What if? - English FF

CrazyCake schrieb:wieder ein sehr guter part Smile
irgendwie mag ich deinen schreibstil... und wieso kann ich nich so englisch wie du...? Sad

hoff dass bald nen neuer part kommt Big Grin
da wo luke über lorelai's ''flirt'' spricht konnte ich genau mitfühlen..und das waa mia zu ihm gesagt hat fand ich auch schön....
Also ein wieder einmal gelungener Part!

soooooooo ein letzter neuer Teil für euch, danke für das liebe Feedback Wub
[Bild: mail_4.gif] <-- that's me Big Grin

und als Belohnung: ein neuer Teil (yaaaaaaay*gg*)

“Caesar, I got some things to sort out, mind taking over the Diner for today?” he called to his chef and pulled on his jacket, grabbed the car keys and headed out the door without waiting for a reply. He got into his truck, rummaged around his jeans pocket for his keys and pulled them out along with a piece of paper. Lorelai’s note.
He took one deep breath and unfolded the paper with trembling fingers. When he finished reading, he wanted to hit himself over the head with a frying pan, preferably with hot oil in it but instead, he just put his head on the steering wheel and sighed. Starting up the car and working up the courage to drive to New York was a pretty hard task to do but he fought his inner demons, Mia’s words still echoing in his mind: … not that awful as you tend to see her….she wants you to know you’re special….too stubborn to realize your mistakes….do the right thing…..
He remembered just in time that it was probably not safe to approach an angry Lorelai without coffee and muffins so he ran back into the diner, grabbed both, got back into the car and drove off to Manhattan.

She hadn’t had any coffee all day long, there was a throbbing pain in her head that didn’t go away, not even if fought with Tylenol, her workers were annoying her to no-end. What a day
she sighed and put her head in her hands. Turning her back on the Manhattan Skyline, she got up and stretched. She hadn’t thought about him since this morning and now she had some time on her hand and really analyzed the situation.

He was right, she had to give him credit for that. Maybe she didn’t do it on purpose, but her flirting with other guys on the phone wasn’t a very decent thing to do. Not if you were happily in a relationship with someone as great as Luke. And she should’ve told him that she wanted to wait because she wanted this relationship to be special, to be built on trust and love, not only on sex, which was the only type of relationship she’s ever had. But she was willing to try with him and it all backfired on her. She straightened her shoulders and marched up to the phone with determination.

After staring at it for about 10 seconds, she picked up the receiver and dialled his home phone with a shaky hand.
“Hi this is Luke Danes, I’m not in, leave a message” she quickly hung up, not wanting to talk to a machine. The desk was very supportive as she leaned against it and placed the receiver back onto the phone.
Lorelai decided that it was time to go home and even though she wasn’t looking forward to sitting in her huge house all alone, she gathered her stuff and headed out of the door.

Luke cursed at a driver who just had just cut in front of him. Stupid New Yorkers….! Finally, he checked into the garage of the LGIAC group and handed the valet his key. He shoved his hands in his pockets while waiting for the elevator.

Lorelai tapped her foot impatiently. I need to get a warp speed elevator, seriously! But where would I get one? Hmmmm, maybe I’ll call up Mister Zulu and ask…
Her musings about the engineer from Star Trek were interrupted by the loud ‘pling’ announcing the elevator. She stepped in and pushed ‘G’, she really needed to get out of here.

The elevator finally arrived and Luke got on. Pushing the ‘14’ button, he willed his heart rate to calm down, but he didn’t have such luck.

Just as his elevator doors closed, the other elevator’s doors opened to reveal an annoyed Lorelai who rushed out, walking brusquely to her car, trying to get hold of her car keys in the overstuffed handbag of hers.

