7x05 The Great Stink / Vergurkt nochmal

Casting Notice for Episode 7.05

Starts: 9/1-9/13
Producer: David S. Rosenthal
Director: Michael Schultz

Bobby - FEMALE / 27 TO 34 / Guest Star. Recurring. Any Ethnicity?*****GORGEOUS and BRITISH, late 20s-early 30s, preferably tall, any ethnicity. bobby graduated from cambridge, currently works with LOGAN (matt czuchry) in london at his father's aquisitions company which own several newspapers. bobby is part of logan's "team" in a new company venture. she is called "the closer".

Nick - MALE / 27 TO 29 / Guest Star. Recurring. Any Ethnicity?*****Very good looking, late 20s, any ethnicity, BRITISH (could be from elsewhere in europe), slick and charming. currently works with LOGAN (matt czuchry) in london at the acquistion branch of his father's company which own several newspapers. nick is part of logan's "team" in a new company venture.

Phillip - MALE / 27 TO 29 / Guest Star. Recurring. Any Ethnicity?*****Nerdy-chic, late 20s, any ethnicity, BRITISH (could be from elsewhere in europe), currently works with LOGAN (matt czuchry) in london at the acquistion branch of his father's company which own several newspapers. phillip is a numbers guy and is part of logan's "team" in a new company venture.



Be whatever u want to be

Die Folge heißt: The Great Stink

Zitat:Rory visits Logan in London. He introduces her to his co-workers. Rory is surprised to see that Bobby is a woman. They go to a restaurant where Logan's team celebrates a victory.

Quelle: SpoilerFix.com


oh oh - das sieht rory sicher nicht so gerne das bobby ein mädchen ist oder !?
aber endlich mal ein spoiler der etwas interessantes aussagt. viele sind ja mehr so larifari.

Luke: I'm going to have my moment.Trust me, i'll have it.
Lorelai:'cause marzipan is a unique substance[Ava by Miko86-]

hab ich gerad beim rumstöbern gefunden

Zitat:[B]Episode 7.05 - The Great Stink

Scene 19 -

Scene 20 - Logan takes Rory's hand and pulls her towards a table where, much to Rory's surprise, three attractive twentysomethigs are already sitting. They're all British. NICK is "GQ" handsome, PHILIP is more geek-chic, and BOBBY is an incredibly tall, sophisticated, sexy yougn woman dressed in a skirt that reveals her long legs. Logan introduces Rory as his girlfriend and Nick and Philip stand up to greet her. Bobby just turns and smiles. Rory is taken aback, she'd expected that she and Logan were having dinner alone. Bobby extends her hand to ROry and says she's glad Rory could join them. "Rory smiles at her a beat. So Bobby is a woman. Huh" Rory asks how Bobby is and Bobby, while not shaking her hand and just holding it limply, says she's brilliant and it's been quite a night. She turns to Logan and asks if they should get another bottle of "champers". Logan says absolutely.

Bobby asks Rory is she drinks, Rory says sure. Rory sits between Logan and Bobby and is a little squished. Philip says they need food, he hasn't eaten since the waffles. Nick can't believe he ate those. Philip says it would've been rude not to. Nick says Philip astounds him because he'll eat anything and Logan comments that he's like a human garbage disposal. Bobby tells him it's appalling and he should go on some American reality series to make use if his talents. Nick tells Logan that he knows they're celebrating but he's concerned about thei budget for the project, do they really want to blow everything on feeding Philip tonight? Logan says that somebody's got to crunch the numbers. Philip says that's true, the numbers do not crunch themselves, ergo the number-cruncher must be fed.

Bobby says she's heard so much about Rory, that Logan talks her ear off about her. Rory says he's talked her ear off about all of them too. She's practically Van Goh with her earlessness. Bobby asks if they've ordered chanpagne yet, telling Logan his girlfriend must be parched. Logan beckons a waiter.


Scene 21 -

Scene 22 - Christopher and Lorelai are outside of the Gilmore House. Lorelai asks Chris what is going on with him and he says "What is going on with you, Lor?" EMILY answers the door and yells something to Richard. She asks them something and they smile at her. Then Emily says "Well don't just stand there. Come in, come in."

