Dirty Little Secret

Meine erste Gilmore Girls FanFiction, whoo! Und dann auch noch ne Rory/Finn-Story, oh man, ich weiß ja nicht ob ich mir damit Freunde mache Big Grin Aber ich versuchs dennoch mal^^ Gebt mir ne Chance! Smile

Titel: Dirty Little Secret
Disclaimer: Rory und Finn (und alle anderen auch) gehören den Gilmore Girls und die gehören wiederum ASP, der Titel wurde inspiriert von "Dirty Little Secret" von The All-American Rejects.
Rating: ab 12 (in Kapitel 11 teilweise ab 16)
Sprache: englisch (sorry, ich schreib die für fanfiction.net)
Autor: Anima Sola (trueanimasola@aol.com)

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 1

Sitting on her bed in her dorm, the light dim, her cell phone lying right beside her, silent as usual, Rory let out a sigh. He hadn’t called for days. She had thought he would – after how jealous he had been on the party she appeared to with Robert. It had felt great how he wanted her to dump Robert and how he had seemed to care even more about her the following weeks. But now? They hadn’t talked for days and he hadn’t even called once. He had just disappeared.
And she couldn’t take it anymore.
That’s when she got up from bed, shoved her cell into her purse, grabbed the book nearest to her and left the dorm, heading to the Pub, recalling Paris’s words she would be there, drowning her sorrow for Doyle who seemed to be the same kind of jerk as Logan. Even though it was hard to imagine, comparing Doyle and Logan.
When she arrived at the Pub, it was already packed – yet she found a place on a couch in the back of the room. Looking around, there was no Paris. Shrugging, Rory got out her book and flipped it open.
“Hey, love”, she then heard a voice behind her.
Looking up from her book, she turned around to see –
“Hey”, he repeated, a smirk dancing around the corners of his mouth. His eyes were slightly unfocused and his breath smelled of a lot alcohol that he’d seemed to have consumed this evening. He stared at her as if reading her like a book, yet he didn’t seem to understand any of it.
She watched him with her eyebrows raised before she looked away again, sighing slightly. “You can’t remember my name, right?”
“No, love, that’s not true, I just happen to have misplaced it”, she heard him say, before she felt how his stumbled over the back of the couch and somehow managed to sit down next to her.
She turned her head to him, slightly annoyed. He just smirked at her, still watching her with a weird amount of interest in his eyes. Rory stared right back, whipping her foot in annoyance.
“It’s Rory!”, she finally blurted out, when he still didn’t seem to get her name.
“Oh I knew that”, he said to her surprise, making her furrow her forehead.
“Now I’m impressed”, she said, turning away from him and looking down at her book again.
“So I noticed something”, he said, while grabbing a drink from a waitress that just passed them.
“And that would be?”
“You’re alone.”
“Ooh, now the detective woke up again!”, she said and rolled her eyes.
“What did I do?”, he asked, his voice quieter than before, his accent ringing in her ears.
“I’m annoying you.”
“That’s a statement.”
“So you are not saying I’m not annoying you, right?”
“That was harsh, love”, he said, grinning at her while emptying his drink in one gulp.
“That was intended”, she muttered.
“Why so tense tonight, love?”
“I am not tense tonight!”, she said louder than planned, turning to look at him.
“I can see that”, Finn said, winking. “Alrighty, if you change your mind, I’ll be right there!”
With that he got up a little clumsy, winked at her once more, before he walked over to the bar, leaving Rory staring after him. All those times she’s been with Logan and his friends, Finn included, she never really got behind the façade of this Australian playboy. There were times they talked casually, then there were times when he would ask her if they had met before over and over again and there were times like this. What was he up to? And why was he here and where was Logan?
And that made her think of Logan again. Anger commenced to rise inside her.
“Damn it, Gilmore!”, she muttered to herself, slamming her book shut. “No more mourning about this stupid guy! If he doesn’t want you, fine! There are others who are better for you anyway!”
With that she got up and walked over to the bar, willing to order a cappuccino, but then decided to take something stronger. This night called for changes, heavy changes! And those changes worked best with something strong. Like –
“Tequila, love?”
Rory turned around again, facing a smirking Finn with a tray full of Tequila shots. She raised an eyebrow and watched him closely. She then sighed and tilted her head.
“Yes?”, Finn asked, his eyes wide. “Blimey, that must be a first coming from you!”
“Do I really seem that boring?”, she replied, slightly offended.
Finn just grinned at her.
“So what, there’s a first time for everything, right?”, she continued, also convincing herself.
“Lovely”, Finn said, nodding his head towards the corner of the room.
She followed him slowly. They sat down opposite each other, he on a couch, she on an armchair. Between them a small coffee table, already laden by the Tequila shots. Rory watched those little glasses suspiciously.
“Don’t worry, love, they won’t bite”, she heard Finn say.
She looked up at him, a small smile playing around her face.
“So”, he then said, sitting up straight, watching her closely. “Before we’ll kill the Tequila-virgin in you-” Rory couldn’t help raising an eyebrow at that comment “-I’d love to know what drove you here tonight.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think you can still understand me”, he said with a grin.
“Well, what’s wrong with sitting in the Pub –“
“On a Saturday night? I would say a lot when you’re coming alone, love.”
“I’m not alone.”
“No? Well, do you mind introducing me to your imaginary friend?”
She shot him a glare.
“Never mind!”
“I was supposed to meet a friend here.”
“Such a splendid coincidence that you met me!”, he said, his grin widening.
She shook her head, chuckling lightly.
“So, love, round one?”
“You see these little lads down there? They are waiting for you to let them slide down your throat!”
“Finn, gross!”, Rory replied, making a face.
“That sounded dirtier than intended”, he admitted. “Anyway”, he continued, picking up two shots, placing one in Rory’s hand. “To Saturday night!” With that he gulped down the liquid.
Rory looked into the tiny glass, before taking a little sip of it. A very warm feeling slid down her throat, making her dizzy right away. Squeezing shut her eyes, she gulped down the rest. “Whoa!”, she groaned.
“Well done, love, well done”, Finn applauded.
Rory tilted her head, shaking off the dizzy feeling. “So, now that we killed the… um, well, you know, I got a question to you.”
“Shoot, love”, he said, leaning back.
“What are you doing here all alone, on a Saturday night?”
“You really think I’m here alone?”
“I can’t see any date tonight, or friend, or anyone else with you.”
“Ooh, right into the middle”, he said, putting his hand on his heart. “Well, yes, love, I came alone.”
“Hard to imagine, huh?”
“Just answer my question”, she said a little impatient. She couldn’t help wanting to hear him talk about Logan’s whereabouts.
“You really want to know? Well, then, love, what shall I say? Tonight, there was no one able to cope with dear ol’ Finn!”
“Are we impatient, my god!”
Rory glared at him.
“Alrighty, seemingly, everyone else – except me – got away for the weekend.”
“They left you?”
“No, I would say, I left them.”
“You’re talking in riddles…”
“I am? Hmm, anyway, I mean I was sleeping when Logan and Colin left, maybe they’ve been trying to wake me, I won’t know that, I got –“
Rory stared at Finn, not hearing what he was rambling on about. As soon as she had heard Logan’s name, she shut Finn out, finding herself caught inside the same circle of thoughts as before. Where was he? Why did he leave? Why didn’t he call? What did she do to deserve such a treatment? What –
“You’re alright, love?”, Finn’s voice snatched through her thoughts.
“Um, what?”
“You looked funny”, he said grinning.
“Glad you had fun!”, she said, feeling even more annoyed and pissed.
She got up quickly, willing to leave Finn and the Pub and those damn thoughts of Logan. But as soon as she was standing again, she felt how the Tequila raced through her system, making her feel dizzy. She caught the back of the armchair just in time, inhaling sharply. Her gaze wandered around until she caught Finn’s.
He watched her, a little concern playing around his eyes.
“I think I’d better go”, Rory muttered, looking away again.
“I don’t think so”, he said, suddenly very close.
