Different master-plan (JJ)

Willst du FB? *g*
Tja wie du ja sicherlich raten kannst, war das nicht so mein Stil. Ich hasse es schon vorher zu ahnen, dass Rory alles mitgekriegt hat, nur weil es in der serie auch so war! (Ach die gute alte Zeit, die erste Staffel *heul*)
Und das die Beiden jetzt zusammen ziehen müssen, passt mir ja gar nicht in den Kram, wie kann Em nur soooo gemein sein. Die Tischscene war genial. Ich liebe es, wenn Luke sie die ganze Zeit berührt. Und sie lässt das sogar zu.
So im nächsten Kapitel gehts dann hoffentlich darum was Rory jetzt macht. Bin nämlich echt gespannt wie du das lösst! LG

I never thought it could hurt so much!!

Danke ihr zwei für euer Fb, ich hoffe ihr lest weiter. Hier also der nächste Teil:

Chapter 7: Her sacrifice

When the dinner at the Gilmore mansion was finally over Lorelai felt like she was sixteen again. She felt belittled, humiliated and forced into something she didn’t want, although she had to admit that marrying Luke didn’t seem that scary anymore after they had talked about it. It was more the fact that her mother forced her into marriage that repulsed her so much.
She handed Luke the keys to the jeep when they stepped outside and slipped quietly into the passenger’s seat. She really didn’t feel like driving now and Luke seemed so much cooler about it all.
He had been the one that had been able to get Emily to cave and that was something she still couldn’t wrap her mind around.

She was so occupied with her own thoughts that she didn’t even realize that Rory seemed equally quiet and pensive.
The whole drive passed in silence and it was Luke who broke it when he parked the jeep in Lorelai’s driveway.

“We’re home”, he said not really thinking about his words. Lorelai though picked up on it and wondered why it made her feel so warm and fuzzy inside that Luke had said it like this.
Lorelai smiled, got out of the car and held the door open for Rory, who didn’t seem to notice.

“Rory?” she asked, but her daughter didn’t react.

“Lorelai Leigh Gilmore, your mother’s arm is going to fall off any second now from holding the car door open”, Lorelai announced and Rory snapped out of her daze and got out of the car. Without waiting for the two adults she walked into the house and slammed the door shut behind her.

“What’s wrong with her?” Luke asked as he and Lorelai walked together towards the house

“Why would you think anything’s wrong with her? Maybe she just has homework to do,” Lorelai shrugged.

“She didn’t utter a single word since we came out of the kitchen with your mother”, Luke informed her and stopped on the porch.

“Maybe dad said something that upset her. The Gilmores do have that power”, Lorelai dismissed it again.

“Your father was asleep when we came back out and by his snoring I would say he fell asleep the second your mother left the room”, Luke said with raised eyebrows.

“Maybe Rory told him about all her books or…” Lorelai tried to find an explanation.

“She heard us”, Luke told her and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“She did not!”, Lorelai shook her head and refused to believe it.

“She did. And by her behaviour I think she isn’t too thrilled about it”.

“She didn’t hear us, Luke. We were all the way in the kitchen”, Lorelai protested and mirrored his position.
They glared at each other for a moment and Luke had just opened his mouth to protest when the front-door flew open and Rory stormed out.

“This is crazy. I’ve thought about this and you two are not getting married so that I can go to Chilton! I’m not going to Chilton!” she said upset and then marched back into the house and slammed the door shut behind her, leaving a stunned Luke and Lorelai behind.

“I think I should…” Luke said and made a movement with his hand in the general direction of the diner.

“Oh no, you’re not leaving bucko!” Lorelai said and grabbed his arm. “You agreed to this and told me we’d work this out, so you’re going to help me explain this”.

“Isn’t this a mother daughter thing?” Luke asked and hoped she’d let him go.

“No, this is a mother- daughter- guy who will move in tomorrow-thing”, she replied and pulled him into the house.

They found Rory pacing in the living- room, the phone held up to her ear.

“Hello this is Rory Gilmore, I want to talk to Emily and Richard Gilmore”, Rory said. Before either of her grandparents could reply though, Lorelai had snatched the phone out of her hand and hung up.

“Hey!”, Rory yelled and turned around to face her mother.

“Bad idea, really bad idea. Why don’t you sit down, honey and let us explain”, Lorelai said and led Rory by her shoulders to the couch and pushed her down on it.