Scene 23 - Night 2 - Int. Cool Downtown Restaurant - Later That Night - Logan and the team are excitedly rehashing the details of their morning's victory. Rory's on the outside looking in. They talk about almost losing the deal before Bobby saved it by standing up in the meeting like she couldn't take it anymore and said "Meeting's over, boys". The boys all crack up over the story. Nick says it was amazing and the boys beg Bobby to reenact it. She does it to "shut you lot up" and the guys clap, hoot and cheer. Nick says they need another bottle and Philip says they need dessert.

As the guys look at the dessert and cocktail menus, Bobby turns to ROry. She says they've hardly had a chance to talk all night and asks what Rory's major is. Rory tells her it's English and Bobby says that's fantastic. When she was at Oxford she did nothing but read literature and it was such a luxury. Rory says she guesses that's one way of looking at it. Bobby says she longs for those days. Just reading books. Thinking! Rory says she does love thinking. Bobby tells her to have fun while it lasts 'cause before she knows it she'll be out in the real world with the rest of them "poor sods". ROry syas it looks like they manage to have some fun. Bobby says Logan is a big part of that -- the fun. She says he's such a laugh. Rory says he's probably more serious than she knows, though. That it takes awhile to get to know the serious sides of him. Bobby says they're adorable and downs her drink.

Philip says not so fast, they're working on getting the next round. Bobby asks for another "sloe gin fizz" and tells the fellas not to get excited, she's just going to the loo. She stands up and the guys cheer and laugh again. Bobby thanks them and tells them to feel free to say all sorts of cheeky things about her while she's gone. Bobby walks away.

Scene 24 - The Gilmore House - Emily and Richard are laughing. Lorelai and Christopher laugh politely.

Scene 25 -



Edward: "You're the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever."

oh gott - das hört sich alles gar nicht so gut an Sad

Luke: I'm going to have my moment.Trust me, i'll have it.
Lorelai:'cause marzipan is a unique substance[Ava by Miko86-]

WEISS einer die Deutsche übersetzung !! BITTE Smile

Logan_USA_20w schrieb:WEISS einer die Deutsche übersetzung !! BITTE Smile

Die Übersetzung bedeutet soviel wie 'Der große Gestank'

Der Titel bezieht sich auf eine Zeit im Zentrum von London (Sommer 1858), in der die Abwasserkanäle enorm gestunken haben müssen. Die Leute haben zu der Zeit ihre ganzen Abfälle auf die Straße geworfen.


Ich mein die episode worum geht es den !!!!??

@ Logan_Usa...

Also ganz knapp zusammengefasst, besucht Rory Logan in London und die beiden gehen mit seinen drei Arbeitskollegen essen, weil sie etwas geschäftliches zu feiern haben.
Rory hat schon sehr viel von Logans Kollegen gehört, aber dass Bobby eine Frau ist und dazu noch eine sehr hübsche wusste sie nicht. Sie ist wohl ein bischen einfersüchtig und sauer, dass Logan vergessen hat diese Kleinigkeit zu erwähnen. Verständlich bei seiner Vorgeschichte...
Also die fünf feiern, Logan und seine zwei Freunde Nick und Philip erwähnen ständig wie toll Bobby ist, weil sie das Geschäft anscheinend ans Land gezogen hat. Rory hat endlich die Gelegenheit mit Bobby zu quatchen. Die meint, dass Logan ständig von Rory redet und dass er total witzig ist. Rory meint daraufhin, dass Logan auch ernste Seiten hat, aber es dauert seine Zeit bis man die kennenlernt. Bobby meint nur, diese Seiten wären bezaubernd und trinkt ihr Glas aus.
Zur gleichen Zeit, essen Christopher und Lore bei Emily und Richard zu Abend.

Ich glaub irgendwie Wink, diese Bobby werd ich nicht besonderst mögen und wenn Logan einfällt mit ihr eine Affäre zu beginnen, dann bin ich sauer!


Meant to be
Thx for the


Logan_USA_20w schrieb:Ich mein die episode worum geht es den !!!!??

Ja, ich weiß. Hab ich dann auch gesehen. SORRY


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