She looked around in shock, finding him stand inches away from her.
“We haven’t finished our lesson in Tequila drinking yet, love”, he said with a smirk.
“Oh I think we have.”
“You just had one shot, kitten, that’s nothing. And apparently, you have to learn a lot to get better.” He watched her, how she still clung onto the back of the armchair.
“Oh no, I’ve had enough!”
“You sure?”
Rory glared at him, noticing his tanned skin, his messy hair and of all things, the spark inside his eyes. He gave her the feeling that there were other things than Logan in the world to care about.
“Ah, damn it! You’re right I’m not!”
“Now I feel better”, he chuckled. “Come on, love, ready for round two?”
“Yes, yes I am!”
Before she knew it, the anger about Logan, all the frustration about their current situation, was blown away by several, countless shots of Tequila. Minutes or hours, she actually lost track of the time as well, she found herself sitting next to Finn on the couch, laughing together about jokes she wouldn’t normally find funny. It didn’t matter, she had fun, with Finn, not with Logan.
When all the tiny glasses stood upside down on the small table, Logan was long forgotten.
“And then I told her, ‘love, I really have to –‘“
He never came to finish what he wanted to say, for Rory was giggling madly, leaning against him. He shook his head chuckling, putting an arm around her shoulder. As soon as he did so, she raised her head and glared at him.
“Finn!”, she said, trying to sound offended.
“Rory!”, he replied, mockingly.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing”, he said with a smile.
“I can’t seem to believe you”, she said, her voice as unsteady as it could be, her speech not knowing about that fact.
Finn laughed and pulled her closer to him. Rory didn’t protest. Instead she got hold of his hand, examining the nail polish on his fingernails. Staring at his hands, she suddenly grew very quiet, causing Finn to put his hand under her chin so that she would look at him.
“Love, you shouldn’t let him put you under like this”, he whispered, locking eyes with her.
“What?”, she mouthed, staring at him.
“You deserve something better than him”, Finn went on, with Rory still looking at him rather puzzled.
She opened her mouth – and closed it again.
Finn watched her.
“Ooh, a staring-contest!”, another voice interrupted Rory’s speechlessness.
She turned her head around slowly, while Finn dropped his hand and did as she did. They both stared at a rather drunk looking –
“Paris?”, Rory asked, staring at her roommate.
“Rory, hi”, Paris replied, grinning like mad. “Damn, this night is great! So much to drink and you know what? No Doyle! Isn’t that great?”
With that she sat down beside Rory on the couch, neither noticing Finn’s arm around Rory’s shoulder nor Rory’s hand in his.
“Um, Paris, how much did you drink?”, Rory asked, trying to focus on the girl next to her.
“Oh, a lot, lost track of counting, but you know what? It helped! I am not –“
Rory never knew what Paris was not - for she collapsed against Rory, snoring loudly shortly after. Rory turned around to Finn who just smirked at her.
“I’m afraid I have to take her to our dorm”, Rory whispered, suddenly unable to look into his eyes.
“I’ll help you”, he said, yet no one of them moved an inch.
After a while, Rory shoved Paris a little aside and turned to Finn, letting go of his hand. He, however, didn’t seem to remove his arm from her shoulder.
“I really should go now…”
“As I said, I’ll help you…”
“But we have to stand up for that.”
“Hmm, true, love.”
“So what?”
“Are we standing up now?”
“We can try…”
“Alright, let’s try!”
With that, Rory got up, pulling Finn with her. They both tumbled a little but as they were leaning against each other, they didn’t fall. Rory’s arm was suddenly around Finn’s waist while Finn’s arm was around her neck. They looked at each other and, feeling the alcohol race again through her veins, Rory couldn’t help but giggle at how clumsy they both were. They turned around a little, making a funny dance that no one else in the packed Pub seemed to notice, when Rory’s gaze fell on the snoring Paris again.
“Oh”, she mouthed. “Since when is Paris lying there?”
At that, it was Finn’s turn to laugh.
“Hmm, I better bring her to our dorm”, Rory said with her tongue growing heavier and heavier.
“You said that before, love”, Finn replied, smirking down at her.
“Did I?”
“And as I said before, I’ll help you.”
“How can you remember all this?”, she asked, every word taking ages to get out of her mouth.
“Years of practice, love!”, he said, sounding rather proud.
“And still”, she said, looking up into his eyes. “You keep forgetting me…”
“I do not!”
“Do too!”
“Well, sometimes, you know, not even Finn is perfect!”
“Oh I noticed that about Finn too!”
“So you noticed Finn?”, he asked, grinning widely.
“How can I not notice him?”, she said and, the moment it was out, blushed a deep crimson.
He just threw her a smile and moved a little towards the couch.
“I hate to break this lovely moment, kitten, but your friend there is snoring rather loudly and we don’t want to disturb the other guests, now, do we?”
She still looked at him, embarrassed and fascinated at the same time. “I guess you’re right…”
“So, how will we get her out of here?”, Finn asked.
“I… have no idea”, Rory said, turning to look at Paris.
They exchanged another glance before they let go of each other, ready to move the sleeping Paris to her dorm. Minutes or hours later, again Rory had lost track of the time during this venture, they both collapsed onto the couch, having brought Paris into her room successfully.
“Alright, love, what next?”, Finn announced after they had caught their breath.
Rory looked at him, feeling how her dizziness slowly vanished from her head.
“I don’t think we… um, we should do anything else, Finn…”
He watched her very closely, his expression unreadable.
“I mean, um, don’t get me wrong, tonight was fun, really fun and –“
There was no and. While stammering, Rory had moved closer to Finn, feeling something make her, somehow urging her to do something against the knot inside her stomach. It was her lips that closed around Finn’s. It was her who’d made the first step. And surprisingly it was Finn, who pushed her away again.
There was a smirk playing around the corners of his mouth.
“Now that was astounding, love”, he said.
Rory just stared at him, suddenly feeling rather uncomfortable. She pressed her hands on her mouth in shock when she realized what she had done. She was about to get up, when his hands closed around hers and dragged her down again, pulling her closer to him so that she was almost sitting on his lap. This time, his lips met hers and it was only a matter of seconds that Rory responded, ignoring the guilt rising inside her. The kiss made her even dizzier than the Tequila she’d consumed just hours ago.
She finally leant back, breathlessly, watching Finn’s reaction.
“Aren’t you feeling guilty?”, she whispered.
“Why should I, love?”
“Logan’s your best friend.”
“And he’s a jerk for treating you like this!”
“So I didn’t imagine you saying that…”
“Apparently not, kitten.”
“But… I can’t do this… right?”
“What’s keeping you?”
“Well, I’m somehow going out with Logan, I can’t –“
“He’s doing the same, love. You shouldn’t care about that. Care about this”, he said and placed his hand upon her heart. She looked down at her chest, before she met his eyes again.
“But I’m not that kind of girl, Finn”, she muttered.
“Don’t be. Nobody has to know.”
“Nobody has to know? But –“
“I can be your secret…”, he said with a smile, taking her hands into his, playing with her fingers.
“My –“
“Your dirty little secret…”
She watched him, feeling his warmth, how his slim fingers caressed her palm, how his eyes made her feel special. She slowly leant even closer to him, sitting on her knees, freeing one hand to play with his hair. Closing her eyes for a second, she considered the future of tonight’s events. When she opened her eyes again, she couldn’t find a reason why she couldn’t do this. Why she couldn’t do the same thing Logan used to do, why she couldn’t like Finn a little more. Why he couldn’t be her –
“Dirty little secret”, she mouthed, smiling at him. “Yes, I’d love you to be my dirty little secret!”
With that she leant nearer, if that was even possible, and kissed him again, with him responding immediately. She felt good about this and she knew that it might help her cope with that Logan-situation. And on top of that did she like Finn even more with each minute they spent together.
This was the right thing and why should someone like her, Rory Gilmore, not have some adventures? Adventures nobody would ever know about…

