6x18 The Real Paul Anka / Rache ist süß

Casting Sides for Episode 6.18 Released

Casting Sides for School Children have been released. They are for epsiode 6.18, however, that actual audition material is from an earlier epsiode.

If you will remember Megan and Tillie from the soccer game and Luke's Diner scenes - that is what they are using.

As a matter of fact, they are using the Megan portion to also audition the boys.

All of the children are in the 12-13 year-old range for the character.

We might get some specific 6.18 Sides later this week. These were early because they were casting children's roles.

Hier die Sides-Info von Jet1946 von Fanbolt.com

Jess ist in Philadelphia auf einer Lesung, wo auch Luke anwesend ist, der April auf einem Klassenausflug dorthin begleitet.

Lorelai ist unterdessen mit ihren Eltern in Stars Hollow. In einer der Szenen geht Emily ins Diner und spricht mit Caesar. Aber weshalb sind Emily und Richard dort? Planen sie etwa immer noch die Hochzeit?

Rory ist auch in Philadelphia und trifft auf Jess. Sie scheint auch diese Lesung zu besuchen.


Scene 1 -

Scene 2 -

Scene 3 -

Scene 4 -

Scene 5 -

Scene 6 -

Scene 7 -

Scene 8 -

Scene 9 -

Scene 10 - Day 3 - Luke and April head towards a bus. April refers to grown-ups as "grups" and questions whether Luke saw the original Star Trek when he asks "the what?" He says he did see it. Luke suggests they leave the bags until getting a lay of the land and April tells him that this is pretty much the land. Luke starts to talk about a check in point or protocal to follow...but April runs off to join her friends on the bus. Luke heads to the group pf "grups", MR. MUNSTER, KELLY, and EARL. They are all dressed nicer than Luke. Earl asks if Luke is their pilot aka the driver. Luke says no, he's Luke Danes and he brought nicer clothes with him, so he won't always be in this (his regular outfit). Luke is introduced to the other chaperone and April's teacher, Earl assumes that he's met the teacher before. Luke says he's April's new father, not new, but new to her. April and her friends open a window and April shouts out to Luke. She says people inside are wondering who he is. Luke says to tell them, so April says "that's Luke". Kelly gives Luke a think itinerary with snack time, ev time, wander time, study time... The other chaperones get on the bus as Luke goes to the truck to get his bags...

Scene 11 - Day 3 - Logan and Rory convo in progress. Logan remarks that she can't see into the future that far? Rory says it's crazy right now and she'll see how it goes. Rory heads to the door to exit, Logan grabs hold of her waist and Rory just perceptibly pulls back as he gives her a quick kiss. Logan tells her to have a good day, she says him too then leaves, Logan looks on, less than happy.

Scene 12 - Day 3 - Bus - The group is on it's way to the math contest. There are about 20 kids. The teacher and chaperones are in front, behind the driver, but the camera pans to Luke sitting right in the middle of the kids. April, FREDDY, MARCIA, SUE, FRANK and some other kids are singing Tom Lehrer's "The Elements". Luke looks stunned by the song. He asks what all that was when they're done. April tells him that it's all the chemical elements, Marcia comments that at least the ones that have come to Ha'vard. Luke points to a boy concentrating on reciting numbers and asks April if she has any idea what's going on here. The girls tell him that's Frank, a huge show off who is always rubbing it in their faces that he knows the first three hundred digits of pi. April asks Marcia if she brought her sweater. April says it's important. Freddy asks if it's her lucky sweater. April (disgusted) says "no, Freddy" and Freddy turns away. Marcia asks if Munster is going to wear his creepy lucky tie at the competition. Sue says she hopes not. Marcia says there's supposedly lucky underwear to match. April: "Mental image, be gone." Marcia says she heard he lives with his mother. Sue says he plays the trombone for fun. Freddy says he's a liar. Said he was a Red Sox fan but he didn't even know they traded Damon. Luke perks up after hearing that "Really? He didn't know about the trade to New York?" Luke and Freddy start talking about the trade. Freddy turns back to someone else and April looks a little weirded out by Luke's interaction with him. Luke asks what the kid's name is and Luke says he's a nice kid. "Freddy Freddy, ready and steady." April says she should stufy, Luke tells her to go to it. Luke looks happy to have made a small connection, but April looks uncomfortable.