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

Oh nein oh nein oh nein! Das kannst du doch nicht machen! Voll verpasst. Wie im Film Big Grin. Echt super Story und da sie auch noch auf englsich ist, gefällt sie mir noch besser, denn da kann man irgendwie die GEfühle besser zum Ausdruck bringen, bzw. sie kommen besser rüber. Weiter!!! Cool

Never give up on a miracle

och mensch, wieso verpassen die sich denn Sad Motz
aber die beiden teile sind klasse, wirklich, ganz groß!!! Top
und ich finds toll, dass sie beide nachgeben wollen und einsehn, wie dumm sie waren...

ich hoffe mal, es kommt bald ein neuer teil, bin schon gespannt!!

|DaLSG| JJ| DaLA| LC| AtL| PC|
[Bild: sp_03.jpg]

och mensch Corinna, jetzt hab ich extre für dich meine Festplatte ausgegraben und da angeschlossen und jetzt bist weg :heul:

[Bild: mail_4.gif] ich liebe diesen Smiley, das bin so ich wenn ich euer Feedback (Brief Smile) bekomm*g*

This part is dedicated to the lovely, one and only Corinna, danke für das tolle Feedback immer und die late-night-session(s) [Bild: cvety.gif]

ich hoff es ist nicht zu sappy Big Grin
genug gelabert, hier ist der neue Teil:

“Ah shoot, I forgot the coffee and the muffins, damn! Now I have to go all the way back to the car. Argh!” so he went back down to the garage, cursing himself for forgetting such important equipment. He stepped out of the elevator and ran to his car. As he rounded a pillar, he saw her standing there, fumbling with her purse, still looking for her keys. He stopped dead in his tracks

“Lorelai!” he croaked out and she dropped her bag, spilling the contents all over the garage floor. “Oh geez” she muttered as she started to pick up her various make up products, cell phones Wow, how many does she have? One for each personality? and other personal belongings. He crouched down next to her and helped her putting her handbag together again and when they were done, they just sat there in silence, not knowing what to do
“Look-“ “I’m-“ they began at the same time and smiled. Lorelai gestured Luke to go first so he took a deep breath and said “Look, I know I was a huge jerk back there and I just … I don’t know what got into me, you know, I didn’t mean to hurt you like I did and I wanted to let you know that I was sorry. For everything. I didn’t want to upset you because you did nothing but make me the happiest guy in the world for the last couple of weeks. I didn’t realize it until Mia kicked my butt about it and I feel like the biggest idiot of the world and I wanna apologize.. for everything. I’m gonna go now, leave you alone and I promise, I won’t bother you again, I just wanted to get this off my chest, so… bye” he turned to leave but she put her hand on his arm to stop him.

When he turned around he saw the tears in her eyes and felt a strong urge to just gather her in his arms, kiss away the tears and protect her from all the bad things in this world. “Luke, I- I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry too, I’m just not used to being in a relationship like this and I really didn’t wanna screw it up, but I guess I just did so … That was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me and I also wanted you to know that the past few weeks were like a dream, like a fairy tale come true, you made me so happy and now I’m just… falling apart because I’m not with you anymore” she sniffled and wiped away her tears “But I’ll understand if you don’t wanna see me anymore, cause what I did was awful and inconsiderate and-“

“Lorelai, do you want us to break up?” She sniffled again and shook her head “No, of course not! Do you?” she asked in a small voice. He breathed an inward sigh of relief “No!” Relief washed over her face and she gave him a small smile “Luke, I promise I’ll try to be more considerate and I also just wanna make something else clear: You’re the only guy in my world, which only evolves around you, okay?” “Come here, princess” he pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his shoulder, taking in his smell, a mixture of cologne, diner food and coffee. She closed her eyes and smiled to herself happily. Luke tangled his hands in her hair and rubbed her back, holding her close.

“Luke?” she mumbled into his t-shirt “Hm?” “Let’s not fight anymore, ever. Okay?” She sounded so small again, like a little child needing his assurance that everything was alright now and he was happy to give it to her “Sure, princess. Never again” “Promise?” “Promise!” “Cross your heart and hope to die? Stick a needle in your eye? Jam a dagger-“ “YES!” he smiled at her weirdness “Okay, just checking!”
After an eternity they broke apart and they kissed hesitantly. Soon Luke had Lorelai pinned against the pillar but they were interrupted by the janitor who wanted to close for the night.

Lorelai straightened her skirt again and Luke tried to wipe the lipstick off his mouth, even though Lorelai had told him that chocolate brown suited him very well. “Hey, you wanna see my place?” Lorelai asked excitedly and hopped into her navy SUV. “Sure, I’ll follow you there!” “No tailgating hon, remember?” he rolled her eyes at her “That was once, Lorelai, once” She just blew a kiss and a raspberry at him and started the engine. “Oops” Damn stick shift again. “That’s reverse, princess” “I know” she quickly changed gear and drove out of the garage without any difficulty.