...to be continued...

Kapitel 2 ist in Arbeit.

Meet Julio in Dirty Little Secret & Ever And A Day
[Member of the Life & Death Brigade and Rory Club]

erste! jipppie... endlich mal eine pdld-story hier im forum! eigentlich wollte ich ja diejenige sein, die so was als erstes bringt...*schmoll* neinSmile
wirklich klasse, und wenn ich nich so müde wäre, würde ich auch sagen, was ich alles toll fand, aber im meinem zustand sage ich jetzt einfach mal, dass ich seeeehr gespannt drauf bin, wies weitergeht!

Meine Sophies-FFs: Confusing feelings, Und immer wieder und The bright side of life
Ava by Mrs. Czuchry!!!

Wow! .... Ich meine... Wow! Big Grin
Diese FF ist echt einfach nur genial! Zum einen da ich Finn auf seine Art liebe und du es wirklich perfekt geschafft hast ihn zu treffen und zum anderen da ich es einfach genial finde wie Finn Rory abfüllt! Und dann soll endet das ganze noch als pdld, besser geht es gar nicht!
Irgendwie schaffe ich es nciht wirklich viele Worte dafür zu finden, außer das es einfach nur genial ist, wie du es geschrieben hast und ich hoffe das es so schnell du kannst weiter geht, da ich mehr als neugierig bin wie es mit den beiden weiter geht.

Stolzes Mitglied des Buch-Clubs!

Oh mein Gott, wow, ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich so schnell und dass ich überhaupt antworten bekomme und dass sich das hier irgendwer durchliest, wow, ich bin platt, danke euch beiden, ich find das so toll, dass euch mein geschreibe gefällt!!!
:freu: :freu: :freu:

Und deshalb hat's mir auch besonders spaß gemacht, mich gleich noch ans zweite kapitel zu setzen. und hier ist es, hoffe, es gefällt euch Smile

Danke fürs Lesen!

Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 2

A loud bang rang through her dreams. Wait. A bang? Why was there a bang in her dreams? Her lovely dreams she usually had of lovely books and words flying around and there were butterflies and – no, a bang usually wasn’t part of that. Rory slowly opened her eyes to stare at the white ceiling of her dorm room. She felt a little dizzy, yet there was a warmth around her that made her feel better. She inhaled slowly and listened hard to hear the noise that woke her.
And indeed. There was the bang again.
She looked around to the door. Was the bang coming from there? She blinked and sighed, when there was no more banging after the last bang. Instead she paid more attention to the hand that lay next to her pillow, seemingly coming from underneath her. She stared at it, noticed the shattered nail polish on the fingernails and frowned. She then slowly turned around to follow the hand to the rest of a body that might be attached to it. It would have been weird to think that there was only a hand lying underneath her pillow, so she assumed there must be a body.
And there was.
A half naked, tanned body. A head that was half hidden by another pillow. The rest was hidden by her sheets. Her sheets. A male body in her bed. Oh dear. She tried to remember last night and then it hit her. Oh dear!
She sat up in bed, covering her – oh no, she was naked too – body with the sheets, and looked at the person next to her. She didn’t know exactly what to feel in that moment she recognized him. But it wasn’t neither guilt nor regret, yet it wasn’t total joy as well. But she could say it was a nice feeling, seeing him next to her, seeing him in the morning. Unlike Logan (or Dean for that matter) he had been staying the whole night and she couldn’t deny that he looked quite appealing in the morning.
“Hey, love”, he muttered, pushing the pillow from his face, looking at her with a tired smirk.
“’Morning, Finn”, she smiled, her voice barely audible.
His hair was even messier, his eyes half-closed, and there was a pattern on his cheek from lying face down for a long time. She couldn’t help but grin at him, recalling his words from last night. Finn freed his arm from under her pillow and shook it slightly to get the blood circulating again. He than got hold of the sheets that covered her and pulled her towards him. Rory lay down next to him again, cuddling to his side, locking eyes with him.
“We’re fine?”, he whispered.
“We’re fine”, she repeated, biting her lip as she examined his face.
“Lovely”, he said, rolling onto his back. “What time is it?”
“Um”, she said, before looking past him at her night stand. “It’s 9 a.m.”
“Uh, what an ungodly hour”, he muttered, covering his eyes with her arm.
She chuckled at his sleepy voice, recalling one of their first encounters, when he had driven her, Logan, Colin and Stephanie to the place the Life and Death Brigade had met. Yet he sounded much nicer now. She pulled her arm from his face and leant onto it to study his features closely.
“I know I look different when it’s dark”, she heard him mumble – and when she met his eyes, he was already grinning again.
“Darkness makes everyone appealing, that’s not just you”, she mocked, grinning back at him.
He sighed playfully, placing a hand on his bare chest. “I’m hurt!”
“I know you are”, she whispered and leant forwards to kiss him.
“Ooh, so I’m still your dirty little secret? No regrets yet, love?”
“None yet”, she said with a grin. “But you have to promise me to not tell anyone, and I mean, anyone!”
“I won’t tell anyone”, he replied, looking rather sincere.
He sat up in bed, put a hand on his heart and saluted with the other. “I hereby solemnly swear to not tell anyone about our little –“ He looked at her, trying to read in her eyes what it was between them. “– adventure!”
She sat up also, placing her hand on his. “This is going to be fun”, she said, giggling a little.
“I bet”, he replied, lowering his other hand to cup her face with it. “I just love how you giggle”, he whispered sheepishly. “I always thought you need Tequila for that!”
“I guess you have to learn a lot more about me”, she said, leaning against his hand.
“I will”, he said and Rory was somehow sure he meant it.
“And will you remember me?”
“Oh love, now really I’m hurt. I thought spending the night with you was proof of that.”
“Well, I wouldn’t know, you might do this to every girl you meet at the Pub.”
“Hmm, you caught me there”, he admitted, smirking. “But trust me, love, now I will remember you.” He twitched his eyebrows meaningfully.
Rory felt herself blush, before she leant in to him to kiss him. Their arms were soon wrapped around each other, the kiss passionate, wild and breathtaking. Backing away after a while, Rory looked at Finn, panting.
“This is good”, she said, biting her lip.
“I know.”
“I –“
Suddenly there was a loud bang – a bang Rory remembered having heard before this morning – on her door. In panic she shoved Finn off her bed (who landed noisily on the floor, quickly pulling a pillow with him to cover himself), made sure he couldn’t be seen from the door and then sat up straight in bed, pulling the bed sheets tighter around herself.
“What is it?”, she called through the door.
“I hate you, Rory!”, she heard a voice on the other side.
“What? Paris? What’s wrong?”, she called again, looking puzzled down to Finn, who knelt beside her bed with his expression unreadable.
“I just hate you! And I wanted to tell you before I’ll go to have breakfast!”
The next thing was the slumming of a door. Then there was total silence. Rory got up from bed, dragging the bed sheets with her, walking over the piles of clothes on the floor, before she reached the door and slowly opened it to take a look into the common room. It was empty and there was no sign of Paris. She closed the door again, turning around with a confused look on her face.
Behind the bed, Finn straightened, watching her gathering her clothes from the floor.
“Now that was interesting”, he said, sitting down on the bed, the pillow in his lap. “What was that?”
“Paris”, Rory simply replied, continuing collecting her clothes. “Too much to explain.”
“I see”, he said, watching her.
She finally looked up and immediately stared at him in disgust.
“Ooh, Finn! That is gross!”, she squeaked, pointing at her pillow on his lap.
“What? Am I supposed to sit on your bed naked?”
“But that’s my pillow!”, she said and leant in to grab it, throwing it through the room.
Finn raised his eyebrows, when she quickly turned around. She then gathered his clothes from the floor and threw them at him, her face a deep crimson.