Scene 13 - Day 3 - Dragonfly Inn Library - A husband and wife sit reading and relaxing. Lorelai comes in and says that the horses are ready for them. She says Cletus is the more gentle, but they're both sweethearts and Rob is outside to get them started...

Scene 14 -

Scene 15 -

Scene 16 -

Scene 17 -

Scene 18 -

Scene 19 -

Scene 20 -

Scene 21 -

Scene 22 - Direction: They walk for a couple beats. Lorelai says "We're clear. Sewer problems."Richard says the public works department should be notified. Lorelai says they're on strike and coughs. Emily asks if it's allergies. Lorelai says smog. Lorelai continues coughing as she leads them down the street.

Scene 23 - Day 4 - Jess's Philadelphia work/living space - It's a cool old house, downstairs is the area we see and where JESS and his partners work, upstairs is where they live. It is moddy and artily lit to create an atmosphere. There are books, zines and graphic novels that Jess' group has published and original art decorating the place, all for sale. People of all ages mill about, drinking, looking at art and books. Jess is having an animated conversation with two of his partners, MATTHEW and CHRIS. They've obviously had these kinds of good-natured disagreements before. Matthew says they need their own bar, a public place where the next de Kooning can run into the next Franz Kline and dis the next Jackson Polluck while the next Charlie Parker shoots up in the corner. "So, a nice family place" Jess remarks. Matthew says they'll call it Cedar Bar Redux. Jess says he would kick his own ass if they called it that. chris suggests "Devoid of Original Ideas Poser Bar." Matthew tells them both to go to hell and walks away. Jess tells him to come back for a hug. Chris spots a female reporter from the Weekly. Jess tells him to go find Matthew and have him show her around the bar. Chris crosses away and Jess turns and to his surprise spots Luke in another area, studying a painting on the wall. Luke is wearing the slacks Lorelai packed "just in case". Jess approaches him and is a bit stunned. Jess: "So, my eyes don't decieve me." Luke: "First things first - "...

Scene 24 -

Scene 25 - Lorelai asks where Emily is going. Emily says she's going to get something out of the car. Lorelai says she doesn't know the safe streets and if you walk down the wrong one, you die. Emily exits, to Lorelai's frustration. Taylor is shooting daggers at Lorelai. Lorelai tells him to commence writing her up.

Scene 26 - Day 4 - Jess's Philadelphia work/living space - A poet is in the performace area, reading from a piece of paper. The camera pans off of him to the audience where Luke and April are sitting on the floor amongst the crowd. Luke asks April if it's any good. April makes the "so-so" motion as the poet continues. We move to Jess and Matthew. Matthew says he doesn't know what she's going to write...

Scene 27 -

Scene 28 - Emily makes her way to the door and spots Ceasar. She points to him, scaring the crap out of him and says "You! You could have told me that wasn't LUke's daughter" then marches out. Ceasar says to come back again and continues working. Lorelai reflects on Emily's words.

Scene 29 - Night 4 - Jess's Philadelphia work/living space - It's late-ish and things are wrapping up. The last few people are leaving. Chris and Matthew discuss the poet ("Control your poet" "So, suddenly he's my poet"). Jess says he changed up on them and wasn't supposed to use new material. They say it was rambling. Matthew says he'll talk to his poet. Chris says they're hitting a bar and asks if Jess is coming. Jess looks over at Rory who is sitting reading one of the books. Matthew and Chris exit and there's no one left in the place. Jess goes over to Rory. She's reading his book. Jess says she doesn't have to read it again. Rory says she knows she doesn't. He says there are so many changes he'd make and Rory asks "like what?" Jess says he'd keep the back cover, but everything else goes. Rory asks if he knows why she loves his book. She says "It doesn't remind me of anything. It's not a rip-off. It's just you." Jess says that's high praise, Ms. Yale Editor. Rory says she doesn't get to write as much as she'd want, she's assigning and motivating and hand holding and editing...[later]...Rory says she should go and that she's sorry she came. Jess says he's not, they are what they are, and that if it makes her feel better she can tell "him" [Logan] that they did something. Rory smiles and tells him thanks.

Scene 30 - Day 5 - Bus - The group is heading towards their new destination and Luke is up front sitting with the other adults looking out of place and a little disorientated. The chaperones talk about making an apple stop since the kids liked the banana stop the other day. Luke volunteers to go hand out the pamplets about Amish country to the kids and says he has to give something to April anyway. Luke goes back to where the kids are talking and playing games and hands the pamphlets out. Then he gives April the piece of clothing he was holding, it's a sweater. Luke says he thought she might need it, then "okay, well, see ya." As he turns to go back to the adults he overhears something...


