Dankeschön Em *rotwerd* ich bin so froh dass es euch gefällt, mein Ventil für Englisch
so, neuer Teil *tadaaaaa* *trommelwirbel*
She woke up slowly, shaking off the shadows calling for her, waiting for her to give in, she felt her sore body as she lay very still, straining her ears for a sound. She tried to open her eyes but her lids were too heavy so she focused on listening. She heard someone talking. Was he talking to her? Her head hurt, her mouth was dry, her body was cold and numb and all she wanted was to go back to this place with the warm light and the friendly shadows.
But then she heard a voice. Who did it belong to? She couldnât place it but suddenly she felt herself being pulled into a flashback.
The elevator. The coffee. Luke.
The elevator again. Talking. Luke.
Mia. Inn. Luke.
Stars Hollow. Lake. Luke.
Dance Marathon. Tree. Luke
Paul. Breakup. Luke
Elevator. Garage. Luke
Makeup. House. Luke
Sore body. The guy talking. Luke
I love you Lorelai, please donât leave me. He loves me. Got to go back. Have to. Want to go back. Let me go back, goddamn it! Luke needs me! Bye shadows. Hello world!
She willed her eyes to open, prying them open step by step. She looked at the ceiling, trying to focus on the pattern, it still was blurred like she was standing behind a glass wall. Luke saw her open her eyes, staring at the ceiling, blinking slowly. He cleared his throat quietly and she turned her head deliberately, her eyes finally focusing.
âHey princessâ he said, gazing down on her lovingly. She reached up, touching his face, still being able to feel the tears on his skin. She was so touched by him using his nickname for her, even though he didnât know that she had felt like a princess, locked up inside her castle, waiting for the prince to arrive. And he did.
She gestured to the glass of water on the bedside table, he handed it to her and she gulped it down in one sip to fight her dry mouth. She put the glass back into his hands and looked at him. The moved into a desperate hug mutually, each of them clinging on the other one; words seemed too banal in this kind of situation.
ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...