“You’d better get dressed, I don’t know when Paris is coming back again”, she mumbled, quickly getting dressed herself – before she noticed Finn’s smirking stare. “Do you mind?”
He chuckled and turned his head away. “Don’t be shy, love.”
“I need Tequila for that”, she muttered.
“I have to say, you did good yesterday. The Tequila-virgin inside you is more than dead!”
“Now that’s nice to hear”, she said, rolling her eyes, grinning.
“I only say nice things, love”, he said, suddenly standing fully dressed next to her as she slipped into her jeans. She jumped at his sudden appearance, yet grinning at him soon after. She finished dressing before she looked up at him, standing right in front of him. Biting her lip again, she closed her eyes for a split-second.
“Oh dear, there’s trouble ahead”, she whispered.
“What do you mean?”
“If someone, if… Logan, finds out about this, I am doomed. And you’re too. We’re both doomed.”
“Then we’ll both go to hell. Isn’t that a nice place for a second date?”
“Second date? Ooh, that sounds nice! I mean, not the hell-thing, but the date-part… you really want to go to a date with me?”
“Of course, love”, he said, winking. “Don’t forget I’m your dirty little secret, I have to do something to keep that title up-to-date.”
She laughed and tiptoed in front of him to kiss him quickly.
“Wow, this feels weird”, she said, back on her feet.
“I mean, we spent one evening, one night together and it feels as if I would know you forever…”
“I might have that effect on women”, he smirked. “Yet I was never pushed off beds by any before!”
Rory stared at him in shock. “Oh god, I am so sorry, I’m really sorry, I just panicked and I wasn’t thinking and it –“
“Oh never mind, love”, he said and put his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. “I kind of liked it. I never experienced any dominance, well that I can remember.”
Rory blushed nevertheless.
“Don’t worry”, he whispered and leant down to kiss her again.
She pulled her arms around his neck, when they both heard a door slum shut.
Rory instinctively let go of Finn and was about to push him away again, but he backed up before, grinning widely.
“I know, I know, behind the bed!”, he said in a deep voice, grinning.
Rory chuckled, watching him kneel down beside the bed, before she went to the door and opened it. And there was Paris standing in the middle of the common room, glaring at her.
“I hate you”, she merely said.
Rory stared at her, slowly closing the door beside her. “What did I do?”
“Because of you I got very drunk yesterday!”
“Because of me?”
“I told you to come to the Pub but you didn’t and so I began drinking by myself.”
“And that’s my fault?”
“Of course.”
“What? Excuse me! You know who brought you here after you collapsed in the Pub, snoring on that couch? I’ll tell you, me and –“ She stopped herself right in time, but Paris was already suspicious.
“You and who?”
“Me and some other people who had pity with you sleeping in the Pub with your breath strong enough to knock out a bull!”
“Hmm, and I’ve been wondering who could possibly be able to get me back into my room…”, Paris said thoughtfully. “Anyway, I hate you because you had company last night and I didn’t!”
Rory’s eyes widened. Paris couldn’t possibly have heard them or even seen them? “What do you mean?”
“I know that Logan was there over night, I heard you talking to someone this morning.”
“Well, um, I’m sorry”, Rory stammered, trying hard to hide her relief and yet not to be too concerned about what Paris might have overheard.
“Hmpf!” With that Paris left the dorm again.
Rory stared after her, her forehead furrowed. She was too distracted to hear her dorm room door open and close again. When there were two hands on her shoulders, however, she jumped a little and almost squeaked loudly, if it wasn’t for Finn to silence her by kissing her cheek before he hugged her from behind.
“She doesn’t know about you”, she whispered, feeling him caressing her earlobe.
“Of course not”, he muttered between kissing her neck.
“I almost panicked when she said she heard me talking to someone this morning, that she knew I had company. I was really scared, Finn”, she went on whispering.
He let go of her and walked around her to face her, putting his hands on each side of her face.
“No one will ever know, love”, he said. “Don’t be afraid.”
“Oh god, I sound so selfish!”, she suddenly blurted out. “Don’t you think I’m selfish?”
“I don’t, why?”
“I mean, I am scared of someone finding about me having this thing with you while I’m kind of going out with Logan and –“
“Kind of, love, kind of.”
“You are kind of going out with Logan, nothing official, no strings attached.”
“You’re right! I am stupid to keep this with you secret – I should –“
“Um, love, remember me?”, he said with a smirk. “I would still be in huge trouble if Logan finds out. Shagging his potential girlfriend. I mean, you can leave him and me behind, but I’m his best friend and I owe him a lot.”
“Oh you tend to show that you owe him”, she said, chuckling.
“Anyhow, whatever you do, just think about that.”
“You’re scared as well?”
“Like hell, love. Logan’s stronger than me!”
At that she couldn’t help but laugh. It was a relieving laugh and she thanked Finn for that by kissing him.
“You’re right, of course you’re right. See? I am selfish, totally selfish… I’m a really bad person!”
“No you’re not, love”, he replied, pulling her into a tight embrace. “You’re not more selfish than me.”
“What a lovely couple we would make”, she said mockingly.
He didn’t reply just kissed her forehead, before he let go of her.
“I’ll see my little secret later, right?”
“Wait, now I am your little secret?”, Rory asked.
“Oh course not, love, I’m all yours”, he said, smirking.
He then leant in to her and kissed her quickly, before turning to the door.
“Where are you going? You can’t just leave like that!”, she called after him.
“Ooh, you’re already missing me?”
“No, I meant you can’t just walk through that door. People will see you!”
Finn glared at Rory before he broke into a laugh. He shook his head, still chuckling, while he walked past her, winking at her.
“Alright, the window it is”, he said. “I kind of love that!”
‘Me too’, Rory thought while watching him leave her room on this unconventional way. When he was gone, she closed the window behind him and sat down on her bed. Her gaze wandered towards her purse and she felt the urge to tell her mother about this. Just when she reached for her cell, she reconsidered and leant back quickly, shaking her head.
No one should ever know about this except for her and Finn.
Just a day ago, she would never have considered that there could be a ‘her and Finn’. Smiling, she dropped her purse and got up, suddenly feeling really hungry.