“You two being forced into marriage is a really bad idea!” Rory shot back.

“Rory, calm down. We have everything under control”, Lorelai tried to calm her.

“Well, that’s not what you told grandma when you yelled at her” Rory said and a pout started to form on her face. Lorelai turned to Luke and he only raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

“I told you she heard us”, he said and Lorelai sighed.

“How much did you hear?”, she turned back to Rory.

“Not much. You know, snippets”, Rory replied.


“Little snippets”, Rory said and avoided her mother’s eyes.

“So, basically everything?” Lorelai asked.

“Basically yes”, came the confirmation from her daughter and Lorelai plopped down on the couch beside her, while Luke was still standing in the room with crossed arms.

“Honey, look. We know that this is strange and every other synonym that relates, but this is the condition your grandparents gave us to give me the money to send you to Chilton and you deserve to go to Chilton because you worked so hard for it. You want to go to Harvard and Chilton is the first step,” Lorelai said.

“I can still go to Harvard if I graduate from Stars Hollow High. No one ever said that I couldn’t go to Harvard then. Luke, I’m really sorry they dragged you into this and thanks you for saying yes, so I could go to Chilton, but it’s really way too much”, Rory said.

“Listen.. I have to pay my dues at some point or the other because your grandparents paid for the diner. And honestly I’m relieved that they chose me for this plan because it means we all can keep the routine we have and you won’t have to live with one of those snobs who might even hit on your mother, or even worse, on you. It’s no big deal Rory. You‘ll go to Chilton, I’ll move in here, which basically means I’ll only sleep here… on the couch and the rest will stay the same. Don’t worry about it”, he told her and Lorelai gave him a grateful smile.

“Thank you Luke”, Rory said and got off the couch and gave him a hug.

“I’ll be at Lane’s”, Rory said and was out the door before they could react.

On her way over to Lane Rory started to smile. During Luke’s speech a thought had crossed her mind that hadn’t been there before. She still didn’t want to go to Chilton because of Dean and a forced marriage still was wrong, but Luke and her mother married and living in the same house wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. Actually it could be a good thing, because it might force them to finally open their eyes and see what was right in front of them and if her sacrifice would be to go to Chilton, then so be it. She couldn’t wait to tell Lane.

“You want a beer?” Lorelai asked when Rory had left.

“Sure”, Luke said and followed her into the kitchen.

“Don’t you find it weird that she was okay with it from one second to the other?” Lorelai asked and opened the fridge and handed him the beer.

“You’re really asking me to explain the weird behaviour of someone whose last name is Gilmore?”, he deadpanned.

“Ah”, she said and laid her hand on her chest “How dare you say something like that? Watch your words mister!”, she said and smiled. They both took a seat at the kitchen table and quietly sipped their beer.

“You shouldn’t have to sleep on the couch”, Lorelai said.

“Huh?” Luke asked confused and couldn’t follow her.

“When you move in here you shouldn’t have to sleep on the couch, it’s not comfortable”, she clarified.

“It’s okay”, he dismissed it.

“Luke…” she said and glared at him.

“Lorelai”, he said and glared back.

“I don’t think it would be good for our marriage if you don’t sleep well. Not to speak of the sore back you’d have. You would be even grumpier and you might ruin the precious coffee because of your lack of sleep”.

“Ah, that’s why you’re worried”, he said and nodded, but smiled.

“Of course”, she laughed. “No, but honestly: You’ll live here for three years at least and it’ll be your home as well so I want you to be comfortable”, she said.

“But Lorelai where else can I sleep? If you don’t have a secret room in your basement or you want to remodel the whole house there is no other way”, he reasoned and Lorelai had to admit that he had a point. She knew that he couldn’t sleep on the couch for three years but she didn’t have any other ideas. She sucked on her bottom lip while she thought about it.

“Maybe Rory could sleep with me and you could have her bed”, she said then, although she knew that wasn’t an option either.

“Yeah sure, only my feet would have to sleep somewhere else, because they wouldn’t fit in the bed”, Luke chuckled and Lorelai laughed as well, then suddenly she slapped her forehead.

“We’re so stupid”, she exclaimed.

“Why? Found a secret room?” he asked.

“No, but Luke I have a really really comfortable double bed upstairs and…” she started.

“No!”, he said immediately.

“…and even your feet would fit into the bed”, she went on.

“No” he said again and shook his head.

“I think one side of my bed is even bigger then your teeny tiny single bed”.

