What if? - English FF

meinen humor??? :lach:

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

bis jetzt eine seehr geile geschichte!!
und lorelai is so... Motz naja, so halt... :lach:
jetzt haste ja schon verraten, dass es u.a. ne LLstory wird Wink find ich sehr herrlich!
schnell weiter!

schreibst du an the big fight trotzdem noch weiter?

|DaLSG| JJ| DaLA| LC| AtL| PC|
[Bild: sp_03.jpg]

ja sicher schreib ich weiter, keine Frage Wink

aber das is viel lustiger*g* Lorelai so richtig bitchy zu schreiben is total lustig :lach:

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

kann ich mir vorstelln Big Grin

freut mich, dass du beides machst! schreibste dann big fight auf deutsch oder englisch... (sorry, wird grad wohl ein bisschen off topic Unsure )

|DaLSG| JJ| DaLA| LC| AtL| PC|
[Bild: sp_03.jpg]


nein ich glaub ich benutz das als Ventil für meine Englischen Ausbrüche und The big fight wird auf deutsch weitergeschrieben Wink

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

egaal hauptsache du schreibst..denn deine beiden ffs sind hamma!! Big Grin

okay von der FF hab ich urviel weitergeschrieben, im Zug (eh schon wissen Wink) aber ich muss es erst auf den PC hier übertragen, also das dauert einige Zeit*g* aber dann gehts weiter Big Grin

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

sooo ein neuer (kurzer Wink) -> warte auf euer Feedback Big Grin

As Luke drove back to the diner, his mind had time to wander. At first, he was able to concentrate on shipment orders and frying burgers but soon his thoughts circled around the “encounter of the third kind” with Lorelai Gilmore today. He somehow couldn’t judge her behaviour, he suspected that there was a soft side to her, a time when she let her guards down. He noticed that she was incredibly beautiful, even (or rather: especially) when she was pissed at someone and babbling about. He couldn’t forget her piercing blue eyes that held that certain sparkle within, the full lips and her fragile figure. ‘Stop thinking about her’ he scolded himself ‘She wouldn’t date a guy like you, I mean she’s the most eligible bachelorette in the nation’ So he tried to drag his mind off Lorelai and focused on the street in front of him but no matter how hard he tried, her enigmatic eyes just kept popping up in his mind. ‘God, look how pathetic I got, like a teenager’ he shook his head in disbelief.

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

oooh süß luke schwärmt von lores augen..
guuuut,weiter! Big Grin

nnnnaja, nachdem dieser Teil euch nicht grade begeistert hat ( :heul: ) stell ich einfach noch einen rein Wink

There was a soft knock on the door before the secretary came in tentatively “Miss Gilmore, a woman named Mia called today, she said it was about the Independence Inn and you should please call her back, here’s her number” “Thanks Gracie” Lorelai stared out of the window, somehow oblivious to the outside world. Gracie had never seen her boss like this but whatever it was, she was glad it had happened cause today was the first time that her boss had thanked her for anything or hadn’t snapped at her right away. “So, if you need anything, I’ll be outside” with that, she retreated quietly.
Lorelai let her gaze wander over the skyline of New York as it lay bathed in late fall sunlight, passing over the Empire State, the Chrysler Building and the open wound that 9/11 left in place of the World Trade Center. Along with her gaze, her mind began to wander. Why did she feel so giddy inside, like she wanted to smile all the time? Did it have anything to do with the gruffy yet sensible diner/coffee guy she got stuck with this morning? ‘He probably was so glad to finally get away from me, I’ve been nothing but horrible to him all the time. Yup, I’ve used all my weapons’ she mentally ticked them off ‘Yelling, snapping, being grumpy, snarling…. anything else? Nah, I think that’s enough to ensure that he’ll never wanna see me again.’ Sighing miserably she reluctantly turned back to her work but her mind chose another path.
‘He was quite handsome with this stubble of his and if I remember correctly he did have a very fine butt… Geez, what am I doing thinking about this guy’s butt…. It had a nice shape to it though… Not too wobbly, just something to grab on to-‘ ‘STOP! This is unbelievable, I’m fantasizing about some guy I only met a few hours ago, to whom I talked for about half an hour and who probably had already forgotten that I existed when he walked out the door.’
She couldn’t have been more wrong though, because Luke didn’t forget about her at all, in fact he tried everything to do so, but he had no luck. He couldn’t get her out of the system and even though he’d lie through his teeth if prompted, he didn’t want to. But Luke never talked about this to anyone, not his sister Liz nor his parents because he knew that they’d only shatter his hopes by telling him that she was way out of his league, something that he managed to ignore for the time being.

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

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