...to be continued...

Meet Julio in Dirty Little Secret & Ever And A Day
[Member of the Life & Death Brigade and Rory Club]

WOW!!!!! ich habe deine FF gerade entdeckt und die beiden ersten parts gelesen....ich bin total begeistert, auch wenn ich eine sophie bin und eigentlich.....aber lassen wir das. Big Grin deine FF ist echt klasse, sie ist super geschrieben und die idee ist auch der wahnsinn. ich meine darauf zu kommen und es dann auch umzusetzen. ich liebe diese FF jetzt schon.
schreib bitte ganz schnell weiter....ganz, ganz schnell.

Sig made by Falling~star
stolzes Mitglied im Rory & Logan Club und in der Life and Death Brigade - Nothing heals me like you do

Wow, danke schön für deinen tollen Kommentar :freu:
Freut mich echt tierisch, dass meine Story bislang so gefällt ^^
Hab mich auch ganz ganz schnell drangesetzt, das nächste Kapitel zu schreiben, es ist länger geworden als ich geplant hab, aber naja, mehr für euch zum lesen Big Grin

Viel Spaß, ich hoffe, es gefällt euch^^

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 3

The day went past without any noticeable incident – apart from Paris’s grumpy mood, but that was nothing new. Rory went to the library, walked around the campus looking for a nice place to sit down and read, consuming coffee over coffee – and at the end of the day, she was in her dorm again. Another coffee in her hand, a book in the other, she sat on her bed and read, trying hard to ignore the rising guilt she felt inside. It wasn’t exactly guilt, it was a feeling she couldn’t name. She felt weird, she wanted to talk to her mother about it but she knew she couldn’t. What’s the point of having a secret when you talk with someone about it who shouldn’t know about it?
She remembered her mother’s reaction when she had told her she was going with Robert to a party and not with Logan. It didn’t seem as if Lorelai Gilmore approved of that. And just pretend Rory would tell her about Finn, …
Rory sighed and lowered her book, taking a sip of her already cold coffee.
“Uh, gross”, she muttered, putting the cup on her night stand.
She closed her book and looked at the place where Finn that been lying on her bed. She recalled the night with him, how free she had felt, how good. Thinking about it, she suddenly felt something else. Fear. What if he already forgot about her? What if she has been a one night stand for him after all? What if –
A knock on the door stroke her thoughts. She jumped up immediately, ignoring the fact that her mind kept telling she was pathetic, and walked quickly to the door. Opening it, she backed up in surprise.
“Hey, Ace”, Logan said with a smirk before entering her dorm, walking past her.
“Oh, hey Logan”, she said, accepting a kiss from him, still rather shocked, and deep inside, even a little disappointed.
“So, how was your weekend?”, he asked, sitting down on the couch in the common room, crossing his arms behind his head.
Rory slowly closed the door, before she walked over to him and sat down beside him.
“It was, um, okay”, she said, turning to him.
She must have looked at him rather weird, for he suddenly furrowed his forehead.
“You alright?”
“Of course I’m alright”, she blurted out. “Because I haven’t been waiting for you to call at all!”
“You – what?”
“Oh come on!”, she yelled at him before she got up again, walking into her room. She heard him sigh and then saw his figure in the doorframe.
“Ace”, he said, watching her how she sat on her bed, staring out of the window. “I thought there were no strings attached and –“
“Yeah, I know that! But I still expected some proof of life from you the last days!”
“I’m sorry, Ace”, he said quietly, walking over to her. “I didn’t expect you to be worried about me.”
“Well, maybe I am”, she whispered, turning to look at him.
He threw her a smile, before he pulled her into a tight hug. “We’re good again?”, he asked after a while and she couldn’t do anything but nod.
She pulled her arms around his neck and let him kiss her, halfway enjoying that he was here again, the rest of her being far away, mostly thinking about someone else. She kept ignoring her mind, telling her that now she has done it, she was that kind of girl. She closed her eyes and leant into the kiss with Logan.

After Logan was gone later that night, she cuddled into her sheets and stared at the ceiling. She didn’t know what to think. This whole situation was so confusing and yet she didn’t know why she was so confused. What if the thing with Finn had been just a one night stand? And what if Logan would treat her better now? But what if everything was totally different? She sighed and closed her eyes. Only moments later, she jerked her eyes open again, sitting up in bed, grabbing her cell from her night stand, automatically dialling the number of her mother. She was aware that it was past midnight. But she just had to talk to her mother.
“Hello?”, the tired voice of her mother answered the phone.
“Hey, mom”, Rory replied, lying back down again, the cell pressed to her ear.
“Ooh, the lost child is talking to me in my dreams”, Lorelai said. “Hey kid, just remembered you haven’t called your dear old mother for the whole weekend?”
“Sorry, mom, I just had so much to do”, Rory said, slowly.
“Yale is consuming you, huh? Just tell it the next time, ‘No, Yale, not this weekend! I have to call my mother!’”
“Sorry I’m calling so late.”
“You sound weird, everything alright with you? And what is it with all the apologies?”
“I’m fine and I, I don’t know, I just –“
“Speak up, kid, what’s wrong?”
“I – everything’s fine, Logan’s been here before ad everything is just fine. And I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“Now that’s an answer I can live with”, Lorelai said.
Rory had trouble keeping her voice steady, she wanted so desperately to tell her mother about everything that happened the last two days – but she couldn’t. So they talked about everything else that was not important. The moment she said goodbye to her mother, Rory felt tears welling up in her eyes. She placed her cell carefully back on the night stand and stared up at the ceiling again. A silent sob emerged from her throat and before she knew it, she fell asleep, crying mercilessly.