“No”, he said again.

“Why? Are you scared I’ll take advantage of you while your sleeping?” she asked.

“I’m not sleeping in a bed with you”.

“Or are you scared that you can’t stop yourself and will take advantage of MY sexy body”, she teased him.
“Not happening.. .and I’m not sleeping in a bed with you”, he insisted.

“But Luke we’re both adults here. I don’t snore, I hope you don’t snore, we don’t smell bad and we’re not so fat that we wouldn’t both fit into the bed. You can even use your manly sheets on your side of the bed and I can keep mine on my side”, she said and smiled excited. Teasing Luke like this was really fun and she loved seeing him squirm.

“We’ll see. I think I’ll take the couch first, but thank you”, he said and got up.

“The couch is really uncomfortable”, she made sure to emphasise her point.

“Will you wipe that annoying grin off your face when I say yes?” he asked.

“Maybe”, she shrugged and smiled wider.

“Ok, I’ll sleep in the bed with you. But now I have to go. I have some packing to do”, he said and left.

Lorelai stood next to the table and smiled. Luke would be sleeping in the same bed with her and it had been so much fun seeing him squirm. Luke would sleeping in the same bed as her….he’s sleeping in a bed with her… in her bed… alone... at night… with Rory all the way down the stairs….two singles in one bed.. for three years… married.
The grin was gone now and her eyes widened in shock while her stomach did flip-flops.
She would be sleeping with Luke… in one bed….she needed to sit down.


Awww, is die FF genial Wub

Obwohl ich mehr als die Hälfte nichr versteh [ oder die Hälfte..mhh...] bin ich trotzdem begeistert <3
Die ganze Idee ist genial <3
Und überhaupt,und sowieso.
Mir gefallen die Dialoge von der Serie [ die wenigen Sachen, die ich verstehe beruhen auf den Dialogen..] und auch sonst, sehr schön geschrieben.
Absolut alles, bei keiner Stelle kann ich sagen "Das fand ich nicht toll."

Der letzte Teil... also, die letzten paar Absätze...

“We’re so stupid”, she exclaimed.

“Why? Found a secret room?” he asked.

also ab da ^ is ya nuroch zum :lach:en gewesen <3
Als Lore bewusst wird, was sie gerade angestellt hat... hrhr ^^

yah, kurzes Fb...


She's the emerald queen of desaster.

Zitat:Lorelai stood next to the table and smiled. Luke would be sleeping in the same bed with her and it had been so much fun seeing him squirm. Luke would sleeping in the same bed as her….he’s sleeping in a bed with her… in her bed… alone... at night… with Rory all the way down the stairs….two singles in one bed.. for three years… married.
The grin was gone now and her eyes widened in shock while her stomach did flip-flops.

She would be sleeping with Luke… in one bed….she needed to sit down.

Den Teil find ich zum schießen Big Grin Suuuuper Big Grin Und der Rest ist natürlich auch klasse, wie immer Wink

Sleeping without dreaming doesn't mean that you're still fine
[B]Not to be dead doesn't mean that you're alive...


Hi Jessi,

ich finde deine Idee einfach super. Obwohl ich am Anfang gedacht habe, dass ich Emily viel, aber nicht das zugetraut hätte, ist das ja eigentlich nebensächlich, weil es ja nur dabei helfen wird, den beiden endlich die Augen zu öffnen.

Ich finde es auch toll, dass deine FF in englisch geschrieben ist. Die Dialoge sind dadurch einfach viel glaubwürdiger (wenn man wie ich alles nur im Original gesehen hat).

Mir gefällt es und ich muss natürlich sagen, dass ich es kaum abwarten kann, mehr davon zu lesen. Wenn sie erst mal nicht am Abend getrennte Wege gehen, dann haben sie gar keine andere Wahl als endlich einzusehen, wen sie da schon Ewigkeiten vor Augen haben, es sich aber nie eingestehen wollten. Mir gefällts gut, wie eigentlich alles was ich bisher von dir gelesen habe.

Mach bitte bald weiter. Außer FF ist uns ja nicht mehr so viel von den Girls geblieben. Mal eine Frage: Da rumort doch bestimmt schon eine Idee in deinem Kopf herum, was man so nach dem jetzt offiziellen Ende schreiben könnte. So fleißig wie du immer schreibst, fällt dir da sicher was ein Big GrinWink

LG Norma

Lorelai: "Okay, Burger Boy, Dance!" Luke: "Will you marry me?" Lorelai: "What?" Luke: "Just looking for something to shut you up."