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...


und dann is der auch noch mir gewidmet... ich bin total gerührt!! :knuddel: :thanx:

der teil war echt einfach nur wunderbar!! himmlisch... GÖTTLICH!!!

ich freu mich schon sooo auf die fortsetzung!

ganz ganz liebe grüße, viele knutscher und knuddler,


|DaLSG| JJ| DaLA| LC| AtL| PC|
[Bild: sp_03.jpg]

aahh endlich wieder zusammen!! und wie süß das wieder war!!
einfach wieder traumhaft!! Wub Wub
toller teil!!

guuuuut, danke meine Lieben für das liebe Feedback *strahl*
and now: an hour fresh Gilmore Girls (nee Spaß *gg*)

“Dial Charlie” she said to her car phone and waited patiently for it to dial her driver’s cell, tapping her fingers on the steering wheel.
“Yeah hi Charlie, it’s me, Lorelai, look, could you meet us at the gates and drive our cars to the garages?” On the other end Charlie raised his eyebrows; his boss hadn’t sounded that happy in a few days, actually since the day he had to pick her up in Stars Hollow, all devastated and miserable. He hadn’t asked what was wrong, but he figured it had something to do with the diner man she went out with. “Yeah sure, when will you get there?”
“We’ll be about twenty minutes”
“I’ll be there, is there anything else ma’am?”
“Stop calling me that Charlie, I told you to just call me Lorelai. I just- I wanted to tell you that I’m happy” she smiled broadly
“That’s good to hear!”
“Bye” she clicked off the phone and concentrated on the road again, checking her rear view mirror once in a while for Luke’s green Chevy Pickup.

When she pulled up to the gates of her estate, she already saw Charlie and one of his helpers standing there, waiting for them. She got out of the car and dropped the key into Charlies outstretched hand before walking back to Luke’s truck. He rolled down the window and she leaned in “Hey, I figured we’d walk to the house and just give the guys out keys to drive them to the garages
“Sure, okay, I’d like to see your garden” Lorelai chuckled
“Some may call it garden, yes…” when he shot her a questioning glance she added “Never mind, come on”
Luke handed Charlie’s assistant his keys and Lorelai grabbed his hand, dragging him to the iron gates. She punched in a code and they opened, giving free a view of a one story country-style house. A street ran by it, making a sharp left after it and disappearing behind some trees.

Luke stood before the house in awe.
“Wow, that’s huge, you live here by yourself? This is big enough for my whole family including the twice removed cousins!” She laughed at him
“Hon, you’re looking at the servant’s house, not mine, come on!” She dragged him excitedly down the street and when they rounded the wood her mansion came into view. Luke stopped apruptly, his mouth hanging open, gasping for air. Before him was a two story ‘castle’ (he didn’t know how to describe this), painted in bright white with a big fountain in the front and a huge balcony on the first floor. There was a kind of stone porch in front of the door and stairs leading down to the street.
“This is where you live? Hell you don’t live here, you reside here, this is bigger than the Buckingham Palace, the Queen would feel lost in there, do you have a bedroom for every day of the year, never sleeping in one for more than one night? Wait, does this thing have its own ZIP code??” Chuckling softly, she slipped her arm around his waist and put her head on his shoulder “You like?”
“Like? Are you kidding? I love it, it’s very beautiful, just like you” he smiled down at her and stole her a quick kiss, then went back to ogling the mansion.
They walked up the stairs together, over the porch and Lorelai pushed open the wooden doors. Luke stepped in curiously and saw a huge staircase, two stairs leading up to the first floor, all in white marble and the chandelier hanging from the ceiling that must’ve cost more than his truck.
“Hey, Luke?” Lorelai called from the kitchen. He just followed her voice to the kitchen, walking through a door to the right, through a short hallway, then turned left and stepped into the living room.

His whole apartment could’ve fit in there twice and as he slowly walked through it his eyes wandered over the fireplace, the antique coffee table and matching bureau, the large glass front showing off a widespread garden, the paintings on the wall, the piano (‘A piano? Seriously? How cliché’)
“Hon? Did you get lost?” he jumped and started walking faster towards the kitchen, where she was giving the maid instructions for dinner.