When she woke up again, it was still dark outside. She took a glance at her watch and realized that only three hours had passed. She sat up and rubbed her swollen eyes. She still felt as if there was a heavy weight on her chest, pushing her down. Sighing slightly, Rory got up from bed, slipped into her jeans, pulled over a sweater and walked over to the window, about to open it to inhale the cold night air.
It was then that she saw the shadow in front of it.
She almost shrieked loudly, but suppressed her shock quickly when she recognized the person standing in front of her window.
“Finn”, she mouthed and suddenly everything that troubled her before was gone again. He just made everything so easy.
She opened the window and watched how he climbed into her room.
“Hey, love”, he said, kissing her on the cheek.
“Do you know how late it is?”
“Yes, it is almost four o’clock, love, is your watch broken?”, he smirked, sitting down on her bed.
She watched him silently, leaning against the open window.
“Or are you not available now? I heard from a certain other fellow that he left you sleeping in your bed.”
Rory stared at him. “You talk about me?”
“No, Logan talks, a lot, quite annoying sometimes, but he does”, Finn told her.
“Hmm, interesting”, she muttered, still watching Finn. “And… and you are not mad?”
“Why should I, love? He likes you and if I complain I don’t get the chance to get to like you the way he does.”
She just smiled at him, walking over to him slowly.
“And I thought you would actually forget about me”, she whispered, sitting down next to him.
“I couldn’t, love”, he said with a wink and pulled an arm around her.
“I just wasn’t so sure”, she said, leaning against him.
“That’s why you cried?”, he said quietly.
“I – what?”
“Your eyes, they look as if you have been crying, love”, he said, watching her. She looked up at him, puzzled. “Hey, I have several sisters, I am used to girl tears!”, he added with a smile.
“Well, I was just confused…”
“Yes, this is new for me as well, love”, he replied, kissing her temple.
“It is?”
“Yes, well, what shall I say? I don’t usually see the same girl twice”, he smirked.
“You are unbelievable”, she said, shaking her head, grinning.
“I know, love, I know”, he agreed and bent down to kiss her.
She turned to him and pulled her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. They ended up lying on the bed, Rory on top of Finn, her lips playing with his, their tongues wrestling, their hands exploring each other’s body. She was just messing with the buttons of his shirt, when they both heard a noise from the common room. Rory immediately stiffened, looking towards the door. Finn rested his hands on her waist, following her glance.
“This whole noise thing will be giving me a heart attack someday, love”, he whispered. “How about a change of venue?”
She looked at him and nodded, quickly climbing down from him. He crawled from her bed as well, his shirt halfway unbuttoned, his hair messier than usual, his cheeks red from their wild kissing. She was already standing by the open window, her hair as messy as his, her cheeks even redder. He grinned at her and climbed out at first. Rory shot another glance at her door, before following Finn outside into the dark. She pulled the window shut and listened hard, leaning on the wall next to her window, Finn right beside her.
There was another noise and then Rory’s door burst open, an angry Paris standing in the doorframe.
“That was close”, she heard Finn whisper.
She merely nodded before looking around into her dark room. The door was still open, but Paris was nowhere to be seen. Rory sighed, shaking her head at her roommate.
“That girl really gives me the creeps”, she heard Finn say, when he leant past her to take a look inside as well.
“Yeah, she got that effect on everyone”, Rory said, grinning. “I just wonder that’s wrong with her now…”
“Don’t let her bother you, love”, he said, looking at her. “We got other things to do.”
He threw her a grin and grabbed her hand, leading her away from her dorm room window onto the dark and empty campus.
“And that would be?”
“Be a little more imaginative, love”, he said, pulling her behind a large tree, pinning her to the wood by his body.
“I never liked camping”, she said, giggling, when he began to nibble on her earlobe.
“I’m not going to camp with you, kitten”, he whispered, moving on to caress her neck.
“Well, that’s good”, she said, resting her hands on his shoulders, stretching her neck when he began to suck on the side of her neck. “Don’t you think we’re getting caught?”
“But isn’t that the thrill, love, the fear of being caught?”
“It’s your ass, anyway”, she mocked.
“You like my arse, don’t you?”
“You’re making me blush”, she whispered, letting her hands wander through his hair.
“But no one will see that, love.”
“Hmm, that’s true…”, she admitted, giggling, as he kissed the hollow of her throat before he moved back to her mouth, gnawing playfully on her lower lip. She replied his movements by placing her arms around his neck tighter, pressing her lips against his, standing almost completely still, squeezed by his body and the tree in her back. They kissed passionately, their lips closing around each other’s, his warmth melting with hers. She leant closer to him, totally absorbed by his presence, entirely lost in the effect he had on her. Finding herself somewhere on the campus, pinned against a tree, embraced by him, she felt safe, very safe.
This was right.
They were so lost into each other, that they couldn’t hear the voices moving towards them. Just when Rory leant back to catch her breath, she heard the potential disturbance coming closer. She pressed closer to the tree and pulled Finn with her, holding her breath with her eyes wide, listening closely. He did the same, yet his eyes rested totally calm on hers. The voices grew quieter again and were soon after absorbed by the darkness.
Rory couldn’t help but sigh noisily.
Finn grinned at her before he backed up, grabbed her hand and ran with her across the campus, she followed willingly, her mind unable to say anything, her body too shocked to resist. He finally stopped right in front of Rory’s favourite library. She looked up at the impressive building before she looked back at Finn.
“Ever snogged between Wilde and Kafka?”, he asked, catching her eye.
She raised one eyebrow. “I don’t know what surprises me the most, you knowing my favourite place or you knowing Kafka”, she said with a wide grin.
“You’re really underestimating me, love”, he said, trying to look hurt.
She just leant up to kiss him, before she realized how easily they could be seen, right in front of the library. She didn’t mind, however, that his hand was still holding hers.
“So, ready to go?”
“What? We can’t go in there. It’s closed!”
“As if that would stop me, love”, he said, winking.
“But –“
No buts, he just dragged her after him, heading to a window near the main entrance.
“No, Finn, we can’t! That’s not like the dining hall or the kitchen; this is a library full of very valuable and very old books!”
“I’m almost hurt you like books more than me, but I guess that’s normal about you”, he mocked, squeezing her hand a little.
“I guess you have to get used to that”, she replied, smiling up at him.
“But this means that you like me, love”, Finn combined, furrowing his forehead playfully. “Not as much as all those books over there, but at least a little.” He looked at her. “Right?”
She replied his gaze, smiling mysteriously.
“I’ll take that as a yes”, he said after a while of watching her, before pulling her into a hug, almost lifting her off the ground by doing so.
She buried her head in his chest, pulling her arms around his waist tightly. It was a miracle how he could mutate from a playboy to a total teddy bear within seconds. She’s never experienced anyone with so many different faces. He was incredible.
“I am?”
“What?”, she said against his chest, feeling his soft skin on her cheek where his shirt was still unbuttoned.
“You said I’m incredible.”
“Oh”, she muttered, giggling against him. “I’ve been thinking loudly…”
“Do that more often, love, I’d love to hear your dirty thoughts”, he smirked, kissing her hair.
“I bet”, she replied, lifting her head a little to look up at him.
He looked at her, his eyes as calm as the sea, with a small spark inside, announcing the next big wave that could twirl her around without much effort whenever she wasn’t expecting it. She was about to lean up to him, when a loud voice called out to them.
“What are you doing here?”

(Fortsetzung im nächsten Post, Text war zu lang ^^)

Meet Julio in Dirty Little Secret & Ever And A Day
[Member of the Life & Death Brigade and Rory Club]

Fortsetzung von Chapter 3:

