.
The bike race is still going on. Taylor's flipping out. No spectators are left, and he'll get charged an extra day for the tables if he doesn't have them back by midnight. He starts tossing the trophies at the winner and place-finishers. He sees Luke and Lorelei across the street, trying to get into Doose's. He goes over, insisting the store is closed. Lorelei asks to let them in, because they just got engaged and want something to toast. Taylor pulls Lorelei aside and tells her if she needs to drink, does she really think it's a good idea to marry the guy? They go into the store - the bikers pretty much cleaned out the liquor supply, except for an old case of Zima that Babette wanted Taylor to have on hand years ago. They take it. Lorelei leads Luke to the gazebo, all strung up in white lights. They open their Zimas, and are getting ready to toast, when Taylor kills the lights. They yell at Taylor to turn them back on. Taylor grumbles, but does it. Luke and Lorelei toast, then kiss.
Luke and Lorelei are in bed. Lorelei's going to sleep - guess Luke wore her out! Luke tells her about the Twickham House, and how he didn't mean they'd have to have kids. Just one kid. Or no kids, they'll just get a plant. They can fill the house with furniture, even though he hates furniture shopping. Lorelei mumbles she likes shopping. Luke says, "It's really happening." Lorelei says, "It's really happening." Luke lays down to go to sleep, all of a sudden everything registers with Lorelei. She tells him never to make a major life decision like buying a house without her again. He says he won't, she lays back down. Then she says she kids would be good. Behind her, Luke is beaming.
Next day in the diner, Luke is in a good mood, giving a woman blueberries in her pancakes when she didn't order them, telling her "antioxidants are on the house." Babette and Miss Patty come in, all excited. They're all happy for Luke and Lorelei, albeit a bit mad because they found out from East Side Tillie. They want the details. Babette tells about how Morrie proposed - "Maury was on top. No I was. No, someone else was." Luke looks shocked, then Babette says, "It was a game of Twister!" They're disappointed about Lorelei doing the proposing.
Lorelei walks through the square as the troubador is playing. She stops in front of the gazebo, and looks at the Twickham House down the street. She walks over as a realtor finishes putting up the "For Sale" sign. The realtor gives her the sales pitch. Lorelei listens. Then her phone rings. She excuses herself and walks away. It's Richard. He wants to update her on Rory's court case. She listens as Richard tells her about getting an old lawyer friend Charlie Davenport - "You remember him - he got you a doll for your birthday," Richard says. Lorelei doesn't remember him. Richard goes on about how good he is, and what a swell guy. He asks if Lorelei is going to come for the meeting with the lawyer. She says, "No, sounds like you've got everything under control." Richard is angry about her perceived lack of interest in Rory's case. Lorelei asks if there's anything else, Richard angrily says, "No." Lorelei says goodbye and hangs up.
Down at the poolhouse, it's 8:30 a.m. and Rory is sleeping. Emily comes charging in with a maid. Emily is appalled that Rory is still sleeping, and has the maid draw Rory a bath. Rory goes out into the living area for coffee - there's also three or four trays of breakfast pastries. Emily's rattling on about decorating the poolhouse for Rory's tastes, laying swatches all over the place. Rory asks about how things went with Lorelei. Emily, in an exasperated tone, says Lorelei made it all a big drama, calling her "Lorelei Barrymore." Richard calls down from the main house on the intercom, looking for Rory. The lawyer, Charlie, is there. Rory goes to get dressed.
Richard and the lawyer are reminiscing about duck hunting as Rory listens politely. Richard tells Rory of how Charlie got this one corporate crook off despite a paper trail and tapes. Finally, they get to her case. Charlie says they'll plead out, she'll have to do maybe 20 hours of community service. Rory thanks him, and says she'll never need his services again after this. She leaves, with the usual "charming girl" comment from Charlie. Rory goes down to the poolhouse. The living area is completely cleaned out, except for the TV on a folding table and three white chairs covered in swatches. Each says, "sit here." Rory sits on the one in the middle.