“Hey, you found me” she beamed at him and quickly introduced him to the maid
“Clarissa, this is Luke, Luke, this is my maid, Clarissa, she’s the best” Clarissa smiled at Luke knowingly and then excused herself. Lorelai stepped up to Luke and put her arms around his neck
“So, do you like my little shack?”
“You already asked me that” he reminded her, leaning in for a long kiss. “Are you gonna show me the rest of your castle too, princess?” he asked her between kisses
“Mhm no, for now I’m just gonna show you the most important thing in this house” grinning, she led him up the stairs and into her bedroom. “This” she gestured around the room
“Is the most important room in the whole house, my bedroom”
She intertwined her fingers with his, brought them to the small of her back and looked him in the eye while walking backwards toward the bed. He raised an eyebrow at her
“Are you sure?” Lorelai bit her lip and smiled.
“Absolutely positive” she let go of his hands and jumped on the bed. Settling down, she beckoned to Luke and patted the spot next to her. “And you’re really sure?” “Luke, get over here before I decide otherwise” “You’d decide otherwise? Cause that usually means that you’re not-“ “LUCAS” she hissed and he crossed the room and joined her on the bed in an instand, pushing her back into her 1000 or so pillows.

Lorelai sighed happily as she lay there, gathered in Luke’s arms, tracing lazy circles on his chest.
“Tha- it- uh- was- wow!” Luke chuckled softly “If I had known what it takes to shut you up, I wouldn’t’ve had to endure your endless babbling in that elevator” Lorelai gasped and hit his chest

“You wouldn’t have!” He chuckled again
“No probably not. You’d have castrated me right away”
“Would not”
“Would too! You should’ve seen the look on your face that day, ready to kill, let me tell ya…”
“Wow, that’s a great ‘When - we - fist - met - Story’ for our grandchildren” she deadpanned
“Hey kids, your grandmother almost had me castrated when we fist met. That’s really good” After receiving no answer she decided to let it go
“Oh, by the way, I have this function on Friday night, and I wondered-“ “No way, Lorelai.” A hurt look crossed her face and he sighed
“You know how I hate these things, I won’t know anyone plus I’d have to get all dressed up which I totally hate and-“ A tear slipped down her cheek but she brushed it away quickly, although not too quickly to go unnoticed
“Does it really mean so much to you?” he asked her softly. She gazed up at him and nodded

“You know, you cannot come alone to these kind of things and everytime I had these pathetic losers accompanying me and it was always hell on earth, let me tell you. But now I have you and you’re wonderful and I just wanna show everyone how great you are and how lucky I am to have you. You don’t even have to stay for the whole thing, you can leave anytime you wanna leave and you don’t have to eat anything, you can just stand there and.. not eat and you-“ he silenced her with a kiss

“If it means this much to you, I will go to this one thing. But don’t expect me to turn into Mr.High-Society, okay?” She grinned “That’s your charm, baby, not being Mister High-Society. And me not having to be Miss High-Society when I’m around you” She cuddled closer to him and closed her eyes

“Nighty-Night” she mumbled. He pulled her a little closer and muttered “Night” as he drifted off to sleep too.

P.S.: achja, sorry dass es nicht dirtier geworden ist, aber ich bin grad nicht 'in the mood', hab Kopfschmerzen *hihihi*

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

hach Wub Wub Wub Wub
wunderschön!!!einfach ..... hach Wub Wub Wub
so süüüüüß!!! Wub Wub Wub
einfach traumhaft

ich hab dir ja im prinzip schon feedback gegeben, aber geb auch gerne hier ein gutes beispiel für alle andren Big Grin

also der teil is einfach mal wieder nur klasse!!
ich find die zwei sooo süß zusammen! und dann diese stelle:

Zitat:“Wow, that’s huge, you live here by yourself? This is big enough for my whole family including the twice removed cousins!” She laughed at him
“Hon, you’re looking at the servant’s house, not mine, come on!”
einfach zum schießen :lach: :lach: :lach:

überhaupt, alles toll, himmlisch, wundervoll, göttlich!

ich hätte zwar gerade von dir das erste mal zwischen luke und lorel etwas anders erwartet... (nehme mal an du weißt wie Wink Big Grin ) aber so wie du's gemacht hast war es wunderbar!!

ganz liebe grüße, Corinna!

p.s.: wenn sich die andren (auch bei fanfiction.net) nich darum reißen dir positives feedback zu geben, dann weiß ich auch nich...

|DaLSG| JJ| DaLA| LC| AtL| PC|
[Bild: sp_03.jpg]

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