Emily schrieb:"It's getting hot in here!"
not yet

und danke für das liebe Feedback *alleknutsch*
liebe Kinder, ich hab ein paar Weisheiten für euch:
Weisheit Nummer
Murattis schmecken in freier Wildbahn nicht so gut wie beim FF schreiben
Weisheit Nummer
Kauft euch immer ordentliche Aschenbecher, damit ihr nicht auf eure Tasta äschern müsst
okay genug der Weisheiten, on with the show (mit dem Corinna Gütesiegel *bussi*)
When the door closed behind him, Lorelai looked around. She liked his apartment, even though her living room was at least three times as big. But it was so⦠charming, so simple, so Luke.
It screamed his name from everywhere; something she couldnât say for her own place. She went over to the couch and snuggled into his blanket and pillow, picking up the remote and turning the TV on. She soon found a channel where they showed Sponge Bob Squarepants and began to doze off as the end credits rolled. She just caught the Sesamestreet theme song before she slipped into a dream filled slumber.
Thatâs how Luke found her when he came up to check on her, tangled in the sheets all sweaty, tossing and turning on the couch, obviously having a nightmare.
âNo⦠donât do it, Luke, no! Please donât jumpâ¦. please⦠Lukeâ¦. Noooo-oâ¦. oh god, Luke! Luke? Luuuuuuuuuukeâ
Terrified, he shook her awake
âLorelai!â she looked up at him wide eyed, then grabbed his shoulders and held on to him for dear life, sobbing into his shoulder
âYou jumpedâ¦. you just jumped⦠a-a-and I couldnât do anything about itâ¦I just stood there, rooted to the spotâ her voice barely over a whisper. âShhh, itâs okay, it was just a nightmareâ he muttered comforting words in her ear and stroked her hair soothingly.
âEverythingâs fine, Iâm not going anywhere princess!â She sniffled and buried her head in the nape of his neck and was soon fast asleep again. He gently put her down on the couch and sat on the coffee table, holding her ice-cold hand.
He was startled from admiring his beautiful sleeping girlfriend by a soft knock on the door. He stood up slowly, anxious not to wake her up and went to the door.
âHey Miaâ he whispered and gestured towards Lorelai to tell Mia she was sleeping
âOh, can I talk to you for a second? Iâll be fastâ
Luke shot a worried glance towards Lorelai but stepped out and closed the door behind him.
âSo, itâs all taken care of, the whole town will show up, you know how they are when it comes to partying!â Luke rolled his eyes
âIs she okay?â Mia noticed Lukeâs nervous glances to the apartment door âYeah sheâs fine, she just had a nightmare about me jumping off a bridge and she was pretty down about that, but I comforted her, you know, told her that everythingâs fine, Iâm here, stuff like that. Iâm just worried that she might have another one and that she might freak out if Iâm
not there!â Mia patted him on the back
âOkay, so Iâll see you Saturday! Byeâ
âBye Mia, and thanks!â she smiled at him and nodded.
ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...