the beginning (in englisch)

Aaaaaalsooooo .... *räusper*

Darf ich vorstellen? Meine erste FF in Englisch. Big Grin
Naja... zumindest der Anfang... Weiss auch nicht, warum ich das mache! Es ist spät in der Nacht, ich sollte besser schlafen als vor dem laptop zu hängen, und komme auf komische ideen... so auch die idee von der englischen ff ... kann zwar nicht sooooo perfekt englisch wie manch anderer hier *an misslilli denk* Unsure aber versuchen kann mans ja mal ! Wink
mal sehen, was ihr so davon haltet, vielleicht gibts dann auch noch mehr... Und wenn ihr feedbacken (lol, hohles wort Tongue) solltet, seit nicht allzu hart, denkt immer dran -> weiss ja selber, dass mein englisch net perfekt ist...

man mag jetzt vielleicht noch nicht alles verstehen, aber das klärt sich noch ....

also hier ist sie ...


The Beginning

"Sheila! Sheila! Come over here! You’ve got to help me, got that?”
“Damn…” Sheila whispered. “So what’s the problem, Ms Gilmore?” How fast she could switch the sound of her voice…
“No Problem, just get those into Room number eight! Mr Wilkes wants to have some more…” Lorelai put some extra pillows into her employee’s hands. Sheila smiled the most nicely she was able to and then went up to Room number eight.
“Stupid Bitch…” Lorelai murmured before she went back to the kitchen.
Sookie was cooking the lunch for the hotel guests. She was just fighting with some pans when Lorelai leaned against the kitchen cup-board, sighing. Sookie turned around to see her best friend. Lorelai’s eyes were closed and she said: “I hate my job! I hate this Inn!”
“No, you don’t! Such a hard day?” Sookie went over to her and caressed her arm.
“You can go in about an hour!” She tried to encourage her.
“Too much! I think I’ll fire Sheila!” Lorelai murmured.
“Sheila? Why?”
“Stupid girl! Has no respect and… ah, I just don’t need her now!”
“Hm… I always thought she was doing fine…”
“Yeah… ah, I don’t know… Have to think about this later!”
Lorelai told Sookie that she would see her later and then went back to work again. She was thankful for having Michel doing most of the reception stuff. She couldn’t deal with all those stupid freaks calling every second.
It has been a hard day. Nothing went like Lorelai wanted it to and the only thing she wanted now was her bed. But before this she wanted a good cup of coffee. A real good one!

Lorelai left the Inn at quarter to eight. There was nothing more to do for her and she could finally dedicate her thoughts to her loved coffee.
There was this little diner in town. She had never been there, although she had already been living in Stars Hollow for about half a year. But she never really noticed that diner.
It smelled really good in there. Of coffee and… diner! Good diner! And there was a special atmosphere in there. Lorelai loved this diner from the first time on. Well, except of the owner...
“Hey, diner-boy!” she called over to the tall man behind the bar. He turned around slowly when he heard this beautiful, but dominant voice calling for him. The diner-boy.
“Get me some coffee! I’m dying…” she sighed and slipped on one of the bar stools.
Without saying a word he gave her what she wanted. Not letting an eye off of her. Who was she? Who was this strange beautiful woman? He didn’t ever saw her before…
“Do you have a problem?” Lorelai asked him peeved.
“Yeah!” Why should he let her talk to him this way?
“Oh… you do? So what’s your problem, burger-boy?” She looked him straight into the eye. How could he dare?
“I don’t like having guests in here who don’t respect me and my business” He didn’t get nervous by the way she peered at him. She was so pretty, why did she just act like that?
“Business? Oh, believe me, I do respect your business as you call it… Let me just drink my fuckin coffee and I’ll be out as soon as possible! And I won’t disturb you any longer! Fine?” She submitted.
“Hope so…” He murmured and turned backwards again.
Throwing some money on the bar, Lorelai left the diner without saying a word. Why should she talk to that impolite guy? No way… But she wasn’t finish with him yet…

champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends
.: I need you to need me back :.

Okay, also ich mein, der Anfang is mal nicht schlecht, diese Sheila hat mal Potenzial Big Grin

Aber es sind ein paar Fehler drin, ich hoff es stört dich net allzu sehr wenn ich ausbesser Wink

1.) Sookie was cooking the lunch for the hotel guests
lunch braucht keinen Artikel

2.) she could finally dedicate her thoughts to her loved coffee.
ich würd eher sagen beloved coffee

3.) Of coffee and… diner! Good diner!
Diner und Dinner sind zwei verschiedene Dinge *hihi*

4.) He didn’t ever saw her before…
He never saw her before oder He has never seen her before

5.) But she wasn’t finish with him yet…
But she wasn't through with him yet Wink

Liebe Grüße,

P.S.: Ich fühl mich ein bissl geehrt durch die Erwähnung in der Einleitung Big Grin

ich hab die schnauze voll, ich geh schaukeln...