Norma399 schrieb:Mal eine Frage: Da rumort doch bestimmt schon eine Idee in deinem Kopf herum, was man so nach dem jetzt offiziellen Ende schreiben könnte. So fleißig wie du immer schreibst, fällt dir da sicher was ein Big GrinWink

LG Norma

Ja da rumort es allerdings. Ne grobe Idee hab ich auch schon, aber die Details.. naja die weiß ich noch nicht so wirklich. Außerdem hab ich im Moment relativ viel zu schreiben. Ich mus beach epiphany und through all of these years noch fertig übersetzen, am Sonntag sollen die Kapitel des Projekts reinkommen, ich muss noch 2 Hausarbeiten schreiben usw., aber mal sehen. Ich müsste mir erst mal über die Details klar werden.
Außerdem werd ich mal rumfragen ob ich wen finde der mitschreibt, vielleicht wird die Idee dann konkreter

*Norma sich meldet und ganz weit die Hand hochstreckt* Big Grin

Aber Zeit lassen ist ein super Stichwort. Wenn das internationale JJ-Projekt ein bisschen fortgeschrittener ist, kann man sich ja mal Gedanken machen...
Ideen muss man ja außerdem zwangsläufig viele haben, weil ja nix fertig gestellt wurde. Da helfen mir so süße Ideen, wie bei Different Master Plan schon ein bisschen über die Trauer weg Wink

LG Norma

Lorelai: "Okay, Burger Boy, Dance!" Luke: "Will you marry me?" Lorelai: "What?" Luke: "Just looking for something to shut you up."

Ich schick dir mal ne pm mit der Grundidee, dann kannste dir schon mal Gedanken machen Wink
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

So, danke für die reviews, ich dachte ich probier das nächste kapitel auch mal an euch aus Wink

Chapter 8: The house-elf

*Thud* it made and Lorelai bolted up in bed. She was sure that this had been the front-door being kicked open or pushed open. Either way somebody was now in her house, without knocking, at 4.56 in the morning.
She felt the panic rising in her chest and she was torn between the urge to hide under the covers or to grab something heavy and knock out whoever was downstairs. ‘And who now comes upstairs’, she though, when she heard the heavy steps on the stairs. She only hoped he hadn’t killed Rory yet. There surely hadn’t been enough time to rape her, but to attack her in her sleep that only needed a few seconds.

When the steps came nearer and nearer she jumped out of bed and ran to her dresser. She knew that somewhere in there must be an old badminton-racket and that could be useful now.
She took the racket, and hid behind her door, which opened just a few seconds later. She waited until the intruder made his first steps into the room before she took a deep breath and attacked him with the racket. She hit him on the head with it as hard as she could several times and he yelped in surprise, but not in pain. Whatever he had held in his hands dropped to the floor and he turned around and grabbed her hands, then took the racked from her.
With a furious scream she jumped him and kicked him and slapped him as if her life depended on it, which it did. At least she thought so.

“Jeez, would you stop that”, the aggressor suddenly yelled at her and that voice sounded somehow familiar. She knew her murderer. She didn’t stop though and the man made his way to the switch and turned on the light.
She was gripping a red flannel with her hands and his baseball-cap was hanging halfway off his head.

“Luke?” she asked in surprise and glided off his back.

“You stupid idiot, what are you doing here in the middle of the night scaring me half to death?” she asked then and slapped him again.

“I was bringing my stuff over”, he told her and adjusted his cap.

“At five o’ clock in the morning?” she asked him, still upset and out of breath.

“I didn’t want the gossip queens see me moving”, he explained.

“God, I could have killed you”, she sighed and took a deep breath.

“With that thing? The only thing that would have happened is that the net would have ripped. Maybe you should keep a baseball bat up here and not an old badminton-racket. I think a real murderer would have laughed so hard that he would have stopped his attack”, he told her and pointed to the racket on the floor.

“Well, that was my plan actually”, she told him and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“What are you doing?” came suddenly Rory’s sleepy voice and then she walked in, her eyes barely open.

“Luke is moving in”, Lorelai said.

“At 5 am?” Rory asked.

“I didn’t want Babette or Patty see me moving”, he explained again.

“Why is our old badminton-racket lying on the floor?” Rory questioned further.

