The everlasting moment! Englisch

Klasse Geschichte,selbst ich als Nicht-Englisch-Sprecherin hab alles verstanden.Hoffentlich bleibt das so einfach *g*

Schreib schnell weiter!


My face to the sky
Dreaming about just how high
I could go and I'll know
When I finally get there


ava by elizsa

Ich glaub ich werd erst morgen wieder was schreibn!! Bin schon soo müde und da kommt dann nix mehr gute raus

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Bitte,bitte heute noch!!!*anfleh*


My face to the sky
Dreaming about just how high
I could go and I'll know
When I finally get there


ava by elizsa

*mitfleh* bitte bitte! So kannst du uns doch nicht ins bett schicken! Wink

Never give up on a miracle

mach bitte weiter, du kannst voll gut englisch!!! Wink

you don´t remember me, but i remember you

hey du *anstups*

ich find den Inhalt von deiner FF klasse (hab ich dir eh schon gesagt) nur beim Englischen musst ein bissl aufpassen
es is nicht so, dass es total schlecht is, es is sogar relativ super, aber ein paar kleine Fehler schleichen sich hier und da ein Wink
deswegen hab ichs korrigiert und weil du ja nicht mehr im ICQ bist und gesagt hast ich solls da reinstellen, mach ich das mal *g*

  1. „We have to put a stop to that! There can’t be that many cats in Stars Hollow!”

  2. An emergency town meeting had been arranged (passt glaub ich besser) by him, so the whole town, except for Luke, of course, was sitting there.

  3. Lorelai yelled from the front row.

  4. “I don’t like Hello Kitty, but that’s not the point! I know that certain people are (is einfacher und klingt besser Wink) allergic to them, so I vote against CATS!” Taylor stated.

  5. the people of the town oder townspeople

  6. Lorelai got up from her seat and went across the square straight into Luke’s Diner also known as her second home.

  7. As he handed her the mug his hand brushed hers (touch ist so gewollt, als ob er hingreifen würde, aber es is doch eher zufällig gemeint, oder?) for a short moment but his stomach was suddenly full of butterflies

  8. Lorelai also noticed the butterflies in her stomach and now a smile was on her face

  9. ´Have I (das denkt sie sich gerade, wenn ich mich nicht irre) really never noticed what a handsome man he is? God he's so adorable... put those thoughts away, you’ll never have a chance to be with him anyway, he loves Nicole!

  10. “What was the emergency meeting all about?” Luke’s voice made her snap out of her thoughts.

  11. his allergy to cats.

  12. Neither one (sind ja nur die zwei im Diner) spoke for a long time, they thought about how nice it would be to be together, but neither could read minds so Lorelai left the diner some time later.

  13. She just went up the stairs (staircase…. passt da nicht… hm, ich überleg grad warum*g* staircase heißt mehr so Stiegenhaus oder so) into her bedroom and fell asleep right away.

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

gut, hier die gewünschte (nicht dass alle glauben ich würde nur herummäkeln weil's mir Spaß macht -> das is nämlich nur ein angenehmer Nebeneffekt*gg*) Verbesserung von Teil II

  1. greeted by a happy Sookie

  2. Nothing und everything hintereinander klingt weird Smile Verbesserungsvorschläge [list=a:c74044e17d]
  3. No, no, everything's fine, oder
  4. No, nothing, everything's fine

[*]study ist meistens im eigenen Haus, besser: office

[*]flowers lying, laying is aktiv, lying is passiv Wink[/list:o:c74044e17d]

Kurzer Teil, gibt nicht viel zu sagen, außer : WEITER Confusedabber: *g*
*nachuntenzursigdeut* Wink

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

Neuer Teil achtung ein bisschen dirrty!!

“Luke’s” Luke’s voice snapped through Lorelai’s cell phone.
”Hey it’s me, can we talk?” Lorelai announced herself.
“We’re kinda busy.”
“I just wanted to talk about the flowers you know and the candy so could you maybe find a quieter place?”
“Oh sure!”. Luke went into the pantry and sat on an empty box.
“So, how should I start? Thank you very much for the flowers and the candy.” Lorelai started.
“You’re welcome.”
“ ehm…jeah and the letter was nice too and I’m sorry I’m just beating around the bush……….Luke?”
“Yeah what’s the matter?”
“I love you too”. Did I just say that I loved him??
“Oh… so that’s nice. And ehm that kinda surprises me. So I’m not really prepared for ehm talking to you about this so!”
“Yeah that’s okay so I was thinking of coming to the diner tonight so is that ok?”
“Yeah sure!”
“So see ya tonight.”
“Yeah see ya” Luke got up. There was a bright smile on his face. He was soo happy. Lorelai Gilmore is now my girlfriend. huh I never thought I would be able to say that or even think about that.
Lorelai was happy too. Luke Danes…Luke... Lorelai Danes that sounds weird. Hm who cares.
At 7pm Lorelai entered the Diner.
“Hey” Luke greeted her.
“Hey” Lorelai greeted back. There was no one in the diner except them.
Luke walked in front of the counter.
“Hey” he said again and came closer.
As they both were so close that there was no space left, Luke grabbed her hands and toyed with them. They came closer and closer and finally their lips touched. The kiss got more passionate and their tongues met and duelled.
As they pulled apart to catch some breath Lorelai said:” Thanks” and kissed him once more.
Her hands slowly went down to touch his butt. He pulled apart, took her hand and led her up the stairs.

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Zitat:Her hands slowly went down to touch his butt

DIRTYYYYY :lach: you go girl!! *hihi*

sooo süßer Teil, die zwei sind so süüüüüüüüüüß

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...


As they got through Luke suddenly scooped her in his arms and carried her over to the bed. He lied her down and kissed her. His arms went to her blouse and he slowly opened it. She reached for his belt and unbuckled it . Luke grabbed her bra and opened it with one hand; with the other one he caressed her boobs. She pulled down his pants and then she put her hand into his boxers. Luke let out a moan and then opened her pants too. He kissed her on her stomach and slowly went down. He grabbed her thong with his teeth and took it off. Lorelai’s hand went down in his boxers. She grabbed his errection which was followed by a loud moan from him. He went down with his tongue.
As he entered her they got into a rhythm very soon.
After they pulled apart after half an hour they were extremely exhausted.
“This has been a really great first `date`!” Lorelai said.
“It was not really a date but it was great!” Luke answered.
“Yeah… Luke?”
“I never thought this was going to happen but I’m very glad it did.”
“I love you, Luke.”
“I love you too, Lorelai.”
Luke got up at ten o’clock and went down into the diner to make some coffee. As he headed up again he suddenly realized that he had forgotten something. He went down again and grabbed a donut. Back in his apartment again Luke took a chair and sat next to the bed. He watched Lorelai sleeping, but he couldn’t do it for a long time, because Lorelai suddenly woke up.
“Coffee, I smell coffee! I want coffee.” she said sleepily.
“Oh that’s what woke you up. Sure what else could it be?” Luke said and handed her the coffee and the donut.
Lorelai got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Luke followed her. Luke got into the shower too and turned her to him. They started making out like teenagers, but they enjoyed it.

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