Also der Anfang ist schon mal gut Big Grin

Da gehts gleich ein bisschen zur Sache Big Grin

Und da ich ein riesen Fan von englischen FF's bin *zu se lil schiel*
werde ich diese auch bestimmt weiterhin lesen.

Weiter so! Top

LG, Em

Never give up on a miracle

Ich finde den anfang bisher auch klasse. vor allem die Szene im Diner Big Grin

Ich bin auch ein fan von (guten) englishen ffs also........

lg Jamie


MissLilli schrieb:Okay, also ich mein, der Anfang is mal nicht schlecht, diese Sheila hat mal Potenzial Big Grin

Aber es sind ein paar Fehler drin, ich hoff es stört dich net allzu sehr wenn ich ausbesser Wink

1.) Sookie was cooking the lunch for the hotel guests
lunch braucht keinen Artikel

2.) she could finally dedicate her thoughts to her loved coffee.
ich würd eher sagen beloved coffee

3.) Of coffee and… diner! Good diner!
Diner und Dinner sind zwei verschiedene Dinge *hihi*

4.) He didn’t ever saw her before…
He never saw her before oder He has never seen her before

5.) But she wasn’t finish with him yet…
But she wasn't through with him yet Wink

Liebe Grüße,

P.S.: Ich fühl mich ein bissl geehrt durch die Erwähnung in der Einleitung Big Grin

Stört mich auf keinen Fall, ist eher sogar gut !!! Big Grin Aber die Sache mit dem Diner und Dinner ... Ich meinte das eher so: Es roch nach Kaffee und... Diner! Gutem Diner! (also quasi: Diner = Restaurant)
Warum kannst du eigentlich so gut englisch ???


champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends
.: I need you to need me back :.

new part ... wenns überhaupt noch jemanden interessiert ...

Rory was sitting at the kitchen table when Lorelai got home. Her daughter had a book lying in front of her.
“Hey hun… Ah, learning again?” Lore asked her.
“Yup! Have to prepare this text for tomorrow” Rory answered.
“Do you know this little diner in town?” Lorelai sat down next to her daughter.
“Luke’s Diner?” Rory looked at Lorelai.
“I don’t know the name. I only know that the coffee’s great but the owner’s an asshole”
“Ah, guess that’s Luke’s…”
“You’ve been there?”
“I don’t know, Mum! A few days ago!” Why was her mother asking those stupid questions?
“Have you been there once? Or twice? Or actually more times?”
“Rory! Just answer my questions, what’s the prob?”
“Stop bugging me, Mum! Am I not allowed to do what I want and to go having a coffee where I want?”
“Of course you are! I was just… interested in… that diner!” Lorelai finally admitted.
“In the diner or in the owner?” Rory grinned.
“Rory! I just told you that the owner’s an asshole, didn’t I?”
“Well… yeah… okay, Mum, am I allowed to go on with this?” Rory pointed at her book.
“Sure… sure…” Lorelai stuttered, then went up to her bedroom.
“Crazy…” Rory murmured, smiling.

It was eight a.m. when Lorelai got up. She took a hot shower and left the house earlier than she did usually. Because she had no coffee at home… At least this was her excuse for going to the diner…
Lorelai took a seat next to the window. She watched the tall man with the flannel-shirt and the base cap for a moment until he came over to her. Yesterday she didn’t really notice how good he looked…
“What do you want?” he asked unkindly.
“I want you to be a little nicer to your guests!”
“What do you want to eat or drink?” he asked again, not less unkindly than before.
“Bring me a coffee”
Then he went back behind his bar without saying a word. Lorelai really didn’t know why but somehow he attracted her. Uh, this impolite man… Damn!
“Here’s your coffee! Anything to eat?” he grumbled.
“Can you recommend anything?”
“Take a look at the menu. I don’t know what might fit your taste!”
“Well, you…”
“Stop talking and take a look at the menu, alright?” He left again.
Wow… He REALLY attracted her! Although he was so unkind. Lorelai watched him again all the time while drinking her coffee. Good coffee.
After a while he came over to her and asked: “Do you have a job?”
“What? Do you want to employ me?”
“No, I just looked at my watch and wondered if you shouldn’t be at work at twenty past nine!”
“What? Twenty past nine?” Lorelai shrieked and jumped up. She gave the diner-man some money and then quickly left the diner.
“Crazy woman…” Luke smirked.

champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends
.: I need you to need me back :.


Klasse FF!!!!!!

Hoffe es geht bald weiter!!!!

vlg bussi Lorelai&Luke


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