“Your mother thought I was a burglar and wanted to knock me out with it”.

“This is too much information to take in at this time. I’m going to bed, but I want the full story later”, Rory yawned and trudged back down the stairs and into her room.

“Good idea. I’m going back to bed also”, Lorelai said and sat down on her bed.

“Well it would go faster if you would help me carry the stuff in, because I have to open the diner in half an hour”, he said and kicked the first box he had brought in further into the room.

“At five am? I think maybe I hit you right on the head that you would actually think I would help you moving at five AM!”, she emphasised.

“Lorelai, come on”, Luke sighed.

“No way”, she shot back and lay down on her bed and put the comforter over her.

“But if we move my stuff in at another time the gossip queens will know it in no time”, he complained.

“They will know it either way, so you will better get used to the thought that they will be bugging you for the next week”.

“Next month”, he groaned.

“Next six months of hearing about it, but then it’ll die down”, she said and closed her eyes.

“Good night Luke”, she muttered.

“Good night”, he sighed and left the house defeated.

The next day after lunch Lorelai and Rory walked through town to shop for some groceries and on their way home they passed Miss Patty’s.

“Hello dolls”, Miss Patty greeted them and blew out some smoke of her cigarette while she leaned against the open door of her dance-studio.

“Hi Patty”, they greeted her back and wanted to walk past her, but no such luck.

“Well, well, Lorelai you naughty girl, what am I hearing? Luke moved in with you? When is the due date?” she asked.

“Huh? Which due date?” Lorelai asked back.

“The due date when this little tot will come out and conquer the world”, Patty smiled and pointed to Lorelai’s stomach.

“I am not pregnant Patty”, Lorelai told her and rolled her eyes.

“Oh well I thought that is why Luke is moving in, to help with the baby”, Patty said and sounded disappointed.

“Sorry, Patty, but all that is in here are a burger and fries along with litres of coffee and that’s it”, Lorelai clarified.

“Ah, it’s a shame. But maybe when you two love-birds will live together it will happen. I am sure the frequency of the act will play a role as well”, she winked at Lorelai.

“Patty could you please not comment on my love-life while my daughter is standing next to me”, Lorelai said and decided that it would be pointless to tell Patty that she and Luke weren’t even a couple, but two friends forced to live together and to get married eventually.

“Ah speaking of Rory and love-life”, Patty said and turned to Rory, what caused Lorelai to look confused. “I think I found a job for your male friend”, Patty told Rory.

“What male friend?”, Lorelai wanted to know, raised her eyebrows and looked at her daughter.

“They need a stock boy at the supermarket. I already talked to Taylor Doose about him. You just send him around tomorrow”, Patty informed Rory.

“Okay, thanks”; Rory nodded. With all the thoughts about Luke moving in and her mother and Luke getting married she had completely forgot to tell her mother about Dean and somehow she didn’t wanted to tell her.

“What male friend?” Lorelai asked again.

“Oh he’s very cute. You have good taste”, Patty smiled and blew out some more smoke and Rory took the opportunity to hurry down the street, but Lorelai followed her, with the shopping bags still in her hands.

“Oh you’re gonna have to walk faster than that. You’re gonna have to turn into friggin’ Flo Jo to get away from me”, she yelled after Rory, who had finally reached the house. Lorelai entered after her and dropped the bags on the floor and then went to Rory’s room.

“This was about a boy, of course! I can’t believe I didn’t see that. All this talk about money. You got a thing going with a guy and you don’t want to leave school”, Lorelai said.

“I’m going to bed”, Rory just said.

“God, I’m so dense. That should have been my first though, after all you’re me”, Lorelai went on.

“I’m not you”, Rory protested.

“So who is he?” Lorelai wanted to know.

“There’s no guy”, Rory lied.

“Dark hair, romantic eyes, looks a little dangerous?”

“This conversation is over, I’m going to bed”, Rory said again.

“You can’t go to bed. It’s two in the afternoon and Luke will be over at five with his stuff and you have to help carry the boxes”, Lorelai said.

“Luke would never let me carry any boxes”, Rory told her.

“True..mmh.. but he would let me carry boxes”, Lorelai muttered.

“So, he really will be sleeping in your bed? With you in it as well?” Rory asked and hoped that this would distract her mother enough to drop the Dean topic.

“So tell me about the guy”, Lorelai said instead of an answer and tried to get away from the Luke-will-be-sleeping-in-one-bed-with-me topic.