Rory is getting dressed in the bedroom. Paris calls from the doorway. Rory calls back to come into the bedroom. Paris comes in looking for clothes to borrow. Another family gathering with Doyle's family. Turns out he's the tallest one in the bunch. Paris refers to the relatives as the Lollipop Guild, and says she has to stop herself from asking how's work in the chocolate factory. She then says that she and Doyle are moving in together, and found an apartment near campus. They'd love to have Rory come live with them. Rory tells Paris she's not coming back to Yale this fall, she's taking some time off. Paris freaks. She accuses Rory of being pregnant, Rory denies it. Paris pushes Rory to tell her what's going on. Rory tells her she's independent and grown-up - this while striding around her grandparents' pool house - and doesn't have to justify her choices. Logan comes in. Paris, who doesn't know about the boat incident or Mr. Huntzberger's negative review of Rory's journalistic aptitude, thinks Rory's leaving school because of Logan. Logan says hi to Paris, she flings back, "You!" and storms out. Rory and Logan leave.
The Diner. Luke is struggling with the cash register. The drawer won't open. Kirk walks in with a metal briefcase. It's full of diamond rings - Luke looks closer and is impressed. One in particular catches his eye. Kirk explains how he befriends old ladies and they end up leaving him their diamonds. Luke picks up the one he likes, and says that it's Lorelei. Kirk agrees. Kirk then says he feels sorry for Luke, because Lorelei took his big moment away. Luke is looking at him with irritation. Kirk goes on about how he's avoiding Lulu, because he's afraid Lorelei will inspire her to propose to him and it would take away his big moment. Luke settles on the ring.
Rory and Logan are walking to a bar in New Haven. Logan insists he just wants a quiet evening with his girlfriend. Then the bar doors open, and all of Logan's friends are there in old-style, black-and-white prison uniforms, singing, "For she's a jolly good felon!" Rory is touched.
Luke is waiting in Lorelei's living room. She's upstairs, trying to avoid an accessories disaster. There's a knock at the door. Luke answers it. It's Paris. She asks who he is, ignores him when he tries to introduce himself. She's in Full Metal Paris mode, looking for Lorelei. Lorelei comes downstairs, Paris rants at her about Rory, calling Logan a Christopher Atkins-wannabe who is why Rory is Blue Lagooning it right out of school, insisting Lorelei do some Super Mom thing to get Rory back at Yale. Paris is afraid that, without the competition of Rory, she'll fall apart and end up with frosted hair and dragon-lady nails. Paris softens a bit, and says how Rory's her only real friend and she'll have no one to talk to now. Lorelei gives Paris her own cell phone number, saying to call if she needs to talk. Paris leaves. Luke tries to get Lorelei to talk about Rory, Lorelei says Rory is an adult now and has to make her own mistakes. Rory has to go through this, Lorelei says, and she won't force her way in. She insists she's okay with this. Luke asks Lorelei if she gave her real number.
Back at the pub. Finn and some other guy are trying to out-storytell each other on sloth stories. Rory says she's going to outdo them all by taking a year off from Yale. Logan insists she'll be wanting to go back to school within a month. She loves school too much, he's seen it. Rory insists he is wrong. Girls come back from the restroom, and pull Rory out for a dance.
At the Dragonfly, a sweaty biker is raving about the Inn to Michel, who makes the biker move his arm off the shelf to disinfect it. Lorelei comes in, Michel grouses about the sweat smell and germs. He tells Lorelei that Emily called, she'll be at Lorelei's house to pick up the last of Rory's things at 11. Lorelei goes to the biker, who is leaning against a column reading a magazine. She hustles the biker out the door, throws out the magazine he was reading with her foot, then calls Michel over to disinfect the column.
Emily knocks on Lorelei's door, Michel answers. She's stunned, asking why he's there. He tells her he's been sent there, like a servant, to answer the door. Emily asks where Lorelei is, Michel says he doesn't know. Emily is furious that Lorelei didn't pack Rory's things for her. She's ranting and raving.