Quelle : http://forum.myfanbase.de

Zitat:Episode 6.18: The Real Paul Anka
Airdate: April 11, 2006
  • [Bild: new.gif] 02/18 - Luke is a chaperone during April's school trip to a math contest held in Philadelphia. He must befriend Mr. Munster, a math teacher, and Kelly and Earl, two other chaperones. During the bus drive, he sits with the kids rather than with the adults. Luke is a fish out of water, especially when the kids start singing Tom Lehrer's The Elements (a song about all the chemical elements). He tries to connect with the kids, but mostly, April. At the Inn, Lorelai takes care of the Moores, a couple who will go horseback riding. Logan and Rory are still a couple but things are somewhat tense. In Philadelphia, we see the building where Jess works (downstairs) and lives (upstairs) with some of his co-workers. In the work/shop area, Jess discusses with two co-workers, Matthew and Chris, about the fact they want their own bar. Alicia Mattheson, a woman who works for The Weekly comes in. It seems she may write a piece about a poet who'll perform later. Matthew takes care of her. It is at that moment, that Jess notices one of the customers... Luke. Later, Luke and April attend the poetry reading at Jess' workplace. Rory will somehow make her way to Philadelphia where she will meet up with Jess. Emily, Richard, Caesar, and Taylor also appear. Source: SpoilerFix.com
  • 02/15 - Just got an airdate for [Milo/Jess's] episode: It's April 11. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
  • 02/08 - I did a little more digging and it turns out [that] Milo/Jess is in fact returning for one episode in April. Don't know much else at the moment except that AS-P's other half, Daniel Palladino, is penning the script. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide
Quelle: SpoilerFix

Wie lagen alle daneben. Nicht Jess kommt nach SH sondern Luke, Rory und April (wenn auch unabhänging voneinader) nach Philly.
Ich bin nur mal gespannt über was die reden. Das sie Jess für belanglosen smalltalk zurückbringen glaube ich nicht.

Irgendwie ist mein Englisch am Ende. Das meiste versteh ich, ist mir aber zu viel zum lesen.^^

Be original.

auf die Folge freu ich mich
Emily und Richard in Stars Hollow*g*
und vor allem Emily in Aktion mit den Townies:biggrin:

könnte es vielleicht sein, dass erst in dieser Folge Caesar von Lorelai gefeuert wird?
würd ja zu den Sides passenUnsure
Zitat:Scene 28 - Emily makes her way to the door and spots Ceasar. She points to him, scaring the crap out of him and says "You! You could have told me that wasn't LUke's daughter" then marches out. Ceasar says to come back again and continues working. Lorelai reflects on Emily's words.

also ich meine mich zu erinnern, das Lorelai Ceaser in 16 schon feuert, sicher bin ich aber nicht


Zitat:Zitat von Mrs Czuchry
also ich meine mich zu erinnern, das Lorelai Ceaser in 16 schon feuert, sicher bin ich aber nicht

laut diesem Spoiler passiert es in 6x16
Zitat:Zitat von MaryKris
Soo, noch ein paar Minispoiler

Spoilers from 6.16:
--Doyle tries to kiss Rory when drunk, but she doesn't kiss him back.
--Lorelai fires Ceaser
--Lorelai is still wearing the ring (and let me say, it's beautiful up close and sparkles!)

General Spoilers
--As if we didn't know this before, GG's will definitely be coming back for a 7th season. Everyone is signed on. There is even talk of a season 8.

P.S. Bridesmaids Revisted is 6.16

Source: Fanforum
für mich würde es aber in 6x18 irgendwie mehr Sinn ergeben*g*
aber wir wissen es ja bald und bei Amy's Storylines frage ich mich sowieso grad immer mehr vergebens nach dem SinnUnsure

Wer ist Paul Anka? *blödfrag*

[/url]Look after my [url=http://vanillabloom.livejournal.com/]heart, I left it with you

in der linken Ecke The Amazing Doggy Swami aka Paul Anka
[Bild: 182.jpg]

und in der rechten Ecke The Real Paul Anka click
[Bild: img01.jpg]

A so jetzt versteh ichs. Dankeschön...

[/url]Look after my [url=http://vanillabloom.livejournal.com/]heart, I left it with you

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