“Mom”, Rory sighed.

“Is he dreamy?” Lorelai questioned further and sat down on Rory’s bed.

“Oh that’s so Nick at Night”, Rory rolled her eyes.

“Well, I’m gonna find out anyway”, Lorelai shrugged.

“Really? How?”

“I’ll spy”, she said and grinned, happy that the focus was off of her again.


Luke stopped by shortly after five in the evening and his truck was full of boxes.

“Oh boy, did you buy stuff just to make me carry it in? You could never have stored all of that in your little apartment above the diner”, Lorelai sighed when she saw all the boxes.

“That’s exactly what I did. I even filled boxes with stones, just for the fun of seeing you carry them in”, he replied sarcastically. Together they brought all the stuff into the house and Luke was surprised when he found that Lorelai even had made room for his stuff.
He put his kitchen utensils in the kitchen, packed his books in the shelves and hung up his clothes on his side in her closet.
They were finished after nine and both took a quick shower afterwards before Luke cooked them all dinner and they watched a film together with Rory.
When Rory went to bed at eleven Luke and Lorelai decided it would be time to face the situation and went up to the bedroom- their bedroom now.
“Uhm.. I’m gonna”, Luke said and pointed to the bathroom.

“Yeah sure”, Lorelai shrugged and the tension was so thick one could cut it with a knife. Luke took out his sweatpants and a T-shirt with him into the bathroom and closed the door. When the lock clicked Lorelai went into frenzy: She had no idea what would be appropriate for her to wear. She opened her closet and went through all her sleeping clothes: Flimsy nightgowns, silky underwear, tight t-shirts, shorts with stupid prints and thick pullovers for cold winter-nights. She heard Luke brushing his teeth and knew that he would be out soon, so she grabbed the first things that she got into her hands, ripped off her clothes, threw her bra away and put on the clothes she held in hands.
She had just pulled down the shirt when the door clicked again and Luke stepped out of the bathroom, stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her.

“Why are you wearing that?” he asked confused when he saw her pink power-puff-girls sweatpants and her woollen turtle-neck pullover.

“I won’t rape you or attack you, I thought we established that this morning”, he grinned and made Lorelai feel even more stupid than she already did.

“I have no more clean pyjamas, all in the laundry”, she stuttered, looking for an explanation.

“Then take one of my shirts”, he shrugged, opened his side of the closet and took a grey t-shirt out.

“Unbelievable that you have closets full of stuff but not one clean shirt to sleep in. You better do laundry tomorrow, because I won’t do your laundry, just so you know”, he said and handed her the shirt.

“You won’t? So what’s the point of you moving in here then? I thought we would have our personal house-elf now”, she said and went into the bathroom, but didn’t close the door completely, so she could still hear him.

“House-elf?” he asked and raised his eyebrows, although she couldn’t see him.

“Next movie night will be a Harry Potter marathon”, she replied while she brushed her teeth. Luke only shook his head and got in on his side of the bed and took the book he had placed on the nightstand earlier.

“Don’t you look adorable in between the hello-kitty sheets?” she giggled when she came out of the bathroom. He only groaned, but kept reading.

“What is this?” she asked when she got in on her side of the bed.

“A book”, he informed her.

“Oh really? Who would have thought?” she replied and turned the book cover towards her so she could read the title ‘The history of baseball’ it said.

“Huh, whenever I will have trouble sleeping I will borrow this. A few lines and I’m out”, she said. When he didn’t reply she turned over on her side, with her back towards him, closed her eyes and was asleep within a few minutes.

Luke on his side of the bed tossed and turned after he had switched off the light. The sheets smelled different, the sounds were different, the mattress felt different and the fact that Lorelai was lying a few centimetres away didn’t help him either.
He opened his eyes and stifled a groan when he saw that it was already one o’clock in the morning. He turned on his back and stared into the darkness when he felt Lorelai shift on her side. Suddenly he felt her touch his left arm. She lay her head on his upper arm, slung her arms around the rest and sighed in contentment.
He had to smile when he saw her hugging his arm like a teddy bear and watched her for a few minutes before his eyes also drifted shut.


Süüüüß <33

Die letzten Sätze waren ya nur noch zum wegWuben <33

die dialoge waren mal wieder super, der hauself :lach:

yah, ich weiß, die fb's werden kürzer..und kürzer....aaaber ich melde mich zu wort ;]

She's the emerald queen of desaster.

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