Rory, Emily, Richard and Charlie are in the courtroom. Emily fusses over Rory's outfit, worrying the modest sweater and skirt is "too Mennonite." Charlie assures them all will be fine. The judge enters. She reads over the plea agreement, the prosecutor says he's agreed to it. Charlie smoothly says how it was a youthful mistake, how Emily's never been in trouble before. The judge looks at Rory, mentions her attending Yale. Rory answers in the affirmative. The judge then notes that the prosecution agreed to 20 hours of community service, and that that is not enough. She says she doesn't like it, that just because Rory's a rich girl from a prominent family doesn't mean she gets to skate away from the consequences of her actions. She sentences Rory to 300 hours, to be completed in six months, and a year's probation. Rory freaks, saying she has to get a job. The judge says she should have thought of that before stealing a boat. She adds that, if Rory satisfactorily meets the terms of the sentence and probation, she can petition the court to have this expunged from her record after five years. Emily and Richard freak over Rory having a record. Richard goes ballistic on Charlie and the judge. Rory tries to calm him down. The judge calls a recess after everything is settled. Rory asks if Lorelei knew when and where the hearing was, Richard tells her Lorelei wasn't interested in showing up. Rory looks hurt. It ends with Charlie telling Richard to go to hell.
Lorelei comes home to a note from Emily on the door. And one on the hall table mirror. And one on the answering machine. Lorelei plays an angry message from Emily on the answering machine, calling Lorelei's behavior "unforgivable," as Lorelei finds more notes on and in the fridge. Then, since she knows Lorelei didn't read the note, she starts reading it. Lorelei goes to Rory's room and starts tossing the last of Rory's things into a laundry basket.
Richard and Emily are sleeping in their room when Lorelei bangs the door open. She drops the laundry basket of Rory's things on the floor. Emily says she knows Lorelei hates them. Lorelei says she doesn't hate them, they did what came naturally, just like the tale of the scorpion and the frog. She then tells the tale. Emily says she thought it was a turtle. Lorelei says they must be pretty jazzed - they have the daughter they always wanted. This is their do-over. Richard tells Lorelei that, despite her thinking some con job was perpetrated on her, they all want the same thing - Rory happy and healthy, and that they need to work together to achieve that. Lorelei says her work ends here, she's done. Rory's all their's.
Luke is leaving the closed diner, telling a pleading Kirk to go home. Kirk wants the ring back, because he thinks it's the one Lulu likes. Luke says no, he paid for it - probably overpaid for it - and he's not giving it back. Babette comes running and screaming down the street for Luke, holding her breasts as she runs. Luke tries to calm her down. She says she's heard from that East Side Tillie that Lorelei and Rory had a huge falling out and Rory left home. Luke calms her down, says Lorelei has everything under control.
Lorelei walks back in the house from Emily and Richard's. She gets a bottle of water out of the fridge and goes into Rory's empty room. She looks around, fighting the tears. She flings the bottle, then starts crying. The front door opens. Luke yells out, "Full moon! Moment's here! Let's go!" Lorelei wipes her eyes, stands up, smiles faintly and walks out.
Originally Posted by Ms Chicklet
Originally Posted by gossipcom
[i]Did LG nail that last scene?
Out of the park. Sadness, anger, grief, then shaking it off to go meet Luke and be happy.
Originally Posted by gossipcom
Was there any songs played in the ep
The only thing I can think of right now is the little ditty the troubador was singing as Lorelei was walking through the square, then stops to look at the Twickham House. I don't know the title, but it was about having nothing to offer but a heart, used. [/i]
Originally Posted by Ms Chicklet
They were in Luke's bed. No ring presentation this episode. And Lorelei is "all in." I think that's partly why she does what she does in terms of Rory this episode - she doesn't want anything to interfere with what she has with Luke.
Originally Posted by Ms Chicklet
No ILY's this episode.
Lg, Riska
31.08.2005, 13:01
das mit luke und lorelai klingt alles echt süÃ..ich freu mich schon tierisch auf die folge....
aber warum kein ily?aber vielleicht kommt es ja bei einer möglicherweise hochzeit?das wäre schon toll,wenn sie es sich sagen würden und wir das auch sehn....ich finde es aber nicht schlimm,das sie es vorher noch nicht gesagt haben denn es sind 3 magische worte und mit denen sollte man kostbar umgehen,sonst sind sie so normal undselbstverständlich.aber bei einem antrag wäre es schon passend gewesen...
aber warum kein ily?aber vielleicht kommt es ja bei einer möglicherweise hochzeit?das wäre schon toll,wenn sie es sich sagen würden und wir das auch sehn....ich finde es aber nicht schlimm,das sie es vorher noch nicht gesagt haben denn es sind 3 magische worte und mit denen sollte man kostbar umgehen,sonst sind sie so normal undselbstverständlich.aber bei einem antrag wäre es schon passend gewesen...
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