Rory’s heart missed a beat, the words totally petrified her – and it was Finn, who dragged her away from the building, holding her hand tightly, running away from whoever had seen them. He stopped after a while, slipping into the dark entrance of another building, pinning her to the wall again, hiding her completely from anyone possibly passing them. She clung onto him, totally out of breath.
“No one’s seen us, love”, he whispered, tilting his head.
“But –“
“Yes, someone saw two figures making out in front of the library, that’s all. No faces, nothing. Just two dark figures. Could have been anyone”, he said quietly.
“I really hope you’re right.”
“Darn, me too”, he smirked.
She chuckled at his comment, leaning her head against his chest, her hands still grabbing his shirt tightly.
“So, what next, love?”
“What do you mean; what next? I still have to recover from that last encounter…”
“I guess you have to get used to that, love”, he said, grinning.
“But I mean it, what are we doing next?”
She looked up at him, her thumbs playing with the buttons of his shirt. She almost fell for his gaze again, if it wasn’t for a thought that stroke her with even more impact as the thought of being caught. “Oh dear!”, she shrieked and backed away from him. “What time is it?”
He looked at her puzzled, before his gaze wandered towards his watch. “Almost 5.30.”
“Oh my god!”, she shrieked again, running headlessly away from him, before he finally caught her hand and pulled her towards him again.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“I got a class at 8!”
“Darn, you must be popular by the professors! Yet you still have two hours and a half, a lot of time to prepare!”
“But I have to sleep”, she whined.
“Sleep’s slightly overrated, love”, he smirked. “So, do you like a coffee?”
She stared at him with her eyebrows raised.
“You like coffee, I know that.”
“No, that’s wrong”, she said. “I worship coffee!”
He laughed at that and hooked his arm into hers, leading her through the still deserted campus to where the nearest coffee stand was. Of course the place was still empty, but he did as if it wasn’t and leant playfully against the imaginary coffee stand, ordering two coffees and even paying the imaginary salesman. She watched him highly amused, how he leant in mid-air. When he walked to her, offering her an imaginary coffee cup, she just laughed at him.
“You know, I prefer real coffee”, she chuckled, looking at him as he took a sip from his non-existent coffee.
“Be more imaginative, love”, he said again, standing next to her.
“Oh I am, I dream of butterflies”, she said and looked up at him with her lower lip pushed forward.
He couldn’t help but laugh, laughing so hard he had to hold his sides after a while. Instead of joining him, she merely grabbed his hand and pulled him away again, not stopping until they reached her dorm room window. Rory quickly checked the window, it was still open. After that she turned to Finn, looking at him with a wide smile on her face.
“I don’t know if it’s too late to say good night, but –“, she said, moving closer to him. “Good night, Finn”, she mouthed, before she leant in to close her lips around his, kissing him hungrily.
When they broke apart again, Finn watched her with a huge grin. “From now on I’ll imagine you with thousand butterflies, jumping over pink clouds and –“
“Don’t mock me”, she said.
“I wouldn’t dare, love”, he said and kissed her again. “Maybe I’ll dress up as a butterfly when we see each other again”, he continued.
“Ooh, now I want to see that!”, she said, feeling a wave of joy swimming around in her middle as he mentioned to see her again.
“You will”, he said and winked. “Sleep well, love”, he added and placed a kiss on her temple. “And try not to snore too loud in class!”
With that he turned around, waving her goodbye as he vanished behind the next corner. Rory, however, climbed through her own window as soon as he was out of sight. The minute her feet touched the floor, an angry voice rang in her ears.
“Where have you been?”
She looked up to see Paris looming inside her doorframe. “What?”
“You heard me, where have you been?”
“Out, mother!”, she replied, mockingly.
“Don’t you have classes? And why do you come trough the window? Lost your key? Do you know what trouble we’ll get if one of us looses a key? And just imagine what happens when someone finds it and sneaks into our dorm, robbing us? Sneaking through your underwear? Huh? Imagine that, Rory!”
“I didn’t lose my key, Paris.”
“Then why did you climb through your window?”
“Why not?”
Paris glared at her. “I called your mother and told her that you weren’t in your room.”
“You did what?”, Rory blurted out, quickly walking to her night stand to snatch her cell, dialling her mother’s number.
“Now look who’s popular today”, Lorelai answered.
“Mom, I am so sorry. She’ll never call you again!”
“She had her reasons, I assume. Weird Paris-reasons, but anyhow. Where have you been anyway?”
“Out, I couldn’t sleep, so… I walked around campus a little. I didn’t know that was such a big deal”, she said, also addressing Paris who still stood in her doorframe.
“Well it’s your life, hun”, Lorelai replied. “Just tell Paris to get a puppy!”
“A puppy?”
”Right, PETA wouldn’t approve of that. Just tell her to get somebody else to call in the middle of the night, telling her who’s not home or whatever.”
“I’ll tell her that, mom”, Rory said. “Bye!”
“Bye, honey.”
“How could you call my mom, Paris?”, Rory yelled at her roommate while putting her cell on her night stand again.
“Forgive me for thinking you’ve been kidnapped! With your window open, and voices in your room long after Logan has been gone –“
“Damn it, Paris, get a life!”, she blurted out and stormed to her door, shutting it right into Paris’s face.
Groaning mildly as she turned to look at her clock, she decided to stay awake, waiting for the sun to come out. She might even get to breakfast early enough to eat some cocopuffs. She lay down on her bed, her arms crossed under her head, staring at the ceiling. Her mind was about to get its voice back, for it flashed her with various thoughts that she just wanted to ignore.
She just closed her eyes and made a decision that might make everything a lot easier.
She just had to do it. No regrets, no guilt, no thinking, just doing, acting, living. Wasn’t it a great feeling to have two boys caring for her, making her feel happy? Who could say that about themselves? She had a dirty little secret and she didn’t want to change that. It felt great and it made her feel alive. And that’s what she wanted. She didn’t want to mourn about a boyfriend neglecting her, she didn’t want to cry anymore; she wanted to enjoy this situation.
From now on, she wasn’t willing to think about this again. She had thought enough. From now on, she just played along. Living her life.
She couldn’t know that living her life the way she did was about to bring her to an edge that might change everything.

...to be continued...

Meet Julio in Dirty Little Secret & Ever And A Day
[Member of the Life & Death Brigade and Rory Club]

wieder ein super part!!! ich habe die letzten zwei parts gestern mindestens noch 5 mal gelesen, weil ich sie echt klasse finde. dein schreibstil ist echt super und ich muss sagen, ich bewundere es, dass du auf englisch schreibst. ich wünschte mein englische wäre halb so gut wie deines.
die story hat echt schon fast suchtcharakter. ich meine man stellt sich das alles bildlisch vor und....ich meine rory und finn....das ist genau das, was man sich nie denken würde. wirklich klasse.
schreib ganz schnell weiter.

Sig made by Falling~star
stolzes Mitglied im Rory & Logan Club und in der Life and Death Brigade - Nothing heals me like you do

Bei dir geht das ja schneller als man hinterher lesen kann! Nicht das ich mich beschwere!Big Grin Diese beiden Teile waren so genial! Obwohl ich mich wirklich frage wie lange Rory da snoch so aushält wie sie es gerade macht, da sie, normalerweise so etwas nie sonderlich lange aushalten würde. Andererseits es ist FInn! Big Grin
Freu mich schon auf den nächsten Teil.

Stolzes Mitglied des Buch-Clubs!

Ich les normalerweise nur Lits und hin und wieder auch Sophies, aber ich muss schon sagen Rory und Finn ist auch keine schlechte Kombination.*ggg*
Finde die storyline wirklich gut, vor allem dass alles heimlich passiert.
So was ist doch immer am besten, denn dann wartet man immer wann es wer erfahren wird und das ist doch das Spannende.

Also poste bitte bald weiter!!! Tolle Story!!



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